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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

658. Instead of FIXING problems, Reid is causing more controversy

So, how would you rate a lawmaker who has the power to fix the job, economy, budget, and trade problems for the U.S. and instead IGNORES them and blames things now on the Olympic uniform manufacturer? Yes, like most of the products in the world, the Raulph Lauren blazers being worn by the Olympic team were made in China. What a surprise! I agree with Senator Reid that we should be buying more things made in the U.S.A., but doesn't he realize that we, the U.S., are part of a WORLD economy and corporation are no longer pegged to one country? Sorry, but these are the facts. So, how do we compete (the REAL solution) in the world? Is is still OK to rely on China as a major distributor of clothing -- other countries do! The solution is to cut corporate tax rates so we can compete and maybe get some of the work back to America! Democrats do NOT understand this. Our own government has consistently causing outsourcing problems for years because they are too stupid to understand how to compete and how to increase jobs. OBlunder, you need to reign in the deadwood in the senate and shake our the cobwebs. We are part of a much newer world than the old timers remember. We need NEW solutions. Grow up Reid! Or is it too late and you have regressed beyond hope? We the People DON'T see the label, you jerk, we see the uniform with the bright USA on it and the proud faces wearing them! Go spend some time on the budget you Democrats NEVER presented. And REPEAL Obamacare! Quit spending our money!

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