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Thursday, June 13, 2019

886. America's Immigration Part II

How do you wrap your hands around an octopus without it wrapping its 8 tentacles around your neck? Do we stand any hope in getting Congress to even begin reform of immigration laws, law enforcement, and cleanup?

Here’s an idea for how to proceed:

  1. Welfare is broken as we know. But it goes far beyond immigration issues. It cannot be ignored and committee discussions should begin now to address overall reform to garner in the total abuse of the system. Let’s make this discussion quasi-independent of immigration, meaning let a different committee tackle its connection to immigration while this committee addresses overall reforms. What to address by this committee? How about the rampart cheating of the system by those too lazy to work and to increase America’s productivity and prosperity? I know I get tired of watching the court TV shows and continuously seeing the so-called disabled fight over the other side collecting Welfare checks when they shouldn’t or living in high rentals supported by rent subsidies. These are my main beefs, but food stamps to everyone to buy crap food or barter with for other purposes, e.g., drugs and cigarettes are also on top of list. I want to discuss these, but not right now. Check in later for future posts under “Welfare System.”
  2. So, first thing out of the box re immigration must be things to eliminate the incorrect incentives luring the abundance of mass attempts to get over our border. I believe that if we can eliminate those incentives, less people will even try to come across. I can accept they all want freedom and liberty, but those should come with a price like we American citizens all pay – taxes, work (see 1 for overall Welfare reform too), service (military, civic responsibilities). Strict welfare handouts need to be employed and any births to illegals cannot be recognized and awarded with automatic citizenship! See “Step 1” below *.
  3. At the same time, STOP the nonsense related to asylum claims. Go with Senator Lindsay’s proposal and make it a requirement that ALL amnesty requests be forwarded from an American Embassy in the country or region for the country of the individual seeking asylum. Should we not already know which countries and which areas of countries qualify? Can we not get details far in advance of individuals seeking asylum via Embassy request to allow us to investigate the individual(s)? That is, can we not make the process ORDERLY instead of a cattle jam at our border that contains all kinds of border seekers? See “Step 2” below *.
  4. What about those who sneak across the border? That’s where the “wall”, not specifically a physical term, but a term that refers to any technique or method to stop the traffic of illegals AND contraband (drugs, counterfeit products, terrorism, etc.). Let’s call number 3 above the Legal Immigration Process and this one the Illegal Immigration Process. This process is obvious already started and going on for decades, but is NOT effective, nor efficient! A physical wall as President Trump barks out is only one remedy to stop Illegal Immigration in areas that are remote. This minimize reduce resources needed for those stretches of the southern border. Walls already exist and have already reduced attempts, so, why not complete the job for all remote areas? Other surveillance methods such as drones, sensors, etc. are already in use, not only for southern border, but all borders. I am sure these need to be enhanced and would focus on the areas most attacked by the traffickers of people and contraband. Detecting is one part, controlling is another that requires manpower or another means. See “Step 3” below *.
  5. The above steps are direct controls of immigration. Now, who would we allow to cross our borders to seek residence, or simply to work? I see value of both the very skilled individual who immediately contributes highly to the growth of America, and then the less skilled individual who is hard working; both committed to America’s laws and doctrines. What is the correct proportion? The Labor Department should be able to tell us this. But, of course, who has the correct number for the masses of Illegals already employed illegally today? This must be resolved. Maybe the proposed Census question re citizenship was an attempt to learn this, but I say that won’t. More raids on companies? More detective work on social security numbers of dead people being reused? More pressure in the agricultural and construction businesses that hire these illegals? ALL required. I can’t believe our government can’t keep track of our deceased social security numbers and put a stop to this. Maybe its time to redo the identification of individuals completely with the creation and assignment of new identification numbers. Maybe even with fingerprint or DNA signatures. See “Step 4” below for discussion *.

* Steps 1-4 will be in separate posts later

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