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 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

387. Civil War time in Iraq?

72 more killed in a bomb attack by Sunnis against Shiites in Iraq shortly after Americans left. I have mixed emotions about disassembling our policing function there, but I believe that either we had to be there in forces or we'd end up back to sectarian feuds anyway. Should this be called a Civil War? I don't know. Fact is we DO need to promote civil rights and democracy. However, we certainly need to understand that religious and/or political feuds like this have been going on for centuries in this area. We must either resolve these issues in the first two years of our policing and building of a freer state or vacate immediately and let them blow each other up. I fault our efforts in Iraq because we did NOT resolve these issues that were paramount to peace throughout the country. We may have thought we did by setting up structured, democratic-looking governments including the members in conflict. However, we did NOT lead with always-active consultants to ensure changes were made and tempers squelched. We seemed to always tolerate the skirmishes and stay at the sidelines as they wished. However, we KNEW it wasn't getting solved and still stood back and bowed to the politics and efforts (not results). I agree that it was time to send our troops home; we spent much to much time lives, and dollars there. Had I been in charge though, I would have insisted they PAY for our consultancy to resolve their issues. Maybe then they would have listened. We need to STOP GIVING AWAY our dollars and lives UNLESS we get PAID AND CAN MANAGE the project of fixing the issues ACTIVELY from beginning to end.

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