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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Friday, April 27, 2012

567. OBlunder and Biden grasping at straws

Is it important whether Bin Laden is dead? Did the world magically become safe when he was killed? Or have our military been keeping aggressive to fight the war on terror, Bin Laden or not. Bin Laden was not an issue for many years. And as Romney stated in 2007, it doesn't matter much if he is killed, meaning, the terrorism continues until the world organizations wipe it out. He also stated that eventually, Bin Laden would be caught in their continuous pursuit of terrorists. So be it.

OBlunder and Biden aren't satisfied with that statement, despite OBlunder being the target of not going after Bin Laden during his campaign (Clinton attacked him). It's just politics folks. OBlunder has nothing to hang his hat on re progress and now searches his dirty basement for cobwebs that might take an image of something positive for him. A true leader! He'll disturb so much dust in his basement that it will cloud the important issues for America. This issue re Bin Laden is a classic example of his  desperation. I am so glad Biden has opened his mouth. Now we can hear the choked desperation of both the Democrats. Losers!

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