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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous
So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...
Thursday, November 14, 2019
922. Ancestral Quest 16
I was misinformed re the requirement to access Famiy Search and told I would have to purchase a key for AQ 16 upgrade. NOT TRUE. The exact same functions of AQ 15 are available if you get the FREE AQ16 BASICS. So, go at it ancestor researchers. AQ16 IS much better than RootsMagic. Both are nice, but AQ's appearance, navigation, interface to FamilySearch.org are far superior. One quick example is syncing of entire family, i.e., parents and children. AQ will simply allow you to check which members of a family to move across to your database, THEN you hit the button to do all at once. RootsMagic you have to each individually with a screen refresh between each. If interest in other differences, hit the comments button.
921. Impeachment Inquiry Proceedings
Time to chime in.Its no wonder why this country is going to pot (not the weed, but, maybe so). Witch hunt after witch hunt over a conversation between world leaders. Do the Dims think this strengthens this country? Particularly the way they orchestrated this sham. First collect as much dirt, factual or not, get the great (H-Ha) Media to excite the people, juice up their part of sheep to baa in unison, and then continue their lying.
Can you believe yesterday at the proceedings Adam Shiff said even he did not know the identity of the whistleblower! Well then, who does? How did he learn enough "details" to light the fire? Why didn't the Republicans ask this? Why didn't they ask how he was informed -- who, letter, email, etc. -- and pursue getting that person subpoenaed or an physical documents read in? It is We the People's right to ensure the Constitution is followed to ensure the accused lawyers can properly question the credibility and motives of the accuser. This can be done partially without knowing the identity. How can Adam Shiff determine sufficient credibility to initiate this witch hunt. Doe being a whistleblower mean ANYONE can write an anonymous letter about anybody and be ensured such a sham is initiated? You talk about corruption! This is treason for organizing a coup to attack the highest office in America without any proof. His only proof is the dirt he stirs up and the mixing or statements the way that benefits the Dims.
I repeat:
1. Who is the whistleblower?
2. Doe Shiff or doesn't Shiff know who he is?
3. Did Shiff converse with the actual whistlebower?
4. If not, who did and who is feeding the crap to him and why isn't he subpoenaed?
5. Are there any physical documents of the claim? Why were't they entered and available to the public?
I certainly don't know the circumstances at the moment of the call to the Ukraine President. Trump claims there was a previous call and that transcript will be made public which has bearing on his comments to the Ukraine President on the call in question. I can see where, in the timeline, funds for aide was held up BEFORE the call for reasons of suspected corruption. Do the Dims expect to get the answer to that question and freezing of funds before the call? Like Congress acts so fast! The House is such pathetically run government entity!
So the previous paragraph address the holding of funds and the expected duration of that hold to investigate corruption and more particularly the credibility of the new Ukraine President. Sounds logical to me! Sounds CORRECT to me!
If the suspected corruption (fact for many years) persists and did persist in 2018 too (fact), and the company where Hunter Biden was "specially" placed on its boar was being investigated for corruption (fact), and Hunter obliged during the rein of V.P. Biden who should have been obligated to performing independently from him, and the Ukraine investigation was TOLD to stop strangely just when the Biden's were involved at the same time in the Ukraine, wasn't it appropriate to ask the Ukraine President to investigate? Maybe Trump shouldn't have used the name "Biden" and should have instead tip-toed around using the name and explained the possible corruption by sticking only to the investigated company's name, but Trump at the spur of the moment wanted to explain the time frame of interest and did mention the name. Maybe a BAD for him because of that. BUT, that is NOT a reason for Shiff and cronies to shout IMPEACHMENT! How childless, or should I say CORRUPT!
We the People ARE smarter! It's again time for the ignorant to educate themselves GOOD for the country, OUR AMERICA, and what and who is out to DESTROY it. I am so tired of the two party system. I am so tired of the kids under 21 who THINK they are grown up, but continue to show their ignorance in living in an adult world. Socialism comes to mind -- Socialism, a word they can't even define!). I'm tired of the SHEEP Herds where nobody thinks himself or herself any more because it is easier to just follow someone else. I could write a large book with the nonsense We the People have to wade through because of the sheep! We need independent thinkers to support OUR needs and desires. We DON"T have it in Congress. So sad. America needs to wake up! We have a leader now that has PROVED he can do what the people want, except for the ignorant Dim-Sheep. Support the Office of the Presidency and help it grow America and more importantly shape America into a country of educated, logical, common sense people. I wish I had the endurance to write a book and do a purge of the "indoctrinators" replacing them with "educators". Do realize the path America is on? Sure we can continue to only grow the economy, solve immigration to follow the law, improve the foreign relations (trade, funding, military support, etc.), cut out unnecessary costs (decrease regulations, taxes, etc.) and everything this sitting president is doing for years now with PROVEN success. But, we still have the clueless. Its like allowing the prisoners bidding to run the jail! Some one must be in control who won't let that happen. I thank President Trump for stepping up to the plate and the voters for signing the contract. Let's do it again and add OVERALL reform of things discussed above begin. Unless I see firm plans to continue the positive programs Trump has initiated and performed AND to address the Overall reform above, my vote is already cast. Since I am an independent, and that is NOT a political party Independent, my vote is cast.
I couldn't resit this video Big Don sent to me this afternoon by a friend.
Can you believe yesterday at the proceedings Adam Shiff said even he did not know the identity of the whistleblower! Well then, who does? How did he learn enough "details" to light the fire? Why didn't the Republicans ask this? Why didn't they ask how he was informed -- who, letter, email, etc. -- and pursue getting that person subpoenaed or an physical documents read in? It is We the People's right to ensure the Constitution is followed to ensure the accused lawyers can properly question the credibility and motives of the accuser. This can be done partially without knowing the identity. How can Adam Shiff determine sufficient credibility to initiate this witch hunt. Doe being a whistleblower mean ANYONE can write an anonymous letter about anybody and be ensured such a sham is initiated? You talk about corruption! This is treason for organizing a coup to attack the highest office in America without any proof. His only proof is the dirt he stirs up and the mixing or statements the way that benefits the Dims.
I repeat:
1. Who is the whistleblower?
2. Doe Shiff or doesn't Shiff know who he is?
3. Did Shiff converse with the actual whistlebower?
4. If not, who did and who is feeding the crap to him and why isn't he subpoenaed?
5. Are there any physical documents of the claim? Why were't they entered and available to the public?
I certainly don't know the circumstances at the moment of the call to the Ukraine President. Trump claims there was a previous call and that transcript will be made public which has bearing on his comments to the Ukraine President on the call in question. I can see where, in the timeline, funds for aide was held up BEFORE the call for reasons of suspected corruption. Do the Dims expect to get the answer to that question and freezing of funds before the call? Like Congress acts so fast! The House is such pathetically run government entity!
So the previous paragraph address the holding of funds and the expected duration of that hold to investigate corruption and more particularly the credibility of the new Ukraine President. Sounds logical to me! Sounds CORRECT to me!
If the suspected corruption (fact for many years) persists and did persist in 2018 too (fact), and the company where Hunter Biden was "specially" placed on its boar was being investigated for corruption (fact), and Hunter obliged during the rein of V.P. Biden who should have been obligated to performing independently from him, and the Ukraine investigation was TOLD to stop strangely just when the Biden's were involved at the same time in the Ukraine, wasn't it appropriate to ask the Ukraine President to investigate? Maybe Trump shouldn't have used the name "Biden" and should have instead tip-toed around using the name and explained the possible corruption by sticking only to the investigated company's name, but Trump at the spur of the moment wanted to explain the time frame of interest and did mention the name. Maybe a BAD for him because of that. BUT, that is NOT a reason for Shiff and cronies to shout IMPEACHMENT! How childless, or should I say CORRUPT!
We the People ARE smarter! It's again time for the ignorant to educate themselves GOOD for the country, OUR AMERICA, and what and who is out to DESTROY it. I am so tired of the two party system. I am so tired of the kids under 21 who THINK they are grown up, but continue to show their ignorance in living in an adult world. Socialism comes to mind -- Socialism, a word they can't even define!). I'm tired of the SHEEP Herds where nobody thinks himself or herself any more because it is easier to just follow someone else. I could write a large book with the nonsense We the People have to wade through because of the sheep! We need independent thinkers to support OUR needs and desires. We DON"T have it in Congress. So sad. America needs to wake up! We have a leader now that has PROVED he can do what the people want, except for the ignorant Dim-Sheep. Support the Office of the Presidency and help it grow America and more importantly shape America into a country of educated, logical, common sense people. I wish I had the endurance to write a book and do a purge of the "indoctrinators" replacing them with "educators". Do realize the path America is on? Sure we can continue to only grow the economy, solve immigration to follow the law, improve the foreign relations (trade, funding, military support, etc.), cut out unnecessary costs (decrease regulations, taxes, etc.) and everything this sitting president is doing for years now with PROVEN success. But, we still have the clueless. Its like allowing the prisoners bidding to run the jail! Some one must be in control who won't let that happen. I thank President Trump for stepping up to the plate and the voters for signing the contract. Let's do it again and add OVERALL reform of things discussed above begin. Unless I see firm plans to continue the positive programs Trump has initiated and performed AND to address the Overall reform above, my vote is already cast. Since I am an independent, and that is NOT a political party Independent, my vote is cast.
I couldn't resit this video Big Don sent to me this afternoon by a friend.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
920. GE Refrigerator/Freezer Noise Part II: Post 911 Continuance
Part II: Part I was Post 911 and it introduced the problem I am having with my new refrigerator. As of today, NOTHING has been resolved and additional unexplained symptoms continue. This is an update.
On a positive note, Della , a case manager, responded almost immediately to me to interface with GE engineers to look into this problem. On the negative side, She too is NOT getting a response back from any engineer despite continuing emails to her and then to them detailing more attempts to reduce the noise and control the temperatures. Following is a summary:
1. Noise as reported and presented in Post 911 continues at the same pace
2. Temperature settings were increased 2 degrees for both the freezer and the refrigerator section, now set at 2 degrees and 39 degrees. NO change to the actual temperature readings than before. Still the freeze mainly stays at -10 degrees and the refrigerator between 31 (bottom shelf) and 35 degrees (top shelf). Just what are the settings supposed to control?
At this point I am more concerned about the temperatures and believe they are related to the noise, here's why. To cool to these temperatures and almost keep them there as I am seeing, the refrigerator MUST be overworking the cooling system. The damper is the part of the whole refrigerator that allows the freezer to move cool air to the refrigerator part. Question, why IS it cooling to the recorded temperatures and never above them when set to 39 degrees? After sending cool air to the refrigerator, or at the same time, the freezer's cooling system must turn on to keep the freezer at it's setting since the freezer just exchanged air to the refrigerator! Thus, the freezer cooling system (i.e., compressor turning on and coolant flowing through the coils/tubes) must be overworking. Now, where does the noise come in? The first repair service technician replicated the noise by turning on a function via his diagnostic tools and forced the damper (the exchange mechanism between freezer and refrigerator air) to make the damper operate. So, conclusively, the noise IS the damper. We assumed it was the door. And the Internet is flooded with people having the same or similar noise, some individuals posting the noise on YouTube, who were told by "shop" and "Parts" experts that the damper need to be replaced.
If I have to write another post about this issue with GE, all the emails I sent will appear in it. Let it suffice to say the issue has just about hit the you-know-what-fan and if I don't get a satisfactory response by end of week I will be seeking an executive to communicate with. So, stay tuned.
Update 11/14/2019: The GE case manager will be scheduling another work order to REPLACE the damper AND to check a list of other things. Here is what the GE engineer said to her:
If you read this you will conclude that when you change a SETTING for the freezer from 0 to +2 it has NOTHING to do with the temperature you desire in the freezer. That is a +2 does NOT mean maintain it at +2 degrees. Instead it only means that you aren't getting the right sub-zero desired temperature you want and if you set it higher it ONLY makes the compressor RUN LONGER to get it cooler. It also states that a HIGHER setting will result in BOTH fridge and freezer to be colder as it is in my unit. Unless I am completely reading this wrong, the freezer SETTING works contrary to thought and should instead be labeled COMPRESSOR RUN TIME. Please pass this by your engineer if you would and direct me as to how I should use the settings. I am resetting the freezer back to 0 (from +2 ... thought this was a desired temperature and assumed the compressor would run LESS to maintain it when the article above indicates its just the opposite and it will run LONGER) and fridge to37 from 39. I am beginning to feel the electronic settings are meaningless to adjust and quite possibly it will run like the factory wants it to run regardless -- i.e., the temperatures I am seeing! If this is the case, then the temps are normal and the settings are confusing and maybe useless.
I'd be interested in what your engineer has to say. If he agrees with my assessment, we may only be addressing the noise problem. Except, I still want to know if I ONLY change the Fridge setting upward, should I see the actual temperatures rise in the Fridge section, or not?
On a positive note, Della , a case manager, responded almost immediately to me to interface with GE engineers to look into this problem. On the negative side, She too is NOT getting a response back from any engineer despite continuing emails to her and then to them detailing more attempts to reduce the noise and control the temperatures. Following is a summary:
1. Noise as reported and presented in Post 911 continues at the same pace
2. Temperature settings were increased 2 degrees for both the freezer and the refrigerator section, now set at 2 degrees and 39 degrees. NO change to the actual temperature readings than before. Still the freeze mainly stays at -10 degrees and the refrigerator between 31 (bottom shelf) and 35 degrees (top shelf). Just what are the settings supposed to control?
At this point I am more concerned about the temperatures and believe they are related to the noise, here's why. To cool to these temperatures and almost keep them there as I am seeing, the refrigerator MUST be overworking the cooling system. The damper is the part of the whole refrigerator that allows the freezer to move cool air to the refrigerator part. Question, why IS it cooling to the recorded temperatures and never above them when set to 39 degrees? After sending cool air to the refrigerator, or at the same time, the freezer's cooling system must turn on to keep the freezer at it's setting since the freezer just exchanged air to the refrigerator! Thus, the freezer cooling system (i.e., compressor turning on and coolant flowing through the coils/tubes) must be overworking. Now, where does the noise come in? The first repair service technician replicated the noise by turning on a function via his diagnostic tools and forced the damper (the exchange mechanism between freezer and refrigerator air) to make the damper operate. So, conclusively, the noise IS the damper. We assumed it was the door. And the Internet is flooded with people having the same or similar noise, some individuals posting the noise on YouTube, who were told by "shop" and "Parts" experts that the damper need to be replaced.
If I have to write another post about this issue with GE, all the emails I sent will appear in it. Let it suffice to say the issue has just about hit the you-know-what-fan and if I don't get a satisfactory response by end of week I will be seeking an executive to communicate with. So, stay tuned.
Update 11/14/2019: The GE case manager will be scheduling another work order to REPLACE the damper AND to check a list of other things. Here is what the GE engineer said to her:
news, I heard back from the
engineer. He apologized, he has
been traveling and has limited
access to respond to emails.
he wasn't able to listen to your
sound clip from your blog. It
may be the international
connections that has blocked his
ability to open it. He said he
will continue to try, once he is
back, and thinks that he should
be able to open it then.
for the temperature issue, he
asked if the damper had been
changed. This is a strong
noise issue is a little more
complicated. It could possibly
be that the gas is not expanding
or contracting on time (gas
noise), this creates vibration
which is reflected on the
capilar tubes on the evaporator.
He recommended removing the
evaporator cover and detect the
possible affected areas and
placing mastic on it. He said if
none of this resolves the issue,
we may need to replace the
would be happy to arrange a work
order and send these
instructions to the technician.
Would you like me to make these
Thank you for choosing GE
Appliances, a Haier Company!
My response in short: Schedule it to replace damper and address ALL temperature control issues, correct operation of settings as a target, operation to maintain temperatures at the target, other areas in engineer's response.
Update: 11/14/2019: I must say my Case Manager is most responsive to by requests. Big PLUS for GE. Several parts in anticipation of needing them are on their way and service call should be by next Friday. I like GE's concern for the individual. The plan is to attack the least invasive part repairs first and monitor before ripping major parts out to replace. Sounds logical. The Samsson Appliance Repair was the first technician out here. I feel confident with his abilities.
I found this on the GE website re temperature controls:---------------
Update: 11/14/2019: I must say my Case Manager is most responsive to by requests. Big PLUS for GE. Several parts in anticipation of needing them are on their way and service call should be by next Friday. I like GE's concern for the individual. The plan is to attack the least invasive part repairs first and monitor before ripping major parts out to replace. Sounds logical. The Samsson Appliance Repair was the first technician out here. I feel confident with his abilities.
- Fresh-Food Controls: The freezer supplies cold air to both compartments. Cold air is circulated from the freezer to the fresh food compartment via a damper. The fresh food control regulates the damper between the two compartments by controlling the amount of cold air that flows into the fresh food compartment.
- Freezer Controls: The higher the setting, the longer the compressor runs and as a result the colder both sections become. The freezer setting determines the compressor and freezer fan running times.
- On models where you press
Fridge or Freezer to adjust the temperature (doesn't have
separate up and down arrows), the temperature adjustment only
goes one direction. When you keep pressing the Fridge or Freezer
pad, the temperature setting will go up until it reaches the
maximum limit and then starts over at the lowest limit.
If you read this you will conclude that when you change a SETTING for the freezer from 0 to +2 it has NOTHING to do with the temperature you desire in the freezer. That is a +2 does NOT mean maintain it at +2 degrees. Instead it only means that you aren't getting the right sub-zero desired temperature you want and if you set it higher it ONLY makes the compressor RUN LONGER to get it cooler. It also states that a HIGHER setting will result in BOTH fridge and freezer to be colder as it is in my unit. Unless I am completely reading this wrong, the freezer SETTING works contrary to thought and should instead be labeled COMPRESSOR RUN TIME. Please pass this by your engineer if you would and direct me as to how I should use the settings. I am resetting the freezer back to 0 (from +2 ... thought this was a desired temperature and assumed the compressor would run LESS to maintain it when the article above indicates its just the opposite and it will run LONGER) and fridge to37 from 39. I am beginning to feel the electronic settings are meaningless to adjust and quite possibly it will run like the factory wants it to run regardless -- i.e., the temperatures I am seeing! If this is the case, then the temps are normal and the settings are confusing and maybe useless.
I'd be interested in what your engineer has to say. If he agrees with my assessment, we may only be addressing the noise problem. Except, I still want to know if I ONLY change the Fridge setting upward, should I see the actual temperatures rise in the Fridge section, or not?
Update 11/16/2919: I sent the following to GE re the article above:
The article at https://products.geappliances.com/appliance/gea-support-search-content?contentId=19217
from which I copied the excerpt is NOT correct. I set the freezer
temperature DOWN (LOWER) and found the compressor running this
morning and temperature way down to -16 degrees. So the controls
work just the OPPOSITE to what this article says. I believe the
following should correct it:
From: Freezer Controls:
The higher the setting, the longer the compressor runs and
as a result the colder both sections become. The freezer setting
determines the compressor and freezer fan running times.
To: Freezer Controls: The
lower the setting, the longer the compressor runs and as a
result the colder both sections become. The freezer setting
determines the compressor and freezer fan running times.
That's my conclusion. What say
you? Sounds like this instruction came from PRE-electronic
controls where setting a knob higher for the freeze would probably
do as the current article states. This is NOT what happens with
electronic setting.
Update 11/30/2019: As we close out November, I am sitting with 6 parts and awaiting the repairman. I looked at the parts and will posting some pictures of the Kindergarten project to construct the Refrigerator Air Tower Assembly (WR17X12456). I can see the engineers must have recognized a noisy damper within it. An "afterthought" seems to encase the plastic damper with noisy door inside two Styrofoam halves taped together by masking tape. Then cutout sponge seals were attached to that where the freezer opening and refrigerator openings are. These sponge seals aren't seals produced based on size, but instead cutouts of pieces glued around the edges of the hole to approximate complete a fully covered seal. Except, it looks like kindergarten kids got to cut out pieces and glue them around! Am I shocked to see this type of work? No. I expected it to be cheaply constructed, but not look like this. Stay tuned for the pictures. I am waiting to add them because the repairman was going to look at the door operation of the existing damper while still installed. Actually, that will be impossible give the the way this new one is stuck together! Hopefully I'll get scheduled early this coming week. Now that I see the plastic door on the damper and most likely a gear mechanism I can imagine the knocking. However, the double and triple occurrence of the knocking with 5-10 seconds apart puzzles me. If it is the door, what is it doing? Opening and immediately closing (2 occurrences)? And why is the door doing this?
Pictures of INCORRECT new tower assembly with correct damper enclosed within:
See Part III (post 925) for Unsatisfactory Resolution!
Update 11/30/2019: As we close out November, I am sitting with 6 parts and awaiting the repairman. I looked at the parts and will posting some pictures of the Kindergarten project to construct the Refrigerator Air Tower Assembly (WR17X12456). I can see the engineers must have recognized a noisy damper within it. An "afterthought" seems to encase the plastic damper with noisy door inside two Styrofoam halves taped together by masking tape. Then cutout sponge seals were attached to that where the freezer opening and refrigerator openings are. These sponge seals aren't seals produced based on size, but instead cutouts of pieces glued around the edges of the hole to approximate complete a fully covered seal. Except, it looks like kindergarten kids got to cut out pieces and glue them around! Am I shocked to see this type of work? No. I expected it to be cheaply constructed, but not look like this. Stay tuned for the pictures. I am waiting to add them because the repairman was going to look at the door operation of the existing damper while still installed. Actually, that will be impossible give the the way this new one is stuck together! Hopefully I'll get scheduled early this coming week. Now that I see the plastic door on the damper and most likely a gear mechanism I can imagine the knocking. However, the double and triple occurrence of the knocking with 5-10 seconds apart puzzles me. If it is the door, what is it doing? Opening and immediately closing (2 occurrences)? And why is the door doing this?
Pictures of INCORRECT new tower assembly with correct damper enclosed within:
See Part III (post 925) for Unsatisfactory Resolution!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
919. Suddenlink - THE WORSE SERVICE
So what's my beef with Suddenlink this time? Somewhat the same as the last 2-3 months. Ever since they changed there website software the Payment System does not work! What specifically Well, you can't PAY online, you can't set up EZ PAY (automatic payments from a Credit Card), you can't change the expiration date on existing credit card (thus, EZ PAY won't work at all), you can't REMOVE the existing Credit Card as a Method of Payment, you can't add a new credit card as a Method of Payment).
So, what is Customer Service doing for me? NOTHING! They only have the knowledge and capability to record a problem. How about CHAT? NOTHING. They are even worse and have no access to billing information. As usual, my wait time to speak to someone was over 40 minutes until the first customer service rep answered. 25 minutes for a CHAT person. I have spend literally several MAN DAYS (1 Man Day = 24 hours) with the same problem both on my account and mother-in-laws account. Still no fix for over 2.5-3 MONTHS! Guess they don't care if the customer can't pay! Right!
Resolution: Like always they tell you to run down to the Local Store. This means hop in you car and drive a few miles, then wait 20-30 minutes in their queue, only to get a person who also has no access to billing/EZ Pay options to fix the automatic payment. Yes, they will accept payment MANUALLY! So, looks like we need to MANUALLY pay both my account and M-I-L's account. Oh how wonderful Suddenlink is!
I NEVER experienced such BAD service ever for any service!!! Same BAD service or worse is their TECHNICAL service. If only I had another choice in Amarillo for this speed Internet, even at twice the cost.
Who ever heard of a company that did NOT provide a Feedback email or online service? Or an address for a snail mail to file a complaint? Or an email to report a problem? PLEASE some company come into Amarillo and offer something to REPLACE SUDDENLINK!
So, what is Customer Service doing for me? NOTHING! They only have the knowledge and capability to record a problem. How about CHAT? NOTHING. They are even worse and have no access to billing information. As usual, my wait time to speak to someone was over 40 minutes until the first customer service rep answered. 25 minutes for a CHAT person. I have spend literally several MAN DAYS (1 Man Day = 24 hours) with the same problem both on my account and mother-in-laws account. Still no fix for over 2.5-3 MONTHS! Guess they don't care if the customer can't pay! Right!
Resolution: Like always they tell you to run down to the Local Store. This means hop in you car and drive a few miles, then wait 20-30 minutes in their queue, only to get a person who also has no access to billing/EZ Pay options to fix the automatic payment. Yes, they will accept payment MANUALLY! So, looks like we need to MANUALLY pay both my account and M-I-L's account. Oh how wonderful Suddenlink is!
I NEVER experienced such BAD service ever for any service!!! Same BAD service or worse is their TECHNICAL service. If only I had another choice in Amarillo for this speed Internet, even at twice the cost.
Who ever heard of a company that did NOT provide a Feedback email or online service? Or an address for a snail mail to file a complaint? Or an email to report a problem? PLEASE some company come into Amarillo and offer something to REPLACE SUDDENLINK!
918. Switch from Microsoft Login to Local Login
Noting is ever simply documented. All I wanted to do is switch from a Microsoft Login to Local Login on my PC. Why? Because you cannot get into SAFE mode if you are using a Microsoft Login. MUST have Local Login. So, "Simply" switch to one. Right!!!
Using Start>Settings to select Use Local Login instead of Microsoft Login was easily found. Going through the process hung me up. If I remember correctly, it first asks you for the current login (I used a PIN for Microsoft Login account. It liked that. But then it again asked for the old password so it could continue. Well, WHICH password should I try? Original Local Login password I originally set up? HELLO password? Tried them all and always got the INCORRECT PASSWORD error! I read about password resets and thought I was doomed to try that. But first I thought about it and thought maybe it wanted my Microsoft User password, the one I set up with Microsoft. That was it! Now, why didn't they just tell me that was the one they wanted? After using that it further wanted to verify me and spit out a screen with a partially masked email it wanted to send a code to. Yet, it didn't send it. You have to click the message showing the masked email first! Then it asks you again to type in the email. This had me confused since my Microsoft account is set up for a different email. Now, which one did it want. Well, of course, NOT the one which I used to set it up, but the alternate one that they masked in previous screens. Phew! Made it. Got my code and though I was done. I was done setting it up, but when I signed out, actually LOCKed up, I was presented a signin screen that wanted my PIN again (i.e., the Microsoft Login PIN). It did give me "signin options" under that where I could select the Key icon and use the new Local Login password (actually, I believe this was my HELLO password ... another element in the password scheme). It worked, so, I tried to LOCK out again and login. Same screen asking for PIN instead along with Signin Options. I didn't want to go through this double login thing every time! One more try. This time ONLY the Local Login screen came up requiring the new password I assigned. Go figure. It's done now. Hopefully this post will be useful to others wanting to switch to Local Login from Microsoft Login.
Using Start>Settings to select Use Local Login instead of Microsoft Login was easily found. Going through the process hung me up. If I remember correctly, it first asks you for the current login (I used a PIN for Microsoft Login account. It liked that. But then it again asked for the old password so it could continue. Well, WHICH password should I try? Original Local Login password I originally set up? HELLO password? Tried them all and always got the INCORRECT PASSWORD error! I read about password resets and thought I was doomed to try that. But first I thought about it and thought maybe it wanted my Microsoft User password, the one I set up with Microsoft. That was it! Now, why didn't they just tell me that was the one they wanted? After using that it further wanted to verify me and spit out a screen with a partially masked email it wanted to send a code to. Yet, it didn't send it. You have to click the message showing the masked email first! Then it asks you again to type in the email. This had me confused since my Microsoft account is set up for a different email. Now, which one did it want. Well, of course, NOT the one which I used to set it up, but the alternate one that they masked in previous screens. Phew! Made it. Got my code and though I was done. I was done setting it up, but when I signed out, actually LOCKed up, I was presented a signin screen that wanted my PIN again (i.e., the Microsoft Login PIN). It did give me "signin options" under that where I could select the Key icon and use the new Local Login password (actually, I believe this was my HELLO password ... another element in the password scheme). It worked, so, I tried to LOCK out again and login. Same screen asking for PIN instead along with Signin Options. I didn't want to go through this double login thing every time! One more try. This time ONLY the Local Login screen came up requiring the new password I assigned. Go figure. It's done now. Hopefully this post will be useful to others wanting to switch to Local Login from Microsoft Login.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
917. The Media Sucks ... so do the groups controlling it
Catchy title, but true. If you don't realize this, go to my post in category MEDIA and you'll see posts back to 2012 re FAKE news and misleading We the People. You'll also see their crusade with the liberals to demoralize the conservatives and particularly Trump even when he just became a candidate for Presidency. I was going to stay out of politics and the Media, but how can you escape the nonsense going on these days? Trump is right that the Dems have been out to get him and have a full plan to do so starting BEFORE he became president. It took no more than an hour after he won the election to show their lunacy, childishness, and ignorance by actually beginning the nonsense and continue it up to this moment.
Like the Trump-Russian collaboration, which was thrown back in their face, the Impeachment Inquiry (ha-ha) they started in their clubhouse of dimwits compares to a spoiled child who'll cry just to get attention. But in this case, it is far worse. The lying and evilness is killing this country. Major divisions are taking place between the educated free minded, common sense people and the bully liberals who would attack their own mothers if they rode the other train. The brats include the youngsters who can't even define Socialism, yet want to support the "let mommy take care of us" movement -- disgusting. WHO educates these kids other than the institutions who INDOCTRINATE them in anti-American, anti-capitalistic thoughts? Parents? Or are they too busy too to take the time to digest facts versus the lies the Media spits out? Every time I call for service, technical or not, I am reminded that we no longer have thinkers, but indoctrinated followers. When is the last time you spoke to someone who had to follow a script!
Now you have idiots who want to allow 16 year-old kids age 16 to vote! OBlunder passed a health law forcing insurance companies to carry children on their policies until they were 26. Remember? They were cited as too young to act on their own beyond the age they could enlist in the military (the responsible ones were there)! I can't imagine, based on what I was like at 16, ever having the knowledge and experience to vote for the President of the United States. I would venture to say I was in the 99th percentile of those 16 year-old teens who had NO interest in politics and, instead, focused on sports, hanging out, and the opposite sex. Please tell me I am wrong with an honest face!
How can one not understand that Health Care for all is NOT FREE? It would be exponentially worse than Medicare alone and that is NOT FREE now youngsters. I and my wife pay an average $300+/month and we are savvy insurance shoppers! You probably aren't going to find someone else paying out much less, except of course the ones lying to geton Welfare. Did you know Medicare ONLY pays 80%? Did you know ALL Medicare recipients must pay for it via Part B? Did you know if you want 100% coverage you have to stay healthy and fall within the added insurance you can get for the missing 20% through Supplemental Insurance that you pay for? Did you know that even the supplemental insurance has restriction for total out-of-pocket expenses? Do you know you are FORCED to buy Prescription Drug insurance? Fortunately, we have the absolutely lowest out-of-pocket plan. Most people, my wife's 92-year old mother spend HUNDREDS more per month. Gee, if we were her age we could easily be paying $500-600 per month instead of $300! Wow, that's an entire pay check kiddos! Dream on re FREE Health Care for ALL.
Do you realize how much more the government would need to provide to run an equal system like Medicate with 3x more individuals? It isn't simple linear math (if you know what that means). And, did you know that for the last several years doctors have been dropping out of taking on more Medicate patients because they can't afford (both financially and time) to take more? Imagine 3x more individuals going to a bank to withdraw money. The lines would be staggeringly longer, or, the bank would have to hire an inordinate number of tellers to handle every body. Tellers are not Doctors who spend 8-10 year of education and practice before hanging the certified sign out! Banks can't even afford to do it! Why? Physically their isn't enough space (like a doctor's visiting room) without having to spend capital to make a bigger bank. Hmmm, who would they charge for this cost. Let me think. Well me, and you, via fees and charges. Then how long would it take of the pain and frustration of standing in waiting queues? Think about whether an existing doctor would even consider building a bigger facility OR simply be satisfied with clients he has which already provide him/her a comfortable life. Then consider the additional number of doctors needed to support 3x the volume of patients. Let's increase that to 6x the number of visits since there will most likely be those who will take advantage of "free (ha-ha)" care and go as soon as they hiccup. Simple queuing theory (look it up kiddos) clearly rules out the mass migration to FREE Health Care. We have already gone from scheduling an appointment just a week out to now the next available time being 3 weeks out. Imagine every person in America with a cough scheduling an appointment. What will that mean for those with serious ailments? Never see a functioning system that comes close to the way things are today.
Okay. I'm done ranting. Glad to get some of the frustration re the Media and their crony leaders and political pundits who all are in the business of destroying America in the air. Too bad, few will have the ambition to take this at heart and will continue only reading the headlines and lies directed at them to get them to board the cattle cars going to the slaughter house. My wife and I are beyond the influence of the bad apples even it they take over. However, we are dedicated to grow America and believe in the Constitution and laws and will fight and support them. If only their be the passing of some test to rule out the ignorant and prevent them from voting in someone who wants to hand America over to someone else. Thank you Mr. Trump!
Like the Trump-Russian collaboration, which was thrown back in their face, the Impeachment Inquiry (ha-ha) they started in their clubhouse of dimwits compares to a spoiled child who'll cry just to get attention. But in this case, it is far worse. The lying and evilness is killing this country. Major divisions are taking place between the educated free minded, common sense people and the bully liberals who would attack their own mothers if they rode the other train. The brats include the youngsters who can't even define Socialism, yet want to support the "let mommy take care of us" movement -- disgusting. WHO educates these kids other than the institutions who INDOCTRINATE them in anti-American, anti-capitalistic thoughts? Parents? Or are they too busy too to take the time to digest facts versus the lies the Media spits out? Every time I call for service, technical or not, I am reminded that we no longer have thinkers, but indoctrinated followers. When is the last time you spoke to someone who had to follow a script!
Now you have idiots who want to allow 16 year-old kids age 16 to vote! OBlunder passed a health law forcing insurance companies to carry children on their policies until they were 26. Remember? They were cited as too young to act on their own beyond the age they could enlist in the military (the responsible ones were there)! I can't imagine, based on what I was like at 16, ever having the knowledge and experience to vote for the President of the United States. I would venture to say I was in the 99th percentile of those 16 year-old teens who had NO interest in politics and, instead, focused on sports, hanging out, and the opposite sex. Please tell me I am wrong with an honest face!
How can one not understand that Health Care for all is NOT FREE? It would be exponentially worse than Medicare alone and that is NOT FREE now youngsters. I and my wife pay an average $300+/month and we are savvy insurance shoppers! You probably aren't going to find someone else paying out much less, except of course the ones lying to geton Welfare. Did you know Medicare ONLY pays 80%? Did you know ALL Medicare recipients must pay for it via Part B? Did you know if you want 100% coverage you have to stay healthy and fall within the added insurance you can get for the missing 20% through Supplemental Insurance that you pay for? Did you know that even the supplemental insurance has restriction for total out-of-pocket expenses? Do you know you are FORCED to buy Prescription Drug insurance? Fortunately, we have the absolutely lowest out-of-pocket plan. Most people, my wife's 92-year old mother spend HUNDREDS more per month. Gee, if we were her age we could easily be paying $500-600 per month instead of $300! Wow, that's an entire pay check kiddos! Dream on re FREE Health Care for ALL.
Do you realize how much more the government would need to provide to run an equal system like Medicate with 3x more individuals? It isn't simple linear math (if you know what that means). And, did you know that for the last several years doctors have been dropping out of taking on more Medicate patients because they can't afford (both financially and time) to take more? Imagine 3x more individuals going to a bank to withdraw money. The lines would be staggeringly longer, or, the bank would have to hire an inordinate number of tellers to handle every body. Tellers are not Doctors who spend 8-10 year of education and practice before hanging the certified sign out! Banks can't even afford to do it! Why? Physically their isn't enough space (like a doctor's visiting room) without having to spend capital to make a bigger bank. Hmmm, who would they charge for this cost. Let me think. Well me, and you, via fees and charges. Then how long would it take of the pain and frustration of standing in waiting queues? Think about whether an existing doctor would even consider building a bigger facility OR simply be satisfied with clients he has which already provide him/her a comfortable life. Then consider the additional number of doctors needed to support 3x the volume of patients. Let's increase that to 6x the number of visits since there will most likely be those who will take advantage of "free (ha-ha)" care and go as soon as they hiccup. Simple queuing theory (look it up kiddos) clearly rules out the mass migration to FREE Health Care. We have already gone from scheduling an appointment just a week out to now the next available time being 3 weeks out. Imagine every person in America with a cough scheduling an appointment. What will that mean for those with serious ailments? Never see a functioning system that comes close to the way things are today.
Okay. I'm done ranting. Glad to get some of the frustration re the Media and their crony leaders and political pundits who all are in the business of destroying America in the air. Too bad, few will have the ambition to take this at heart and will continue only reading the headlines and lies directed at them to get them to board the cattle cars going to the slaughter house. My wife and I are beyond the influence of the bad apples even it they take over. However, we are dedicated to grow America and believe in the Constitution and laws and will fight and support them. If only their be the passing of some test to rule out the ignorant and prevent them from voting in someone who wants to hand America over to someone else. Thank you Mr. Trump!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
916. RootsMagic File>Backup uses wrong folder
RootsMagic (RM) is the software I decided to use instead of ponying up to Incline for its next version of AQ16. I hit a problem today in that despite having the default folder for backups set (Tools>Program Options>Folder) when I did a manual backup within my session by doing FILE>Backup, RM used IT'S default of the "....documents" file instead of the folder and path I had defined and set up as the fault. Let me say that if RM is just closed, the correct (MINE) folder is used. Problem was that RM did NOT use the default I set up because it was too long! That's right. It ignore it and used IT'S default instead.
Jason at Technical Support via chat connected to my system and debugged it to learn this length sensitivity. The workaround was simply trim the path's name about characters. Great job Jason.
This problem was definitely not a show stopper, yet the response and fix was excellent by RootsMagic Technical Support on Chat duty. I am also amazed that instead of trolling though Help documents to learn answers to other things that were different between RM and AQ15, simply doing an Internet search found all of them! I really like this service. Plus, the product has just as much or more than AQ15 did. I think I'm a long-term customer in just 2 days of playing around. My entire database is current (imports from AQ15) and interface to FamilySearch.org seamless. Running at a 5 Stars Rating at the moment.
Jason at Technical Support via chat connected to my system and debugged it to learn this length sensitivity. The workaround was simply trim the path's name about characters. Great job Jason.
This problem was definitely not a show stopper, yet the response and fix was excellent by RootsMagic Technical Support on Chat duty. I am also amazed that instead of trolling though Help documents to learn answers to other things that were different between RM and AQ15, simply doing an Internet search found all of them! I really like this service. Plus, the product has just as much or more than AQ15 did. I think I'm a long-term customer in just 2 days of playing around. My entire database is current (imports from AQ15) and interface to FamilySearch.org seamless. Running at a 5 Stars Rating at the moment.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
915. Ancestral Quest (AQ15) & FamilySearch 404 Errors
Beginning a couple of days ago, AQ15 (v15.0.18 or 15.0.19) could no longer communicate with FamilySearch.org without getting Error 404 for many functions. This is obviously HTTP related. I tried 2 different systems, both W10 (different versions), Chrome (2 different versions) and 2 different AQ15 versions as stated above. 404 Error occurs consistently on both systems.
My guess is that AQ15 's HTTP code is backlevel to FamilySearch's current installation! AQ came out a few weeks ago noting that AQ16 for a new registration key fee would be availableThey also stated though that AQ15 could be continued to be used for those not requiring the new function. Well, they forgot about the underlying HTTP protocol to FamilySearch that is obviously now different!
Every time I submit a problem request to AQ it goes without a response. Likewise for these problems, in addition to a 406 Error. So, goodbye AQ! Today I downloaded RootsMagic and have no problem communicating to FamilySearch. I believe it is the same price or less than AQ16. So far, it is much faster, easier, and nicer interface. I'll report on it later.
Update 11/5/19 - I'll take the blame for this! As stated above AQ splashed a News update at startup. Seldom are these of any value, but I remember it as in second paragraph. Today AQ said to go to NEWS under Help. I had grown tired of the splash news and turned it off after that last news item. Didn't know how to get it back to read it. Learned how and the news was a full page long and specifically stated that the API piece was changing to support new Family Search, but only in AQ16 which would now cost me another registration fee. More specifically, the news stated that SYNCing to FamilySearch would no longer work. Yes -- 404 Errors. Had they only HIGHLIGHTED that up near the top in a concise statement such as "AQ15 will NOT function (Sync) with FamilySearch after November 4, 2019 ... you need to pay the Piper and get AQ16" nobody would miss it!. But, I'll take the blame for wanting to get to my research QUICKLY and not have to read news on a start up pop up that comes out very infrequently! Live and learn.
As far as RootsMagic: It is set up quite differently and I am still tripping over things to learn it enough to speed through my research. here are things I like and things I don't. Maybe I'll just have to take the bullet and go to AQ16. Maybe not. Just that I've used AQ for many years and can fly around it. Tune back later for more comments.
My guess is that AQ15 's HTTP code is backlevel to FamilySearch's current installation! AQ came out a few weeks ago noting that AQ16 for a new registration key fee would be availableThey also stated though that AQ15 could be continued to be used for those not requiring the new function. Well, they forgot about the underlying HTTP protocol to FamilySearch that is obviously now different!
Every time I submit a problem request to AQ it goes without a response. Likewise for these problems, in addition to a 406 Error. So, goodbye AQ! Today I downloaded RootsMagic and have no problem communicating to FamilySearch. I believe it is the same price or less than AQ16. So far, it is much faster, easier, and nicer interface. I'll report on it later.
Update 11/5/19 - I'll take the blame for this! As stated above AQ splashed a News update at startup. Seldom are these of any value, but I remember it as in second paragraph. Today AQ said to go to NEWS under Help. I had grown tired of the splash news and turned it off after that last news item. Didn't know how to get it back to read it. Learned how and the news was a full page long and specifically stated that the API piece was changing to support new Family Search, but only in AQ16 which would now cost me another registration fee. More specifically, the news stated that SYNCing to FamilySearch would no longer work. Yes -- 404 Errors. Had they only HIGHLIGHTED that up near the top in a concise statement such as "AQ15 will NOT function (Sync) with FamilySearch after November 4, 2019 ... you need to pay the Piper and get AQ16" nobody would miss it!. But, I'll take the blame for wanting to get to my research QUICKLY and not have to read news on a start up pop up that comes out very infrequently! Live and learn.
As far as RootsMagic: It is set up quite differently and I am still tripping over things to learn it enough to speed through my research. here are things I like and things I don't. Maybe I'll just have to take the bullet and go to AQ16. Maybe not. Just that I've used AQ for many years and can fly around it. Tune back later for more comments.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
914. "VanOps: The Lost Power" byAvanti Centrae - 3 Stars
VanOps: The Lost Power byAvanti Centrae - 3
Publisher: BooksGoSocial
ISBN: 9781644371961
This is a fast-paced action novel.
Obviously, a lot of research went into its creation. There is extensive
historical background, detailed setting descriptions, and more than I cared to
know about aikido. However, I found the plot often illogical, contrived, and
hard to believe. I realize that action fiction involves some suspending of
belief, but this was over the top for me. The characters stumble on signs and secret
societies that have been around for many centuries just waiting to be found by
two distant descendants of Spain ’s
royal family. It isn’t an awful action novel or a great one. It is just okay.
Reviewer: Nancy
Saturday, November 2, 2019
913. "Dark Hollows" by Steve Frech - 5 Stars
Dark Hollows by Steve Frech - 5
Publisher: HQ Digital
ISBN: 9780008368227
Dark Hollows is an enjoyable
mystery set in the fall in a quaint New England
town. The setting and characters are beautifully described. Staying in Jason’s
guest house, having coffee in the village coffee shop, and meeting Murphy, the
friendliest dog ever, would make the perfect fall vacation.
The plot is somewhat spooky and
interestingly complex. It is a nice length. I read it in a fairly short time.
The ending was abrupt. At first, I was annoyed that there wasn’t an epilogue or
something to tell me more. Then I thought about it and decided it was uniquely
perfect. It made me think about what I would have done if I were Jason. It
would be a great book to share with friends and to spark a discussion about
Jason’s decision and events that led up to it.
Reviewer: Nancy
Friday, November 1, 2019
912. Dropbox Usage - What a breeze
So, I needed to get a sound byte of a noisy refrigerator somewhere somewhere out on the Internet so repair service could listen to it. Forget You Tube! I had a .MP3 file and the instructions for upload were impossible to understand, requiring a picture to go along with it yada-yada. I also used OneDrive in past and this wasn't the most friendly interface either. So I looked at Dropbox and was pleasantly surprised. A simple download and the PC application was available and a folder called DROPBOX put on my PC. Copy the file into it and almost done since they remain private until the net step. SHARE it via the PC app or getting on to Dropbox.com. Just select the file, hit the Share button, and EITHER give the email (s) of people to share it with OR just get a LINK to it on the now cloud that can be inserted into anything. In my case, my web blog in the middle of my text. DONE! Talk about EASY! Thanks you DrobBox.
911. GE Refrigerator/Freezer Noise Part I.
Part I : So we get an additional refrigerator and move the older 20-year old side-by-side to the garage. That Kenmore is still perfect with no problems ever, but it was stuffed in a space next to a wall that restricted opening the freezer door. The new refrigerator is a bottom freezer and single swinging door for the food storage. A step up. Or not? The GDE25ESKGRSS was a real bargain and couldn't be passed up -- not many choices of bottom freezers. Below is the review which includes an noise issue worth reading about:
Pros: Relatively quiet except for low volume periodic noise (discussed below). Definitely keeps everything cold or frozen as expected. So much volume we can't keep it more than 50-60% full even with the garden harvests that crammed our old box. Love the LED lighting and door shelves that accommodate gallon size containers. We find the size of the door shelves also allow partitioning smaller items on the smaller shelf and medium sized on the center shelf and large items, like half-gallon items on bottom door shelf. The vegetable and fruit bins are larger than the previous refrigerator because the depth of the box is longer and they function much better. Prompt service call dispatching via phone or Internet site.
Cons: Only the strange woodpecker noise periodically of 8-10 knocks. We had two service calls in. Thus, the only information I could gleam was from the service repairman. Being under warranty that is fine.
The knocking noise: Listen to it!
May be faint to you, but this is the 8-10 knock pattern that happened up to 9 times per hour that can be heard up to 50 feet away while I'm sitting in the family room in my recliner enjoying a book. We can even hear it while the TV is on. So what's the story?
The first technician repairman came out, listened to the 5 recordings I had made, and immediately said it sounds like the damper. The duplicate it, he entered a few diagnostic codes on the refrigerator it invoke function that would require the damper to react. Bingo. He could duplicate it. I was all ready to have a replacement damper installed when he said that was a NORMAL sound and left with that being the result of the call.
I immediately went to the Internet and searched for GE damper noise. Scores of hits and even sound bites as above. Each incident was reported as faulty damper door and a part was given to order and replace it. I'll have to go back to the sites now and see if any follow up comments were posted as to whether a new damper fixed the noise.
Instead, I scheduled another repairman for a second opinion. This guy, from a different service ASSUMED it was the refrigerant in the coils that make the noise and did NO diagnostics. Yet, he charged GE over $300! The first guy suggested installing thermometers. So, I asked the second guy what the expected range is for the refrigerator and freezer given the settings of 0 degrees and 37 degrees. His answer, there isn't any given range (interpretation-I don't have a clue if there is one). Given that answer I asked isn't it a problem when the refrigerator food section falls to 30-31 degrees? Or the freezer drops to -12 degrees when set to 0? More spin! So he left doing NOTHING!
Thus, I remain withe disturbing noise. If I may add, the pattern could occur 3 times with just 5-7 seconds in between, up to 35 minutes. The first repairman guessed at NORMAL sound when he probably meant COMMON sound. The second repairman isn't close since the first guy proved it was the damper by invoking the damper action! If only GE would have some technician or a feedback procedure to report this.
Option 3: Bought this at Lowes and they have a request for service analysis for manufacturer defects which I believe I have. That will be next call. In the meantime, I raised the refrigerator temperature to 39 in hopes the damper which is a device that exchanges freezer air into refrigerator to cool it when it needs cooling. My hypothesis is this may reduce the number of times the damper is put into action.
I have other hypotheses re the damper construction which neither repairman knew except that it has a door the opens and closes as necessary. My belief (not fact) is that this door and damper are PLASTIC and the door is driven by plastic gears that make this noise. Whether they are supposed to be quiet, who knows? But, I can picture just a minor misalignment or loose part that could cause this noise! It will be investigated by going back to the various Internet site for answers. Stay tuned.
Worse case is that we will just become accustomed to the noise the same way we are with an ice make dropping ice or water gushing to in a dishwasher and life will continue. If anybody has a clue, what this noise is, don't hesitate responding. Thanks.
Update: Please see post 920 for Part II (current status and actions) and Post 925 for Part III and Fix.
Pros: Relatively quiet except for low volume periodic noise (discussed below). Definitely keeps everything cold or frozen as expected. So much volume we can't keep it more than 50-60% full even with the garden harvests that crammed our old box. Love the LED lighting and door shelves that accommodate gallon size containers. We find the size of the door shelves also allow partitioning smaller items on the smaller shelf and medium sized on the center shelf and large items, like half-gallon items on bottom door shelf. The vegetable and fruit bins are larger than the previous refrigerator because the depth of the box is longer and they function much better. Prompt service call dispatching via phone or Internet site.
Cons: Only the strange woodpecker noise periodically of 8-10 knocks. We had two service calls in. Thus, the only information I could gleam was from the service repairman. Being under warranty that is fine.
The knocking noise: Listen to it!
May be faint to you, but this is the 8-10 knock pattern that happened up to 9 times per hour that can be heard up to 50 feet away while I'm sitting in the family room in my recliner enjoying a book. We can even hear it while the TV is on. So what's the story?
The first technician repairman came out, listened to the 5 recordings I had made, and immediately said it sounds like the damper. The duplicate it, he entered a few diagnostic codes on the refrigerator it invoke function that would require the damper to react. Bingo. He could duplicate it. I was all ready to have a replacement damper installed when he said that was a NORMAL sound and left with that being the result of the call.
I immediately went to the Internet and searched for GE damper noise. Scores of hits and even sound bites as above. Each incident was reported as faulty damper door and a part was given to order and replace it. I'll have to go back to the sites now and see if any follow up comments were posted as to whether a new damper fixed the noise.
Instead, I scheduled another repairman for a second opinion. This guy, from a different service ASSUMED it was the refrigerant in the coils that make the noise and did NO diagnostics. Yet, he charged GE over $300! The first guy suggested installing thermometers. So, I asked the second guy what the expected range is for the refrigerator and freezer given the settings of 0 degrees and 37 degrees. His answer, there isn't any given range (interpretation-I don't have a clue if there is one). Given that answer I asked isn't it a problem when the refrigerator food section falls to 30-31 degrees? Or the freezer drops to -12 degrees when set to 0? More spin! So he left doing NOTHING!
Thus, I remain withe disturbing noise. If I may add, the pattern could occur 3 times with just 5-7 seconds in between, up to 35 minutes. The first repairman guessed at NORMAL sound when he probably meant COMMON sound. The second repairman isn't close since the first guy proved it was the damper by invoking the damper action! If only GE would have some technician or a feedback procedure to report this.
Option 3: Bought this at Lowes and they have a request for service analysis for manufacturer defects which I believe I have. That will be next call. In the meantime, I raised the refrigerator temperature to 39 in hopes the damper which is a device that exchanges freezer air into refrigerator to cool it when it needs cooling. My hypothesis is this may reduce the number of times the damper is put into action.
I have other hypotheses re the damper construction which neither repairman knew except that it has a door the opens and closes as necessary. My belief (not fact) is that this door and damper are PLASTIC and the door is driven by plastic gears that make this noise. Whether they are supposed to be quiet, who knows? But, I can picture just a minor misalignment or loose part that could cause this noise! It will be investigated by going back to the various Internet site for answers. Stay tuned.
Worse case is that we will just become accustomed to the noise the same way we are with an ice make dropping ice or water gushing to in a dishwasher and life will continue. If anybody has a clue, what this noise is, don't hesitate responding. Thanks.
Update: Please see post 920 for Part II (current status and actions) and Post 925 for Part III and Fix.
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9/29/16 Windows 10 Anniversary Update 1607: The solution for Windows 10 Anniversary Update is to go to : https://forums.mydigitallife.info/t...
Previous posts re the GE Refrigerator noise are: 911. GE Refrigerator/Freezer Noise Part I 920. GE Refrigerator/Freezer Noise Part...
I established this post to create a category for viewers to ASK ME A QUESTION (See the Post categories on right). I'll employ all my Co...