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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Friday, February 12, 2010

220. Spending Cuts OR Tax Rises

Sorry, I need to laugh again. Bet you never heard a dog laugh so much! This time its over the bill O just signed raising the debt ceiling another $1.9 TRILLION. Guess I shouldn't be laughing, but I need to understand why we need to raise the debt ceiling when EVERYTHING O will approve will be paid for by spending cuts or tax rises, i.e., hello PAYGO; didn't we hear about you several years ago. Nice to see you're back out of the closet. I hope you liked the closet, 'cause you'll be right back in there very soon. Now, the bill I would like to see is one that doesn't raise the debt anymore and considers spending cuts AND cuts to existing approved earmarks! I would also like to see the stimulus money RETURNED for for projects like the latest one from California where TWO jobs were created to study why some people lack self-control and become obese, or the ones in Pennsylvania in non-existent districts, or for police cars in Florida (now that created a lot of jobs). But no-o-o-o. Make the banks pay for the government's slop! That way, they will have to increase service costs to you and me to cover the new fees/taxes and thus, gives the government a reason to blame the banks even more. Just who does this administration think their kidding. We dogs even have better Common Scents.

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