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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous
So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
111. "Applied Economics: Thinking beyond Stage One" by T. Sowell
110. "The 21st Century Economy: A Beginners Guide"
109. "Safe Money in Tough Times" by Jonathan Pond
108. "The Little Book of Main Street Money" by J. Clements
Friday, October 30, 2009
107. HC Provider Already Bailing Out
Oh, btw, no problemo with me. I found another provider that has even lower premiums and more benefits and am also guaranteed insurance with a new provider via a negotiated deal between Unicare and Blue Cross Blue Shield. The worry becomes Medicare in several years! Just how many dollars does the government want from the senior package to fund their kitty? $500B !!!
106. Hear the Geese Honking? Be Prepared
Monday, October 26, 2009
105. Market Following the Geese
104. National Report Card
Topic - Initial / 2 Mo. Interim / Final Results
Cash for Clunkers - F/D/F
Economy - D/D/
Health Care Reform- D/F/
Afghanistan - C/C/
Copenhagen Global Climate Treaty - D/F/
Job Creation ($787B Stimulus) -F/F/
Immigration - D/F/
Bank Bailouts - C/C/
Auto Bailouts - F/F/
European Missile Defense - D/D/
Bank Regulation of Salaries - C/D/
Saving Medicare & SS - F/F/
Tort Reform - F/F/
Czar Vetting Process - D/F/
Cap & Trade - F/F/
Reduction of Foreclosures - D/D/
Transparency - C/F/
Government Corruption: CZAR vetting process, NEA, ACORN, Freedom of Speech (Chamber of Commerce, Fox News, Conservative talk radio), Freedom of Press (Fox News, Conservative talk radio), Bank Salaries (those note bailed out)
See how others feel. See The CNN National Report Card and roll your mouse over their questions (Q1 to Q10)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
103. Yeah Team
102. Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
101. Roar Lions Roar
Friday, October 23, 2009
100 "The Next Great Bubble Boom..." by Harry S. Dent Jr.
99. A Moral for Our Politicians
The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a
half-empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket.
He opened his newspaper and began reading.
After a few minutes the man turned to the priest and asked,
'Say Father, what causes arthritis?'
The priest replies, 'My Son, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap,
wicked women, too much alcohol, contempt for your fellow man. Sleeping
around with prostitutes, and lack of a bath.'
The drunk muttered in response, "Well, I'll be damned," Then returned to
his paper.
The priest, thinking about what he had said, nudged the man and apologized.
"I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strong. How long have you had
The drunk answered, 'I don't have it, Father. I was just reading here that
the Pope does.'
*MORAL: Make sure you understand the question before offering the answer.*
-- Origin Unknown
Thursday, October 22, 2009
98. From a Friend
This satire in no different than the economy czar saying the recession is over when we are still losing thousands of jobs every week. The Dept.of labor is on record that job losses will continue until the end of 2010. Anyone who heard Steve Wynn on Fox News Sunday educate the Governor of MI on how you stimulate the economy knows why the country keeps falling further behind.
97. Tennessee Already Tried HC Reform
96. Victory for Freedom of Speech and Press
By the way, from what I viewed on FOX News, Ken Feinberg very succinctly and convincingly justified the limits on executive pay for the top 25 executives in seven companies who were given TARP money and have still not paid it back. As I understand it, We the People own a large part in these companies and were entitled to be protected from the vultures who scarfed up our money. Also, as I understand it from the short clip I saw, just the cash salaries were limited. This I interpret as providing perks, such as stock options/rights, would be acceptable to compensate for the loss in cash. The benefits of options/rights would be dependent on the growth of the company. Bottom line: I really don't see any benefit in the limitation other than keeping the costs off the accounting books for the next quarter. There has always been accounting schemes to DEFER income -- options/rights are a vehicle to do this.
So, the importance of this whole event becomes the Freedon of Speech and Press! We win. The government losses like it should.
95. Bravo Blue Dog Democrats
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
94. Roller Coaster Dip Ahead
93. Ride Those Broncos
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
92. Bipartisan Health Bill - PinOchiO lies again
Truth is mighty and will prevail.
Author: Thomas Brooks
91. Should I Hide Under the Bed?
90. R U A Clunker?
89. Let Me Off This Bus
88. Volunteer Week
87. A Doctor Speaks Up
Saturday, October 17, 2009
86. "The Fair Tax Book: Saying ..." by Boortz & Linder
Excellent book. Extremely logical and well organized to explain TOTAL taxes you pay -- that is your income tax, as well as, the hidden taxes in consumer products passed through by every entity involved in the creation of the product. A study by Dr. Dale Jorgensen, chairman of Harvard Economics Department, is referenced and shows an average of 22% of every every dollar you spend on a product or service is due to taxes of businesses (growers, transportation, manufacturing, marketing, insurance, etc.) passed through to the consumer. In other words, the 35% taxes paid by businesses on their profits, are really paid by you and me when we buy their products -- i.e., the hidden taxes imposed on YOU. The authors explain how a flat tax of 23% on the sale of products and services can REPLACE the IRS and all the tax code mess -- this includes business taxes, Social Security and Medicare taxes (yes, those deductions from your pay you ignore), individual income taxes. Here's the real kicker -- you wouldn't think so, but the low income people make out like bandits with the flat plan described in this book. Plus, there are side benefits, like bringing businesses back home to America, as well as, dollars kept in foreign banks and foreign businesses to America. I'm on the the chapter Questions and Objections at the very end of it. Plus, I'll be reading its follow-on 2008 copyright "The Fair Tax: The Truth, Answering the Critics." I believe understanding and believing Dr. Jorgenson't study is the key to accepting this plan and I will search for it. Assuming it is statistically valid, the flat plan is very convincing. I listed "politics" as a topic key word for this post because like everything else, regardless of the validity of a plan, the other party will always oppose. This blows my mind! When the logic is solid and congress people still oppose, common sense says those opposed are clueless and should be shitting on their home throne instead of a congressional seat. We the People need to take our country back. I highly recommend this book. Share your comments if you read this.
85. Back to DJIA 9600?
Money is like manure. If you spread it around it does a lot of good. But if you pile it up in one place it stinks like hell.
Author: Junior Murchison
Nobody wants my bones!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
82. "Biography of the Dollar" by Craig Karmin
81. The Fabulous Change -- More Job Losses Expected
The last thing this country needs is more JOB LOSSES and a reduction in spending while the Fed sometime soon will have to combat inflation by increasing rates (you know the routine: print more money and create more debt to cover the cost of government spending which inflates the money supply, which devalues the dollar more, which to you and me means it takes more dollars to buy a loaf of bread, and also leads to more job losses, which raises the price of global assets -- oil, silver, just about 70% of trade -- because things are traded in the now devalued dollar, which causes us to pay more for oil, gas, and energy, etc. --> hyperinflation).
Now is NOT the time to doze again! Wake up and get back to seeing the big picture. Common sense tells you we cannot afford to risk our country and standard of living for this Health Care bill as defined today. Oh, let me throw something else at you: If the dollar gets devalued much more, it will lose credibility as the universal money in the world -- over two thirds of the foreign central banks hold dollars in their reserves and over 70% of international trade is in the dollar. China and some other countries are already starting to build reserves in Euros. The demise of the dollar could be catastrophic.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
80. DJIA Close Over 10,000. Now what?
79. Up Goes the Health Care Insurance Premiums
- 2013 - the year insurance companies MUST provide insurance for everybody, i.e., no preexisting conditions or other reasons, and at premiums that are not gender specific.
- For the Medicare people, expect the doughnut hole to be covered at 50%
- Premiums can vary, but only by age (up to 4:1), Family (up to 3:1), and Geographical area (unknown) with a maximum total ratio of 6:1
- HSA's remain in effect but you'll be penalized 20% if you take out other than medical withdrawals before age 65.
- Premiums and coverage is supposed to be standardized and available beginning 2013. However, the States will be doing this through its exchanges and have 5 years to do it. So, sometime between 2013-1018.
- Non-profit co-ops are the plan to compete with private insurance companies through exchanges.
- Get this: "Require members of Congress to but through the same exchanges." Don't get excited though, because they are probably a "company" that offers insurance and covered by the language that you can keep you current insurance. So, fluff words.
- Web-based exchanges, i.e., Internet technology for research, application, etc. at exchanges
- Credits to buy insurance for up to 400% poverty level
- Although no new health insurance is available until 2013 at the earliest (conveniently after Obama's first term), the government will start to collect fees and taxes from health care entities in 2010. Guess who gets to pay these! How about an annual fee of $6.7B assessed to the Health Care industry (hidden as the last item in the summary on last page) to be apportioned. Up go your premiums! How about more job losses too!
- Beginning in 2013, the floor for medical on Schedule A Itemized Deductions will become 10% instead of 7.5%. That's a healthy $2000 you will lose in deductions translating to $700 actual loss if you are in the 35% tax bracket. Of course this will be much higher if the tax brackets change from today -- duh, think they will? This new floor applies to under 65 people beginning 2013. The old folk get a reprieve until 2016 before they lose several weeks of lunch money.
- Yes, there are penalties to those not getting insurance, but such a small amount who would ever get insurance if they willingly do not want it today. Might as well wait until something big happens; then get the insurance since the insurance companies cannot deny you.
Monday, October 12, 2009
78. "The Money Men" by H.W. Brands, c2006
Saturday, October 10, 2009
77. "The Coming Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It" by Turk and Rubino
Friday, October 9, 2009
75. $$$ Books
"The Money Men" by H.W. Brands, c2006 -- very easy ready beginning with Alexander Hamilton and the creation of the central bank system right up to WWI. How, why, political battles, consequences.
"The Coming Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit From It" by Turk and Rubino -- Why the continuous, unsupported printing of money and creation of debt ALWAYS leads to the collapse of the fiat currency. Starts with history beginning around WWI and continue with key statistics and useful info through its copyright in 2004. Very accurate title in 2009! Read about the gold standard and investing in gold and other hard assets today.
"Lords of Finance" by Liaquat Ahamed - Portraits of the key four men during the Depression years that influenced the economy and how.
Please be patient for highlights. I'm a slow eater and like a variety of snacks at a time.
74. Steelers, Broncos, Cowboys
73. Go State -- High School Prom
72. Count the Illegals?
Put the pieces together people. Use your Common Sense.
71. Unconstitutional to Deny Illegal Immigrants
So, you ask: suppose we are all blinded by the statements in the legislation and do not know the constitutional bit. What then? Well, if it passes, the Supreme Court would probably get called to review a case and decide formally that it was unconstitutional and therefore nullify the statements forcing us to add 15 million to the system.
This sounds more than a lie this time! This is just plain deceptive to We the People. Please read my next blog on the census too.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
70. $829B (to $4 Trillion) Health Care Reform!
Today the CBO put a price tag of $829B to the Backus plan. Please note however, that they first admitted their original estimate was short by $29B. Also note that all 10-year major plans estimated by the CBO over the last several decades have been only a fraction of the actual costs (costs turn out to be 4 to 5 times more is what I just heard). Not unbelievable since we already heard proven stories where even a hammer cost thousands of dollars. But, don't take my word for it. Some important caveats to the CBO cost were released with their estimate and documented here. For example: "...the estimate does not include the costs of proposed payment increases for doctors serving Medicare patients, roughly $200 billion through 2019. Additionally, a so-called fail-safe mechanism to hold spending in line could result in cuts as large as 15 percent in federal subsidies designed to help the poor afford insurance, CBO said." Whoa. Don't get fixated on that $829 B figure! It has already shifted, by the CBO itself, upward.
And do you believe that the following statement from the article: (1) "Health care legislation drafted by a key Senate committee would expand coverage to 94 percent of all eligible Americans"? If we logically subtract the illegals and Medicaid people from "eligible" today, we are talking about 47 million (the number they gave us as having no private insurance plan) - 15 million illegals - 9 million Medicaid = 23 million eligible Americas. That is 23M/295M, where 295M = number of "legal" people in America, or 7.8% of "eligible" Americans are uninsured today. Guess that means 100%-7.8%=92.1% ARE INSURED. (all their figures). So, for somewhere between $1 Trillion and $4 Trillion we are going to drastically change our Health Care system to cover just 2.9% more. But wait, here is what they said later in the article: (2) "Under the proposal, the share of legal nonelderly residents with insurance coverage would rise from about 83 percent currently to about 94 percent," Elmendorf said. Elderly Americans are eligible for coverage under the federal Medicare program." NOTE: the 94% stated in (1) is no longer a percentage of all Americans, but only legal nonelderly residents. Then note, the smoke and mirrors of going from 83% to 94% to make you think you are getting something significant. Well, the facts, based on the quotes from this article, produce a change from 92.1% to 94%! No thanks! Not buying your propaganda.
Also, don't forget that through magic they are going to finance this monstrosity using $400B+ from Medicare; fraud money that our government never attempted to recover and still refuse to initiate recovery until this bill is approved and they commit you and me despite we knowing that they are lucky to recover $4B! (But, of course they will lead you to believe that the fraud they saved from us would have been yet another $600 B had they not implemented something -- like an aide on a keyboard to lie to you).
I encourage you to review all the "medical" category blogs on this site to understand the big picture. Then use some Common Sense to analyze how your elected officials in Washington are planning to take even more dollars out of your pocket. The whole reform can be done in a tenth of the cost if they would just get out of politics mode and into We the People mode. What a disaster.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
69. Another Viet Nam?
68. Let Me Run - Market Going Up
There have been rumors that Obama is feeling the pressure of supply-siders to cut taxes. Makes sense -- Common Scents. Reduced corporate taxes means more hiring. More hiring means less unemployed. More hiring means more spendable income to spend. More spending means growth to small businesses (retail and services), as well as large (suppliers of capital goods and services). More spending means economy growth. Better economy means more investors in small businesses, both existing and NEW (this is where rich put money -- this is why you don't want to increase taxes on the rich). More business growth = more jobs = more spending money = more profits = salary raises = more spending money. And so on. Only this time, please don't make the credit mistake again! People need to EARN the right to better financial health. Stop the give-aways. We don't need to topple the economy again with unrealistic loans -- we worked and rented for 5-6 years to get enough down payment for a house. So, what's wrong with the same paradigm today?
Oops! Off the subject. Back to the market. You're on your own whether you want to buy stocks now. You missed a good 3-4 days before the last 2 to get in. There is still something left in the rise, but, 10,000 will be the testing point. If it again is resistance, 9325-9425 could again be the support. Do pick solid performers though until Obama lowers taxes.
67. Oil-to Dollar? Oil-to Basket of Currencies?
Glenn Beck tried to make a possible switch of oil-pegged-to-the-dollar to oil-pegged-to-a-basket-of-currencies a negative thing for America. I’m no economist. But here is my thinking? Am I wrong?
Dollar-Oil Relationship (today) – Oil MUST be bought/sold in dollars
(Dollar-to-Oil Relationship) - If the dollar strengthens then more oil can be bought for a dollar; conversely, if the dollar weakens, it takes more dollars to buy the same amount of oil.
However, a reverse relationship (Oil-to-Dollar Relationship) also exists. If oil stability (inventory) is disrupted (war, cartels, terrorists, supply itself), the price of oil goes up and drives the dollar down. If oil inventories look better, supply & demand drives the price of oil down; hence, to keep oil profits stable the dollar must raise.
Possible future – Oil tied to a basket of currencies other than the dollar.
If the dollar is removed from its direct connection to the commodity oil, how is the dollar affected then?
One could expect the same relationships as before, but now for the basket of currencies, when they become tied to oil, with some exceptions. Whereas the dollar’s strength/weakness can be affected by something other than oil, each currency in the basket can also. However, the basket, or diversification of currencies, will be designed to average out -- in other words, to remain stable and about the same. Thus, the Basket-to-Oil relationship should be more stable and keep oil prices more consistent. How about the reverse relationship, i.e., Oil-to-Basket? An unstable Oil inventory will now affect the Basket of currencies like it did the dollar. But, instead of impacting a single dollar currency, say 10%, each of the currencies in the basket will only be affected by 10%/number of currencies in basket. Very simplified example and not specifically accurate in that each is an equal share. But, it demonstrates the point that no single currency in the basket will be affected like a single dollar was and the economies dependent on those currencies won’t be affected as much.
OK. Assume the dollar is now outside the relationship. However, we will need to buy oil in one of the currencies in the basket. How does the dollar-to-euro look (or one of the other currencies)? Are we weaker or stronger than the Euro? If our dollar is no longer pegged to oil, that for years has been an unstable commodity that weakened our dollar, will our dollar become stronger? Good question? I personally believe our dollar will become more stable. Our stability should then become more accepted by world countries wanting to invest in America. Would that not boost our economy? So, I say go ahead and peg oil to a basket of currencies.
I suppose I need to check out a detailed economics book detailing the dollar to commodity relationships and the dollars importance in the world before drawing any final conclusions. What do you think about a new oil-to-basket of currencies scenario? Am I way off target? Just trying to use my Common Scents.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
66. Roar Lions Roar
Nothing better than watching Penn State in High Definition. This morning I installed my RCA Yagi antenna to pull off-air digital. Finally, I get the major local network channels plus about 5-6 more (all but 2 are Spanish, Si) channels. I was delighted to get 100% signal and crystal clear picture with it installed in my attic. This also allows me to record 3 stations at a time now.
Friday, October 2, 2009
65. Mr. President
Author: Lane Kirkland
64. Where R the Steelers?
If I am lucky, my outside antenna may make it to the local Walmart store on Saturday. Need it to get off-air HD for the local channels -- yes, even this town is too itty-bitty for DISH to push it's satellite high definition here.
Ok. I'll acknowledge the 3-0 Broncos. Don't need to remind me. Enjoy the NFL games. Raise one for me.
Winning isn't everything, but losing is nothing.
Author: Red Symons
63. Dangerous Foreign Policy
Well, that only leaves Iran and North Korea. What a plate of dirt to eat and digest. You should know where I stand on Iran by now: they continue to create excuses and activities in order allow them (and Russia and China) to continue nuclear weapon plans. I truly think Iran is just a cover for Russia and China in extending their nuclear range and weapons -- and yes, Venezuela could be in that pact too along with other Chavez backers. Hope I am wrong on this one. However, we will never know the classified facts. I never had to worry too much about them in the past. But, under this administration, my eyes and ears are wide open. How about yours?
62. The Clunker Economy
And don't you like how many jobs are being CREATED by the stimulus packages! "Jobs losses this month totaled 263,000, worse than even the most pessimistic economist projection" reported here
Also, as expected, the government tried to dress up the numbers by saying more jobs would have been lost. What's to make me believe this isn't yet another lie? We've been hearing this one all year.
But I am glad to hear we don't have to foot the Olympics in Chicago. Seems that the Olympic host cities have been LOSING money on the events. Besides, do I really want to see Obama's team get richer because of their conflict-of-interest in real estate in the Chicago area? I'm already appalled by the second 727 that made the trip to fight for Chicago 2016 -- more money thrown out over the ocean. YOUR money!
61. Bottom and Bounce?
60. Medicare Advantage (s) Dream
1. Those on Medicare Advantage, i.e., private plans subsidized by government to provide at a minimum the equivalent of Medicare, will lose subsidies. Those on Advantage usually get added benefits that I personally would love, such as, Health Care memberships, dental, hearing aids, etc. So, bottom line, if the subsidies cease, so will the benefits or the premiums will rise or both. NOT GOOD for my future plans.
2. The article suggests that the following are benefits (but they are NOT) of the "new" Medicare:
- Free preventive services, e.g., 100% coverage of certain exams like mammograms and annual wellness exam. Today these will cost you 20% unless you have a Medigap policy which I sure will have. With a Medigap policy, it will cost me nothing. Thus, NOT A BENEFIT.
- They want to delay scheduled decreases in doctor fees and provide them bonuses also. WHY are doctor fees even scheduled to decrease? I read about the bonuses elsewhere. Essentially, they will pay the doctor to use cheaper procedures than available. Thus, they might decide to look an a XRAY and venture a guess rather than ordering an MRI. NOT A BENEFIT.
- They want to penalize hospitals when a patient is readmitted for same problem. Like they have a call in whether a patient gets readmitted. NOT A BENEFIT.
- Better coordinate all the doctors on your case. I have not seen this as a problem at all and have managed the health of Medicate patients in the past.NOT A BENEFIT.
- Fill the prescription drug gap by providing a 50% discounts within the gap. Go to Walmart and use generic drugs and AVOID the gap entirely! NOT A BENEFIT.
What lame arguments this article has in convincing the seniors that the $500 billion the government wants to take out of Medicare will provide them with something better. DREAM ON!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
59. "Culture of Corruption" by Michelle Malkin
I can't read any more! My blood pressure must be off the charts. I did get through the whole book, but had to just skim parts because the gory, but true, details (75 PAGES of footnotes) were more than I could handle. I get it! I did before. I REALLY get it now! Anybody with Common Sense would have gotten it BEFORE too. I believe I read somewhere in your book that it's my public service to get some of the starry-eyed Obama people who were dazzled by his rhetoric to read this. You forget that they were INDOCTRINATED, not educated by the political process. They are all mostly "Me Me" people who want to recreate history instead of learning from it. As with the economy, they are clueless to see the big picture and can only focus on an individual or topic at one time. America is in jeopardy; freedom is in jeopardy. I can only BEG they pick up your book and at least skim it to see the BIG PICTURE. Thank you for alerting us.
"It pains me to say this, but I may be getting too mature for details."
- Jerry Seinfeld in The Deal
Sam, the Common Scents dog
58. Health Care Mess
Please tell me how my Health Care insurance premiums will NOT increase if we continue pushing a plan with these in it:
1. No insurer can deny coverage.
2. No insurer can charge those with preexisting conditions a higher premium (means, all others will have to cover the added risk and expenses = higher premiums for everyone except for those with preexisting conditions)
3. Federal subsidies for those who cannot afford coverage (they are planning to fund the states with subsidies and let them negotiate plans for these people (fine, unless they end up in same administered plans as me which would mean I must pick up the difference from subsidized amount and premium we all pay). And how much will you STATE TAXES go up to cover the administration costs of this negotiation?
4. Costs would be borne by Health Care providers (who, of course will pass it along to us via higher premiums)
5. Costs also paid by billions of dollar cuts to Medicare and Medicaid (can you hear me without that hearing aid?)
6. Still being discussed is making it more difficult to itemize Health Care costs on taxes (what does this mean? Instead of paying taxes to support the new reformed plan we can deduct less? Sounds like a tax to me if this is the case. Of course, the Dems provided no details or answers to this question)
The statement by the Democrats that premiums will not increase MUST BE A LIE!
A good amendment from Cantwell is to implement a program like the state of Washington has where the state negotiates a plan (they have 4) for low income people with income above Medicaid requirements -- up to $44,100 for family of four. Sounds good, but I would ask if these plans are separate from plans most of us would get so our premiums wouldn't go up and the added State taxes to do this.
The MUST BUY or get PENALIZED section remains in the Finance Committee plan. Currently, if a plan exists that costs less than 10% of an individual's (family's) income, then they must buy insurance or pay a penalty up to $1900 per family. Schumer want to lower this to 8% and delay penalties until 2014 with a max of $950 per family. How they are ever going to determine this on an ongoing basis is beyond my beliefs. I suppose they will go to last year's tax form, if you even submitted one, to check. And what if you didn't? Or if you had an anomaly year where you took all your gains because the Bush tax cuts allowed you to not pay any tax on gains or dividends if you are in the15% tax bracket or below and their definition of income will include this -- wow, that would rape a few people.Sometimes I wish I could rattle their heads to see how empty they really are! But, there may be help. Also being considered are EXEMPTIONS to buying insurance that could apply to MILLIONS (let's see now -- current 47M uninsured people = illegals, those on Medicaid, and others. From the others category, we now subtract a millions more of "exemptions" leaving how many? We are going to spend $900 Billion over 10 year for how many new people and at what increased premium?
To end, let me reemphasize the one-liner in the article that states that this Finance Committee legislation needs to be merged with the one from HELP (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. The latter HAS the PUBLIC OPTION in it (that has already been defeated in two votes!). Harry Reid is pushing this in the Senate, while Pelozi demands that it be in.
Then, finally, President Obama, needs to live up to his promise that he will not sign legislation that adds a dime to the deficit. I am sure the definition of deficit will change radically (as he has already changed America) to allow him to pass if without LYING AGAIN.
So, here's my forecast:
1. Expect higher premiums than you see today (explained above)
2. Expect longer waits for physician and hospital services (taxes on Health Care providers coupled with more insured people calling on them and fewer and fewer physicians going into or remaining in the system)
3. Hello Elderly -- there's no hope for you (losing services and increasing costs). btw: who do you think will be also shelling out more money to Medicare and Medicaid? Of course, this won't be called a rise in INCOME taxes!
4. The first 3 don't apply if they just stop the nonsense and use Common Sense and fix the current system as I explained in previous blogs.
57. The Lion Roars This Saturday
56. Ready to Bounce?
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