I can't let Microsoft off so easily from the fiasco (see post 787) re Windows Update processes. I really wanted a new PC and started to review the top brands once again (Lenovo, ASUS, DELL, HP, ACER) only to many, many users of all brands have run into the Overheating and loud fan problem. Particularly troubling is the mentioning of LOUD fan noise in the context of ALMOST CONTINUOUSLY. Only a few of the users though recognized that Windows Update had a play in why the fans were running at their max speed and so long. Most simply commented on the brand's processor review that the noticed the disturbing fan noise and a good portion returned/replaced the unit. The replacements also had the same noise, and it points out clearly that the brand's manufacturer had no clue either. Well, many problems are apparent looking at this fiasco:
1. The PC manufacturer's technical support is clueless of the root cause of the fan even running!
2. In my case with Dell, they weren't interested in going down the road with me to discover the root cause. Simpler for them is to tell you to send it the DEPOT to have it looked up, totally ignorant of the work and inconvenience this solution causes. I would imagine I would have gotten a replacement set up at ground zero, meaning, I would have had to rebuild and customize it from scratch again!
3. The LOUDNESS is a concern itself. A lap top, particularly one that is used in an executive boadr room or an office with other people cannot be so noisy it causes distractions to others! So, the brand manufacturers need either address this noise OR go after the root cause of the issue (MICROSOFT).
4. The over heating caused by over clocking for example, or for some other reason can damage processors and other computer parts. All fans will fail some time, but not usually in the life time of your PC which will become out-dated and replaced usually. However, a fan that runs at high speed for HOURS WILL likely fail within your PC lifetime! Thus, the over heating root cause needs to be found (MICROSOFT in this case) and eliminated or your PC architecture must understand the load processes and be designed to accommodate them.
5. An application, Windows Updates in my case, need to be controlled and not crazily jeopardize it's host (MY PC). But, what if this is the plan by Microsoft? Why don't their machines over heat? Or do they? Or did they and now don't because they perform the Window Update differently on their machines? Hmmmm, I mean grrrrr.
Let's contemplate #5 above. A company certainly wants to compete with others. BUT fairly as President Trump keeps reminding us re Trade. If you were running Lenovo, HP, Dell, ASUS, Acer, etc.) and your PCs were being hammered by Windows Update over heating what would you do? Put millions or billions in developing new technology to handle the heat or simply go after the abuser?
Going after the abuser primer: Assume you were an application developer and for some reason one of your programmers found a slick way to run many tasks at the same time. Clever. Now you can get 100 things done in the same time it took 1 before. This is multi-programming and rather old. The concept is to utilize whatever resources are available in the machine to fulfill your purpose. Hence, If there are 4 or 8 or 18 processors, run something on all of them at the same time, while have hundreds queued up to run on them when a particular task hesitates for I/O. theoretically, you can keep every core processor busy close to 100% of the time, and burn up your PC doing it! This, the rub. You CAN'T use the resources full out. There must be limits to your madness. So, you determine that 25% use of every process at the same time would be a 100x improvement over your competitor's applications. If you don't blow up the machine you make a fortune selling your application!
But, suppose you are writing an application that will make money DIRECTLY. How can you take advantage of your poor competitors? How about blow up their machines but while safely running on your machines? Hence, a new conspiracy theory has been born. I need to simply design MY machine so it can tolerate 25% CPU per installed processor and let the other figure out why their machines are having issues. Hey, why not additionally team up with manufacturer's of cooling systems and say, look, I want to invest in you and get in cheap knowing that you can cause a reason for the consumer to worry and buy addition cooling systems. Clever!
Hello Microsoft Windows Update! You're own your way to make this happen! Just like you pushed Windows Update to monopolize consumer systems on old O/S to force them to to newer one, you have now found another way to force consumers to buy cooling systems or your processors.
What COULD MICROSOFT do instead? Be a friendly neighbor? Yes. There is no reason to dispatch hundreds of updating actions that over-utilize the processors in a machine to the point of cause so much heat that the fans run constantly and loudly! I DON'T need my updates done instantly! Nor do I need them packaged so large that they take days to install! I realize Windows 10 has a monumental number of software issues. The PC architecture was never designed to handle the attacks and complexities we see today. It IS time for a new architecture. Unfortunately, we'll never see it in our life time. It is a CASH COW for Microsoft. Apple, come to our rescue with less expensive machines! So, the resolution becomes:
1. Package smaller updates and send them off more frequently
2. No package should ever exceed x number of update tasks at a time, keeping the queues reasonable and the processors under, say, 10% running in the background without interfering with consumer use.
3. For large packages, assuming unavoidable, keep # 2 in force, and schedule the updates overnight. Do NOT cause overheating then when the consumer won't see it!!!
4. STOP the forced Automation of maintenance! You must allow the consumer to at least Schedule updates when appropriate. BUT you must still comply with 1,2 and 3 above.
Okay. Now lifting my leg and cooling down the soapbox. I feel better now knowing what is happening, at least in my mind. Unfortunately, my desire to buy a new PC has disappeared since all brands have this problem and all are susceptible to damage from the problem. Over clocking by Intel Turbo Boost adds to thr heat, but at least they were smart enough to step out of the picture by turning it off once over heating occurs. Unfortunately though, when you really need the boost (Windows Update), you can't take advantage of it! Maybe the answer is better cooling systems. Water cooled systems work! The personal computer, particularly all computer built around Intel and Microsoft are nothing bu repeats of mainframes by IBM and lookalikes. Even the operating systems follow the same path: a few tasks (DOS), multi tasking (SVS, MVS), multiple virtual machine (VM), distributed (CLOUD and Networking), etc. The key engineering challenge was always how to keep the machine cool when components are becoming denser and smaller. The big difference is the greed of the multiple brands to just SELL things rather than to innovate. I'm not an Apple person (yet), but their new system out in December is electrifying. Adequate cooling is a MUST. Hello PC manufacturers. Spend some research money. I really don't see any of the companies stepping up to this task other than Microsoft and Apple. All the others are simply producing cute bells and whistle stuff to attract consumers.
Didn't I say the soapbox was going away. Oh gee, even the floor is wet and starting to stink. Have a nice day.
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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous
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Saturday, November 18, 2017
788. "Save AS" or Print not working
Two separate processes failed for me the other day and had my head and tail shaking with frustration. One time I tried to Print from my brokerage account. Hitting PRINT on its website under Chrome gave me A print dialog. I emphasize "A" since I think it was the standard default print dialog put out by Chrome since it had an option at the bottom to use the Sys Print dialog instead. Anyway, that is not really important for cause of problem is same as in "Save As" and various other actions. The bottom line for Print is that it went through its actions and looked like it completed normally, but NO print. The document never even made it to the PC's printer queue. Scratch, scratch? So, I go over to IE 11 and perform the function and it works. Aha, a Chrome problem! Yes in a way, but not really.
Meanwhile, I thought I'd look at a credit card statement. Did what I normally do, i.e., hit the download in the CC application, and view it with the default viewer, in this case Microsoft Edge. Voile, I see it. Now I want to save it into my appropriate financial folder so I select download within Edge to specify the file folder and name. Whoa. Error. Can't find file blah.blah.blah.blah. Well, blah.blah.blah.blah folder path was changed the other day. As a matter of fact it was deleted and all my financial files put under a different directory, and thus path. Scratch, scratch!
Other actions may or may not have occurred independent from these two example, I can't recall. My old dog mind went foggy after the 1st issue. But, after a doggy treat the sparks went off. TEMPORARY file names were being used from the other day, rather than the new names! YES. As it turns out, the print dialog and "Save As" dialog attempt to utilize the LAST file name (full path of course) to simplify your life, assuming you probably want to perform your action there. WRONG in this case. Both dialogs looked for a path that was deleted, instead of a default the new default set up to the new path. The print dialog gave no indication that it failed. The "Save As" dialog at least gave me the old path name that led set off the fireworks. Why did IE11 work? Because I never use it to do these actions and there wasn't a temporary name used!
So, here's the warning and solution: If you run into something like this any where after making a change to a file path recently, assume you still have temporary file names lying around that will be used by system functions. So, go to your cleanup program, CCleaner in my case, and clean up the trash. After the CCleaner run that deleted all temporary crap, every thing went back to normal. My new defaults primed the pumps, after which the dialogs mentioned here used again, but now new, last used file names.
Good boy. Here's another treat.
Meanwhile, I thought I'd look at a credit card statement. Did what I normally do, i.e., hit the download in the CC application, and view it with the default viewer, in this case Microsoft Edge. Voile, I see it. Now I want to save it into my appropriate financial folder so I select download within Edge to specify the file folder and name. Whoa. Error. Can't find file blah.blah.blah.blah. Well, blah.blah.blah.blah folder path was changed the other day. As a matter of fact it was deleted and all my financial files put under a different directory, and thus path. Scratch, scratch!
Other actions may or may not have occurred independent from these two example, I can't recall. My old dog mind went foggy after the 1st issue. But, after a doggy treat the sparks went off. TEMPORARY file names were being used from the other day, rather than the new names! YES. As it turns out, the print dialog and "Save As" dialog attempt to utilize the LAST file name (full path of course) to simplify your life, assuming you probably want to perform your action there. WRONG in this case. Both dialogs looked for a path that was deleted, instead of a default the new default set up to the new path. The print dialog gave no indication that it failed. The "Save As" dialog at least gave me the old path name that led set off the fireworks. Why did IE11 work? Because I never use it to do these actions and there wasn't a temporary name used!
So, here's the warning and solution: If you run into something like this any where after making a change to a file path recently, assume you still have temporary file names lying around that will be used by system functions. So, go to your cleanup program, CCleaner in my case, and clean up the trash. After the CCleaner run that deleted all temporary crap, every thing went back to normal. My new defaults primed the pumps, after which the dialogs mentioned here used again, but now new, last used file names.
Good boy. Here's another treat.
Friday, November 17, 2017
787. Dell Adventure + Windows Update + Loud Fan + Heat
From the title you can tell this post will cover a few things. Let's start by saying until today I was working on new Dell 15-5000. Here was the issue:
For very long periods of time, like 4+hours for over 2 days with periods of only 1-2 minutes to rest, the Dell PC Fan was running at high speed and noisier than the sound of a happy Geiger counter that found nuclear material. Can you hear the loud static? That's the sound of the Dell fan running!
Why was it running. Well, of course, the machine was too hot. How hot? According to SPECCY, each of the i7 Core Processors was running between 90C-99C. Normally, they were at 42 C except for 1-2 second spurts when some heavy processor requirement spiked it up.
This processor had i& 8th generation Turbo Boost processors in it. Thus, they would run above the base speed of 1.8 GHZ to something like 3.8 GHz -- called Over Clocking. Nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact the processors were running as expected. The speed varied based on processor load. As you increase the speed though, more heat is added to the fire. For a second or two to get your application loaded, all is find. The boost certainly did help. But when Windows Update -- either the Windows Update process or the Wondows Modules Installer process -- was running, it demanded high processor use. Even though it drove the processors only to maybe 29-39%, the heat went to 90C - 99 C. When that happens, the thermal sensors catch it and STOP the boost and your right back to 1.8 GHz! So, what's the point of demanding high processor use?!
Now, here's the Dell running away -- who knows, could have been melting away -- and Dell support team has NO interest what so ever about it and wants me to send my PC to Dell Depot. Well, this is 2nd PC; first was defective having problem inside PC affecting the installed optical drive (went through 3 of those before they finally fessed up and agreed that the problem was with the PC, not any optical drive ... about a 2 weeks wasted with them over that matter before they exchanged it with this new one experiencing the heat problem). Well, the fifrst PC ALSO had the loud fan problem, but I didn't pursue it then and didn't record the temperatures. I can only assume similar; why else would it be running at high speed for long periods? To make a long, but really unbelievable support service issue, short, I finally had enough of their poor support staffed with 1st line technical (Ha) morons, all the way up to 2 levels of management. I was now on my 29th day of initial Dell order (first PC) and the exchange did NOT change the 30-day window I had to return for a refund. The clowns at Dell didn't care much about that either and offered to have advanced tech support call in 24-48 hours (not an option), send to depot and lose my windows (not an option), so reluctantly, I canceled the order and am getting a refund. The critter is in a box already on its way back via UPS.
Dell did not one thing to help determine the root cause of the overheating and loud fan. Just send it back yet again! My debugging immediately indicated that the Windows Update process was the culprit after I killed the process running. Instant silence -- oh what a relief it is. This lasted maybe for about 2-3 hours before Microsoft once again did it Updates Check, recognized that the update failed, and kicked off Windows Modules Installer to get it resolved. Warum, there goes the heat and fan again! The root cause is undoubted ly Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Version Windows Update! So, even before I sent the Dell back, I observed a large number of instances across all major computer brands running Windows 10 with identical problem. So, even though the Dell wasn't alone, the support sucked so much I sent it back.
Now, the end conclusion is that Microsoft obviously, like they did in past to get you off XP, then Windows ME, then Windows 7 forced multi-processing tasks to its maximum. I can see in the mist that for a large update, and the one a few days ago was one that created a "Windows.Old" copy of system files like it did when Windows 7 was upgraded to Windows 10, and later when that base version went to Fall Update and Anniversary Update. In other words, when hundreds, or even thousands, of modules must change, dispatching heards of them at once to execute independently will keep all the core processors you have busy forever, or at least until the entire update is done. Hence, overheat your PC. Now, here's a thought. Will a Microsoft processor, like the Pro or Book overheat on a Windows Update? Didn't see any! Well, how about that? Microsoft KNEW what Windows Update would do and is doing and designed their machines to handle the issue. The other brands have yet to figure this out and continue to slowly melt away or run their fan to death. Clever? I hate to sound like a conspiracy idiot, but man what a plan to kill the PC hardware business! Stay tuned for the future!
Guess by now, you are asking what can be done. Well there is one thing I did that I didn't get to test before sending the machine back. There is a setting under windows Update that allows (by default) your PC to act as the initial download hub for distributing downloaded updates to all other machines on your local network! Can you believe this? Anyway, TURN IT OFF! Why should your machine do the processing to determine other distributions and prepare the packages to send? Wish I had the machine to test this. I would have backed off the 11/15/17 monstrous update and reapplied it. But, thanks Dell, you made my day and saved me the time. I am back on my 2010 Dell Inspiron on Windows 10 Anniversary and have NO fan running!
I don't want to bad-mouth the Dell 15-5000 which was a superb machine so far with its 128 GB SDD for the system and the 1TB HDD for my data. It's processor BASE speed was less than this old 1440, but the Turbo Boost with the SDD configuration made it fly in comparison when starting, loading programs, etc. Once you were on the Internet, it really didn't help much though. But, I loved the fact that I could uniquely separate my data from the system. After the optical Drive fiasco was resolved with a PC exchange, I though I would have it for the next 10 years! I started looking at other brands -- Lenovo, ASUS, HP -- and all of them have the same Windows Update overheating issue and all them have a disturbingly loud fan that runs. So, there isn't any solution to Microsoft's "plan". Like in the past where they ran the uniprocessor to 80-95% doing Windows Update processing, they now do the same, but run EACH of the 4 core processors 25%!
Anything else you can do? Since they forced automatic updates, you could look around for hacks to turn that off! One clever way I found was to go to you network and change to METERED network connection mode even though yo probably don't have an ISP that meters your traffic. According to that suggester, that will essentially turn OFF windows updates from downloading, But, some day you are going to want to allow updates. Then you will burn in H.... until they are downloaded and installed. We need to demand that Microsoft LIMIT their processing, say less than 10% CPU per core processor to NOT cause overheating situations. I know that will never happen. Meanwhile the manufactures of cooling additions/extensions will benefit.
One question I have that is not answered is to Intel: What is the operating temperature range of the Kaby Lake processors? What can they tolerate and for how long before damaging them, let along other components of the machine? Still so many unkowns and questions well above my expertise. I'm an old dog now and don't want to do any more tricks! Where are the mindless millennials who are suppose to "save" us? Sounds like their mindlessly writing code to do to tend the trees while told to so by a few rich guys who own the forest.
Ok, I'm done with this. The youngsters will be crying to eat their cake in the future that they already stuck in the cabinet to mold (hello youth...there are freezers). Good luck if you are experiencing Overheating and loud fan noise.
For very long periods of time, like 4+hours for over 2 days with periods of only 1-2 minutes to rest, the Dell PC Fan was running at high speed and noisier than the sound of a happy Geiger counter that found nuclear material. Can you hear the loud static? That's the sound of the Dell fan running!
Why was it running. Well, of course, the machine was too hot. How hot? According to SPECCY, each of the i7 Core Processors was running between 90C-99C. Normally, they were at 42 C except for 1-2 second spurts when some heavy processor requirement spiked it up.
This processor had i& 8th generation Turbo Boost processors in it. Thus, they would run above the base speed of 1.8 GHZ to something like 3.8 GHz -- called Over Clocking. Nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact the processors were running as expected. The speed varied based on processor load. As you increase the speed though, more heat is added to the fire. For a second or two to get your application loaded, all is find. The boost certainly did help. But when Windows Update -- either the Windows Update process or the Wondows Modules Installer process -- was running, it demanded high processor use. Even though it drove the processors only to maybe 29-39%, the heat went to 90C - 99 C. When that happens, the thermal sensors catch it and STOP the boost and your right back to 1.8 GHz! So, what's the point of demanding high processor use?!
Now, here's the Dell running away -- who knows, could have been melting away -- and Dell support team has NO interest what so ever about it and wants me to send my PC to Dell Depot. Well, this is 2nd PC; first was defective having problem inside PC affecting the installed optical drive (went through 3 of those before they finally fessed up and agreed that the problem was with the PC, not any optical drive ... about a 2 weeks wasted with them over that matter before they exchanged it with this new one experiencing the heat problem). Well, the fifrst PC ALSO had the loud fan problem, but I didn't pursue it then and didn't record the temperatures. I can only assume similar; why else would it be running at high speed for long periods? To make a long, but really unbelievable support service issue, short, I finally had enough of their poor support staffed with 1st line technical (Ha) morons, all the way up to 2 levels of management. I was now on my 29th day of initial Dell order (first PC) and the exchange did NOT change the 30-day window I had to return for a refund. The clowns at Dell didn't care much about that either and offered to have advanced tech support call in 24-48 hours (not an option), send to depot and lose my windows (not an option), so reluctantly, I canceled the order and am getting a refund. The critter is in a box already on its way back via UPS.
Dell did not one thing to help determine the root cause of the overheating and loud fan. Just send it back yet again! My debugging immediately indicated that the Windows Update process was the culprit after I killed the process running. Instant silence -- oh what a relief it is. This lasted maybe for about 2-3 hours before Microsoft once again did it Updates Check, recognized that the update failed, and kicked off Windows Modules Installer to get it resolved. Warum, there goes the heat and fan again! The root cause is undoubted ly Microsoft Windows 10 Creators Version Windows Update! So, even before I sent the Dell back, I observed a large number of instances across all major computer brands running Windows 10 with identical problem. So, even though the Dell wasn't alone, the support sucked so much I sent it back.
Now, the end conclusion is that Microsoft obviously, like they did in past to get you off XP, then Windows ME, then Windows 7 forced multi-processing tasks to its maximum. I can see in the mist that for a large update, and the one a few days ago was one that created a "Windows.Old" copy of system files like it did when Windows 7 was upgraded to Windows 10, and later when that base version went to Fall Update and Anniversary Update. In other words, when hundreds, or even thousands, of modules must change, dispatching heards of them at once to execute independently will keep all the core processors you have busy forever, or at least until the entire update is done. Hence, overheat your PC. Now, here's a thought. Will a Microsoft processor, like the Pro or Book overheat on a Windows Update? Didn't see any! Well, how about that? Microsoft KNEW what Windows Update would do and is doing and designed their machines to handle the issue. The other brands have yet to figure this out and continue to slowly melt away or run their fan to death. Clever? I hate to sound like a conspiracy idiot, but man what a plan to kill the PC hardware business! Stay tuned for the future!
Guess by now, you are asking what can be done. Well there is one thing I did that I didn't get to test before sending the machine back. There is a setting under windows Update that allows (by default) your PC to act as the initial download hub for distributing downloaded updates to all other machines on your local network! Can you believe this? Anyway, TURN IT OFF! Why should your machine do the processing to determine other distributions and prepare the packages to send? Wish I had the machine to test this. I would have backed off the 11/15/17 monstrous update and reapplied it. But, thanks Dell, you made my day and saved me the time. I am back on my 2010 Dell Inspiron on Windows 10 Anniversary and have NO fan running!
I don't want to bad-mouth the Dell 15-5000 which was a superb machine so far with its 128 GB SDD for the system and the 1TB HDD for my data. It's processor BASE speed was less than this old 1440, but the Turbo Boost with the SDD configuration made it fly in comparison when starting, loading programs, etc. Once you were on the Internet, it really didn't help much though. But, I loved the fact that I could uniquely separate my data from the system. After the optical Drive fiasco was resolved with a PC exchange, I though I would have it for the next 10 years! I started looking at other brands -- Lenovo, ASUS, HP -- and all of them have the same Windows Update overheating issue and all them have a disturbingly loud fan that runs. So, there isn't any solution to Microsoft's "plan". Like in the past where they ran the uniprocessor to 80-95% doing Windows Update processing, they now do the same, but run EACH of the 4 core processors 25%!
Anything else you can do? Since they forced automatic updates, you could look around for hacks to turn that off! One clever way I found was to go to you network and change to METERED network connection mode even though yo probably don't have an ISP that meters your traffic. According to that suggester, that will essentially turn OFF windows updates from downloading, But, some day you are going to want to allow updates. Then you will burn in H.... until they are downloaded and installed. We need to demand that Microsoft LIMIT their processing, say less than 10% CPU per core processor to NOT cause overheating situations. I know that will never happen. Meanwhile the manufactures of cooling additions/extensions will benefit.
One question I have that is not answered is to Intel: What is the operating temperature range of the Kaby Lake processors? What can they tolerate and for how long before damaging them, let along other components of the machine? Still so many unkowns and questions well above my expertise. I'm an old dog now and don't want to do any more tricks! Where are the mindless millennials who are suppose to "save" us? Sounds like their mindlessly writing code to do to tend the trees while told to so by a few rich guys who own the forest.
Ok, I'm done with this. The youngsters will be crying to eat their cake in the future that they already stuck in the cabinet to mold (hello youth...there are freezers). Good luck if you are experiencing Overheating and loud fan noise.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
786. Accuweather (AIR) application Installer Damaged Message
A week ago I build my first 15-5000 machine and successfully installed the Accuweather Stratus 1.1 Gadget without problems. Today, it wouldn't install on my replacement 15-5000 machine! The following tip I found in some 2015 queue to get around the error and allow the product to install:
Set your clock back a year when the install worked ok (I just set my date to 2016). Now, install Accuweather. It will be successful. Set clock back to today (automatic).
Well, what caused the stupid message that the installation failed because the installer was damaged? According to expert back in 2015 (different application), the problem is because they let the Signed Certification expire! Setting machine back before the time it expired allows installation of it (fakes it out).
Set your clock back a year when the install worked ok (I just set my date to 2016). Now, install Accuweather. It will be successful. Set clock back to today (automatic).
Well, what caused the stupid message that the installation failed because the installer was damaged? According to expert back in 2015 (different application), the problem is because they let the Signed Certification expire! Setting machine back before the time it expired allows installation of it (fakes it out).
Sunday, October 29, 2017
785. CAUTION: Dell 15-5000 Bad Opt Drive Mount and Need to fix AC3165 driver/setup
Update 1/2/17 - BINGO! It took another level of escalation to convince Dell that the drives could be ok, but the drive mount or connection inside were at fault. I considered that to be the case when I had to physically remove the drive to clear an error condition and than reinstall it. The next manager up immediately initiated a PC System Exchange and I received a new PC in 2 days. Installed it and tested immediately before any other installations/customization. It was SO-O-O-O QUIET! I can't believe I wasted over 10 hours with the first-line technical support idiots who HEARD THE NOISE (clattering, chattering, tick like a Big Ben clock) and saw the failures and instead of instantly doing the right thing, continued to bug me about compatibility of CDs. I finally looked up that concern on their site by looking at optical drives and reading the additional documentation re them. In that documentation it clearly states that ALL types of previously recorded discs WILL run! Today I built the new system and started to wipe my data off the bad PC. By tomorrow it will be on a UPS truck going back to Dell. I suppose I should give kudos to the manager Ankit who understood the issue and problems and did the Exchange along with prepaid return of the bad one. Thanks. However, he was also given an earful re his support team who monumentally screwed up! But, what's about 15 min-hours of their time worth?
Conclusion: Don't take crap from a Dell first or second line support and if you are confident re your problem and likely cause, get on the escalation train quickly. I still haven't had an Internet hit, so I'm quite happy now with this Dell.
Initial Problem:
So far I have tried 3 HL-DT-STDVD+- GU09N optical drives, the one that came with my NEW 15-5000 series 5700. All are a piece of crap! The first could read only 1 of 13 disks (CD,DVD,Commercial Audio, Commercial movie) and only one time. In other words, the drive failed on every disk tried. All disks run flawlessly in two other Dell PCs (older ones) and the movie runs in DVR Player attached to TV. Dell has been unhelpful other than taking over my system to look at info and run the same tests I ran, which failed! Dell did get two REFURBISHED drives to me, but all 3 were failures in one way or the other. Such as: Never got recognized by Windows 10, never loaded, never did autoplay, failed during play (movie) every time, crashed system once, hung applications, etc.
It amazes me that a company like DELL, selling fine processors, continues to put trash components inside. The drive I had had a date of 6/30/2015! Despite updating all drivers, 2 days after installing the new preinstalled system, the results were as stated. During the 3rd removal, the plastic connection on the bezel finally had enough and broke off! I used electricians on what was left and stuffed it on successfully.
Meanwhile, the tech rep Nio who proudly said she would handle the service request exclusively by email, hadn't responded to 4-5 emails sent until I emailed DELL customer support about the issue. Then she sent me a phone number to call, obviously begging out! Needless to say, she'll get a 0 stars from me on a survey.
So, I don't know where I stand on the Dell Service Request. I reinstalled the 2nd drive since it is the best of the worse. At least audio and data disks, except for one DVD-R worked. Movies are still a problem and I have yet to test burning to a disk which I have read on Internet help sites that I should not expect much, or should I say, more than little.
This entry is a CAUTION to those buying Dell products which I have used for over 14 years and enjoyed! I think I'm old enough to build my own now with good components. Oh, the Wireless adapter, AC3165, has also caused unrecoverable (automatically) intermittent Internet drops, crashed my router twice, blue-screened (seems MSFT on Creator version at least catches things and didn't present a blue screen, but instead a screen to tell you you have crashed and being restarted). I have downloaded a newer driver directly from Intel to try to fix problems (not available yet to Dell).
Conclusion: Don't take crap from a Dell first or second line support and if you are confident re your problem and likely cause, get on the escalation train quickly. I still haven't had an Internet hit, so I'm quite happy now with this Dell.
Update 10/21/17 - Internet running fine now. Dell, after escalating 2 levels is sending a new PC. The problem with the drive might be related to the gouge hole on the drive bezel (face plate) reported. It might be that the mounting bracket is damaged. In 2 weeks we'll be testing new PC and optical drive.
Initial Problem:
So far I have tried 3 HL-DT-STDVD+- GU09N optical drives, the one that came with my NEW 15-5000 series 5700. All are a piece of crap! The first could read only 1 of 13 disks (CD,DVD,Commercial Audio, Commercial movie) and only one time. In other words, the drive failed on every disk tried. All disks run flawlessly in two other Dell PCs (older ones) and the movie runs in DVR Player attached to TV. Dell has been unhelpful other than taking over my system to look at info and run the same tests I ran, which failed! Dell did get two REFURBISHED drives to me, but all 3 were failures in one way or the other. Such as: Never got recognized by Windows 10, never loaded, never did autoplay, failed during play (movie) every time, crashed system once, hung applications, etc.
It amazes me that a company like DELL, selling fine processors, continues to put trash components inside. The drive I had had a date of 6/30/2015! Despite updating all drivers, 2 days after installing the new preinstalled system, the results were as stated. During the 3rd removal, the plastic connection on the bezel finally had enough and broke off! I used electricians on what was left and stuffed it on successfully.
Meanwhile, the tech rep Nio who proudly said she would handle the service request exclusively by email, hadn't responded to 4-5 emails sent until I emailed DELL customer support about the issue. Then she sent me a phone number to call, obviously begging out! Needless to say, she'll get a 0 stars from me on a survey.
So, I don't know where I stand on the Dell Service Request. I reinstalled the 2nd drive since it is the best of the worse. At least audio and data disks, except for one DVD-R worked. Movies are still a problem and I have yet to test burning to a disk which I have read on Internet help sites that I should not expect much, or should I say, more than little.
This entry is a CAUTION to those buying Dell products which I have used for over 14 years and enjoyed! I think I'm old enough to build my own now with good components. Oh, the Wireless adapter, AC3165, has also caused unrecoverable (automatically) intermittent Internet drops, crashed my router twice, blue-screened (seems MSFT on Creator version at least catches things and didn't present a blue screen, but instead a screen to tell you you have crashed and being restarted). I have downloaded a newer driver directly from Intel to try to fix problems (not available yet to Dell).
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
784. New PC with Creator Version Installation Example
I thought I'd share with you my experience installing a new Dell PC with preinstalled Windows 10 Creator Version where I was coming from an older Dell with Anniversary Version.:
1. Note the new PC’s support
info. For the Dell 15-1500 Series 5700 being installed, thefollowing applies:
a. Dell Service Tag: xxxxxx
b. Dell Express Svc Code: xxxxxx
c. Dell Warranty: Expires xxxxx
2. Attach power and Ethernet
cable and power on.
3. When asked for logon
credentials by Microsoft’s popup asking for its account ID and password, do NOT
use it. Instead create a Local Logon with your desired UAC name. But, since I
did not catch this, the steps will proceed with using the MSFT Account ID and
password. It will ask for a PIN to for the account also: xxxx.
4. Fingerprint Setup … I
believe later you can ADD a fingerprint. We will try additional users by doing Start > type HELLO you
can proceed to fingerprint processing.
5. Cortana Setup … Cortana is a
waste. Dumb it down here and later kill it.
6. Dropbox … No need for this,
did NOT setup
7. Onedrive … No need for this,
did NOT setup
8. McAfee … Will not use this
1-year trial, so did NOT setup and remove later
9. Netflix … will never use, so
did NOT setup and remove later
10. Kill Cortana:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Policies > Microsoft > Windows.
Now, setup a Key (there already or
create one) called AllowCortana equal to DWORD32 = 0. If you want to reenable
Cortana, set it to 1. Note: Cortana task cannot be diabled permantently and
will still pop up under active tasks.
11. Somewhere it automatically
set up the Network, including wireless, but has not yet set up password to
12. Chrome: Download from Google
website. When it installs and you login with Google Account, it automatically
creates same bookmarks, add-ons, passwords, from before. Change default Download pointer by Settings > Advanced > Downloads. Set to d:\Downloads from
13. Netgear Genie: This was difficult to find on
Netgear site. Instead had to search Google for it and then go to the link owned
by Netger. Downloaded and installed.
14. CCleaner downloaded and
installed, version ccsetup.535.exe.
15. Network Adapters: Note
wireless AC3165 in this PC, driver=Intel,, 7/2/17
16. Backupper: Get from site and
installed This is used to backup/recover personal data on D:
17. Create RECOVERY drive and
save system files. Start > RECOVERY
18. Speccy: Downloaded and
19. Thunderbird: This is Email
Agent used. Download and install.
a. Set up email accounts using
EXISTING email addresses
b. Set up Local Folders by
copying them from old PC. On that PC do Help > Troubleshooting > Open
Profile Folder to get their location. Now, open File Explorer and go to the
location > Open Mail > Local Folders and copy the files to flash drive.
On new PC, repeat the steps until you get to Local Files subdirectory in File
Explorer and copy Flash Drive
files into it. You are done.
c. On old PC Thunderbird, go to
Address Book and EXPORT LDIF or .CSV file to Flash Drive .
d. On new PC Thunderbird,
IMPORT them from Flash Drive
calling them My…..whatever
20. Note the entire Configuration:
i&-8550U @ 1.8 GHz
Memory: 8GB
(capable up to 16 GB) in slot 1. 8192 DDR4 (2400 MHz), SMBIOS, Mfr =
01980000802C, Part # KMKYF9-MID
21. BIOS: When Dell Logon screen
comes up, QUICKLY hit F2
22. Set up File Network sharing:
Network Sharing > Advanced . Then turn on “network discovery” and “file and
printer Sharing”. If asked for network credentials when trying to get to old
PC, they are the user name TPANC13 and PW for getting on that system. Make sure
the old PC also has these file settings. ALSO, Shut everything down including
Router (unplug for 30 secs). Now, bring up router and power up PCs.
23. SAFE Mode: Hold Shift and do
Restart AND keep holding Shift until menu comes up for Troubleshooting, Select
Windows Startup Settings and select Safe Mode.
24. Dell Diagnostics: Power off.
Power on and continually tap F12 until menu comes up.
25. Remove McAfee and ensure
Windows Defender comes active.
26. Install broker software
27. AxCrypt: Installed by
copying 1.7.28930-x64-en-us-beta.msi to d:\AxCrypt Install Files. Then run it.
The KEEPTIMESTAMP reg hack must be redone to keep timestamp equal to underlying
file. Got this from old PC and now in d:\Hacks folder.
28. AnyPassword: Copied
AnyPassword to d:\AnyPassword and execute apwp.exe 3/19/12 file. Once
installed, copy database PSW2016.PW from old PC into same D:\AnyPassword
directory. You will need Key. Should be in folder, but have to change extension
to .reg and run it. Now, customize when started the the default folders/files
to use pointing to new PSW2016.PW.
29. SyncToy: Downloaded 2.1 and
installed. Will probably not use this since it got things all messed up!
30. Office 2003: Install from the CD. Get Office Service Pack SP3
from Microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8 and install it to get last
level of last updates before being discontinued. Also need the Office
Compatibility product that allowed 2003 to use 2007 and above files. Set up the
default libraries in both Word and Excel to point to D:.
Problem: EULA prompt every time Excel brought up. Fix is to start Excel as
Administrator,load a file, and close. Next time everything will be ok.
Problem: Clicking on a .xls file does not get you to Excel. File Associations
need to be updated. The installation of Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for
Word, Excel, Powerpoint File Formats needed to be installed. It assigns .xls to
Open XML Converter. The download to install is actualled called File
31. Problem: At this point noisy Optical drive Problem and failures to data CDs.
Called Dell Tech Pritam and after many hours showing problem manager Mohammed
on 10/19 committed to send out new drive due here on 10/23.
32. Brother Printer (DCP-L2540DW
Series): This will work automatically. Driver some how works with anything.
However, we needed Utilities to use scanner, etc. Tried disk, but Optical drive
went into a loop (see 32 for more problems). So, installed Full drivers,
Network MF2-Prosuite from the Brother site. Bring up CC4 app and change default
libraries for scanned files to d:\Harware\Brother…\Scanned Documents.
33. Cute PDF: Download from site
BOTH Cute PDF and Prereq GhostScript Converter and install.
34. Window Title Colors: Go to
Settings > Personalize > Colors and set
35. Display Theme. Find Yosemite file and run it.
36. Accuweather Gadget. This
uses Air, so both the widget download was required after searching Accuweather
Stratus download AND Air from real ADOBE site.
37. Downloaded ACDSEE for
Pentax, but did not install. We’ll use default application Photos. Quicktime
was required for other one.
38. Decrypted all picture files
so we can find them via Photos. Actually use less disk space.
39. Ancestral Quest 15.
Downloaded from searched site and got Key from old PC to enter. Copy old
Ancestry Stuff on Desktop of old PC to new location D:\AncestryStuff
40. Powerpoint Viewer. Download
and install.
41. Touchpad Blocker: Download
and Install. Changed toggle to Ctrl+T because Ctrl+F9 was used elsewhere.
42. UAC Picture: Search and go
ahead and update.
43. Customized Start ICONs.
Removed crap from install and built mine using smaller Icons and groups.
44. Create subdirectory under
d:\Family\Nancy called Books & Movies and used file sharing to copy most
recently updated Books, Movies, eBook .doc files. Now they will be backed up
with normal backups. However, I do need to copy periodically her files into
this new folder on my PC.
45. Create SymList link for
Thunderbird folder containing address book, etc. data. See Post 783.
Hope this is of use to someone. The install and customization took less than a half day when you remove the time wasted with the Optical Drive problem -- see post 782.
783. Symbolic Links (SymLists, mklink)
Symbolic Links: To create a
“Symlink” to make Windows believe a folder’s data is still on the C: drive, but really in D:\SymListFolders,
do the following:
- Create a Target-folder with same name as Source-folder path that is to be linked, using “-“ instead of “\” in full path name. [Really don't need the same name, but doing so gives you a visual indication of what the full path was.] For example, to link the data Thunderbird uses for addresses and other things, the Source-folder is originally c:\“Users\teob6\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\hqme2hyq.default”, and the Target-folder to create will be “D:\SymListFolders\Users-teob6-AppData-Roaming-Thunderbird-Profiles-hqme2hyq.default” folder
- Copy all subfolders and files from the Source-folder [in the example, c:\“Users\teob6\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\hqme2hyq.default”] to the Target- folder [“D:\SymListFolders\Users-teob6-AppData-Roaming-Thunderbird-Profiles-hqme2hyq.default” in the example]. The Target-source will now hold the data, not the Source-folder on the C: drive)
- Delete or rename the existing Source-folder on C [in our example, c:\“Users\teob6\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\hqme2hyq.default”]. It must before attempting an mklink command. This frees up all space used by it in exchange for space now on the D drive.
- Bring up CMD box by typing CMD in Start then RUN as ADMINISTRATOR
- Create the Symbolic Link by doing: “mklink /d Source-folder Target-folder”. [In my example, do “mlkink /d C:\Users\teob6\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\hqme2hyq.default D:\SymListFolders\Users-teob6-AppData-Roaming-Thunderbird-Profiles-hqme2hyq.default].
- Now, whenever an application or anything goes after the Source-folder which was on C: originally, it instead operates against the Target-folder on D:. Specifically, the Target-folder will be in D:\SymListFolders\Target-folder [as created above].
- I am now able to backup system data, like Thunderbirds data, using normal backup procedures, plus, space is used on D: instead of c:
Thursday, October 19, 2017
782. Windows 10 Creator Version Problems
Yesterday I received my new Dell 15-5000 Series 5570 Laptop and it came with Creator Version installed. I suppose I should be grateful that that saved the reinstallation step from Anniversary Version. So, what issues did I discover with version 1703, Build 15063.540?
1. File sort when clicking on Name does not work correctly. I am still diagnosing problem, but for now it appears that the sort is limited to just the first x number of characters. For example, if I have a long named file like a statement coming from a broker where I added at the end the year, say 2016 or 2017 all in the same folder, you would expect looking at the list of files after NAME is clicked and expect the 2016 files to appear first, followed by the 2017 files. Well, instead, you get a 2016, a 2017, a 2016, a 2017, etc. When I narrow down the specifics, I'll post back here.
2. Microsoft's implementation of the User Account Name and the User Profile Folder will probably be a problem for just me. Back in the days when Windows 10 came out, all worked fine. If you [mistakenly] installed you system with the Microsoft Account email address, but later determined that you didn't want that and changed to a Local Logon method, the name you picked for the Local Logon, say SAM would be used in the creation of a user profile name, hence, c:\users\SAM. Well, now, if you used an email MSFT Acct name, say abcde13@xxxxx.net, abcde is used to create C:\users\abcde folder for all your account file. Not very nice since you were expecting SAM. There is no easy way, or a 100% sure way, of changing the user fold name; can't rename, except maybe in SAFE mode or via DOS, but the Registry is already populated with programs and other thing relating to c:\users\abce and will fail. Rename does NOT change all the references in Registry, or even possibly elsewhere. So, the workaround for me is to suck it up and go ahead and change my Local Logon, i.e., User Account name to abcde! Oh well!
3. Installing Brother Printer software from disk, a mere 1-1.5 years old, ended up in an infinite read and error recovery/retry that locked up the entire system. The cause seems to be the Optical DVR/CD device installed in my new Dell. The recovery/retry infinite loop is software error! Some piece of software, driver or application should have abandoned the retries after so many and just give an error. After 4 hours on phone with Dell Support, the manager realized in less than 5 minuted that a new drive needs to be installed. Duh. Other symptoms of problem was the loud clattering noise on older CDs, the inability to execute an Autoplay setup without manually invoking it, taking a long, long time in some cases to even see the disks existence by the operating system, etc. New drive on the way.I'll report back with test results. 10/24/17 Update: We have 2 problems here: (a) the Optical DVR/CD drive that came with my Dell 15-1500 Series 5700 was bad. Only about 5-10% of the time could I use it. Problems consisted of never being recognized by File Manager (no disk ID for the drive), ID in file manager, but never loaded, infinite attempts to try to read any info files on it, Auto Play not recognized, Some but not all data displayed after loading, hangs to application trying to run a file from it, etc. May I mention that these problems apply to Audio disks, Video DVDs, and Data disks that all work flawlessly on two other PCs and/or DVD/CD player attached to a TV. Dell replaced that Optical drive with, NOT a new one, but a refurbished one! The second one got through the Audio and Data disks, except initially failed twice -- seems like it needs to be trained. However, the Video Disks failed about 80% of the time for 12 different movie purchased and original movie disks. The problems were the same as initially on previous Optical drive. Round three coming -- a third optical drive. If this doesn't work, the entire Dell machine is going back unless they replace it with a working external optical drive. (2) No progress on number of retries. I did notice that some software can govern the number of retries and the time before retries. I'm looking into driver-specific software now.
10/24/17 Update for 4, 5, 7 below: These could all be user error 😬. I decided to download different backup software, SYnBack Free just in case I had to abandon SyncToy. Its documentation, since they currently support the product unlike SyncToy that has been abandoned by Microsoft, clearly explains and cautions the user on the differences between backing up methods and how to manage your backups. Briefly, MIRROR your drived ONLY if you want the target drive to look identically to the Source drive at all times. This method will delete files on Target if no longer in the Source. Thus, if you had a really old file on Source and deleted it there, it will also be deleted on your backup. You may not want this. BACKUP method copies only changes to source (edits, movement, etc.) to Target disk, NEVER deleting anything from Target. Sounds promising for those who want the Target as a complete backup over many years and want to maintain a total backup while the Source mast only keeps current files. However, beware that if you do what I do, namely have an Archive folder in my key directories that I use to hold the old stuff, keeping my main view with only current files I need to see, the Target after the BACKUP will now get those files under Archive AND keep them outside before they were move to Archive. In all cases, SYNCHRONIZE is another, it is important NEVER to modify the Target yourself. Well, wrong too. You see, unintentionally, I sometimes backup before I notice that one or more of my personal, sensative files went over unencrypted. I I used the BACKUP method, after encrypting it, I now have bothe the unencrypted and encrypted there! To correct this, I need to manually delete the unencrypted files from the Target. I could use MIRROR to automatically do this, but then all other deletions I made on Source will be deleted from Target. There's no nice solution for me with backing up encrypted files. So, in short, I will be using SYncBack Freeware for backups because they maintain the software and support it and have great documentation.
4. Either the file COPY function or Microsoft's SyncToy product is causing copying failures. For example, I copied, one way or the other or both, and ended up with inconsistencies in the number of items in the source and target directories. In some cases, just some files went missing. In another case, entire subfolders were not there and missing with more than a coincidence, e.g., For 3 folders I had subfolders 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017. The target created the folders only for 2013-2016. 2017 was left out for all three upward folders! Strange. Further testing required to determine the culprit. But, beware that SyncToy and/or COPY may not always work right.
10/24/17 Update (see above):
5. Never, never have a folder named ARCHIVE! I had subfolders in at least 10 directories named that where I accumulated past files in so not to clutter the most current ones. One of the copy methods, COPY or SyncToy decided that the files in each ARCHIVE subdirectory should also be copied outside it one directory level up. I also have seen duplicated pictures with the same name! Again, many hours of debugging ahead.
6. Since I am very proficient and satisfied with Office 2003, I once again installed it on Creator Version only to find several fixes/work around were necessary: (a) After installing from disk, you also need to install Office Service Pack 3 (SP3) AND the Office Compatibility which was for 2007. Why? Because MSFT in all their wisdom removed Control Panel from Start menu, which isn't the problem other than to work to fix it. The real Windows issue is that file association for Excel, namely ,XLS, are NOT assigned to ANY application and MSFT, again with great wisdom, no longer let's you search for actual program .exe files to assign (associate) to the .xls extension. The Compatibility product will assign the .xls to an XML Converter program. You won't see Excel there, but instead this designation. 10/24/17 Update: You can select a specific program, however, you have a hurtle to jump now to get to that point. When the file associations are displayed and you click to the right to add or change a default program, you get the available choices on you system. You now have to go to STORE first and see its offerings. At the very bottom of the offerings is a hypertext to select more programs FROM YOUR SYSTEM. This is what puts you into File Explorer and allows you to explore you system for a .exe file. I don't know if I could have fixed my Excel problem doing this or that the converter was still necessary but, this is how you do it.
10/24/17 Update (see above):
7. Did you ever try to find everything on your system with the word ARCHIVE (problem 5 above) so you can rename them all to ARCHIVES to avoid the copy problem? Forget it! Instead, get the product called EVERYTHING. Search Everything file manager and you'll come to the Voids website. Works like a charm and super fast!
8. Of course Creator still uses title bars that are White by default, rendering finding the active one opened on your screen. Fortunately they at least now allow you to change the titles and other ting's colors via Settings, Personalize.
Come on back for resolutions to these problems.
1. File sort when clicking on Name does not work correctly. I am still diagnosing problem, but for now it appears that the sort is limited to just the first x number of characters. For example, if I have a long named file like a statement coming from a broker where I added at the end the year, say 2016 or 2017 all in the same folder, you would expect looking at the list of files after NAME is clicked and expect the 2016 files to appear first, followed by the 2017 files. Well, instead, you get a 2016, a 2017, a 2016, a 2017, etc. When I narrow down the specifics, I'll post back here.
2. Microsoft's implementation of the User Account Name and the User Profile Folder will probably be a problem for just me. Back in the days when Windows 10 came out, all worked fine. If you [mistakenly] installed you system with the Microsoft Account email address, but later determined that you didn't want that and changed to a Local Logon method, the name you picked for the Local Logon, say SAM would be used in the creation of a user profile name, hence, c:\users\SAM. Well, now, if you used an email MSFT Acct name, say abcde13@xxxxx.net, abcde is used to create C:\users\abcde folder for all your account file. Not very nice since you were expecting SAM. There is no easy way, or a 100% sure way, of changing the user fold name; can't rename, except maybe in SAFE mode or via DOS, but the Registry is already populated with programs and other thing relating to c:\users\abce and will fail. Rename does NOT change all the references in Registry, or even possibly elsewhere. So, the workaround for me is to suck it up and go ahead and change my Local Logon, i.e., User Account name to abcde! Oh well!
3. Installing Brother Printer software from disk, a mere 1-1.5 years old, ended up in an infinite read and error recovery/retry that locked up the entire system. The cause seems to be the Optical DVR/CD device installed in my new Dell. The recovery/retry infinite loop is software error! Some piece of software, driver or application should have abandoned the retries after so many and just give an error. After 4 hours on phone with Dell Support, the manager realized in less than 5 minuted that a new drive needs to be installed. Duh. Other symptoms of problem was the loud clattering noise on older CDs, the inability to execute an Autoplay setup without manually invoking it, taking a long, long time in some cases to even see the disks existence by the operating system, etc. New drive on the way.I'll report back with test results. 10/24/17 Update: We have 2 problems here: (a) the Optical DVR/CD drive that came with my Dell 15-1500 Series 5700 was bad. Only about 5-10% of the time could I use it. Problems consisted of never being recognized by File Manager (no disk ID for the drive), ID in file manager, but never loaded, infinite attempts to try to read any info files on it, Auto Play not recognized, Some but not all data displayed after loading, hangs to application trying to run a file from it, etc. May I mention that these problems apply to Audio disks, Video DVDs, and Data disks that all work flawlessly on two other PCs and/or DVD/CD player attached to a TV. Dell replaced that Optical drive with, NOT a new one, but a refurbished one! The second one got through the Audio and Data disks, except initially failed twice -- seems like it needs to be trained. However, the Video Disks failed about 80% of the time for 12 different movie purchased and original movie disks. The problems were the same as initially on previous Optical drive. Round three coming -- a third optical drive. If this doesn't work, the entire Dell machine is going back unless they replace it with a working external optical drive. (2) No progress on number of retries. I did notice that some software can govern the number of retries and the time before retries. I'm looking into driver-specific software now.
10/24/17 Update for 4, 5, 7 below: These could all be user error 😬. I decided to download different backup software, SYnBack Free just in case I had to abandon SyncToy. Its documentation, since they currently support the product unlike SyncToy that has been abandoned by Microsoft, clearly explains and cautions the user on the differences between backing up methods and how to manage your backups. Briefly, MIRROR your drived ONLY if you want the target drive to look identically to the Source drive at all times. This method will delete files on Target if no longer in the Source. Thus, if you had a really old file on Source and deleted it there, it will also be deleted on your backup. You may not want this. BACKUP method copies only changes to source (edits, movement, etc.) to Target disk, NEVER deleting anything from Target. Sounds promising for those who want the Target as a complete backup over many years and want to maintain a total backup while the Source mast only keeps current files. However, beware that if you do what I do, namely have an Archive folder in my key directories that I use to hold the old stuff, keeping my main view with only current files I need to see, the Target after the BACKUP will now get those files under Archive AND keep them outside before they were move to Archive. In all cases, SYNCHRONIZE is another, it is important NEVER to modify the Target yourself. Well, wrong too. You see, unintentionally, I sometimes backup before I notice that one or more of my personal, sensative files went over unencrypted. I I used the BACKUP method, after encrypting it, I now have bothe the unencrypted and encrypted there! To correct this, I need to manually delete the unencrypted files from the Target. I could use MIRROR to automatically do this, but then all other deletions I made on Source will be deleted from Target. There's no nice solution for me with backing up encrypted files. So, in short, I will be using SYncBack Freeware for backups because they maintain the software and support it and have great documentation.
4. Either the file COPY function or Microsoft's SyncToy product is causing copying failures. For example, I copied, one way or the other or both, and ended up with inconsistencies in the number of items in the source and target directories. In some cases, just some files went missing. In another case, entire subfolders were not there and missing with more than a coincidence, e.g., For 3 folders I had subfolders 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017. The target created the folders only for 2013-2016. 2017 was left out for all three upward folders! Strange. Further testing required to determine the culprit. But, beware that SyncToy and/or COPY may not always work right.
10/24/17 Update (see above):
5. Never, never have a folder named ARCHIVE! I had subfolders in at least 10 directories named that where I accumulated past files in so not to clutter the most current ones. One of the copy methods, COPY or SyncToy decided that the files in each ARCHIVE subdirectory should also be copied outside it one directory level up. I also have seen duplicated pictures with the same name! Again, many hours of debugging ahead.
6. Since I am very proficient and satisfied with Office 2003, I once again installed it on Creator Version only to find several fixes/work around were necessary: (a) After installing from disk, you also need to install Office Service Pack 3 (SP3) AND the Office Compatibility which was for 2007. Why? Because MSFT in all their wisdom removed Control Panel from Start menu, which isn't the problem other than to work to fix it. The real Windows issue is that file association for Excel, namely ,XLS, are NOT assigned to ANY application and MSFT, again with great wisdom, no longer let's you search for actual program .exe files to assign (associate) to the .xls extension. The Compatibility product will assign the .xls to an XML Converter program. You won't see Excel there, but instead this designation. 10/24/17 Update: You can select a specific program, however, you have a hurtle to jump now to get to that point. When the file associations are displayed and you click to the right to add or change a default program, you get the available choices on you system. You now have to go to STORE first and see its offerings. At the very bottom of the offerings is a hypertext to select more programs FROM YOUR SYSTEM. This is what puts you into File Explorer and allows you to explore you system for a .exe file. I don't know if I could have fixed my Excel problem doing this or that the converter was still necessary but, this is how you do it.
10/24/17 Update (see above):
7. Did you ever try to find everything on your system with the word ARCHIVE (problem 5 above) so you can rename them all to ARCHIVES to avoid the copy problem? Forget it! Instead, get the product called EVERYTHING. Search Everything file manager and you'll come to the Voids website. Works like a charm and super fast!
8. Of course Creator still uses title bars that are White by default, rendering finding the active one opened on your screen. Fortunately they at least now allow you to change the titles and other ting's colors via Settings, Personalize.
Come on back for resolutions to these problems.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
781. You don't want a dying mouse in your house
Tonight my wife said the mouse was broken, it didn't display a pointer on screen. Well, it had power. The touchpad was also not functioning and the system was locked up. So, power off/on should clean it up. It didn't. Here are some of the problems existing:
1. Right-click from anywhere should bring context menu up promptly. It took about 10-20 seconds to see menu
2. Went to Windows Updates to see what went on. It said "No updates have been installed". Yeah, right. This is a know problem starting in August 2017.
3. Regedit would not allow expansion of entries. Now we're talking major problems!
4. System Restore to checkpoint yesterday FAILED. 0x80070091 error. Also a know problem! Hello, Microsoft! You can look these up. This supposedly has a solution that requires a simple rename of WindiwApps folder.
After screwing around with all this, the recovery failed, but this time the restart it required somehow cleaned up the other problems. Go figure! Except, the Windows Updates still indicate No Updates.
Below are some website hits for problems mentioned:
Followup: I am going to contribute most of the problems to the mouse battery being about 99% depleted! Although never experiencing problems like this, I would guess the weak battery, hence potential right-click failures or delays, propagated problems with mouse driver which caused performance problems throughout. However, the Restore problem remains Microsoft know problem that some people claim the temporary solution is renaming WindowsApps folder prior to restore
1. Right-click from anywhere should bring context menu up promptly. It took about 10-20 seconds to see menu
2. Went to Windows Updates to see what went on. It said "No updates have been installed". Yeah, right. This is a know problem starting in August 2017.
3. Regedit would not allow expansion of entries. Now we're talking major problems!
4. System Restore to checkpoint yesterday FAILED. 0x80070091 error. Also a know problem! Hello, Microsoft! You can look these up. This supposedly has a solution that requires a simple rename of WindiwApps folder.
After screwing around with all this, the recovery failed, but this time the restart it required somehow cleaned up the other problems. Go figure! Except, the Windows Updates still indicate No Updates.
Below are some website hits for problems mentioned:
Followup: I am going to contribute most of the problems to the mouse battery being about 99% depleted! Although never experiencing problems like this, I would guess the weak battery, hence potential right-click failures or delays, propagated problems with mouse driver which caused performance problems throughout. However, the Restore problem remains Microsoft know problem that some people claim the temporary solution is renaming WindowsApps folder prior to restore
780. Logitech Mouse does its own thing
Here's a weird problem: You perform actions with mouse, i.e., move the pointer to some hypertext and your system erratically performs as if the mouse does a left-click on its owns. For example, I have a dictionary on my system and to look up a word I simply double-click the left mouse. Well, I started to see definitions appear without doing so! Another example, I do a click on something, like a file, and it acts as though I double-click. Now the worse scenario so far was I ordered something, thankfully not anything of value (only a free book from Kelloggs rewards which should have taken one of my 2 credits) and it double-clicked and ordered the same book twice. You never see it happen its so fast.
Anyway, my first inclination was to power off, reset the mouse. I chose right. I removed the battery from the mouse and after 1 minute reinstalled it. It cleared up everything. Gotta love guessing right. I may have achieved the same result by disabling mouse and restarting. But, removing a battery was so much easier. It seemed like a hardware error, but most likely the power off/on sequence reinitialized it.
Anyway, my first inclination was to power off, reset the mouse. I chose right. I removed the battery from the mouse and after 1 minute reinstalled it. It cleared up everything. Gotta love guessing right. I may have achieved the same result by disabling mouse and restarting. But, removing a battery was so much easier. It seemed like a hardware error, but most likely the power off/on sequence reinitialized it.
Sunday, June 4, 2017
779. Enjoyable Books - UPDATED 8/16/2017
This post lists ONLY my latest 4-5 Star ratings:
1. ALL Robert McCammon's Matthew Corbett Series Books 1-6: (1)Speaks the Nightbird, (2)Queen of Bedlam, (3)Mister Slaughter, (4)Providence Rider, (5)River of Souls, and (6)Freedom Rider. Book (1) was the 2nd Matthew Corbett book I read, having started with (2)Queen of Bedlam. Thus, I already knew the main characters and was dying to see how they originated and developed in book 1 of the series. I wasn't disappointed; reading book 1 helped develop them more. This book introduces Matthew. Immediately his inquisitive nature gets him into trouble. Curiosity is Matthew! And his troubles, or should I really say adventures, with all their twists keeps the stories flowing and exciting. I have now completed all in the series and can't wait for the 7th one to come out. Always interesting is who remains after at the end of each story and what sacrifices and heroism happens in between. Book 1 isn't the typical "witch" story; thankfully it is much, much better. You'll find the bonds between characters established, the enjoyment of them enthralling, and the unfortunate losses disappointing but realistic. Mr. McCammon's wit, his well appreciated content loaded with a lot of meat and potatoes, and his continuous dedication to stay on point and build the story all the way to the end without any dull periods makes all the books in this series 5 stars. Enjoy the whole series.
2. David L. Golomon's The Traveler: You have to start with the first book in the Event series to appreciate all the characters and their quirks and their close relationships. All Event series books are good. this particular one took a while to get really interesting, bu Mr. Golemon never fails to disappoint by the end and you'll be waiting anxiously for the next one. I only gave this one a 4-Star since he went a little overboard in the first 180 or so pages with a lot of technical gibberish. Skipping over this did NOT interrupt the great story. However, I do hope he tunes it back down and gets back to real meaningful content. Maybe I'm just to sensitized to the fake or continuous negative news by today's bad Media! (My soapbox on the Media continues ... see other posts in the Media category to understand how long this has been going on).
3. Stephen King's Needless things and Dreamcacher: This must have been the third time I have read these novels and they never disappoint. Stephen is so witty and his writing skills and content between-the-story is so clever and memorable. I actually go back and reread his books to refresh myself of how novels should be written and to remember his cute humor. Of course, both a 5-Star.
4. Stephen Coont's Saucer Series: (1) Saucer, (2) Saucer Savage Planet, (3) Saucer the Conquest. How about 5-Star for the entire series. Must reads for those into Science fiction AND Adventure.
5. Dean Koontz's Cold Fire: 5-Star
6. Nelson DeMille's: All 5-Stars are The Gate House, The Gold Coast, Plum Island, Lion's Game. Love the "John" characters in all of them. 8/17/update: Add to these, Demille's The Lion, Night Fall, Wildfire, The panther, Radient Angel. I'm sticking to the 5-stars for all his John Corey series' books.
1. ALL Robert McCammon's Matthew Corbett Series Books 1-6: (1)Speaks the Nightbird, (2)Queen of Bedlam, (3)Mister Slaughter, (4)Providence Rider, (5)River of Souls, and (6)Freedom Rider. Book (1) was the 2nd Matthew Corbett book I read, having started with (2)Queen of Bedlam. Thus, I already knew the main characters and was dying to see how they originated and developed in book 1 of the series. I wasn't disappointed; reading book 1 helped develop them more. This book introduces Matthew. Immediately his inquisitive nature gets him into trouble. Curiosity is Matthew! And his troubles, or should I really say adventures, with all their twists keeps the stories flowing and exciting. I have now completed all in the series and can't wait for the 7th one to come out. Always interesting is who remains after at the end of each story and what sacrifices and heroism happens in between. Book 1 isn't the typical "witch" story; thankfully it is much, much better. You'll find the bonds between characters established, the enjoyment of them enthralling, and the unfortunate losses disappointing but realistic. Mr. McCammon's wit, his well appreciated content loaded with a lot of meat and potatoes, and his continuous dedication to stay on point and build the story all the way to the end without any dull periods makes all the books in this series 5 stars. Enjoy the whole series.
2. David L. Golomon's The Traveler: You have to start with the first book in the Event series to appreciate all the characters and their quirks and their close relationships. All Event series books are good. this particular one took a while to get really interesting, bu Mr. Golemon never fails to disappoint by the end and you'll be waiting anxiously for the next one. I only gave this one a 4-Star since he went a little overboard in the first 180 or so pages with a lot of technical gibberish. Skipping over this did NOT interrupt the great story. However, I do hope he tunes it back down and gets back to real meaningful content. Maybe I'm just to sensitized to the fake or continuous negative news by today's bad Media! (My soapbox on the Media continues ... see other posts in the Media category to understand how long this has been going on).
3. Stephen King's Needless things and Dreamcacher: This must have been the third time I have read these novels and they never disappoint. Stephen is so witty and his writing skills and content between-the-story is so clever and memorable. I actually go back and reread his books to refresh myself of how novels should be written and to remember his cute humor. Of course, both a 5-Star.
4. Stephen Coont's Saucer Series: (1) Saucer, (2) Saucer Savage Planet, (3) Saucer the Conquest. How about 5-Star for the entire series. Must reads for those into Science fiction AND Adventure.
5. Dean Koontz's Cold Fire: 5-Star
6. Nelson DeMille's: All 5-Stars are The Gate House, The Gold Coast, Plum Island, Lion's Game. Love the "John" characters in all of them. 8/17/update: Add to these, Demille's The Lion, Night Fall, Wildfire, The panther, Radient Angel. I'm sticking to the 5-stars for all his John Corey series' books.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
778. AxCrypt Versions and KEEPTIMESTAMP Registry Setting
AxCrypt-1.7.2893.0-x64-en-US-Beta.msi has always been a safe and reliable version of the AxCrypt encryption software. A few months ago, I made the mistake of upgrading to the Version 2 package. It is NOT backward compatible to the version 1 software. So BEWARE. I would recommend that anybody wanting to try Version 2, make a system image of their system for backup. What I was not satisfied about were:
1. Microsoft Edge presented a problem in Version 2 when it was used as the default PDF viewer in the Chrome or IE browsers or using EDGE itself for a browser. No matter which type of file (encrypted) was opened via windows Explorer, the application would fail to save any updates to the file receiving error message that it was shared with another application. Now, I believe if a file NOT encrypted is opened with Excel for example, Excel actually changes the name internally to a temporary name and then back again when closed. That is nothing new. When the file is encrypted, it has to also go through steps from AxCrypt to decrypt it and this also appears to be an internal temporary name that needs to be put right before closing again. Well, whatever happens internally, the AxCrypt package (Version 2) sometimes fails when trying to Save the file and then proceeds to an unsecure state of leaving the file in your %appdata% folder PERMANENTLY not encrypted until you to manually delete it. This was reported, but not satisfactory solution exists and the developers were not interested in debugging it. Thus, I went back to version 1 (above .msi install file and running happily again.
2. Version 2 was very confusing with its new LOGIN password vs. file passphrase. To simplify, if you are converting from version 1 to version 2, set the registration login password to the version 1 passphrase. The was it works is that you now have to login (the first time) and from then on all files being encrypted or being decrypted will use that password as the passphrase (version 1 equivalent term). I you make the mistake as I did by assuming that it was just an additional level of security since it also controls file access/encryption across platforms, you will end up with your old version 1 files (unless mass converted to version 2) using the old version 1 passphrase and the new version files using the login password. Anyway, when you realize this and do make them the same, you still have a problem in that when you open a version file and save it it is now a version 2 file. Fine you assume since the passphrase/password is the same. Wrong. If you ever decide that you want to go back to version 1 or use version 1 on another system, you will NOT be able to open it despite the passphrase/password being the same. Version 2 formatted files are a completely different animal and can only be opened by Version 2 AxCrypt. This is a nightmare implementation! Converting back to Version 1 required me to restore the version 1 files from my backup disk. So BEWARE again.
3. Version 2 did NOT honor the KEEPTIMESTAMP implementation from version 1. It always changed the timestamp to the date the file was encrypted. At least this is true for files that were version 1 that it converted to version 2 when just looking at it without making any changes. NOT good if you, like me, have PDF files in folders for the last 10+years and periodically want to search for a file based on date yo originally saved it. After the Version 2 access to it, the date now is the date it was converted.
Enough ranting re Version 2. I might mention that when I went back to Version 1, I decided to get the most recent version 1, not the .msi level (2nd most recent) as stated above. It too has the random can't save problem as version 2. May I mention that an additional symptom of incorrectly managing files opened via Windows Explorer is when trying to signout or shutdown Windows 10. Randomly as mentioned you will not be able to shut down because AxCrypt is holding the file someway. You either have to tell Windows 10 to shutdown anyway, of if you are just signing out and don't get the message to allow you to force shutdown, have to bring up Task Manager and kill the AxCrypt tasks -- there will be 2 or more during this error condition. You should also check your %%APPDATA%% folder for leftovers when you get back up. OR just reinstall the version stated above and sail though life without problems.
2/25/17 Update Note: Re to not being able to signout and saving files because file is shared, I traced the task actions during the phases and noticed that it takes about 10 seconds for the task managing the actual closing of the file and re-encryption before it ends. If during that 10 seconds I clicked to open a new encrypted file, the task for the "unfinished" previous file gets stuck and never closed. Thus, I believe, is the mysterious task that causes all the problems. I am using a 2.10 GHz PC with Windows 10. Windows 7 never gave me this problem and I handled the files similarly. Thus, the timing seems has become susceptible. I'll test further. At this point, the cause could be Windows 10 and/or speed of processor running Windows 10 (I don't remember this happening with first versions of Windows 10 -- might be time to replace this old Dell with a new faster one).
So, what I lost when installing version 2 and then back to version 1 was the KEEPTIMESTAMP registry key setting that is mandatory for the way I mange my files. I always want the encrypted timestamp of a file to be equal to the last updated date of the file. This, registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Axantum\AxCrypt\KEEPTIMESTAMP must be non-zero. Thus, do a REDEDIT and set it back if desired.
Other Registry Key settings can be found at: http://www.axantum.com/AxCrypt/Registry.html
1. Microsoft Edge presented a problem in Version 2 when it was used as the default PDF viewer in the Chrome or IE browsers or using EDGE itself for a browser. No matter which type of file (encrypted) was opened via windows Explorer, the application would fail to save any updates to the file receiving error message that it was shared with another application. Now, I believe if a file NOT encrypted is opened with Excel for example, Excel actually changes the name internally to a temporary name and then back again when closed. That is nothing new. When the file is encrypted, it has to also go through steps from AxCrypt to decrypt it and this also appears to be an internal temporary name that needs to be put right before closing again. Well, whatever happens internally, the AxCrypt package (Version 2) sometimes fails when trying to Save the file and then proceeds to an unsecure state of leaving the file in your %appdata% folder PERMANENTLY not encrypted until you to manually delete it. This was reported, but not satisfactory solution exists and the developers were not interested in debugging it. Thus, I went back to version 1 (above .msi install file and running happily again.
2. Version 2 was very confusing with its new LOGIN password vs. file passphrase. To simplify, if you are converting from version 1 to version 2, set the registration login password to the version 1 passphrase. The was it works is that you now have to login (the first time) and from then on all files being encrypted or being decrypted will use that password as the passphrase (version 1 equivalent term). I you make the mistake as I did by assuming that it was just an additional level of security since it also controls file access/encryption across platforms, you will end up with your old version 1 files (unless mass converted to version 2) using the old version 1 passphrase and the new version files using the login password. Anyway, when you realize this and do make them the same, you still have a problem in that when you open a version file and save it it is now a version 2 file. Fine you assume since the passphrase/password is the same. Wrong. If you ever decide that you want to go back to version 1 or use version 1 on another system, you will NOT be able to open it despite the passphrase/password being the same. Version 2 formatted files are a completely different animal and can only be opened by Version 2 AxCrypt. This is a nightmare implementation! Converting back to Version 1 required me to restore the version 1 files from my backup disk. So BEWARE again.
3. Version 2 did NOT honor the KEEPTIMESTAMP implementation from version 1. It always changed the timestamp to the date the file was encrypted. At least this is true for files that were version 1 that it converted to version 2 when just looking at it without making any changes. NOT good if you, like me, have PDF files in folders for the last 10+years and periodically want to search for a file based on date yo originally saved it. After the Version 2 access to it, the date now is the date it was converted.
Enough ranting re Version 2. I might mention that when I went back to Version 1, I decided to get the most recent version 1, not the .msi level (2nd most recent) as stated above. It too has the random can't save problem as version 2. May I mention that an additional symptom of incorrectly managing files opened via Windows Explorer is when trying to signout or shutdown Windows 10. Randomly as mentioned you will not be able to shut down because AxCrypt is holding the file someway. You either have to tell Windows 10 to shutdown anyway, of if you are just signing out and don't get the message to allow you to force shutdown, have to bring up Task Manager and kill the AxCrypt tasks -- there will be 2 or more during this error condition. You should also check your %%APPDATA%% folder for leftovers when you get back up. OR just reinstall the version stated above and sail though life without problems.
2/25/17 Update Note: Re to not being able to signout and saving files because file is shared, I traced the task actions during the phases and noticed that it takes about 10 seconds for the task managing the actual closing of the file and re-encryption before it ends. If during that 10 seconds I clicked to open a new encrypted file, the task for the "unfinished" previous file gets stuck and never closed. Thus, I believe, is the mysterious task that causes all the problems. I am using a 2.10 GHz PC with Windows 10. Windows 7 never gave me this problem and I handled the files similarly. Thus, the timing seems has become susceptible. I'll test further. At this point, the cause could be Windows 10 and/or speed of processor running Windows 10 (I don't remember this happening with first versions of Windows 10 -- might be time to replace this old Dell with a new faster one).
So, what I lost when installing version 2 and then back to version 1 was the KEEPTIMESTAMP registry key setting that is mandatory for the way I mange my files. I always want the encrypted timestamp of a file to be equal to the last updated date of the file. This, registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Axantum\AxCrypt\KEEPTIMESTAMP must be non-zero. Thus, do a REDEDIT and set it back if desired.
Other Registry Key settings can be found at: http://www.axantum.com/AxCrypt/Registry.html
Sunday, January 29, 2017
777. Kindle Fire: Books still display on CLOUD after deleting via Amazon Account
On a Kindle Fire (not HD/HDX) do you see books when the CLOUD is displayed that you deleted via Amazon Account's Manage Content and Devices? This has been reported back in 2011 but I found no simple answer to correct it and get rid of the erroneous books. I found a KINDLE app that manages them via local data, i.e., on the device itself, that was NOT handling some books, usually those borrowed via a public library for free, an although they do disappear from a Fire HDX, they remained on my older Fire! Below is the solution to make them disappear and sync only with those you left on the cloud.
The SOLUTION: On the Fire, Amazon has an application called "Content Management Services". So,
1. Swipe down from top
2. Tap MORE
5. Scroll down until you find the KINDLE app CONTENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES and then tap it
7. Back on out ... you're done and the erroneous cloud data should now be gone for the books that still appeared but were previously deleted from your Amazon Account via it's Mange Content and Devices feature
I hope gone forever. We'll see if they reappear. This is Day 1
The SOLUTION: On the Fire, Amazon has an application called "Content Management Services". So,
1. Swipe down from top
2. Tap MORE
5. Scroll down until you find the KINDLE app CONTENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES and then tap it
7. Back on out ... you're done and the erroneous cloud data should now be gone for the books that still appeared but were previously deleted from your Amazon Account via it's Mange Content and Devices feature
I hope gone forever. We'll see if they reappear. This is Day 1
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