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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

613. Big Bad Wolf Going to Vegas Tomorrow

Watch out Vegas. The Big Bad Wolf is going to huff and puff and blow your house down. That's what OBlunder's speech tomorrow will be re Educational Loans. According to the article here, he just wants to repeat, and repeat, huff and puff, about why his proposal re Educational Loans is right and the Republican suggestions are wrong. Note that the Republicans are still waiting for his response to theirs, but, instead, he keeps campaigning to deliver his "thoughts" instead to the public. Waste of tax payer money and time. As the article explains, the outcome is agreed upon. It's where the money comes from to fund it that is different. Way back on April 27th, post #566, I blogged the details of the differences. Does this lengthly dispute say something about Congress and the President? Both must be cleaned up. I am not satisfied with a Republican Senate leader who constantly cries foul and does nothing except forward something and forget about it so he can blame somebody else. ALL leaders plain suck in this current government. We the People will NEVER get the truth about all the delays -- we just get reports of NO OUTCOMES. Well, I propose a new INDEPENDENT watchdog, consulting group to overlook the import bills in Congress and FORCE the TRUTH AND ACTIONS. The HOUSE writes the bills related to spending, so Boehner, get something passed and move it along to the next joker Reid. Can't anybody work together? Time to FIRE CONGRESS and the president (the buck stops with OBlunder)!

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