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 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Monday, January 9, 2012

398. Merkel Wants to Play Hardball

At least some EU leader wants to do the right thing and hold poorly-managed countries responsible for their actions. But, how many of the problems were caused by a poorly designed and implemented Euro system? Water under the bridge now. Guess they didn't see the cliff and now are trying to thrash their way out of the turbulent waterfall eddy. A plan to look more like America and its states on a single currency might look promising. I wonder how much they examined the process we took to get there? Anyway, it's how they proceed that will matter. The hand is dealt, now play it to succeed. Hardball is necessary in a time when an immediate danger is probable. Better to be a Yankee and swing the bat than to get hit in the head with the ball.   I believe Germany's Merkel and other hardballers asked enough times  to have the ball thrown across the base instead of at them. Next they will throw the ball before they are even in the batter's box and ready. So far they dodged at least 5 errant balls they saw coming. Should they wait until they get hit in the head before demanding the umpire to throw the bum out? Of course not. They were polite long enough. I believe the umps in our game would warn once and throw that pitcher out the second time. "Play Ball" Merkel. Either shape up or get out; time outs aren't necessary.

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