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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous
So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
55. Obamacorn
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
54. "Culture of Corruption" by Michelle Malkin
53. "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown
Sunday, September 27, 2009
52. Time to Buy?
51. Eye See You
50. Feeling Safer Today?
49. German Supply-side Economics
Saturday, September 26, 2009
48. "Rules of Vengeance" by Christopher Reich
47. Sad Day for the Lion.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
46. A Bone for Seniors?
So to give the 2 million high-income people the same break, they just passed another bill to eliminate increases for everybody next year; remember, the low-income people are already on Medicaid. First they want to punish the rich and have them pay for the poor; now they want to give them money. I am so-o-o confused. You can read all about the passing of the bill at http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090924/ap_on_go_co/us_medicare_premiums . Kiss, kiss, kiss (lick, lick, lick) -- we love you seniors (now go back to sleep. We're sure you'll forget all about the $500 Billion we want from Medicare for our all-encompassing Health Care bill. We're sure this bone will put you on our side).
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
45. Lou Pritchett's Painting
An Open Letter to Obama from VP of Proctor and Gamble Co
American Family Association ^ | 06/09/09 | Lou Pritchett
Posted on Tuesday, June 09, 2009 11:44:16 PM by CARepublicans
By Lou Pritchett
Dear President Obama:
You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me.
You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.
You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support.
You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.
You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.
You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus don't understand it at its core.
You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others.
You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail.
You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America' crowd and deliver this message abroad.
You scare me because you want to change America to a European style country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.
You scare me because you want to replace our health care system with a government controlled one.
You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves.
You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of living in the world.
You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics against certain banks and corporations.
You scare me because your own political party shrinks from challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.
You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider opposing points of view from intelligent people.
You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both omnipotent and omniscient.
You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything you do.
You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaughs, Hannitys, O'Relllys and Becks who offer opposing, conservative points of view.
You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.
Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.
Lou Pritchett
Note: Lou Pritchett is a former vice president of Procter & Gamble whose career at that company spanned 36 years before his retirement in 1989, and he is the author of the 1995 business book, Stop Paddling & Start Rocking the Boat.
Mr. Pritchett confirmed that he was indeed the author of the much-circulated "open letter." “I did write the 'you scare me' letter. I sent it to the NY Times but they never acknowledged or published it. However, it hit the internet and according to the ‘experts’ has had over 500,000 hits. http://www.afa.net/youscareme.asp44. I'm Going Bald and So is the Eagle
- President assigning people to staff (czars) and using corrupt, or quite sketchy, organizations without Congressional approval and obviously without clearances. Case in point, Van Jones, ACORN, and some individuals now in other organizations, such as, APPOLLO, TIDES, SEIU. --> National Security issues, taxpayer issues, budget issues, and more.
- Let's wait before we increase the troops in Afghanistan despite two generals requesting additional troops NOW. Presidents excuse: he doesn't have a strategy. Why did he wait while more and more troop losses were recorded before coming out and now saying the previous strategy needs to be reassessed? He should have had a strategy in place DAY ONE. Obama, we already know it takes months to get troops in place before they become effective. How about getting them there NOW? THEN, reassess your strategy. --> At stake is Afghanistan soverignty, our troops, loss to the Taliban, rebuilding of all terrorist groups into Afghanistan, OUR safety, amd more.
- Kill the Poland and Czech Republic missile defense system. We don't need to consider long-range missles as a threat. Yet, the mobile fleet is already committed elsewhere and 3 new missile defense ships at a cost of severl more billion dollars need to be built. They might be available in a YEAR! So, let's go without any missle defense system! Real smart! And, btw, tell the world on the anniversary of Russia invading Poland that we're ready to kiss their behinds without getting any firm concessions. --> Makes America look very weak, without any resove, without any strategy again while raising the stakes of safety of some of our best Allies. I guess we could always find more troops in our youth should we need to deport bodies should something catasthropic arise. Wow!
- "Our own National Security Agency says that (Iran's) nuclear ambitions are advancing, and at the same time...we are slashing our own nuclear arsenal." Check out the Truth Meter at http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/sep/23/sean-hannity/hannity-says-us-reducing-its-nuclear-arsenal/ . --> National Security, World leadership and safety.
- Why don't we make public our CIA agents? Don't stop the taking and disseminating pictures of CIA interrogators. And go ahead and investigate the CIA and undo the efforts every agency has made, including foreign agencies, in the fight on terrorism --> At stake: National Security, more unsafe WORLD. Aids the terrorists!
- Punish the elderly by increasing Medicare costs and/or removing benefits. Previous blogs addressed these in a lot of detail. -> Discrimination, destroying the unity of American people by separating them on issues, and more.
- Let's just JAM a Health Care bill down the Rebublican's and We the People's throats despite the costs which we are lying about of course. Well the Congressional Budget Office isn't lying yet! There is nothing out there other than Republican recommendations that can be implemented cost effectively and efficiently TODAY. --> Again, let's divide the country, let's cause rebellion between the people. Sound like the pre-Civil War yet?
- Hi World. We want to be your equal. We don't want to lead like we have on all UN actions for over 50 years. We bow to your wishes. Obama, we spent over a half century EARNING our reputation as a leader in world matters. And you bow to the communists and terrorists yet again! --> We are beyond National Security issues this time. Now we're destroying our credibility with other world leaders. No wonder Russia has stepped it up.
43.5 Proven: Tort Reform = Lower Health Care Costs
The Missouri plan did venue reform (where suits are addressed), set non-economic caps to $350,000 which also implicitly capped punitive charges which are usually some multiple, and set up examinations of malevolent gestures.
We all want lower costs. At least two of the three states are at the point of showing that Tort Reforms have accomplished that, and We the People are again misled by the President who is either ignorant of the facts with respect to the states already doing this, or simply trying to sound like he's in favor of it and by throwing out bones he can capture support for HIS plan. It's a Republican plan. It's already proven. Implement it throughout America and reduce Health Care costs now! Grrrr.Gump said, "Stupid is as stupid does". You decide.
43. "Rules of Deception" by Christopher Reich
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
42. Follow the Seniors - They'll Work For Their Country
41. Shhhh! Don't Wake the Elderly
40. The Shell Game
FDIC could seek bailout from banks states
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090922/ap_on_bi_ge/us_banks_fdic_bailout . Let's see, the Federal Government bails out the banks, who then bail out the government, even after more regulations that increase their fees, which therefore lowers their profits, which puts pressure on them to keep people employed. Now are you getting the big picture? Your taxpayer money is nothing more than Monopoly money to the government. Now who's Too Big to Fail?
Monday, September 21, 2009
40. O Takes Over Slick Willie's Spot
http://blogs.abcnews.com/george/2009/09/obama-on-acorn-not-something-ive-followed-closely.html ):
Obama on ACORN: 'Not Something I've Followed Closely' Won't Commit to Cut Federal Funds.
I don't see how O can fit his nose in the White House any more. Use some Common Sense!
39. Steelers to Lose Trophies
Pittsburgh, PA. The Super Bowl XLIII Champion Pittsburgh Steelers, the only team to win six titles, will soon be losing half of those trophies. After a meeting between NFL Commissioner Rodger Gadel and President BarackHussain Obama, Obama decided to redistribute half of their Steeler Super Bowl victories and trophies to less fortunate teams in the league.
“We live everyday in the country that invented the Super Bowl.” said Obama “We are not about to lose this Great American tradition in the wake of these difficult times.” Obama’s plan calls for the Steelers, who are a successful NFL team, to give half of their Super Bowl trophies to teams that are not successful or have not been as successful as the Steelers.“The Detroit Loins are just as much a part of the same fiber of the NFL as the Steelers and they should, no rather will, be entitled to a Super Bowl Trophy as well.” Obama explains in his plan that he has imposed on Godel and the NFL.
The Pittsburgh Steelers, who by virtue of hard work, excellent team play, stellar draft choices, responsible investingof free agents, careful hiring of coaches and excellent community service and commitment to their fans, has prospered greatly during the past 30 years and have won six Super Bowl Trophies. But President Barack Hussain Obama’s plan calls for the Pittsburgh Steelers to carry the larger burden of the NFL’s less successful teams. Obama went on to further proclaim, “In these difficult times we are all in this to work together. We must reclaim the NFL Championship Dream for every team, for every city and for every fan.”
“My plan will not affect 31 of the 32 teams in the league.” Obama assures. That’s over 95 percent of the teams in the NFL will not have to worry about loosing any Super Bowl Trophies.
“The worst teams in the NFL and the teams that can’t seem to get a break and win a championship will no longer have to worry about going without a title.” Obama promises. “We are a country and league of hope. We all need to make a change. It does not matter the color of the teams uniforms, the personal decisions that the teams make or their performance but rather if they are a member of this great American league.” The Super Bowl XLIII trophy will be redistributed to the 0-16 Detroit Lions. Through nofault of their own incompetence, the Lions could not manage a victory all season and this trophy will help ease the pain of their lack of performance and give them hope once again. The redistribution of Super Bowl XL trophy will go directly to the Steeler’s division rival the Cincinnati Bengals. The Bengals who also have fallen on hard times have never won a Super Bowl. This victory will bring a smile to hundreds of Bengal fans all over the world as they cannow celebrate. Finally, one of the Steeler’s two Super Bowl victories over the Dallas Cowboys will go back to the Cowboys since the league needs to provide hope in the face of difficulty and provide hope in the face of uncertainty. This is a heavy burden for the Steelers but together we can all prosper. All hope is not lost for Pittsburgh fans, Barack Hussain Obama has another plan in place. Obama has meet with MLB and commissioner Bud Selig on a similar plan. The New York Yankees will redistribute two of their world series trophies to the Pittsburgh Pirates as a supplement to their losing 16 straight seasons and counting. This plan will help stimulate the Pirates and enable them to regain the American Dream. Barack Hussain Obama will be meeting with the NHL and Michael Phelps in the upcoming weeks as this issue is high on his agenda for “Hope and Change.” Steelers must now share their wealth and fruits oftheir success and hard work.
Obama provides hope to NFL teams.
38. PinOchiO Advertising Lies Too.
"Health care reform group is wrong again
By Louis JacobsonPublished on Friday, September 18th, 2009 at 6:12 p.m.
The ad from Health Care for America Now says insurance CEOs make $24 million a year and that insurers deny 1 in 5 treatments prescribed by doctors.
Earlier this week we examined a new ad by Health Care for America Now, a group supporting the Democrats' reform plan.
The ad earned a Barely True for its claim that insurance companies pay CEOs $24 million per year.
Now, we're checking another claim from the same ad, that health insurance companies deny 1 in 5 treatments prescribed by doctors. The group cited a California study, but when we did some digging, we found that wasn't the case. We rated it False." See http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2009/sep/18/health-care-america-now/tv-ad-overstates-health-insurance-denials/ .
37. PinOchiO 3.
explains the tax that O claims is not a tax is a tax on people under $250,000. What does that tell you about ex-lawyers!
"By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR, Associated Press Writer Ricardo Alonso-zaldivar, Associated Press Writer – 2 mins ago
WASHINGTON – Memo to President Barack Obama: It's a tax. Obama insisted this weekend on national television that requiring people to carry health insurance — and fining them if they don't — isn't the same thing as a tax increase. But the language of Democratic bills to revamp the nation's health care system doesn't quibble. Both the House bill and the Senate Finance Committee proposal clearly state that the fines would be a tax."
"I can make a firm pledge," he [Obama] said in Dover, N.H., on Sept. 12, 2008. "Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."
He repeatedly promised "you will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime."
"It is better to be defeated on principle than to win on lies"
Author: Arthur Calwell
Saturday, September 19, 2009
36. Go State !
35. Wal-Mart Birds - Consulting 101
I got to thinking how similar these birds are to humans; not all humans, but a vast majority of them. These humans cannot ignore glitzy attractions, such as celebrities, tabloid papers, rumors or mindless TV shows. First one, then more and more people herd together until they become the attraction itself. Their politics seem like that too. Only difference is that the first few followers are bought by some rich dude who then attracts more and more with smoke and fire. The followers don’t realize the packages dispersed on the ground are mostly empty too; they are too busy admiring the rich dude’s teeth, or hair, or tailored suit, or fancy rhetoric. Unknowingly, the packages wait like IEDs in the Middle East. But, instead of body limbs, they destroy and alter any remaining brain cells. The humans become sheepish Wal-Mart birds. And they still can’t fly!
Remember what you learned in school before the Federal and State Governments chose to dictate what they wanted you to learn, like reading “And Tango Makes Three” and the Bible, or enduring water-downed courses that even the moron two classes behind can understand, or taking art history classes instead of learning how to balance a checkbook. Everybody learned that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Right? So why do the Wal-Mart birds – and Wal-Mart humans – continue to run in circles? Why not fly? Fly away from the IED packages. Find a roost and think a little. Use some Common Sense -- observe the big picture, recognize the real and important features, ignore the razzle-dazzle, and commit energy only on positive forces.
Forget party politics! Your mind is already corrupted if you think party first -- your mind is already in need of major reconstruction to learn how to understand real issues and how to logically analyze information.
Consulting 101: Everything you hear is simply a FINDING. It isn’t a FACT until it is discovered to be true by a number of credulous sources. Be skeptical. Don’t analyze findings, ANALYZE FACTS. When you are trying to determine what is right or wrong, or how something should work, or what should be done, go ahead and HYPOTHECIZE, i.e., define the conclusions you need to prove to make a recommendation . Then go collect MANY findings and from them determine the facts. It always helps to create a list of questions that need to be answered to guide you in your search of finidings. Now, do the FACTS, not the findings, support or reject your hypotheses? If supported, a hypothesis will become a CONCLUSION; otherwise, formulate a conclusion from the rejected hypothesis. When you can prove or disprove all the hypotheses using facts only, derive LOGICAL, COMMON SENSE RECOMMENDATIONS. Important here is to PHASE the recommendations into workable solutions, i.e., practical in cost, resource use, and timeframe.
It’s time to fly again. It’s time to wake up. Don’t be a Wal-Mart bird. Speak – don’t baa. Don’t hover under cars, then herd together just because the sun reflects off a shiny object. You must make a commitment to learn the issues before you. You need to learn how to discern right from wrong, true from false, and the forest from the trees. Strive to see the Big Picture, not the limited pixel a politician directs you to focus on. You have an obligation to all Americans to help uncover the facts and direct your Representatives to do what We the People know is correct.
Friday, September 18, 2009
34. A Matter of National Security
First we hear about a self-proclaimed communist, Van Jones, is now in the west-wing of the White House where a security clearance is most likely needed to work in his assigned capacity. I thank the people of America and Glenn Beck for pushing that clown out of the White House, meanwhile, we had a probability of a security breach. Shouldn't we be investigating all the Obama appointments? Where is the FBI and their clearance checks?
Now we're sitting on our hands (paws) waiting to see if this administration is going to make a Viet Nam out of Afghanistan or step up and gain control of the terrorists that have been regrouping. There's only one choice to ensure dominance over the terrorists and secure our country and Allies -- act now with troops, then help the Afghans build a military to defend themselves. More and more of our soldiers and support personnel over there are dying. The longer we let this trend go unabated, the greater the probability we or our allies get hit by terrorism. Hence, a matter of National Security.
Why don't we forget about a missile defense system for long-range missiles -- as if the one in Poland was going to be limited to just long-range missiles? Obama announced we would abandon that plan and focus ONLY on short-term missile defense -- got that? Forget about the ones that can reach our shoreline! I'm still open-minded on this issue since there could be better, significantly more advanced technology in the near future to invest in -- maybe laser technology. So, Common Scents tells me to wait before screaming about this decision. However, the same result could have been accomplished by just going forward with the mobile defense as Obama now supports and NOT mentioning that we are abandoning the other missile defense project. Didn't we again show America's weakness to resolve? And on the anniversary of the day Russia invaded Poland. We've got more than butt-kissing here folks. What's behind this?
What's behind all Obama's constant appeasement actions? Even I am leaning toward something much more devious now. Let's stay awake America.
33. PinOchiO 2
Hey Mr. President - we all die sometime. Why not blame it on birth while you are at it?
32. Ask Baucus - Demand Answers
What are the goals and objectives of the 2009 Health Care Reforms? To put excess burdens on the elderly? To further disrupt the most disadvantaged people? To drive the private insurance costs up by charging fees that will get passed down to all insured people via higher premiums? To penalize clinical laboratories and manufacturer of medical devices? How about penalizing those individuals who have a freedom, a right, not to purchase insurance? To create another unmanageable government entity to give the scammers yet another way to illegally skim taxpayer dollars via waste,fraud and abuse?
Must be the goals -- your bill outline and supplementary press reports of how revenues will be collected to pay for its costs meet all of these goals and objectives. Please explain why present Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP recipients are discriminated against (500 Billion of your revenue) to pay costs to benefit other lower income ($14,000 to $66,000 [family of 4] +) income. You must have lost your morals!
Why NOT charge the insurance companies with an excise tax! Smart Baucus! This must be your way of driving up private insurance company costs. Along with funding Co-ops, I can now understand your motive -- make it so unfair that private companies fail and the Government Option prevails. Yes, I said "Government" Option since you are probably one of the senators that will get a kickback and have the power to incentivize them to start up. Scoundrel. Meanwhile, the fees will not only be passed down to those who have, i.e., NEED, the high cost policies, but also down to those who don't -- me for example. I always seem to be paying for other people's expenses and never mine.
Let's not stop there. Increase the costs of other businesses too with your fees. See if that doesn't get passed down to the consumer.
Your outline for a bill already fails on benefits. It really sucks on how it's going to be paid for.
31. Pinochio? by Charles Krauthammer
Friday, September 18, 2009
You lie? No. Barack Obama doesn’t lie. He’s too subtle for that. He ... well, you judge.
Herewith three examples within a single speech — the now-famous Obama-Wilson “you lie” address to Congress on health care — of Obama’s relationship with truth.
1. “I will not sign (a plan),” he solemnly pledged, “if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future. Period.
Wonderful. The president seems serious, veto-ready, determined to hold the line. Until, notes Harvard economist Greg Mankiw, you get to Obama’s very next sentence: “And to prove that I’m serious, there will be a provision in this plan that requires us to come forward with more spending cuts if the savings we promised don’t materialize.
This apparent strengthening of the pledge brilliantly and deceptively undermines it. What Obama suggests is that his plan will require mandatory spending cuts if the current rosy projections prove false. But there’s absolutely nothing automatic about such cuts. Every Congress is sovereign. Nothing enacted today will force a future Congress or a future president to make any cuts in any spending, mandatory or not. Just look at the supposedly automatic Medicare cuts contained in the Sustainable Growth Rate formula enacted to constrain out-of-control Medicare spending. Every year since 2003, Congress has waived the cuts. Mankiw puts the Obama bait-and-switch in plain language. "Translation: I promise to fix the problem. And if I do not fix the problem now, I will fix it later, or some future president will, after I am long gone. I promise he will. Absolutely, positively, I am committed to that future president fixing the problem. You can count on it. Would I lie to you?"
2. And then there’s the famous contretemps about health insurance for illegal immigrants. Obama said they would not be insured. Well, all four committee-passed bills in Congress allow illegal immigrants to take part in the proposed Health Insurance Exchange. But more importantly, the problem is that laws are not self-enforcing.
If they were, we’d have no illegal immigrants because, as I understand it, it’s illegal to enter the United States illegally. We have laws against burglary, too. But we also provide for cops and jails on the assumption that most burglars don’t voluntarily turn themselves in.
When Republicans proposed requiring proof of citizenship, the Democrats twice voted that down in committee. Indeed, after Rep. Joe Wilson’s “You lie!” shout-out, the Senate Finance Committee revisited the language of its bill to prevent illegal immigrants from getting any federal benefits. Why would the Finance Committee fix a nonexistent problem?
3. Obama said he would largely solve the insoluble cost problem of Obamacare by eliminating “hundreds of billions of dollars in waste and fraud” from Medicare.
That’s not a lie. That’s not even deception. That’s just an insult to our intelligence. Waste, fraud, and abuse — Meg Greenfield once called this phrase “the dread big three” — as the all-purpose piggy bank for budget savings has been a joke since Jimmy Carter first used it in 1977.
Moreover, if half a trillion is waiting to be squeezed painlessly out of Medicare, why wait for health-care reform? If, as Obama repeatedly insists, Medicare overspending is breaking the budget, why hasn’t he gotten started on the painless billions in “waste and fraud” savings?
Obama doesn’t lie. He merely elides, gliding from one dubious assertion to another. This has been the story throughout his whole health-care crusade. Its original premise was that our current financial crisis was rooted in neglect of three things — energy, education, and health care. That transparent attempt to exploit Emanuel’s Law — a crisis is a terrible thing to waste — failed for health care because no one is stupid enough to believe that the 2008 financial collapse was caused by a lack of universal health care.
So on to the next gambit: selling health-care reform as a cure for the deficit. When that was exploded by the Congressional Budget Office’s demonstration of staggering Obamacare deficits, Obama tried a new tack: selling his plan as revenue neutral insurance reform — until the revenue neutrality is exposed as phony future cuts and chimerical waste and fraud.
Obama doesn’t lie. He implies, he misdirects, he misleads — so fluidly and incessantly that he risks transmuting eloquence into mere slickness.
Slickness wasn’t fatal to “Slick Willie” Clinton because he possessed a winning, near irresistible charm. Obama’s persona is more cool, distant, imperial.
The charming scoundrel can get away with endless deception; the righteous redeemer cannot.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
30. My Health Care Reform < $100 Billion
1. For some insured people: Define a lower flat rate for those in a state's "high risk" pool insurance plan and subsidize the pools by the difference between actual costs of premiums and the new flat cost. That takes care of many of the people who have preexisting conditions AND were responsible enough to get insurance anyway.
2. For the uninsured, put them into the new flat rate risk pool if the reason is unaffordable preexisting conditions. If the reason for being uninsured is just cost, give them credit relief if their previous tax year income show they were above MEDICAID requirements and below some additional figure, like 200% above poverty maximum income level. Also, if someone else gets coverage without insurance and doesn't pay in some timeframe or set up a payment schedule, investigate that person's criminal record and immigration status. If an illegal immigrant, send the bus for him and let him off outside America. If a criminal, send him to jail. If clear after those checks, have the IRS discuss with him paying arrangements and do an audit of past 3 tax years looking for under-the-table income and other illegal activities that are harming We the People..
3. Identify and document medical frauds and abuse. Create detailed plan to address the top 20% of the frauds and abuses in ALL systems that contribute to 80% of the lost revenues. Determine how to catch the abusers and prosecute. Within the fraud and abuse area, I would also limit overuse of preventive services beyond what is normal.
4. Define an upper limit on premium increases, say 6% or so many percent above inflation for the next 5 years. Maybe this will incentivize the private companies to clean up the waste. Subsidize them up to the increase they wanted (beyond the 6%) with payments equal to the costs of improvement programs, which could include them helping hospitals, physicians, drug companies, etc. reduce their costs. They should be given awards for cost reductions they define and implemet outside their industry.
5. Consulting groups who derive a cost reduction implementation plan within a Health Industry entity that is submitted to the Governments Health czar for review and for which details cost saving benefits should be awarded, say 20%, of the consulting contract, with another 20% going to the Health entity after the plan is implemented and improvement shown (one year after implementation plan is complete). Regular monthly progress reports must be sent to the Health czar.Note: a valid consulting contract could be to draft a GOOD overall Health Care reform bill!
6. Don't touch Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP at this time. We don't need to make too many changes that we can't measure or explain results.
7. Look out for the unfortunate who because of a catastophic illness/accidnet exceed their annual or lifetime maximum. Let them apply for relief and do subsidize them for most of the additional costs. This would imply checking their legal status and financial status. Maybe just an interest free loan would be required.
8. Set up quality measurements for the above changes, along with expectations. Review quarterly to determine progress and changes necessary. Have a 1-year and 2-year review of effectiveness and efficiency. Now determine changes and any new programs.
Part II (later, but to be completed by January 2012):
1. Stop the frivilous lawsuits. Start with trials like Obama suggested today. Implement tort reforms by end of 2011.
2. Programs identified in Part I, number 8 that are not convoluted mass changes. Only the top 20% with most benefit shoulod be address at any one time.
Cost? Much, Much, Much, Much less than $900 Billion !!!
29. The Baucus Kludge
I need to go chase a few rabbits. I’m sure that will be more satisfying than the hour I have already spent trying to understand the Baucus Senate Health Care Plan at http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2009/images/09/08/baucus.framework.pdf . Now please note, the reference presents you with JUST an OUTLINE and leaves the MAJOR implementation activities a mystery, and, in my opinion impossible.
Did I like anything in the plan?
Mildly positive items:
- I got excited when on page 17 it stated “…The definition of qualified medical expenses for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), Flexible Savings Accounts (FSAs), and Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) would be conformed to the definition used for the itemized deduction.” If this is true, Medigap insurance WILL be covered as a valid use of HSA withdrawals – I explained this in entry “15. The Medigap Trap.” However, I will guess the Baucus bill will change this; so, my tail is no longer wagging already.
- Standardizing plans across all insurance providers would sure be helpful as promised on page 3. But does this mean across only plans sold by the exchanges, or also existing (grandfathered) plans too? My tail isn’t wagging here either since I already have a plan I like.
Neutral Feelings:
- “Plans would be prohibited from applying annual or lifetime limits on benefits” appears on page 3. I’m sure existing limits today are being exceeded, but I have no idea how much the premium cost will increase to eliminate them. Again, you can’t tell if this applies ONLY to newly sold plans or that grandfathered ones must comply.
Negative Vibes:
- Non-Group Market (i.e., Individual Insurance plans, NOT employer plans or special group insurance plans) premium ratios are going to kill me! Older folk could pay premiums 5 times greater than younger folk as indicated by the 5:1 ration on page 2. Family also doesn’t get a break (2:1) which is higher than my wife and I would pay taking separate plans today! Add to these geographical differences at a 7.5:1 ratio. Will geographical still be STATES ONLY, or now a larger pool of people? The answer could be larger if a CO-OP plan is selected AND the CO-OP makes a deal with a CO-OP in another state. Slight bit of competitive unfairness with private companies still regulated at STATE-level. Conclusion, our premiums will skyrocket!
- Thought you were going to be covered when you have a preexisting condition as Obama promised? Not until 2013 in this plan (page 2).
- “Employees may opt out of employer coverage, however, if they are able to demonstrate that they have coverage from another source.” is stated on page 5. So, if I’m married and covered by my spouse and vice versa, we can opt out and go to the State exchange to get different insurance. If we are young, “a separate ‘young invincible’ policy would be available in addition to these benefit options. This policy would be targeted to young adults who desire a less expensive catastrophic coverage plan ….” Well, I am sure the young plan will highly benefit the young because they will be in a pool that does not have old fogies like us. Now, what do you suppose the remaining pool in the employer plan will be like if the young do this? I would venture to guess employer health care premiums will rise significantly. Another wise bill provision!
- Page 5 states: “Coverage offered by an employer of any size, including fully insured and self insured plans, is not required to comply with the list of benefits required of plans in the non-group and small group markets.” Now for non-group insurance plans, we have up to 4 “medal” plans (silver and gold must be offered) with common benefits for each “medal” plan and the “young invincible” plan that could or could not be standard across providers. But, for employer plans anything can be offered and accepted? How about if an employee loses his job? Will COBRA still be there? If so, which plan? At what cost? If longer than COBRA will cover, I assume the unemployed would have to go to exchange, or be fined (next item).
- Let’s fine people who don’t sign up for a plan. How long must they be uninsured BEFORE a fine kicks them in the behind? How about that newly unemployed person above? Did Baucus really think about implementing the fines to businesses? Somehow the Government must determine who is now covered by an exchange bought plan and match him with his place of employment. If this employee worked at three different businesses, which business gets fined? What a nightmare! A simple list of scenarios and answers to each would have caught this mess. There go the costs of managing health care.
- And what about the credits to those who can’t pay? How will this be determined? It seems to be simple as pie; just put them in a 100-300% poverty class. Does that mean all these people will be filling out net worth statements as in Medicaid? I would again venture to guess that these people do not have steady jobs and their income would vary each year AND a lot is under the table so they stay below the triggers. Another nightmare to manage, plus mucho costs. Btw, does anybody understand this section in the Baucus plan?
- Page 1. Medicare – “Part D Drug Discount Program … in order to have their drugs covered under Medicare, manufacturers must provide a 50% discount off the negotiated price for brand-name drugs … when beneficiaries enter the coverage gap. Beneficiaries are eligible provided they … not pay higher Medicare premiums under Part B or Part D.” Go figure! I can’t understand this.
- Page 1. “High Risk Pools. In 2010, the proposal would increase funding for state high risk pools, so long as the funds are not used to replace current premium assessments and are not distributed to high risk pools that have a waiting list.” Note: High risk insurance is AVAILABLE today to cover people who have a preexisting condition; albeit, the premiums are high. So, what is Baucus thinking here? If I read this right they cannot lower the premiums for these people because they cannot replace current premium assessments. So, what is the benefit to We the People?
- Page 11. “Physician Value-Based Purchasing. This provision would make improvements to the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) program, including requiring all eligible health professionals to participate by 2011, establishing payment incentives for physicians to appropriately order high-cost imaging services, expanding the Medicare physician feedback program, and penalizing physicians who utilize significantly more resources than their peers.” Actual case today with HMO insured: Surgery was done and required after-surgery physical therapy. The surgeon did not want it credited to his account and the general physician did not want it credited to his account because penalties already exist with HMOs. So, now what? This was a huge mess for the patient to get reimbursement. Also, we all know the detail and necessity of MRIs. How would you feel if your physician told you he “knows” what is wrong without a MRI? Who will determine the necessity? A doctor who will get penalized if he comes in above the average of the peers! Good heavens!
I surrender. I’ll buy anything you put before me. Just change everything I am now satisfied with – I enjoy jumping through new and now fiery hoops. Yeah, sure! You think I’m a circus lion or a dancing dog?
The Baucus plan is a kludge of many thoughtless ideas. Well, he just had to ignore the Republicans again and JUST GET SOMETHING OUT. I haven’t touched on another 80% of the other provisions that are totally confusing and for which no implementation plan is remotely discussed. Now, how do you ever estimate a cost like he did without these? Easy, plus or minus a little from what Obama said! Here’s another clown to throw out of Congress! Maybe I’ll peek at this again and comment some more. But, don’t hold your breath. It’s already a nightmare beckoning economic and moral destruction and bound to get ripped apart by both parties.
Monday, September 14, 2009
28. Hold On to Your Wallets and Purses
Woof - Check out the Internet! A special keyboard to accommodate my paws and I’m a high tech reader!
The Good and the Bad in the latest announcements of President Obama’s plan to attack the economic problems are highlighted at the following site pages:
The Good News? Looks like President Obama learned something from history and wants to stop the intervention of bailouts. Even his new regulatory plans don’t seem too obtrusive: “The administration is proposing a new consumer financial protection agency to enforce rules about transparency and accountability, and wants to require firms to hold more capital and have greater liquidity, among other things.” But, how about regulating Government intervention (see Blog 26)? As far as holding more capital – wouldn’t that stifle growth even more when they need to grow to increase jobs and lower unemployment? Will he pressure the Federal Reserve to raise bank reserve percentages, which would lower their potential to increase credit to already strapped small businesses? Time out – let’s think this one over.
The Bad News! He didn’t learn anything about identifying CAUSES vs. SYMPTOMS. To blame Wall Street for the crisis is to identify a symptom as the cause. The Free-market was manipulated and mislead by Government actions as addressed in Blog 26 which are much more convincing as the CAUSE. Add to the badness Barney Frank who is the one who began the chaos by pressuring Fannie Mae to lower its restrictions as indicated in blog 26.
http://americaswatchtower.com/2008/09/17/barney-frank-and-chuck-schumers-role-the-fannie-mae-failure/ supports that and exposes Barney Frank as a major CAUSE of the Fannie Mae failure:
"In fact, Frank & Co. made matters worse by pushing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to take on greater risk. They wanted more loans to people who might not qualify for traditional bank financing. And, as The Wall Street Journal has pointed out, Frank “pressured regulators to ease up on their capital requirements — which now means taxpayers will have to make up that capital shortfall.”
"Common sense rules of the road do not hinder the markets but make them stronger," Obama said in http://www.marketwatch.com/story/story/rescue?SourceUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.marketwatch.com%2Fstory%2Fobama-calls-for-common-sense-financial-rules-2009-09-14-%252012600%3Fsiteid%3Dyahoomy..
I agree, but my Common Scents are based on facts and overall effects on the economy, as should his. I see some listening, but still most of the jibber jabber is coming from his clowns who are too egocentric to look at the full picture. I don’t feel this type of listening will create wisdom. Let’s hope his, yet another, speech tonight won’t dwell on symptoms during the Credit Crisis and blame to something other than Government intervention starting in the Clinton days, thanks to the help of Barney Frank. Maybe he’ll read Blog 26 to understand the causes and then read Blog 27 to learn how to get out of the mess. I could be wrong, but if I’m wrong, then so were Harding, Coolidge, Kennedy, Clinton, and Bush who all led us out of a hole successfully. You make the call.
27. “The End of Prosperity …” by Laffer, Moore and Tanous.”
Biscuits for Reading. That’s the program I’m on now since Master caught me reading his book. Although you don’t have to give me a biscuit to read – I enjoy reading – I certainly have the Master trained. Next he’ll be reading it too me if I just go up to it and sniff it or lick it. Huh! You tell me who’s the boss.
Anyway, another book was put beside my food dish. If smelled good – readable good – so here I am telling you about it.
What do presidents Harding, Coolidge, John F. Kennedy, Reagan, and George W. Bush have in common? Certainly not all Democrats or Republicans. They and their administration all led the recovery of the economy to a boom by lowering taxes WHILE increasing tax revenues. You better reread that, especially the word WHILE. How can than be? Didn’t the big O say he will RAISE taxes to lower the deficit? Maybe history should be reviewed to see how well the economy prospered during their administrations. Join with me reading “The End of Prosperity – How higher Taxes will Doom the Economy” by Arthur Laffer, Stephen Moore and Peter Tanous.” Or look it up elsewhere.
What I already gleamed in the first four chapters is that the economic policy is not Democrat, not Republican. So clear your mind of political bias. Also, the economic theory that was applied was SUPPLY-SIDE economics. Funny though that the Democrats bashed Reagan and Bush supply-side economics and the Republicans bashed Kennedy’s supply-side economics policy with the same stupid arguments. What does that tell you? Simply, that there is no interest by either party to understand or to accept the other party’s policies. There is no effort to learn from history. There are no representatives who seek the facts. The first, and unfortunately final, reaction is to always oppose the other party. What a bunch of morons! Yes, I’m a dog and go around smelling butts. But I don’t kiss-*ss those of the same breed and bite those who aren’t.
Even the late Teddy Kennedy and John’s daughter Caroline put their party first (see book re letter they sent to the authors) before the ACCOMPLISHMENTS of John F. Kennedy:
- He sponsored legislation to cut income taxes by 30%.
- This spurred economic growth and job creation.
- The tax cuts were responsible for the INCREASE in tax revenues.
- The tax cuts motivated workers to be more productive which in turn drove the businesses to invest more capital.
- The end result was a robust growth of the economy.
Is supply-side economics just tax cuts? No. The authors define it as “expanding the supply of goods and services through all sorts of incentives (and by knocking down negative incentives)." Policy imperatives include:
- Free trade.
- Stable prices and sound money.
- Light and efficient regulation of industry.
- Reform of welfare programs to encourage work.
- A generous immigration policy.
Less costly and more efficient government.”
JFK: “No American is ever made better off by pulling a fellow American down, and every American is better off whenever any one of us is better off. A rising tide raises all boats.”
Coolidge in 1924 State of Address: “his plan ‘would actually yield more revenues to the government if the basis of taxation were scientifically revised downward.'” And his prediction came true.
Coolidge argued the merits of his plan: “Experience does not show that the higher [tax] rate produces the larger revenue. Experience is the other way. There is no escaping that when the taxation of large incomes is excessive, they tend to disappear.” Why you ask? Suppose you were taxed at 90% of your income like high taxpayers were at one time, would you work? If so, how productive would you be? Coolidge understood the Laffer Curve: Zero revenue can be expected if the taxes are 0% or 100%. From 0% to some best tax rate, revenues will increase. An increase of the tax rate above that best tax rate will yield less and less revenue. Pull the historical statistics and normalize them for inflation and you will see for yourself what this book is trying to get you to understand.
Democrat Wilbur Mills in his speech on the floor of the House re Kennedy’s legislation: “Mr. Chairman, there is no doubt in my mind that this tax reduction bill, in and of itself, can bring about an increase in the gross national product of approximately $50 billion in the next few years. If it does, those lower rates of taxation will bring in at least $12 billion in additional revenue…the larger the revenues derived from the additional income will result in the federal budget being balanced sooner than would be the case in the absence of the tax cut.” Mills and Kennedy were right.
Facts after facts are presented in this enlightening book that support supply-side economics and temper the myths that this is party-aligned. It clearly uncovers, as Bill O’reilly would say, the Patriots and the Pinheads in the past and in Congress today. It’s time to abandon party politics. We need to get the pinheads out of Congress and recapture our economy and humanity. It’s Common Scents folks – your common sense that needs to be awakened.
Pant, pant…give me a biscuit…thank you.
26. “Meltdown…” by Thomas E. Woods Jr
I usually chew books, but this one smelled interesting enough to read. I recommend it to all Americans. Hopefully you will ascertain the facts about the causes of the Credit Crisis rather than just the reporting of the symptoms by the clueless media. Better still, and beware, you might even understand why we haven’t killed off the causes and why we may have just fueled them to strike again even more violently if the government doesn’t stop its inappropriate meddling with private affairs. Here are a few highlights of chapter One:
The Clinton Administration pressured Fannie Mae “to expand mortgage loans to low and moderate income people…to increase the number of minority and low-income home owners who [tended] to have worse credit rating than non-Hispanic whites."
Additional pressure was aimed at lending institutions by the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) enacted by Jimmy Carter’s administration, which “opened banks to crushing discrimination suits if they did not lend to minorities in numbers high enough to satisfy the authorities.”
ACORN became aggressive: “blocking drive-up lanes and made business impossible for the banks.”
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) and “creatures of Government”, complied and removed many qualification restrictions. Note that these GSEs that “enjoy special tax and regulating privileges” and have a “special $2.25 B credit line with the Treasury” do not directly lend to the prospective homeowners. They buy mortgages that meet the guidelines established by them from banks and package them into secuitized debt packages sold to the private investors under the guise that they are top rated securities. Why top rated? Because the securities sold were classified as “government securities”, even the credit rating organizations were pressured to comply with the game by rating them high.
Did we know about a future meltdown? Read the September 1999 article in the Times which I quote from the book: “…Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting government rescue…”
So far I have learned: CRA + Government pressure [to be fair] = GSEs initiating risky investments forced upon lending institutions and protecting themselves by selling the securitized mortgage packages to you and me either directly or through funds. At this point the bad loans are not on the bank books, not on the GSE books, but in yours!
But how could the government even make it worse? Well, by lowering interest rates. How is this down? By printing more money and flooding the markets. Who controls this? The Federal Reserve, the highly government influenced Central Bank. Well, Alan Greenspan accommodated by lowering interest rates and for too long. Now, not only did the original targets, the low-income and minority sub-prime candidates jump aboard, but prime borrowers also went after the now very low interest rate ADJUSTABLE mortgage loans that are most clearly defined and explained to vary with interest rates – hence, interest rates go up, your interest rate and mortgage payment will go up.
Home ownership was further encouraged by the Bush administration that “removed down payment requirements.”
Well, more than the ordered banks joined in. To compete in the loan business, businesses like Countrywide pitched in and were quite aggressive, greatly adding to the mess. While the number of loans was rampant, the house prices rose because of demand (yes, the old supply and demand rule).
Now we have: CRA + Government pressure [to be fair] + GSEs + ACORN + Federal Reserve + more Government meddling + all lending institution involvement = a frenzy of home ownership and rising home prices.
But why wasn’t the industry regulated? Would you want to regulate the beast you created? How do you regulate when you have already defined the rules? Instead, the Government sent a message that the initiating businesses and supporting businesses were “too big to fail.” Thus, the formulation of the “bailout mentality” or the “rescue mentality” should something go awry. Well, it did. And, bailouts and rescues were indeed the tools tried. No need to get into the numerous businesses bailed out with We the People tax dollars that the Government caused. What I did find enlightening though were some examples of how much the Government bent over to accommodate “dumb” homeowners with refinance deals that actually left them with mortgages they could now afford PLUS additional dollars, enough for luxury cars (making them now not-so-dumb). Meanwhile, “We get to indirectly subsidize the foolish and improvident.”
Result: CRA + Government pressure [to be fair] + GSEs + ACORN + Federal Reserve + more Government meddling + all lending institution involvement + rising home prices + increasing risky loans = a BUST!
Well, we saw it big time. Did the Obama Government change its meddling? No, bailouts continued and the “we all need to be fair” attitude blinds our leaders. New Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernacke continues to focus on the economy with the tools within his toolbox, but they are trial and error. But, is to save everybody leaving no one to fail right? The same failing conditions were given a band-aid. But, continued low interest rates could likely be the rekindling catalyst of more chaos. Mr. Woods writes “we are in for more resource misallocation and a more intense bust in the future.”
I hope my summary of chapter one in “Meltdown – A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse” by Thomas E. Woods, Jr. represents his key points. Thanks you Mr. Woods for the facts.
I leave you with the following home work assignment:
Continued Government meddling into private businesses and individual affairs will yield what?
25. MOre SmOke
Tonight I was resting on my doggy bed when the Congressional play began. Oh how I was impressed by the parade of clowns into the Congressional chamber and the ridiculous applause as if God himself appeared at the pulpit. I’m speaking about President Obama’s speech on Health Care. Well, now we know him better and also know a little more as to what he believes in. However, even I picked up on so many inconsistencies in his facts and conclusions that I am more than ever confused as to what direction and openness he has allowed to counter the deficiencies in his plan.
First, let’s conclude that his plan is essentially the House Plan with very minor tweaks. The smoke of his words certainly didn’t convince me otherwise. However, I will not belabor or argue the same points. Let me start with the requirements he addressed and probably every American can agree on: (1) NO preexisting conditions shall be considered when applying for a plan and no treatment shall be rejected because of some prior condition, (2) MUST cover routine and preventive care costs, (3) MUST provide quality, affordable insurance for uninsured, (4) NO annual or lifetime cap, (5) immediate coverage of catastrophic care for currently uninsured people.
Now hold on there. I really do like (1) as is, but (2) must have some limitations, like a limited number of each type of procedure. Why should everybody pay (people in your pool) because you feel you need a physical every month or a certain blood test more frequent than what is typical and necessary? Give me some limitations and I like (2). As for (3), what is QUALITY insurance? I suppose he meant affordable insurance that provides the typically necessary coverage as other policies for you pool. Then I’m ok with (3). But, am I comfortable with (4) -- no annual or lifetime cap? I could probably live with that since I also believe the really ill people do need to be covered. I don’t have the facts on the numbers we’re talking about or the costs that I would have to share, but common sense tells me do it. Lastly, 5 is a solution that just about makes 95% of the House Bill void. Just let the government cover the cost of the uninsured catastrophic care costs.
Let’s look at his goals: (a) provide more security and stability to those who are already insured, (b) provide insurance for those who do not have insurance, and, (c) slow the costs of insurance for businesses and government. Just previously though, he did mention the reduction of Health Costs too – he just didn’t itemize this when he gave his goals. That was addressed just after his introduction, i.e., the segment after the economy spiel he knows nothing about.
What we now know is that he does NOT want a single-payer system (or believes his plan won’t transform into one) and he wants businesses to continue to provide insurance for its employees, i.e., not the extreme Right’s thoughts to allow individuals to purchase their own in all cases. Fine with me.
I have some questions:
1) He offered simple overviews of his people coverage areas starting first with people who had insurance already THROUGH their jobs, Medicare, Medicaid, or VA. Is my Master and wife covered? They are retired (no employer), not yet on Medicare, can’t apply for Medicaid. Surely he also meant to include the early retirees who had to go out and buy their own insurance. Yes?
2) Will there be a cap on the number of routine or preventive procedures per year? Will he also pay for health club fees that are truly the least expensive way to avoid more expensive health costs?
3) For those currently uninsured that want insurance, he explained the market exchanges. Will the insurance through the market exchanges be the SAME plans provided by private insurance companies today? I think I did hear that there will be a non-profit Public Option offered by the exchanges. How can a not-for-profit business compete with a non-profit business? Will insurance continue to be controlled at a state level, i.e., I cannot go outside the state to seek insurance offerings that may be less expensive? Will all the insurance plans be designed to provide consistent coverage so only price will be the difference?
4) At one point he stated that he expects only 5% of the uninsured to take advantage of the public option. With a pool so small (i.e., limited to in state people only), tell me specifically how you are going to offer affordable insurance! Also, aren’t the people that HAVE to choose one of these the already higher risk cases? Then again, how are you going to make it affordable? Lie or misspoken?
5) Related to 4 above is a statement that those not insured by small businesses are included in the uninsured class. A subsequent statement indicated that there would be a penalty for not participating in health insurance but 95% of the small businesses would probably be exempt because they too cannot afford it, leaving the large companies and 5% of the small businesses susceptible to penalties. Well, if 95% are exempt, that would be a major number of employees that could be uninsured and heading to the exchanges. Far more that the 5% projection Obama stated in 4. SomeOne forget to do the math? Lie or misspoken?
6) Tax credits for the poor to help them with premium payments? Tax credits are at the end of the year, not month-to-month when the premiums need to be paid! And, by the way, doesn’t Medicaid already cover the poor? Lie or misspoken?
7) Let’s clarify what he said about no Death Panel, No reimbursement for abortion costs (legal expense on IRS Schedule A), and no illegal immigrants will be covered. I believe premium costs will increase astronomically because insurance companies now need to accept everybody (no preexisting conditions) and no caps on annual or lifetime. The pools are going to be increased with people needing higher cost services, thus, requiring an increase in premiums. Also unlimited additional procedures for routine and preventive care will raise premium costs. To keep them the same or “slow the increases”, something must give. How about cutting services? Who generates the most cost? The elderly? Where will the services be cut? Do you really believe that the elderly won’t get the screws put to them? Of course there won’t be a death panel, but will there be a Commissioner that will decide on where the cuts will be and will the cuts adversely affect the elderly care? And, if it does affect the elderly care, can we expect the life expectancy of the elderly to increase or decrease? Now do you get it? It's called RATIONING. Also, doesn't Medicaid already cover abortions?
8) $900 Billion over 10 years and not a dime added to the deficit? Come on O. Your initial establishment of the public option trust to pay claims is already a loan from the Treasury. Let’s not deceive the Americans with the word “deficit”, that is not understood by 95% of the American people. How about using the words “taxpayer dollars”. How much of taxpayer dollars will go toward the Health Care you are offering? Now you can’t say less than a dime! Should we say 90% of the $900 Billion? And what are you smoking to believe that you can eliminate, or even shrink, the fraud in the current government systems? Why haven’t you then already! You lost more credibility.
9) Then you thought you'd throw a bone to the Republicans with your pilot tort reform. Do you still not believe we have a problem? Does a pilot have to prove it to you? You know a state cannot change anything without lawyers taking it now to the Federal courts to determine whether they could? What will you measure to determine success and cost savings? Get it. You just cost everybody more, in addition to wasting more time. It’s broken, Obama, Fix it immediately.
Well, Mr. President. After collecting my thoughts and using my Common Scents I still smell something very rank. Added to the Health Care stink are other disparaging opinions you thought you so cleverly spoken, such as the economy status and how it wasn’t your fault and your bogus $900 Billion projection for a crappy plan compared to prior costs of fighting the terrorists and protecting America from harm and promoting democracy throughout the world. Never once did I hear that it was the Democrats that told the mortgage agencies (Fannie Mae & Mac) to lower their standards and give home loans out to those who could not otherwise qualify. That, with the Federal Reserve keeping interest rates down so long to accommodate that mistake, led to the crisis! You get an “F” in economics. I’ll give you a C+ in overall presentation tonight simply because you can deliver a prewritten speech very eloquently. However, I give you “D” for substance. You told me nothing. You showed me that you are still unwilling to listen to valid proposals, some of which you deny hearing and claim the Republicans have never presented -- that's a lie. You then tell the senators and representatives your door is open, but don’t come to me and tell me my plan is wrong or challenge it. I Scents a real egotistical attitude here.
You have lost all respect I had for you. It’s going to very difficult to ever listen to you again. I’m not impressed with rhetoric. I look at results!
Sorry, past my bedtime. I know wine isn’t good for dogs, but, wow, do I need something to calm me down. After sleeping on this, or not, I’ll be more succinct in future rants
23. Dumb and Dumber
Just when you thought the present Health Care bills were insane, another cuckoo shrieks in desparation. Senator Baucus, a key instrumental player in the Senate Finance Committee, revealed his plan summary. Are you ready 60-65 year-olds? I hope you have deep pockets. How does paying 5 times the premium as a 20-year old grab you. You haven't collapsed gasping have you? I suppose his MANDATORY penalty of $1,500 per year (assuming you are married and income is below $60,000) for not having insurance might be an alternative to having it and paying $1,500-2,500 per month. Now, I don't smoke, but is it fair to make smokers pay more and not illegal drug users or alcoholics? I really can't believe what I am reading,
Tell me this is just another Democratic diversion. Hello Senators and Representatives. You STILL are NOT listening. Maybe he came out with this disaster to help guarantee above-expectation ratings for President Obama's speech tomorrow evening. How far in the mouth do you need a foot to cease speaking?
22. Stay in School, but Our School
I want to extend kudos to President Obama for a very eloquent and inspiring speech to students on the importance of setting educational goals and sticking to them. As he stated, not only is it important to their individual career goals, but also to America’s future.
However, I wonder how effective will be the rewards of his motivating message without the serious dedication and continuous direction of the parents or guardians. The challenges of peer pressure towards more and more disruptive and damaging ends remain. It will take a speech a day like this one to steer our youth away from the evils of the world. So, I hope all parents and guardians listened carefully. Unfortunately, the apathy I’ve seen in the last decade would indicate only those already in the choir really, really took the speech to heart. The mass lunacy will continue to target our students, not only directly, but also with its ill- and corruptly-educated young folk, their peers, focusing them on more “fun” and “present-day” vices. Today the message was absorbed; tomorrow when the pill-pushers, tobacco-pushers, sex-pushers, etc. stroll the school halls, we can only hope the parents and guardians have done their job in teaching them morals and self-esteem. Plus, we can only hope that those same parents and guardians don’t get lackadaisical monitoring their students in and out of school. Don’t expect to believe a child will succeed on his own!
So, was this speech necessary? As I commented, yes, every day! The same speech given by someone closer and more meaningful to the child than the president himself might even have been more beneficial. But, what do I know? I’m just a dog who never needed such a speech to motivate me. I have Common Scents. Progress comes with work – it is progress that needs to be measured and it doesn’t end with a checkmark indicating that the president made the speech.
Unfortunately, progress already retreated. I need to verify what I just heard, which is, the vouchers for over 200 children to attend a private school were nullified. The Education Secretary then said it was better to not allow the 1-2% to seek their goals the way they wanted because the dollars would be more beneficial to the 98-99% of the rest of the children who chose to stay in public schools. This is the dumb-down policy. This is again socialistic. My hopes were up, my confidence raised a little by President Obama’s speech. But when the icing is licked off the cake before even gets served, the progress made has already become less sweet.
21. Another SmOke Screen
If I’m given the “down” word or the “down” sign I lie down. But give me the “sit” word and the “down” sign at the same time and I’m confused. Isn’t that what Obama’s top political adviser Axelrod did in article http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090906/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_health_care_overhaul ?
The AP claims he said Obama believes a public option would be a good tool. But … "it shouldn't define the whole health care debate."
So what does he believe in? Are his ratings going so low he thinks they will go up if he just “refocus[es]” the debate on Health Care to a different part of the kludge instead of presenting his real beliefs of alternative solutions instead of the public option? In other words, shut up A-Holes, I want you to talk about something else.
So what’s important then? Did you read any of these: reforms to increase the insurance pools (i.e., allow individuals to get insurance across state lines), limitations/reforms on liability claims (tort reforms), reducing the fraud in current government systems (Medicare, Medicaid … oh, all of them), affordable insurance even when removing preexisting conditions, etc.?
No, you read “limiting out-of-pocket costs.” I do believe the largest part of the costs is already controllable and called your deductible amount – ouch, Master pays the first $10K to keep his monthly premiums down. The remainder of the out-of-pocket costs would be dependent on co-pays, percentage insurance pays on what you will pay after the deductible, use of out-of-network doctors and services. These certainly aren’t high priorities on my list. Although we’re healthy, I still am concerned about those unfortunate people who lost their insurance because of employment termination, disability or retirement and who aren’t on Medicare yet. Can they even find someone to insure them? If so, what is the astronomical monthly premium?
Then I think of the future and the decreasing number of family physicians who don’t make as much as a specialist but who still need high-priced malpractice insurance. We just need to stop the ridiculous lawsuits because someone forgot to empty your urinal bowl and now you p*ssed yourself ( I do it quite often lately).
Gr-r-r-r. The signs and words need to be consistent. There should only be one set of goals, not one for Health Care and one for ratings. How about the goals of the people? Why can’t We the People pick the priorities and order? Ah…we’re tOO ….!
20. Who's My Daddy?
I thought only pets had Masters. I didn't know Uncle Sam was everybody's Master. Ok, you really dumb people, listen up. Are you so dumb you need sOmeone to automatically enroll you in a savings program at work where your employer will automatically take 3% of your income and put it into a 401K plan unless you specifically opt out? Also, are you wealthy enough to file taxes and get a tax refund? If so, are you dumb enough to purchase an investment that has the least return and one you have to keep for a long term before you can cash it in? If you have already guessed the investment, yes, U.S. Savings Bonds, you know how stupid this government program is going to be. The article at
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090905/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_obama_retirement_savings will summarize how your Master will tuck you into bed and make your life as easy as a vegetable -- i.e., ripe for the pickings. Is my name Gretel and yours Hansel? Let's name the government Master BB (like, Big Brother). BB wants to FORCE you to save. You will have to take action to opt out -- You know, like all the mass unsolicited spam mailings. You feeling comfortable now? Soon BB will make every decidion for you and your family. Well, he can pick out the shoes for your children, but the bones I chew will always be MY choice. I call my master Master out of loving respect. He provides me with what I, let me repeat, "I" want. A simple wag of my tail, or deep gaze into his eyes, or a subtle rubbing of my head on this leg is my versoin of love, trust, and satisfaction. BB isn't offering these!
19. Silly Season
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I thought only clowns, some little girls and boys, and the Three stooges were "silly." I didn't realize we were in a "silly season" now. It isn't "silly season" when the majority of Americans distrust the president and the administration plans so-o-o-o much that they are ultra-skeptical about an announcement with NO DETAIL at a not-so-silly time when the Democratics in Congress and President want to cram $1 Trillion of additional debt to the tax payers. Hey Gibbs, wake up. You're the only one being a clown now. No further comment necessary until the text becomes available -- however, it is so untimely and political to do this anyway at this time. Where's the president's focus? He's trying to get everybody's focus off Health Care and his blunders. How about a announcement to fire Van Jones instead! Here's a quiote from the AP article at http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090904/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_obama_speech_schools :
WASHINGTON – The White House on Friday dismissed as pointless the furor over President Barack Obama's plan to deliver a televised back-to-school speech to the nation's students."
I think we've reached a little bit of the silly season when the president of the United States can't tell kids in school to study hard and stay in school," presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs told reporters.