Have you ever tried Glucosamine+Chondroitin+MSM? When Sam (my late Lab) was still around and up in age, she had difficulties getting up and down and limped occasionally. Glucosamine stopped all her problems. So, about 10 years ago I tried some, but after about 4 weeks I noticed no results. However, I was NOT taking the liquid, nor potent mixture of 2000mg Glucosamine, 1200mg Chondroitin, and 500mg MSM in the Wellesse Joint Movement Glucosamine product. Pills did NOT work for me. But when I started to use the Wellesse product about 4 years ago, the deep pains in my shoulder that I had for over two years were knocked down from intolerable, keep-me-up-all-night pains to tolerable only-hurt-a-little-after-heavy-exercise pain that were gone after resting. It took only about 2 weeks to see results, but about 2-3 months to get to the state that sleeping was again an all night thing.
After taking it for about 6 months, I cut the dosages in half and finally got to 0-pain. But, then my pool shut down in September 2011! After only 1.5 months off my daily routine of 2 miles per day swimming, the pains came back.Not as bad as originally, but enough to wake me again and force me to shift my arm into a more comfortable position. Thus, I went back on the Wellesse product. This time it took about 1-1.5 months before seeing noticeable change. My pain was like there was a sharp metal pin deep inside my shoulder joint that radiated pain in all directions. Now, I am almost completely back to "good" normal (after about 2.5 months). I'll probably cut the dosages in half again, but this time I will stick to some daily dosage, maybe even 1/4.
You can find this product at you local Walmart. Do NOT expect it to resolve physically damaged joint parts (I can only assume this). Although, the Internet searches claim reconstruction properties for products containing this dosage level. I can attest that my swimming did get stronger and faster. Thus, this claim might be true as well. I had to yield my title in the National Triathlon Challenge(Swimming) because the pool was closed, but will return next year to claim it again. Not bad for a senior.
I hope this was helpful to someone. Let me know if you try this product and find similar results.
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