Time to chime in.Its no wonder why this country is going to pot (not the weed, but, maybe so). Witch hunt after witch hunt over a conversation between world leaders. Do the Dims think this strengthens this country? Particularly the way they orchestrated this sham. First collect as much dirt, factual or not, get the great (H-Ha) Media to excite the people, juice up their part of sheep to baa in unison, and then continue their lying.
Can you believe yesterday at the proceedings Adam Shiff said even he did not know the identity of the whistleblower! Well then, who does? How did he learn enough "details" to light the fire? Why didn't the Republicans ask this? Why didn't they ask how he was informed -- who, letter, email, etc. -- and pursue getting that person subpoenaed or an physical documents read in? It is We the People's right to ensure the Constitution is followed to ensure the accused lawyers can properly question the credibility and motives of the accuser. This can be done partially without knowing the identity. How can Adam Shiff determine sufficient credibility to initiate this witch hunt. Doe being a whistleblower mean ANYONE can write an anonymous letter about anybody and be ensured such a sham is initiated? You talk about corruption! This is treason for organizing a coup to attack the highest office in America without any proof. His only proof is the dirt he stirs up and the mixing or statements the way that benefits the Dims.
I repeat:
1. Who is the whistleblower?
2. Doe Shiff or doesn't Shiff know who he is?
3. Did Shiff converse with the actual whistlebower?
4. If not, who did and who is feeding the crap to him and why isn't he subpoenaed?
5. Are there any physical documents of the claim? Why were't they entered and available to the public?
I certainly don't know the circumstances at the moment of the call to the Ukraine President. Trump claims there was a previous call and that transcript will be made public which has bearing on his comments to the Ukraine President on the call in question. I can see where, in the timeline, funds for aide was held up BEFORE the call for reasons of suspected corruption. Do the Dims expect to get the answer to that question and freezing of funds before the call? Like Congress acts so fast! The House is such pathetically run government entity!
So the previous paragraph address the holding of funds and the expected duration of that hold to investigate corruption and more particularly the credibility of the new Ukraine President. Sounds logical to me! Sounds CORRECT to me!
If the suspected corruption (fact for many years) persists and did persist in 2018 too (fact), and the company where Hunter Biden was "specially" placed on its boar was being investigated for corruption (fact), and Hunter obliged during the rein of V.P. Biden who should have been obligated to performing independently from him, and the Ukraine investigation was TOLD to stop strangely just when the Biden's were involved at the same time in the Ukraine, wasn't it appropriate to ask the Ukraine President to investigate? Maybe Trump shouldn't have used the name "Biden" and should have instead tip-toed around using the name and explained the possible corruption by sticking only to the investigated company's name, but Trump at the spur of the moment wanted to explain the time frame of interest and did mention the name. Maybe a BAD for him because of that. BUT, that is NOT a reason for Shiff and cronies to shout IMPEACHMENT! How childless, or should I say CORRUPT!
We the People ARE smarter! It's again time for the ignorant to educate themselves GOOD for the country, OUR AMERICA, and what and who is out to DESTROY it. I am so tired of the two party system. I am so tired of the kids under 21 who THINK they are grown up, but continue to show their ignorance in living in an adult world. Socialism comes to mind -- Socialism, a word they can't even define!). I'm tired of the SHEEP Herds where nobody thinks himself or herself any more because it is easier to just follow someone else. I could write a large book with the nonsense We the People have to wade through because of the sheep! We need independent thinkers to support OUR needs and desires. We DON"T have it in Congress. So sad. America needs to wake up! We have a leader now that has PROVED he can do what the people want, except for the ignorant Dim-Sheep. Support the Office of the Presidency and help it grow America and more importantly shape America into a country of educated, logical, common sense people. I wish I had the endurance to write a book and do a purge of the "indoctrinators" replacing them with "educators". Do realize the path America is on? Sure we can continue to only grow the economy, solve immigration to follow the law, improve the foreign relations (trade, funding, military support, etc.), cut out unnecessary costs (decrease regulations, taxes, etc.) and everything this sitting president is doing for years now with PROVEN success. But, we still have the clueless. Its like allowing the prisoners bidding to run the jail! Some one must be in control who won't let that happen. I thank President Trump for stepping up to the plate and the voters for signing the contract. Let's do it again and add OVERALL reform of things discussed above begin. Unless I see firm plans to continue the positive programs Trump has initiated and performed AND to address the Overall reform above, my vote is already cast. Since I am an independent, and that is NOT a political party Independent, my vote is cast.
I couldn't resit this video Big Don sent to me this afternoon by a friend.
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