Okay. So I looked at my old Dell Dimension with 750 MB Memory and 2,1 MHz speed running Windows XP and asked "Why is this thing so-o-o-o slow? I already knew most of it was because processes like Windows Update and Avast when updating (included downloading) monopolize the system. But, even after that the enhancements I made, like FireFox instead of Chrome, removing a lot of programs, examining Memory usage and cutting back,etc. it still walked like a limp dog. My friend Sam knew some tricks to get it up and running like a puppy again.
One idea was to scrap XP and go with Linux. After some research I located what I believe the smallest and fastest performers would be for this "small" system. XUBUNTU was the choice. So, I said goodbye to my XP and everything else I built on this system rather quickly by reformatting. XUBUNTU was a slick install: Download the LTS ISO version, download UCS Installer and run it to install the ISO. Up it came including its FireFox and Thunderbird software with it. Rather nice it was. BUT, if I tried to use both applications, i.e., loading them into memory at the same time, the limping dog became a a crawling dog! It was SLOW! So, yes they acurately described their memory requirements by stating 512 MB is minimum. However, they forgot to tell you that they meant the operating system could load and everything else would be unusable until you get to 1GB! Don't be fooled. I even question 1GB for a workable, lively dog system.
Well, it only took about 2-3 hours of playing with XUBUNTU to discover that it doesn't come close to performance expectations, PLUS, dream on if you think you cold get around the nerdy coding and usage in months! If you are a PC tinkerer, then go after it. Otherwise, stay clear and rely on Microsoft despite its downsides.
With that said, I next needed to figure out how to get my Windows XP system back on doing a very clean install. I had only the XP SP2 disk to start with. It went on like a champ. Next I needed to get to SP3 and get all the latest, or should I say, last maintenance updates. That's when I went to connect to the Internet. well, that didn't work! Seems that the Dell (preinstalled system with discs provided) forgot to put the network adapter drivers on any of the disks. Now what? Fortunately I had my laptop and signed in to my Dell account and brought up support at Dell site. They had my configuration and noted the driver necessary. BUT it was no longer available. I had to go get the Intel Pro100+ Ethernet from Intel. Slapped it on and I thought my next stop would be Heaven. Well, it was still Hell. The very old Internet Explorer 4 that got installed would NOT connect. The network was fine, just Internet connectivity failed. Now what?
Now we search for the smallest and fasted browser to try. SlimJet came to the rescue and I am amazed by it! Installed SlimJet after downloading on laptop and carrying it over the the XP system and it I believe I heard trumpets in thee background when it came up like a charm.
Next stop SP3 from Microsoft. It took awhile, but it went on without a blip, as did some recent Security updates that Microsoft ws so kind to migrate down to XP users (randsomware protection). Following that, over another 130 updates to Sp3 and other installed products and drivers went on without a flaw.
O/S up and screaming. Browser and now Thunderbird installed along with CCleaner to keep things manageable. A few teaks here, a few there, and the browser and Thunderbird were customized, the desktop, start menu and taskbar were ready, and we're in production. The XP system on the old Dimension 3000 is wonderful! Memory usage is below 550 MB with both Thunderbird and SlimJet with 2-3 tabs opened -- memory to spare!
Wouldn't want, nor will, do it again, but the adventure was tolerable and the results exceeding expectations. Now my wife has her own PC to play with. Both SlimJet and Thunderbird continue to support XP versions, and AVAST and PrivateFirewall products give me the Anti-virus and firewall solutions and comfort for XP.
If your were reading some previous posts, this PC was going to be replaced by a 8gen Dell 5700 that, like others, had to use past generation fans (nothing new and ready for 8th generation machines) to cool the high heat of the 1T had disk and 4 processors. I've ready hundreds of complaint about noisy fans, noisy to the point of conciously not being able to ignore them, Mine was exacerbated by the constant Microsoft 10 Windows Update (see posts for that mess) processes that seemed to run constantly. The old Dimension is as quiet compared to the new machine that found its way back to Dell along with its 3 broken hard drives or attachment component.
Bottom line: If you want to extend use of an old machine, mine was from around 2005), DON'T go the Linux router. The headaches alone with learning a very unfriendly interface and operation is enough to stay away from it. But, like me, you might think it is a solution for small memory machines. It isn't! Try XP and continue to enjoy everything you learned in the Microsoft world. If Sam would have been a male, she would have lifted her leg and urinated on the Linux XUBUNTU installation! Now she rests in peace again, always with us.
Update 3/21/18: Now the downside:
Don't ever expect to use Internet Explorer as your browser on an XP system, even with last updates to SP3. You CAN use Internet Explorer, and required to, to get any updates, of which there aren't any except maybe for old drivers. But you can continue to use Windows Update to view your updates history. Now the bad news. Because of all the security breaches, security certificates along with encryption hashes have been modified appreciably. So much that the hashes and certificate authorization within IE 8 (the last workable IE for XP) do no longer support the newest hashes and certificates being used by websites and the providers such as Verisign (and about 4 others). Thus, if you try to go to a secure site (HTTPS:\\) you won't get there. Back in 2016 only about 25% of the websites moved on to newer technology. However, now I can't get to any of the sites. Also, the speed has increased so much for HTTPS that even those sites that provided a nonsecure site have gone to HTTPS! Even if you type in the full name beginning with HTTP:\\ it will be changed to HTTPS:\\ and you will not get there.
In short, I would expect NOTHING to be accessible with IE8 (or older IEs)! That will really be the death of XP and all those old processors that can't be upgraded to run a newer operating system. You might be able to get to the memory requirement, but those old systems have ancient components as well. For Example, I was unable to get the Intel Pro 100+ driver from my Dell manufacturer any more and had to hunt for one. Good thing I like to be challenged to find solutions to computer issues or I'd simply get a new one. And then, after the noisy fan problems (see older posts), I'll be waiting until a new technology cooling system becomes available, IF I can wait that long. PCs are still mimicking the IBM large system evolution, except they are not following IBM's focus that when you make a Faster Processor you have to have Faster Memory, ample cooling improvements, and support for all the new improved technological components to provide the best machine. The PC manufactures have so overlooked the cooling aspect requirements. On most machines by Dell today they also overlooked the number and speed of USB adapters. I am just not impressed with the configurations today. Here's another: Whay force 1T hard disks on people how will NEVER fill it? I could still tun on a 400MB one! Why? $$$$. 1T hard disks are cheap. However, cooling them is NOT. SO comes the high-speed cache drives which require even more cooling and quite a bit more issues to consider, like how long do they last, how to back them up, etc. Give me my Kindle that I only need to understand my APPs! Will Amazon push to replace the incompetent PC manufacturers? Remember when IBM had all propriety stuff and had to unbundle because the competitors couldn't compete! Well, that time might raise its head again for Amazon with its propriety configurations. But then, you have another competitor APPLE already doing this with being hassled. Enough of the soapbox. You get the point.
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