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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Friday, October 19, 2018

820. "Executive Force" by Gary Grossman --- 5-Stars

Executive Force by Gary Grossman
Publisher: Diversion Books
ISBN: 9781635764420

Never a dull moment.

World-wide and domestic intrigue utilizing current issues, technologies, and some fictional characters who seem to share characteristics and habits of some of today’s real leaders.

What secret and devious plots drive America to unleash its entire domestic and counterterrorism agencies and black opts to defend and attack?

There’s Separatist movement trying to break up the USA – multiply by ten the confusion and attention caused by the recently experienced charge to separate California once again, this time into three entities. While this chaos is driving a split in America like we haven’t seen since the Civil War and has the active attention up to the Supreme Court level, prominent politicians and many with promising futures are being assassinated.  But, who is behind this?

Scott Roarke, a Secret Service agent, his fiancĂ©e Katie Kessler, and his boss President Morgan Taylor lead the intense measures to discover this answer and counter the never ending attacks from even more directions. The story constantly jumps between the numerous mysteries and plans, but in a way that enhances comprehension while building links to plot’s eventual grand finale fireworks.

I’m not a car chase fan, and toward the end there is a rather lengthy one. However, because I have visited Washington D.C. many times, I enjoyed the detail and accuracy of the individual traversed areas, the realistic description of the environment, and the historical features. It was a come-visit-D.C. commercial in the disguise of an action-packed, get-the-bad-guy romp.

Enjoy the hidden motives and plans of governments and leaders. Appreciate the tact employed to ensure the world continues improving and avoiding even more major conflicts. This book is thought provoking. An exceptional read.

Reviewer: Rich

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