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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

655. I'm a bit more optimistic re oil

Unlike Credit Suisse in this article, I feel the O&G industry will lead us out of the economic doom. I feel they do to, but they are choosing 2013 as the entry point to recovery of O&G. I have watched (not scientifically) the relationship of the dollar (needed to trade most O&G) to the oil prices and have observed that when the dollar is low, the oil prices are higher. I guess I figure that for the O&G corporations to maintain stable profits they must raise prices when the dollar drops and vice verse (just to give people the impression that they are nice). Not a proved theory -- at least I never proved it. But, we must now consider where the Gas products fit in the future economy versus oil products. The ratio has been changing. The demand for gas, now that its prices are still so low, have increased and O&G companies are expanding that business more than oil business. We hold mass quantities of gas. Some of our firms are already shipping gas overseas to China. from Alaska. Hello, OBlunder, WAKE UP CALL. So, instead of embracing the demanding market here to reach a goal of emergency dependency, the greed for money NOW is depending on foreign nations to but our products. When will we get our act together? Anyways, back to the issue. The demand for oil may be decreasing; thus, low demand lowers the price of oil. However, in the same step, gas demand is increasing; hence, higher prices are coming with it. Those corporations who have adjusted to this trend will continue to see better profits. Yes, maybe the oil commodity market will suffer some during the transition (10 years at least) to natural gas, but we are going to see a bumpy ride with oil producers fighting back before its over. I say oil will lead us back in 2012 because gas uses and facilities are not in the abundance necessary to rout oil all as once and nations need to produce! When politics subsides and the currency wars play out we'll be able to get a better picture.

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