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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

615. Bernanke Wants to Keep His Job

The markets rose yesterday and, so far, today because China is cutting its rates to stimulus its weakening economy. In other words, the Yen goes to press, weakens its currency, makes the dollar look stronger, strengthens their exports, weakens our exports. The heading I chose was about Bernanke. Why? Because Gov. Romney already said he's can Bernanke if he became president. Thus, he wants to keep his job and has been already hinting that he'll react and do something for the ECONOMY -- right, he meant HIS JOB. I have already predicted he'll do something as early as July to ensure America's markets, and thus our Mutual Fund, pension funds, and stock goes up and makes it look like we're better off. Don't associate an up market with an up economy! Of course I'm talking to the choir since the majority of people have no clue what I am referring to and will feel warm and fuzzy with their artificial increase in wealth as a reason to believe OBlunder that things have turned around. I'm not saying more money is not good, but it will be a temporary joy, because long-term you just inherited more debt, the nation's already too much debt. That will bring the pain twice the joy you going to feel now! Oh, the game of politics. Meanwhile, watch China manipulate the currencies and their market. This article is about China, but also states Bernanke's likely move.

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