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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Monday, July 9, 2012

651. How the Fed. Gov't manipulates to give them a better image

Every wonder how the government spins the truth and what's right for We the People to better strengthen THEIR hand and NOT ours? Check out this article about how the latest law signed, the one to keep lower student loans and increase transportation construction programs, pays for the law by smoke and redirection of mirrors. In short, they also changed pension laws by declaring a rate companies should use to determine the funding of their plans. Instead of a low rate as we have seen the last two years, they have taken the average of the last 25 years which provides a higher rate. This higher rate translates into the private sector companies being able to contribute LESS to pension plans, but also means their tax write offs will be less, resulting in an assumed more tax revenue to the government to pay for the other things. Got it? Read carefully. So, what's the effect on you? Well, if you belong to a stellar company who still has a full pension program (not 402K), and that is about 15% of private sector, then you could see your pension fund get funded LESS than necessary (15% of the funds are already below requirements) and endanger you payout percent when you retire. A lot of IFs, AND,s, and BUT,s. Yet, this article describes the tricky ways We the People get manipulated to the government's benefit. I hope you do realize that in addition to the income taxes and sales taxes you pay, many more HIDDEN taxes are embedded in inflated product prices that you probably have no idea were put there. BEWARE.

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