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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

381. OBlunder says "I am God" again

How many times has this been that OBlunder, the anointed one, bypassed Congress? This time to appoint the head of his new consumer protection agency. Hey folks, this doesn't mean ONE new individual, but an ENTIRE agency to the payroll (our tax payer pockets). For what? As if this GOVERNMENT run agency will stop bad mortgages and debt executed by the We-the-Clueless folks who shouldn't be borrowing anyway! Don't you think another $M-$B for a new agency should be FINANCIALLY JUSTIFIED? Just how many people are belly-up because someone or some company FORCED them into borrowing OR ripped them off? Give me a percentage of the Mortgage market OBlunder? THIS is how he will INCREASE government spending ON HIS OWN! BYPASS Congress! God speaks!

WOW, I missed the addition three appointments that the anointed one appointed bypassing the Senate. The labor unions are kissing his butt; or should I say HE is KISSING THEIR BUTTS! Can you complete the dots folks? Where is the anointed one leading America? Impeachment needs to be considered NOW -- we can't wait until next year to dump the rats.

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