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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

603. Hide until the end of June

Talk, talk, talk. It's all in Spanish, German, French, or some other European language. Hard to understand the details or progress in the Europen Crisis, except for the continued deadlines meetings in the future which, we all know, are not deadlines but a dates that will get extended. Granted, Europe is a bit different than America. It has tried to utilize a common currency across Sovereign countries -- we only needed to do it across states, which are all part of U.S. Soverignty. The new Europe is in its infancy, just like America was before the America Revolution. Who knows how long it will take. We should certainly be able to use our history to anticipate the complexity and woes to get Europe unified, at least its banking systems. I believe the deadlines are a bit too optimistic and everybody (separate Sovereign nations) are always in react mode when the larger, more influential nations, such as Germany, want to address things as a whole. Let's hope for no REAL rebellions, because Timmy Geithner was wrong -- Europe's crisis does affect us! I'll concede that a worldwide stimulus might be the only solution to allow enough time to get the heads together and get a logical process rolling to address the future long-term. A failure cannot be permitted at this time and individual failures must be addressed and mitigated in the future's plan. The U.S. markets are feeling the pain already. Will our Fed act BEFORE the world? I believe if the world doesn't react together, a premature stimulus here will be nothing bu a quick flame, like throwing a cup of fuel on a fire without adding adding any substantially sustainable fuel along with it. We are in for a long summer. The next EU Summit is June 28 (there goes June down the toilet) meaning the chit-chat and no actions until at least September. Will this administration do anything other than talk?

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