Tonight I was resting on my doggy bed when the Congressional play began. Oh how I was impressed by the parade of clowns into the Congressional chamber and the ridiculous applause as if God himself appeared at the pulpit. I’m speaking about President Obama’s speech on Health Care. Well, now we know him better and also know a little more as to what he believes in. However, even I picked up on so many inconsistencies in his facts and conclusions that I am more than ever confused as to what direction and openness he has allowed to counter the deficiencies in his plan.
First, let’s conclude that his plan is essentially the House Plan with very minor tweaks. The smoke of his words certainly didn’t convince me otherwise. However, I will not belabor or argue the same points. Let me start with the requirements he addressed and probably every American can agree on: (1) NO preexisting conditions shall be considered when applying for a plan and no treatment shall be rejected because of some prior condition, (2) MUST cover routine and preventive care costs, (3) MUST provide quality, affordable insurance for uninsured, (4) NO annual or lifetime cap, (5) immediate coverage of catastrophic care for currently uninsured people.
Now hold on there. I really do like (1) as is, but (2) must have some limitations, like a limited number of each type of procedure. Why should everybody pay (people in your pool) because you feel you need a physical every month or a certain blood test more frequent than what is typical and necessary? Give me some limitations and I like (2). As for (3), what is QUALITY insurance? I suppose he meant affordable insurance that provides the typically necessary coverage as other policies for you pool. Then I’m ok with (3). But, am I comfortable with (4) -- no annual or lifetime cap? I could probably live with that since I also believe the really ill people do need to be covered. I don’t have the facts on the numbers we’re talking about or the costs that I would have to share, but common sense tells me do it. Lastly, 5 is a solution that just about makes 95% of the House Bill void. Just let the government cover the cost of the uninsured catastrophic care costs.
Let’s look at his goals: (a) provide more security and stability to those who are already insured, (b) provide insurance for those who do not have insurance, and, (c) slow the costs of insurance for businesses and government. Just previously though, he did mention the reduction of Health Costs too – he just didn’t itemize this when he gave his goals. That was addressed just after his introduction, i.e., the segment after the economy spiel he knows nothing about.
What we now know is that he does NOT want a single-payer system (or believes his plan won’t transform into one) and he wants businesses to continue to provide insurance for its employees, i.e., not the extreme Right’s thoughts to allow individuals to purchase their own in all cases. Fine with me.
I have some questions:
1) He offered simple overviews of his people coverage areas starting first with people who had insurance already THROUGH their jobs, Medicare, Medicaid, or VA. Is my Master and wife covered? They are retired (no employer), not yet on Medicare, can’t apply for Medicaid. Surely he also meant to include the early retirees who had to go out and buy their own insurance. Yes?
2) Will there be a cap on the number of routine or preventive procedures per year? Will he also pay for health club fees that are truly the least expensive way to avoid more expensive health costs?
3) For those currently uninsured that want insurance, he explained the market exchanges. Will the insurance through the market exchanges be the SAME plans provided by private insurance companies today? I think I did hear that there will be a non-profit Public Option offered by the exchanges. How can a not-for-profit business compete with a non-profit business? Will insurance continue to be controlled at a state level, i.e., I cannot go outside the state to seek insurance offerings that may be less expensive? Will all the insurance plans be designed to provide consistent coverage so only price will be the difference?
4) At one point he stated that he expects only 5% of the uninsured to take advantage of the public option. With a pool so small (i.e., limited to in state people only), tell me specifically how you are going to offer affordable insurance! Also, aren’t the people that HAVE to choose one of these the already higher risk cases? Then again, how are you going to make it affordable? Lie or misspoken?
5) Related to 4 above is a statement that those not insured by small businesses are included in the uninsured class. A subsequent statement indicated that there would be a penalty for not participating in health insurance but 95% of the small businesses would probably be exempt because they too cannot afford it, leaving the large companies and 5% of the small businesses susceptible to penalties. Well, if 95% are exempt, that would be a major number of employees that could be uninsured and heading to the exchanges. Far more that the 5% projection Obama stated in 4. SomeOne forget to do the math? Lie or misspoken?
6) Tax credits for the poor to help them with premium payments? Tax credits are at the end of the year, not month-to-month when the premiums need to be paid! And, by the way, doesn’t Medicaid already cover the poor? Lie or misspoken?
7) Let’s clarify what he said about no Death Panel, No reimbursement for abortion costs (legal expense on IRS Schedule A), and no illegal immigrants will be covered. I believe premium costs will increase astronomically because insurance companies now need to accept everybody (no preexisting conditions) and no caps on annual or lifetime. The pools are going to be increased with people needing higher cost services, thus, requiring an increase in premiums. Also unlimited additional procedures for routine and preventive care will raise premium costs. To keep them the same or “slow the increases”, something must give. How about cutting services? Who generates the most cost? The elderly? Where will the services be cut? Do you really believe that the elderly won’t get the screws put to them? Of course there won’t be a death panel, but will there be a Commissioner that will decide on where the cuts will be and will the cuts adversely affect the elderly care? And, if it does affect the elderly care, can we expect the life expectancy of the elderly to increase or decrease? Now do you get it? It's called RATIONING. Also, doesn't Medicaid already cover abortions?
8) $900 Billion over 10 years and not a dime added to the deficit? Come on O. Your initial establishment of the public option trust to pay claims is already a loan from the Treasury. Let’s not deceive the Americans with the word “deficit”, that is not understood by 95% of the American people. How about using the words “taxpayer dollars”. How much of taxpayer dollars will go toward the Health Care you are offering? Now you can’t say less than a dime! Should we say 90% of the $900 Billion? And what are you smoking to believe that you can eliminate, or even shrink, the fraud in the current government systems? Why haven’t you then already! You lost more credibility.
9) Then you thought you'd throw a bone to the Republicans with your pilot tort reform. Do you still not believe we have a problem? Does a pilot have to prove it to you? You know a state cannot change anything without lawyers taking it now to the Federal courts to determine whether they could? What will you measure to determine success and cost savings? Get it. You just cost everybody more, in addition to wasting more time. It’s broken, Obama, Fix it immediately.
Well, Mr. President. After collecting my thoughts and using my Common Scents I still smell something very rank. Added to the Health Care stink are other disparaging opinions you thought you so cleverly spoken, such as the economy status and how it wasn’t your fault and your bogus $900 Billion projection for a crappy plan compared to prior costs of fighting the terrorists and protecting America from harm and promoting democracy throughout the world. Never once did I hear that it was the Democrats that told the mortgage agencies (Fannie Mae & Mac) to lower their standards and give home loans out to those who could not otherwise qualify. That, with the Federal Reserve keeping interest rates down so long to accommodate that mistake, led to the crisis! You get an “F” in economics. I’ll give you a C+ in overall presentation tonight simply because you can deliver a prewritten speech very eloquently. However, I give you “D” for substance. You told me nothing. You showed me that you are still unwilling to listen to valid proposals, some of which you deny hearing and claim the Republicans have never presented -- that's a lie. You then tell the senators and representatives your door is open, but don’t come to me and tell me my plan is wrong or challenge it. I Scents a real egotistical attitude here.
You have lost all respect I had for you. It’s going to very difficult to ever listen to you again. I’m not impressed with rhetoric. I look at results!
Sorry, past my bedtime. I know wine isn’t good for dogs, but, wow, do I need something to calm me down. After sleeping on this, or not, I’ll be more succinct in future rants
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