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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Friday, September 18, 2009

32. Ask Baucus - Demand Answers

Dear Senator Baucus,

What are the goals and objectives of the 2009 Health Care Reforms? To put excess burdens on the elderly? To further disrupt the most disadvantaged people? To drive the private insurance costs up by charging fees that will get passed down to all insured people via higher premiums? To penalize clinical laboratories and manufacturer of medical devices? How about penalizing those individuals who have a freedom, a right, not to purchase insurance? To create another unmanageable government entity to give the scammers yet another way to illegally skim taxpayer dollars via waste,fraud and abuse?

Must be the goals -- your bill outline and supplementary press reports of how revenues will be collected to pay for its costs meet all of these goals and objectives. Please explain why present Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP recipients are discriminated against (500 Billion of your revenue) to pay costs to benefit other lower income ($14,000 to $66,000 [family of 4] +) income. You must have lost your morals!

Why NOT charge the insurance companies with an excise tax! Smart Baucus! This must be your way of driving up private insurance company costs. Along with funding Co-ops, I can now understand your motive -- make it so unfair that private companies fail and the Government Option prevails. Yes, I said "Government" Option since you are probably one of the senators that will get a kickback and have the power to incentivize them to start up. Scoundrel. Meanwhile, the fees will not only be passed down to those who have, i.e., NEED, the high cost policies, but also down to those who don't -- me for example. I always seem to be paying for other people's expenses and never mine.

Let's not stop there. Increase the costs of other businesses too with your fees. See if that doesn't get passed down to the consumer.

Your outline for a bill already fails on benefits. It really sucks on how it's going to be paid for.

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