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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous
So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
210. Nuclear Rhetoric or True Belief?
Why does everything have to be POLITICAL? Can't the morons in the world pick up a book (see my reviews of "Terrestrial Energy") or Google the benefits of nuclear energy and the safety built into the technology to understand that this energy source is a MUST to get us off foreign oil dependency? No, instead the annOinted One throws out nuclear energy rhetoric because it favors emissions reductions ONLY! Well, it does do that too, but that is NOT the main reason why America should get cracking on nuclear plant building. Then he states that he'd like to put it in his budget for next year (to prevent the onslaught of democrats in the November mid-term elections), instead of immediately and instead of continuing the Health Care mess! Get serious O -- you think We the People can't see the trickery here? It's obvious he doesn't understand nuclear for he still acknowledges no solutions for the nuclear waste. Hey, O, go visit France. As McCain points out in this article re Obama's new nuclear policy wish, reprocessing is the way to reduce the waste to almost a small container. I would really appreciate some thought and research from our President and Administration BEFORE they open their mouths and spew out politics. Do we really need a Climate Bill when America businesses are already committed to clean energy and have been pursuing it for a decade or waiting for the government to allow it (nuclear)? Jobs, jobs, jobs? Well, get on with it -- drill, drill, drill oil and build, build, build nuclear and transmission lines NOW!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
209. Windows 7 - Internet Explorer 64-bit (updated)
My new laptop came with Windows 7 64-bit installed. However, it also came with both IE 8 64-bit and x86 versions. For some reason Dell built the Task Bar with the ICON to run x86 mode.
Aha! Adobe Flash told me why! there is no supported 64-bit Adobe Flash available yet. Thus, you should stay with a 32-bit browser.
But, when Flash is available, you can switch to the 64-bit version, bu Unpinning the old IE8 ICON from the Task Bar (Right-click it and Unpin). Now find the 64-bit version via Start, Programs. Right-click the 64-bit one and do Pin to Task Bar.
Aha! Adobe Flash told me why! there is no supported 64-bit Adobe Flash available yet. Thus, you should stay with a 32-bit browser.
But, when Flash is available, you can switch to the 64-bit version, bu Unpinning the old IE8 ICON from the Task Bar (Right-click it and Unpin). Now find the 64-bit version via Start, Programs. Right-click the 64-bit one and do Pin to Task Bar.
208. Windows 7 - Side-by-Side
A nice feature advertised by Microsoft in Windows 7 is the ability to slam one windows to left side and a second one to the right side to see both windows of equal size Side-by-Side on your screen. If only it would work with the Dell Touchpad! Well, it doesn't. However, the workaround is to use the keyboard instead. For the active window do a Windows-Left Arrow and then switch to the other window and do a Windows-Right Arrow. Ta-ta.
207. Windows 7 - Find on Page
I have found the "Find on Page" in Internet Explorer on the Windows 7 operating system quite disturbing. I don't recall XP working like this, but with Windows 7 the search for the text you are looking for on a website page begins immediately as you type instead of after you have typed the entire word in followed by enter. For large pages, the search takes forever. It seems like it traverses the entire document for every letter typed. For example, if I want to find "elephant", it seems to search for "e", then "el", then "ele", etc. The search is very inefficient. Comments?
206. Windows 7 - Windows Explorer crashes going to CP
Another unresolved problem with Windows 7 (on my new DELL at least) happens the first time you go to the Control Panel via Start, Control Panel, and then select Uninstall Programs. When this is done, Windows Explorer gets into a loop and you have to close the Control Panel window to get an option to CLOSE the Windows Explorer program. Windows 7 then recovers and you can get back into the Control Panel and do you stuff without a problem.
But, can you avoid this inconvenience entirely? I have by doing the following: Right-click a blank area on the Task Bar. Right-click Properties. Select the Start Menu tab. Select Customize and for Control Panel check Display As Menu. Now when you go to Control Panel on the Start Menu you will avoid the new interface "link" screen and get a popup menu of all the Control Panel options. Plus, you avoid the Windows Explorer problem.
If you search for a permanent fix and find one, please punch in a comment to this Post. I tried most of the suggestions, particularly ones suggesting that a .cpl file is corrupt or hard disk error.
But, can you avoid this inconvenience entirely? I have by doing the following: Right-click a blank area on the Task Bar. Right-click Properties. Select the Start Menu tab. Select Customize and for Control Panel check Display As Menu. Now when you go to Control Panel on the Start Menu you will avoid the new interface "link" screen and get a popup menu of all the Control Panel options. Plus, you avoid the Windows Explorer problem.
If you search for a permanent fix and find one, please punch in a comment to this Post. I tried most of the suggestions, particularly ones suggesting that a .cpl file is corrupt or hard disk error.
205. Ready to Buy Again?
On the 21st I mentioned that for 6-7 market-days we will ride the bottom of the wave forming to take us up again. Today is day 6, tomorrow is day 7. Let's all pitch in and drive my stocks up again. So far, about 78% of the businesses announcing earnings have beat the expectations. However, the scare that dropped us was China's intervention into their banks -- raising reserve requirements. I look at this as a positive move -- it was supposedly done to discourage speculation bubbles by restricting loans to speculators and controlling economic expansion in more realistic terms rather than artificial, speculative expansion. Hmmm -- something we could have done before we got into the financial crisis. I believe China will still grow consistently and at rates exceeding expectations. Thus, this tells me to buy the commodities that are now down. But, how about our economy. Did the State of the Union speech change anybody's mind about 2010? Some encouraging words re energy emphasis -- support nuclear and offshore drilling. Surely these will create jobs. Throw in there the latest gas drilling opportunities in Pennsylvania. If only words would translate into actions. Can we believe our president this time? Or will we continue to doddle in Congress and delay these important opportunities? Negatives in O's speech were again his constant finger-pointing of problems he not only couldn't resolve, but took either the wrong action or no action to resolve. Blame Bush, blame the Supreme Court. If I ignore his problem of not facing the facts and acknowledging his failures and, instead, focus on the opportunities he did present, I see a brighter future. Of course the continuation of the present Health Care Bill is NOT the right decision, but education focus seems right. So, I am going to go with my gut for another 3 months and ride the wave up. I already anted up for this wave. How about you. Get your piece before the typical summer doldrums.
Friday, January 22, 2010
204. 5 Things Obama Can't Blame on Bush
My squirrel friend came through with this article noting 5 things that can't be blamed on Bush! Sorry O, you've blamed everything else on Bush -- but, NOT these. Of course, "can't" depends on how you define it. Clinton's dictionary may have an uncommon definition that allow O to blame even these 5 on Bush. Are you all enjoying watching your 401-Ks and other mutual funds dip because of O's Bank bashing? This anti-business, anti-capitalism, Marxism, socialism crap O's dishing out is most disturbing. How do you feel about it?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
203. 7-Day Wait
Ok fOlks. After O's latest mOves, as pOsted in previOus pOst, I've decided that we will linger in the new hOle he dug us for the next 6-7 market days. Earnings haven't been sO bad, unemplOyment remains steady (but bad). We just need to let O's words drift into space Once again befOre we can continue On Our merry way tO 11,000. I can't remember another time when a president's mouth had disrupted the economy and markets this much. Please, somebody dial up 2012 nOw sO we can get this bum and administration Out! The last thing we need is for Mr. Blabber Frank, Frau Pelosi, or Clueless Reid to start jabbering too -- someone lock them in a closet.
202. Way to Go Obama!
Open mouth, insert foot in everybody else's mouth! WHEN is the Almighty O ever going to learn that Big Business needs incentives, not continuous punishment. Thanks to his new plans for banks he has now disturbed the world as explained by the Asian stock markets tonight in this article. Do we need a mOther hen? Only the Left whiners need One. Leave the Banks, Insurance companies, Drug companies, Oil companies, and all the other PROFITABLE companies alone! I'm ready to insert some canines into O's leg! If you would cut capital gains taxes for them we'd all be better off. Maybe I should be quiet, wait it out, and celebrate a Democratic defeat in this year's mid-elections. But I can't sit here and watch this idiOt dO this tO Our cOuntry. I've gOt O On my mind! Use sOme cOmmOn sense!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
201. Let's Ride the Coaster Again
Way back in Post #185 I consulted my squeaky toy and forecast postiive sailing in the market through January 22nd, except for 2-3 bumps. Today was bump 2, maybe three. I didn't follow my Scents to get out before Option Day on the 15th because of the possibility of good news ahead. Some came, like the victory in Massachusetts, but this news also rattled the speculators who have run up the health stocks and other benefactors in the short-run had the Health Care Bill passed quickly. You see, the market is all about UNCERTAINTY and PSYCHOLOGY. Whereas uncertainty was coming closer to its end in respect to the health care mess, it now must continue until we see what happens with Brown's vote or whether the Dems accelerate the vote on the bill. Hence, UNCERTAINTY again. However, tomorrow I look towards people regathering their common sense and see this as a positive sign. Yet, there was also news today that China is still trying to slow down their economy, which would include becoming less obliging with their loans to other countries. Does one country stand out there as China's biggest debtor? Right, us. Now this isn't good news. So, which way will the market go tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Depends on whether the news media can report facts rather than opinions. My forecast is very rocky, very bumpy. Volatility is going to rise from its somewhat dormant state. Coming with it will be days to buy (short-term) and days to bail (Short-term and long-term). I don't expect that the Health Care being forced back onto the right track will have any effect when the government continues to implode the market with dollars and debt. This is what we must keep an eye on. This is what China is focused on. This is why things are not looking good longer term and you should have your worm can ready to bail out your boat before it sinks. When? In 3 days I'll have a clearer picture -- or my red squeaky toy will. Stay tuned, or bail out now for the upside is limited, whereas the downside is unknown.
200. Stop the Sausage Making Factory
"Stop the sausage-making process," says John McCain in the upset Republican victory for the Senate seat and the killer number to Democrat railroading. The citizens of Massachusetts agreed when they voted in Scott Brown to replace Kennedy's Senate seat. Congratulations Mr. Brown (see this article). The Tea Party people have shown their power to close down the offices of the Obivions (my word for oblivious people) who care more about their can than the lives and values of We the People. As Mr. Blabber (Barney Frank) alerted the government steam rooms of the oncoming battle, the shot 'round the world was clearly heard by the masses of Americans who yearn for government to fight THEIR battles with THEIR tools and for THEIR purposes. That's why the Democrat, one of the most Leftest around, got the boot yesterday. We should all thank President Obama for his speech in Massachusetts on Monday -- it had to be the most off-beat, leftest, majority-American-offending speech ever made. But he did do it with his charm and absolute perfect rhetoric. Think people have caught on? Today he and the Democrats scramble to clean up their secret party chambers for a very scrutinizing inspection. This article points out how quickly the Oblivions can change when confronted. No longer is it a rush to throw garbage in your yard (we hope), but NOW, finally, and effort of shaping a Health Care Bill that, at least, has something we all like AND CAN AFFORD! Hang in there friends -- although we still can't rest, we might now have the leverage we need to turn America back around AND to improve it. Maybe we can even, some day, go down the Wal-Mart aisles without running into an Oblivion blocking the asile with his/her cart! Wouldn't that be a change?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
199. Kudos to Master
Way to go Master. I thought I was the swimmer in the family -- bet he couldn't swim with a stick in his mouth or follow ducks around the lake. Master won the Most December Swimming Mileage for a male in the USA Triathlon National Challenge Competition logging 118 miles. Now we have to look at a Certificate on the wall. The prize, whatever it is, is in the mail -- he is also supposed to get a wetsuit from the local Tri ATX club. I hope the national one is a gift card for hair transplants because he lost about 50% on top due to the extended hours in the chlorine. Regardless, his shoulder pain has disappeared after 6 years of misery. But, ha-ha, he got beat out by a girl who logged in over 50 miles the last day (sandbagger) to finish with 136 miles. Congrats to Kimberly; we'll be back next year to challenge you again -- he and his trusty trainer, me. And, beware -- this will be his last chnace before Medicare.
198. Windows 7 - Backup is a Nightmare!
Tried to Backup my system using Microsoft's Backup & Restore feature for the third time. Every time it gets to 38% and hangs there for hours before I try to Stop it. Stopping it doesn't work and the CD or DVD in the drive wants to live there forever -- won't eject. After trying at least 7 different ways, I did stumble onto a way to free it. However, I didn't write down how. There is always an Emergency Eject Release Hole on the CD/DVD cover that can be presses with a paper clip too. Anyway, getting back to Backup, it appears that files were written to my DVD -- about 4GB worth! Yowie. Just how much space is required to backup JUST MyDocument files? Here, I'll tell you: I used SEND TO for all the selected files in My Documents to create a ZIP file. Then I used AxCrypt (nice product) to encrypt the ZIP file so y'all can't read it (sorry). The total space used was 154.35 MB, or 0.154GB. Now tell me Microsoft's code to create a backup of same files isn't BUGGY! No solution seems to be available for Microsoft's Backup, so I'll gladly continue to use my own procedures and then shoot the encrypted file off to a CD. Hope you have better luck. Oh, the creation of a System Repair disk DID work (also part of Backup & Restore code).
Saturday, January 16, 2010
197. Windows 7 Tip -- Eudora Mail
Are you a Eudora mail fan? Then you're in trouble when you go to Windows 7. No version is available yet. Qualcomm is working (early beta test) an open source version. If you read my precious post you could have assumed I didn't like Live Mail at all -- shredded it like an old rag toy. You might consider downloading Thunderbird at GetThunderbird.com for your PC driven mail package. It seems good so far for single accounts -- multiple accounts at the same POP address (such as Master's and wife's) didn't work. I assume to get it to work would be similar to that of Eudora, i.e., INSTALL Thunderbird twice into separate libraries, one for you and one for the better half. Of course, you could also play with setting up different User Accounts and Logins for Windows too (installing in each), but this I found to be an installation and maintenance nightmare. By the way, the Window Upgrade Advisor program that is supposed to catch hardware and software that needs upgrading from an older Windows system did NOT catch Eudora -- other things are also not caught, so don't depend on it to be all inclusive of the problems you will face.
196. Windows 7 Tip -- Trusted Installer Message
I scrapped more Dell installed software -- Windows Live Mail. The removal was via the standard Control Panel remove program method, but, like most removals some files linger around anyway after the removal. In my case a folder called Windows Mail. I tried deleting it, but I was told I, the administrator, was NOT the owner! In comes Trusted Installer! This character was put there by Microsoft to protect you from deleting things that are not normally supposed to be deleted. You would think Microsoft's removal process could have had the authorization to remove its own program! But, No-o-o. After an hour or two, trying to set Me as the owner as per instruction on many different websites, I came across a too called TakeOwnership that finally could do the trick. It adds an option to the right-click window that comes up when your right-click a file or folder. Just select it and your troubles are over. I find it amazing that the normal Microsoft ways of reassigning ownership and permissions could not do so for this specific folder. So, search for "TakeOwnership.zip", the downloaded file name of the tool I acquired. It's FREE.
195. Windows 7 Tip -- Keyboard Shortcut Commands
Ouch! I lost my touchpad and don't have a mouse. I hit this problem day 2 into my new laptop. Now what do I do? Fortunately for me I screwed this up myself (almost) by setting the touchpad (movement part) to disable (now why would the Dell software even allow me to do this when I did not have a mouse attached!). I was able to bring the PC up in SAFE mode where a PS2 Mouse Driver was used for the Touchpad instead of the DELL Touchpad Driver. Phew -- that gave me operability in SAFE mode. But I could not change the Touchpad properties back becasue its window extended below my screen -- couldn't get to the OK button. So, my resolution was to Uninstall the Dell Touchpad Driver and reinstall it to get back to its defaults.
But, what if the problem was a hardware malfunction? Then I'm SOL without a USB Mouse to attach or be able to get around with the keyboard (to at least close things down normally). Check out this site for specifics on Keyboard Shortcuts. Had I seen this before my problem, I could have done the Uninstall and reinstall of the driver in Normal Mode -- instead I had to tolerate 2 hours of Fillipe on the phone to raise my ire (don't you just hate the 1st level of support -- "I can help you" grow madder and madder!). This site seems like a good resource to add to your Favorites/Bookmarks.
But, what if the problem was a hardware malfunction? Then I'm SOL without a USB Mouse to attach or be able to get around with the keyboard (to at least close things down normally). Check out this site for specifics on Keyboard Shortcuts. Had I seen this before my problem, I could have done the Uninstall and reinstall of the driver in Normal Mode -- instead I had to tolerate 2 hours of Fillipe on the phone to raise my ire (don't you just hate the 1st level of support -- "I can help you" grow madder and madder!). This site seems like a good resource to add to your Favorites/Bookmarks.
194. Windows 7 Tip - Cmd Box
Miss your Command Box -- or some of you may call it your Dos Box -- where you get into the lowest programming level (looks like DOS) and can issue commands? Get there in Windows 7 as follows:
1. Select START
2. Type cmd into the Start Search textbox (Don't hit enter yet)
3. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter keyboard shortcut (This keyboard shortcut triggers elevation to "Run as Administrator" mode)
You should now have your sand box to capability to totally mess up your system
1. Select START
2. Type cmd into the Start Search textbox (Don't hit enter yet)
3. Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter keyboard shortcut (This keyboard shortcut triggers elevation to "Run as Administrator" mode)
You should now have your sand box to capability to totally mess up your system
Friday, January 15, 2010
193. Hurry, Hurry the Redcosts are Coming
Who woulda ever thought Massachusetts might go Republican again. Well Barney Frank -- you know Mr. Blabber -- lit the tourches and summoned O to the battle up there to replace Kennedy's Senate seat. Politics again -- like it ever stopped -- take priority when the rat gets cornered. Should a Republican win that seat, the Health Bill will be dead says Barney as he dances around in panic -- kinda like the same-named purple dinosaur. Can't have that says O. Then on another front there is the battle over the constitutionality of the Health Care Bill. Seems today the Dems quivered and removed one element -- where Ben Nelson was going to get free Medicaid to his state forever. But how about the Tenth Amendment? Squirrel-friend sent me this link to bring you up to date about some of the other unconstitutional issues in the bill.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
000. Ask Your Question
I established this post to create a category for viewers to ASK ME A QUESTION (See the Post categories on right). I'll employ all my Common Scents to sniff out the best answer to any comments left here or to any posts. I know a lot of techies, so I created this Post when I rolled Windows 7. But, I've been around a while and can scratch up an answer to anything. Besides, I'm too old to chase balls any more (as a matter of fact, I'm here only in spirits now). Anyway, go to $ASK A QUESTION, click on the "000." Post and leave a comment. Come on now, if I can learn new tricks, so can you. I'm getting tired of barking up my own tree. See you there. Have a nice day.
192. New category -- Windows 7
Who said an old dog couldn't learn new tricks? The old laptop was archived to the closet; I got to set up the new BLUE laptop with Windows 7 on it. Let's see, that operating system must be a decade more advanced than the old Windows ME I was using. So, what did I learn and how do I like Windows 7? It will take me many posts since I am still learning my way around the new interface, but so far I am really impressed with the Network Connection functions in 7. I thought I'd have to traverse the ICONs like I did on the newer XP operating system ti get this baby hooked up and talking to the other computers on the home network. Instead, I had only needed to have them turned on and presto it found them all, shared files too. Thus, my first post gives an A+ to the Network Connectivity of Windows 7. More than I can give DELL for giving me a WLAN card that didn't support the WEP security algorithm I had established to allow the Windows ME PC to participate wirelessly. That was resolved by hard wiring the ME system to the router. Also, the WLAN (DELL 1397 Wireless WLAN Card) was no faster than the old ME Linksys wireless I had -- didn't expect it to be, but did expect some performance improvement because the processor is 3x faster. So, Mr. Fixit got his tools and poked a hole in the wall between the cold room (where XP lives) and the warm room (where 7 now lives) and attached a Network Cable to BLUE too. Ahhhh. 100 Mbps. This is like a dream. Stay tuned for more adventures with Windows 7. I have a bunch of gotchas to post about and have learned some new tricks. Have a question? Go ahead and ask it via a comment to the Post 000 in Category QUESTION which I will check periodically to answer.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
191. So Much For Global Warming
Thanks to a squirrel lover friend, I was directed to this video on why the Global Warming hypothesis based on CO2 increases is NOT valid and should be dismissed from your thoughts. That does not mean give up on nuclear and alternative energy research and construction; but it does mean that the burning of fossil fuels is NOT a problem for as long as fossil fuels are available. Thus, President O, get up to date and DRILL, DRILL, DRILL -- get us off of foreign oil & gas dependency! Create jobs NOW! Boost this economy! Hello! Hello! Maybe I need a red phone like Glenn Beck too. Seems nobody out there is listening, except to lobbyists and the elite you want extend their greed at the hands of We the People (and dogs) normal citizens.
190. "Superfreakonomics" by Levitt & Dubner
I've had my nose in the book "Superfreakomonics." Enjoyed the Introduction, as well as, the chapters The Fix is In -- and it's Cheap and Simple and What do Al Gore and Mount Pinatubo Have in Common. For you "Green" people, do read the latter chapter about very reputable scientists, some who originally backed Global Warming fanatically, who present a simple, cheap way to control global warming opposed to the extremely high cost of actions taken today. How cheap? How about less than Al Gore's advertising budget for his version of Global Warming. How about a total cost of $250MILLION vs. $1.2 TRILLION! And, by the way, we are headed to Global Cooling again. Learn why models used today can't come close to approximating future climatic events and why different scientists tweak their models to make them align with results of other scientist's results in order to get their fair share of our tax payer money. Enjoy the read.
189. Told You It Was Coming -- Jobs vs. Stimulus Package
In a previous post I indicated that somehow Obama would make it look like job creations were better (in a post related to STOCKS and the market going up in December). Today, according to this article, he did precisely that. Now, instead of using his already incorrect job reporting methods, he will "improve" his job creations by counting a job created whenever he sends money to fund something. Duh. Send $1 to 1M businesses and instantly he created 1M jobs. Isn't that a meaningful statistic. But, how will the stock market see it. I'm not going to believe such an idiotic way of counting job creations will fool the majority of investors. However, for the other 90% of the passive savers and non-market folks, 100% will probably believe it and his ratings will go up a few percentage points. I'm going to classify this trick as another Pinocchio move! Plus, here we go again with the Dems arguing that the Stimulus Package really worked now because so-o-o many jobs were created when the truth is it failed to create the jobs promised! Such deceit! Meanwhile, the job market continues to suck with 10% unemployment. See this other article for details. So, just how is changing the way he counts job creations going to change the unemployment numbers? How about cutting business capital gain taxes Obama!
Monday, January 11, 2010
188. Thank You President Obama
It may have taken a while, but the results and actions President Obama has outlined for terrorist security improvements sounds plausible -- a quick overview can be read here (see also the referenced PDF in the article). This plus sending troops to Afghanistan shores up his stock a little. National security has always been one of my top priorities. I will be expecting followup reports on progress though.
187. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
You give me more bones and I'm not going to invite the neighborhood dogs over to help bury them. That's just plain Common Scents. First, a bone pile is no problem for me -- they are stored safely and securely in my room and can be consumed whenever I choose to pull one out. Second, I want my bones buried properly -- I have the experience and know the correct depth, place, and ground requirements. Thus, I don't have to waste my time to train new dogs how to bury bones. Third, I would like my bones to remain my bones -- we all know if you put too much money out there, more than can be managed, some gets wasted and lost. So goes money, note ably STIMULUS money, into the road repair business. I said it in previous posts that new jobs aren't going to be gained for this work. We're talking government workers here folks -- you know, the ones that must have a dozen long coffee breaks per day and have all their work clothes packed up before the whistle blows. And, what's the hurry. Stretching the work all year ensures full employment. It's always nice to see an article confirming my suspicions.Yes, any work that was stimulated and completed will benefit the people, but where are the new jobs promised -- the permanent ones? Maybe we need to build some pyramids outside Las Vegas. According to this article, 10,000 could be employed for 30 years -- or 25000 for 15 years, or around 60,000 for 7 years. Take your pick. These jobs could be considered permanent, because surely more pyramids would be contracted to be built elsewhere. Think of the booming business that would be generated in Las Vegas! I bet even the liberal Californians would enjoy this venture -- Hollywood food.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
186. News Catchup
So, what new in the news? I see O is finally getting around to connecting the dots -- most of us learned how to connect dots in preschool. Well, must give him credit for agreeing with the public this time that our intelligence was also faulty in the Detroit airline bombing attempt. Isn't it unbelievable that they just can't keep their mouths shut and always defend what all of us already knew? Doesn't matter which party; it's much easier to babble than to understand a problem and fix it without the babble up front. Speaking of babble, is the House EVER going to get around to investigating Mr. Babble himself (Barney Frank)? And finally we hear that the Yemenis in Gitmo won't get their voyage home. Dear Mr. Holder -- we can no longer do business with your law firm. Either someone in the administration is wising up or doesn't want his polls to drop below 40%! Unfortunately, the progress we are seeing may only be politics.
Meanwhile, the Dems are back behind closed doors secretly defining the killer Health Care Bill. Oh, where is that promise O made to allow CSPAN to cover the thrilling moments? Certainly neither side of Congress wants it that bad -- what, expose me? So much for transparency.
Tick, tick, tick. Iran continues to perfect its nuclear bomb. Tick, tick, tick. Maybe they and North Korea will blow each other up. I find it amazing that the Press cannot focus on ALL the most important events and update us daily instead of covering things like Balloon Boy and Octomom. Does their lack of news mean the administration's lack of attention? Does it mean they can only cover and report, say, 3 events at a time? Or the administration can only focus on 3 at a time? It's no wonder watch the foxy news station which at least scraps for news in all the important areas. The Internet is getting to be as bad as the newspapers and "fringe" (major) networks. Very little gets put out there (frequency of updates) and very little content (details) is ever available without constant searching for it.
Mrs. Master is getting a new laptop tomorrow -- I'm jealous. At least I'll have the old one to myself now. I was getting tired of the complaints that the keys were sticky and smelled like bacon bits. They seem just fine to me.
By the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Meanwhile, the Dems are back behind closed doors secretly defining the killer Health Care Bill. Oh, where is that promise O made to allow CSPAN to cover the thrilling moments? Certainly neither side of Congress wants it that bad -- what, expose me? So much for transparency.
Tick, tick, tick. Iran continues to perfect its nuclear bomb. Tick, tick, tick. Maybe they and North Korea will blow each other up. I find it amazing that the Press cannot focus on ALL the most important events and update us daily instead of covering things like Balloon Boy and Octomom. Does their lack of news mean the administration's lack of attention? Does it mean they can only cover and report, say, 3 events at a time? Or the administration can only focus on 3 at a time? It's no wonder watch the foxy news station which at least scraps for news in all the important areas. The Internet is getting to be as bad as the newspapers and "fringe" (major) networks. Very little gets put out there (frequency of updates) and very little content (details) is ever available without constant searching for it.
Mrs. Master is getting a new laptop tomorrow -- I'm jealous. At least I'll have the old one to myself now. I was getting tired of the complaints that the keys were sticky and smelled like bacon bits. They seem just fine to me.
By the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR.
185. My Squeaky Toy Market Forecaster
Yesterday I consulted my magic squeaky market forecasting toy to seek an answer to when the market will give up entirely. After chewing for about an hour, I see 2-3 choppy, but small dips, which will only boost the market upward for the next 8-13 open-market days. My best guess is we are safe until around January 22 unless -- always got to have a caveat -- some unexpected really bad news comes our way. I'd be ready to head out to cash around the 15th (option day) and give up a week of edging up. That's what Sir Squeaky told me this time. I'll be gnawing on Squeaky in between and will "speak" to get your attention should you need it. Pass the towel -- this little bugger is slimy now.
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