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Thursday, June 6, 2019

883. America's Immigration Part 1

America’s Immigration Part 1:

Let’s begin with a planning session to outline the broken immigration system and controls. I will proceed with a group of one (me) and look at how I perceive the planning for changes to immigration should be defined and handled. Future post will be needed to complete my documentation.

All planning begins with a mission statement to clearly inform everybody of the ideal systems required. Then, goals are defined to support the mission and provide targets for which to aim. Issues will first have to be detailed before one – two year objectives can be defined. Then it will be Congress’ job to assign completion dates and assign a leader (ONE) to champion each objective. It should be Congress’ responsibility to generate the detailed tasks and priorities to accomplish each objective. This will never happen, so I’ll do this the best I can to provide a blueprint and roadmap to follow. Why I am wasting my time is because I CARE! If I could lead the planning session for Congress I can assure you, that with the proper support of Congressional leaders an entire 5-10 year plan could be laid out with 1-2 short-term action plans. Comments always appreciated. This is YOUR country too!

Mission: America will provide an immigration policy that is unequaled in the world. It will continuously offer its resources and liberties to anybody accepting its laws and principles as defined in the U.S. Constitution. The policy needs to be open-ended and flexible; yet restrictive to the amount of resources it takes to effectively and efficiently manage the program so that it is not over-burdened to the degree of lowering effectiveness or causing disruption to other American policies. The immigrants must show loyalty and stride towards citizenship and commit to America’s laws and principles.

Goals: Goals are merely targets that may or may not ever be met entirely, only something to aim at. The goals should be:

(1)   America desires the best in professional professions who will continue to apply their expertise using America’s resources and liberties to improve mankind. These are the individuals who contribute the most to America itself; their achievements may directly grow America’s economy and/or attract other specialists to come to our shores.
(2)   America should also allow dedicated, loyal individuals who believe in American democracy, doctrines, and law regardless of profession. We are always in need of workers across the labor forces that are willing to work hard and loyal.
(3)   America should be visual of hardships and dangers in other countries from which its citizens take flight to survive in peace and liberty. It is our duty to reach out to the ones in most dire situations, but without overburdening our resources. This becomes an impossible task since America cannot resolve all worldwide issues for everybody.

Objectives: Objectives with specific measureable progress points and completion dates. These are continuously created and maintained to move us toward out goals and dependent on present and future conditions and expectations. Issues are a main driver of objectives and must continuously be defined and examined. 

2019 Issues:

(1)   Decades of government’s ineffectiveness in exercising America’s laws allowed millions of immigrants that do not meet the requirements of loyalty and abeyance of laws. Thus, millions of immigrants are deemed Illegals because they live here without declaring their loyalty to America and have hidden from officials and taken new identities in order to take advantage of the richness of America’s generous programs of welfare or other, thus ignoring laws. In my opinion, government created this mess and gathering them up now because of the government’s negligence is not entirely correct. Another solution needs to be defined.
(2)   Millions more try to come into America despite the lack of resources to process them or support them. The use of the term amnesty is being used fraudully in so many cases it invalidates and injures those who are really in danger. Should not the country from which they emigrate be better to assess amnesty requirements? I know Senator Lindsay has some proposal to stop all amnesty at the border and make it mandatory for an immigrant to go to it’s home co9untry’s consulate to request amnesty in America.
(3)   America can not absorb an overburdening number of individuals seeking America’s shores. People resources are not available to process or support them. Finances are not available when we can’t even manage the poverty and citizens we have.
(4)   Global terror continues to reside in the world and America is a target. Thus, America must be visual and smart about who it allows to cross its borders, as well as, all shipments and products entering America. The escalating costs of controlling our borders are out-of-hand, both financially and managerially.
(5)   The proportions of individuals seeking America have become highly skewed toward the unskilled immigrant versus the skilled professionals we need. Plus, the issue is becoming worse. America needs to refocus on its goals to control these delicate proportions.
(6)   America’s Welfare systems are broken. Not only for supporting the Illegals and seeking immigrants, but in general America’s own citizens too. No country can provide ample resources for an infinite number of beggars, unwilling to work for their country and even the betterment of their own families. Unless America can squash their own beggars, no hope is available for any immigrants, particularly more beggars.

America’s Immigration Part 2 (future post) will address the proposed objectives for 1-2 year ending July 2021. Unfortunately, I expect little because Congress is totally ineffective and cannot possibly get it’s hands around all the issues and programs broken that need to be fixed or to see the forest from the tree blocking their sight.

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