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 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

653. Voter Photo ID's Required

WHY wouldn't anybody NOT have a photo voter ID? According to this article, Pennsylvania has 9% of their voters who don't have an ID! Come on folks. My mother who NEVER drove in her life had a photo ID from Pennsylvania! It certainly isn't hard to obtain! Now ask yourself why some people don't get a valid ID? Or claim they don't have a photo ID! Come on Democrats --- think! Now go back to the article and also the census information on PA and then do a little match to see if the 9% of ALL PA voters and 18% of the Philadelphia area majority black area are reasonable. Notice the apple and oranges comparison already? State-wide (All) vs. specific black area. The Census data tells you that only 11.3% of the state's population is black. Thus 9% of voters, or approximately only 1% of Pennsylvania's population did NOT get a photo ID (127,430 blacks state-wide). Now find Philadelphia's population (1.53M), percent black (43.4%) and take 18%, arriving at 119211 blacks just in Philadelphia. Conclusion using the 9% and 18% figures: almost all of the blacks in the state without a photo ID are in Philadelphia! Does this seem like a PHILADELPHIA problem then? If the problem is that concentrated, open a facility to take pictures and give out IDs IF the people have valid proof of citizenship and birth just like every other law-abiding citizen. What a joke to use Pennsylvania in another racial scandal. Just what is the NAACP trying to pull with data and propaganda like this? The issue ISN'T BLACK. If there are voters without a photo ID, it is about everybody. It just happens that Pennsylvania has had photo IDs, other than driver's license, for over 2 decades! Drop it and move on NAACP! Or, get the ones who need an ID in line with the proper data to get their photos and card. Quit starting racial scandals! Do you think maybe some just AREN'T CITIZENS?

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