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 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Saturday, January 4, 2020

930. Nameless Series of books by Dean Koontz -- 4.5 Stars

Dean Koontz wrote a series of books (Nameless Series) based on a character you somehow lost his memory of the past but received enhanced powers, such as seeing beforehand what will happen. This character takes on the responsibilities to right catastrophes before they happen and punish the intended perpetrators. All six of the books -- (1) In the Heat of the Fire, (2) Photographing the Dead, (3) The Praying Mantis, (4) Red Rain, (5) The Mercy of Snakes, (6) Memories of Tomorrow -- were very good and can be read independently of the others and in any order. However, reading them all at once was less satisfying and I started to skim the latter books because of the similar structure and themes. So, what started out as a 5 Star dragged to a 4 Star. Overall, I give the series a 4.5 Star. Koontz is always creative and the theme was indeed that; but, short novelettes should not have been the way to release these. Each plot is unique in itself and very entertaining. Enjoy.

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