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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

602. Lost jobs, lost revenue, lost resources

Once again, instead of leading from the front, this administration insists that they should lead from behind. Back in post 455 I cited an article that stated Exxon joined the Russians in a $500B venture to drill in the Arctic (this was April 18th). The multi-national U.S. based companies can NOT wait for our government to play its childish lead-from-behind game. Post #455 highlighted the jobs and dollars lost by America with Russia taking the lead to drill in the Arctic. Does this now make Exxon a target on OBlunder's Enemy List? Watch, it will! Now, Hilliary comes out and wants the Worldwide organization to COOPERATE and play fairly. It's a capitalistic world Hilliary and OBlunder. You either lead or follow. Guess which one they are! Playing fairly would be nice IF everybody has already agreed upon the rules. What makes this administration believe that it can make up the rules for the world? It's time to ACT FIRST. When you own a piece of the rock, it's much easier to help make up the rules. When you don't, and somebody else owns the rock, you get the scraps if anything. thanks OBlunder for throwing us in the alley like a bunch of junk-yard dogs. Isn't it amazing that this administration doesn't even know or want to work with it's own companies and businesses. OBlunder and friends need to move to some Socialist European country and tuck themselves under a blanket. This is disgusting! Lost jobs, lost government income, and lost natural resources! President Romney wouldn't have let this slip by!

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