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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous
So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...
Thursday, May 31, 2012
601. Mitt, why didn't you take Letterman along?
Mitt Romney made an unscheduled stop at Solyndra to make a speech outside the front gate to let America know how their $500M was wasted by the Obama administration. Back in post #596 I mentioned that Letterman was clueless re the real facts behind Solyndra. Doesn't that want to make you gag? But, the clueless will continue to believe the clueless! doesn't that make you angry? I just pray the Informed don't let the Uninformed get their way again in November. I just can't get my hands around why Hollywood stars are so clueless. Or are they just ornery and need to disagree with the Informed public -- to be contrary? Does that make them feel superior? Time to slap them awake in November.
600. Thanks Hillary ... maybe you should call Colin Powell
Thank you Hillary for clarifying the relationship we have with Russia, even if this article is only about Syria. Don't forget to call Colin Powell and remind him that tea with Russia is more than drinking tea and listening to them. If you missed Powell's comments re Russia, look back at previous posts.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
599. Good Quote
“Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”
― Corrie Ten Boom
― Corrie Ten Boom
598. Hot OBlunder Statistics
This was just emailed to me. Please note the sources of the information in the right column -- you won't see OBlunder's White House staff as a source!
After three years of Obama
Here's your
January 2009
% chg
| |||
Avg. Retail price/gallon gas in
Crude oil, European Brent
Crude oil, West TX Inter.
Corn, No.2 yellow, Central
Soybeans, No. 1 yellow,
Sugar, cane, raw, world, lb. Fob
Unemployment rate, non-farm,
Unemployment rate, blacks
Number of unemployed
Number of fed. Employees
Real median household
Number of food stamp
Number of unemployment benefit
Number of long-term
Poverty rate, individuals
People in poverty in U.S.
U.S. Rank in Economic Freedom World
Present Situation Index
Failed banks
U.S. Dollar versus Japanese yen exchange
U.S. Money supply, M1, in
U.S. Money supply, M2, in
National debt, in
(1) U.S.
Energy Information Administration; (2) Wall Street Journal; (3) Bureau of Labor
Statistics; (4) Census Bureau; (5) USDA; (6) U.S. Dept. Of Labor;
(7) FHFA; (8) Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller; (9) RealtyTrac; (10) Heritage Foundation and WSJ; (11) The Conference Board; (12) FDIC;
(13) Federal Reserve; (14) U.S. Treasury
(7) FHFA; (8) Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller; (9) RealtyTrac; (10) Heritage Foundation and WSJ; (11) The Conference Board; (12) FDIC;
(13) Federal Reserve; (14) U.S. Treasury
So, tell me
again, what is it about Obama that makes him so brilliant and impressive? Can't
think of anything? Don't worry. He's done all this in 41 months -- so you'll
have about 7 months to come up with an answer. Every statement in this email is
factual and directly attributable to Barrack Hussein Obama. Every bumble is a
matter of record and completely verifiable.
597. Mr. Powell? You watching current events yet?
Post #590 and other previous ones commented re Colin Powell's statement that Russia is OUR ally. Yet, Russia continues to run against the world leaders, in this case the UN, to resolve massacres in Syria. And, what is OBlunder doing about it? Hiding in his closet of course until the teleprompter is updated.
596. OUCH Facebook Fans
There's a lot of noise out there against Facebook, such as another comment that Facebook will continue to drop to the norm of competitors. I already indicated this and continue to agree that only shorting the stock will be profitable. Given all the lawsuits already claiming that Facebook told the underwriters of poor marketing results after the prospectus was finalized and in their hands, but NOT the public might have provided privileged information to the big investors, but not you and me. I never invested, so I'm spared the drop from around $42 at IPO open to somewhere near 28 today and more following. SHORT IT. Maybe they'll get lucky and have a suitor like Apple save their skin.
595. Keep an eye on Apple
When will the Apple tree grow again? For the last couple weeks, Apple stock has taken a breather along with the market. But coming up on June 11 is a world-wide forum where Apple will strut its stuff once again. Maybe nothing very big, but another consistent step forward. Now, with a close partner of Disney, Apple could have some block busters in development beyond the iMac, iPad, iPhone -- how about a major development in the communications/entertainment field? Who knows what, since Apple remain secretive in future products. But, the handwriting seems to be on the wall and the favorable graffiti is starting to paint some attractive promise. I remain on the Apple bandwagon. Should you jump aboard? The overall market should still be in limbo over the summer, but Apple might break away and head up at least a month or two in advance. And, will Apple go after Facebook?
594. OBlunder blunders again
How many times does America have to put up with OBlunder insulting another nation and embarrassing America? The Ticket reports that Oblunder called Nazi death camp a Polish Death Camp. I would like this to be just a slip of the tongue, but when you pay little attention to sensitive issues growing up and probably imbibe in Polish jokes in college, what else can you expect from OBlunder? The guy just can't speak without a teleprompter that other people correct before they happen.
Also yesterday, I heard on FOX that OBlunder has been spreading misinformation re his government spending habits stating that under his reign of close to 4 years he has increased spending the least of any president in 60 years. Stuart Varney ripped those statements apart, however, hi comment that it won't matter much to the uneducated people he is speaking to who will actually believe it. So sad that most American's loved to be conned. I am amazed by the ignorance of Americans re issues that affect their lives -- they seem to believe and rely on spoken lies rather than facts. Just like Letterman about a week ago with Bill O'Reilly on the show where he told Bill that the Solyndra affair where OBlunder gave away $532M to a failing company -- our taxpayer money -- was not black and white. Hello Dave! Then he tried to turn it into a joke when Bill challenged him and said his facts must be upstairs in his dressing room. Come on America. Use those brains.
Also yesterday, I heard on FOX that OBlunder has been spreading misinformation re his government spending habits stating that under his reign of close to 4 years he has increased spending the least of any president in 60 years. Stuart Varney ripped those statements apart, however, hi comment that it won't matter much to the uneducated people he is speaking to who will actually believe it. So sad that most American's loved to be conned. I am amazed by the ignorance of Americans re issues that affect their lives -- they seem to believe and rely on spoken lies rather than facts. Just like Letterman about a week ago with Bill O'Reilly on the show where he told Bill that the Solyndra affair where OBlunder gave away $532M to a failing company -- our taxpayer money -- was not black and white. Hello Dave! Then he tried to turn it into a joke when Bill challenged him and said his facts must be upstairs in his dressing room. Come on America. Use those brains.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
593. Wolf Blitzer is such a OBlunder butt kisser
Wolf Blitzer. Need I define him? Wolf hangs out far on the left and likes to attack people who disagree with the Left, even if his facts are wrong. He is backed by the mighty liberal CNN. In this article, Wolf attacks Donald Trump as he was INTRODUCING him to his program which was to be a discussion about China, jobs, and OPEC. I've heard Trump speak about the birther issue many times. In all cases, he simply suggested to OBlunder that to squelch the issue why doesn't he just present the necessary data like other presidents. Trump didn't initiate the birther issue, but he did try to end it with his request to OBlunder. Get it, Wolf? After OBlunder's own book where he admits taking drugs in college, drinking large quantities of beer , and even trying blow (cocaine), why would anybody ever trust him? Had he been caught, he wouldn't be president, birth certificate or not. Trump does have a point that putting an article in paper isn't always done for factual reasons. Considering how OBlunder behaved by working with Marxists, following the scriptures of Rev. Wright, and other things, I just want him out of the White House! As for Wolf? Grow up Wolf. Using an opportunity to chastise somebody without giving them an opportunity in advance to understand your intentions is childlike and evil. You and CNN need to take a hike. I am so sick of the liberal media.
Monday, May 28, 2012
592. Facebook Analysis and Worth
Some of you might have noticed that I decided to delve into the facebook world. However, it is only to analyze its usefulness. I give it below passing grades. If you are looking for a financial worth, look at this article valuing Facebook at $13.80 per share -- remember its IPO opened around $42 per share less than a week ago. However, I am reviewing Facebook from a design and usability perspective. Having over 6 years in actual software design process and another 14+ in software usability and support, I am NOT impressed with Facebook. It looks and reacts like a patchwork, bottom-up application that is obviously not easy to expand since common interfaces don't seem to be there. For example, look at its latest Trending Articles kludge that pops up in NewsFeed and elsewhere without anyway to prevent it and remove it. The interface to remove information from News Feed obviously is not a common interface that is implemented. I remember back in the IBM labs when I took responsibility for a parsing piece of software where the previous owners had no clue what the original designer designed. Instead of using the SIMPLE designer's interface, albeit he assumed followers would understand, each new expansion branched to their own code to parse rather than using the simple table-driven scheme. Anyways, Facebook shows all the symptoms of that. What it offers is the ability to POST your every move via cell phones to everybody (or friends) and to receive posts from others via cell phones. After about 2 months, I have noticed that less than 4% of my friends use Facebook at all to declare their every move. Less than 10% ever check Facebook. Less than 25% seem to use it more than twice per month.
Thus, with a $13.80 per share worth based on financials and a look inside, or from a user's perspective, with low ratings, I'd stay away from this as an investment. It is NOT a Google! I can only seeing it being bought out by someone like Google and being rewritten with standard coding interfaces before it amounts to anything. As a matter of fact, this application would be so easy to write from scratch that I see nobody picking it up unless they want its accounts for something. Stay away from Facebook.
Thus, with a $13.80 per share worth based on financials and a look inside, or from a user's perspective, with low ratings, I'd stay away from this as an investment. It is NOT a Google! I can only seeing it being bought out by someone like Google and being rewritten with standard coding interfaces before it amounts to anything. As a matter of fact, this application would be so easy to write from scratch that I see nobody picking it up unless they want its accounts for something. Stay away from Facebook.
591. The Greece spills to Spain
Austerity could be good, so declares the Greek polls sending Ms. Merkel has her work cut out for her now that OBlunder has joined Hollande of France on their save the cheerleader campaign across Europe. Fortunately, there are some sane leaders in Europe who understand that just more stimulus and no austerity programs is catastrophic long-term and its time to pay the Piper NOW. Meanwhile, Hollande and OBlunder are spreading their tear-jerking campaign as Spain takes the lead in dragging Europe to its knees -- see this article re high Spanish debt rates. OBlunder needs to get his nose closer to the American shores and START to save America's cheerleaders. Four years of destruction! No Pas!
590. Who's ally is Russia Mr. Powell?
This article,Russia chides ally Syria over massacre of 108 states "Moscow's pro-Syria stance has been motivated in part by its strategic and defense ties, including weapons sales, with Damascus. Russia also rejects what it sees as a world order dominated by the U.S." I questioned Colin Powell's statement (see post #588) re Russia being our ally. I'm surprised the AP agrees with me. So, is OBlunder ever going to address this issue before it gets more out-of-hand than it already is (Syria, Iran, North Korea, Russia, China)? Four years of nothing in foreign policy, only socialist speeches. what benefit has America gained?
Friday, May 25, 2012
589. Sorry, No pity here either.
The Amarillo Globe News put this article out re Utility Assistance being frozen and used an example of a woman who claims poverty. Sorry, but I, like almost all the others that commented on the actual paper site, can't seem to shed a tear any more for people like this. Here's a gal who works 32 hours a week at $7.85/hour, BUT lives with a partner who makes $11.00/hour for 40 hours/week. Thus, if you do the math, their total monthly income is $3179/month. That is close to 170% of poverty for a family of 4 which disqualifies her for any assistance. However, since they aren't married, her $1155/month is under the Federal radar of $1591/month. This is how you take advantage of the system AND get all the other tax payers to pay your utilities, or in this case, cigarettes, and about $40/mo per person for too much food as you can verify from the picture of her. Where did I get the food per day $$$? My expenses are $40 per person less per month and we eat real well on that! Since the partner pays 1/4, or should MINIMUM, for everything, her income should be raised by that much to determine poverty qualification. Do this and she'd get nothing, just like she will with the new law. Amen. Let's give our aid to the real poverty! Quit soaking the system and other tax payers! Take out SS, Medicare payments, taxes and their total take home income of approximately $30,000 is much more than my annual budget by at least $5000. what's the difference? We don't smoke (good $300/mo. for two per month) and we eat within our means, but quite well for $40/mo. per person. For $30K per month and no mortgage you could have it all, HBO, STARZ, SHOWTIME, cell phone, and 2 cars. Come on Gal, you don't need a college education to use Commons Sense.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
588. Powell needs to take off his blinders too.
This same article (post #587) had a snippet in it with words Colin Powell said on MSNBC, specifically saying "... When Governor Romney, not too long ago, said, you know, the Russian Federation is our number one geostrategic threat, well, come on, Mitt, think. That isn't the case." Well, I disagree. This article re Russia testing a long-range missile to counter a "threat" of a missile DEFENSE system seems to me more is going on in Russia -- Powell's perceived ALLY! Wow. Just which countries are defending both North Korea and Iran?And, they aren't a threat worldwide? I certainly wouldn't call Russia an ally, but might lend more to Romney's term, geopolitical foe. You judge for yourself.
587. OBlunder Living a Dream
So, OBlunder is now taking credit for Libya. America led from front? Is he serious? Is he already trying to rewrite the history books and change how we let NATO lead and America assisted them in providing intel? Please correct me if I am wrong. At least we started to get him to accept the fact that America IS exceptional and he is starting to at least try to use it occasionally. He needs a lot of speeches to correct all his bows and apologies for exceptional America!
586.Ouch Timmy.
Post #571 commented re Tim Geithner's NO IMPACT from European crisis. Post #585 commented re effects of weaker Euro on American businesses and jobs. This article refers to just another casualty to worldwide and US company job impact -- HP laying off 8% of company employees. Hello? Timmy? You out there? Getting it yet? How about your boss OBlunder?
585. Timmy. How wrong you are (see post 571)
Timmy Geithner, the Treasurer of the United States, claimed that the Euro crisis would not hurt the American Economy. Wonder if he has been watching the market and the articles and his President's remarks? Oh, Timmy, how wrong you are. The Euopean Crisis hurts the value of the Euro. When the Euro is hurt, the Dollar rises. When the dollar rises, America's exports become expensive to the rest of the world. When that happens, they start buying elsewhere. Which HURTS our companies to a point where the only way they can make things balance is to cut production and lay off people. Now, that doesn't hurt America Timmy? Even my dog Sam had more Common Scents (and Sense).
584. Liberal Media Cranking it up
Just for the record, this ABC liberal article again shows the liberal bias from mainline media. Don't blame OBlunder for NOT doing anything positive for 4 years. Blame the Republicans. Come on ABC. You're only preaching to your choir and NOT reporting facts about why after 4 years we are worse off than before.
Meanwhile, something ABC won't reports, are facts like this article by The Ticket indicating Romney/Runio ticket would clean up in Florida.
Meanwhile, something ABC won't reports, are facts like this article by The Ticket indicating Romney/Runio ticket would clean up in Florida.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
583. Just WHAT did the G8 REALLY agree on?
Sorry for being skeptical, but Reuter's article describing the outcome of the G8 held at Camp David with our anointed one presiding doesn't sound like anything new. Much of the "political" message from the G8 was simply that. There was a lot of butt-kissing with our OBlunder sucking up to the new French president, Hollande. Hollande is a Socialist, as is OBlunder; so, of course OBlunder was going to kiss his feet and declare the world must be saved like he saved America (Right!) with stimulus money and no tough love. Kissy-kissy -- give everyone attending a trophy for their attendance rather than for results (a realistic plan that does not kill our children and grandchildren down the road). On the other side is Germany and Great Britain who have the most at risk at the expense of France who has the most to gain. Did anything actually get scheduled for an action plan? NO! Just a bunch of socialists with their sob story and predatory plans to rob the rich instead of fixing the problem permanently. What do the G8 and United Nations have in common? They both will suck America dry if you open the doors to them. Another OBlunder failure! Save the cheerleader!
Before departing, here's a snippet in the article: "The overarching message from the summit hosted by President Barack Obama reflected his own concerns that the euro-zone contagion, which threatens the future of Europe's 17-country single currency bloc, could hurt the fragile U.S. recovery and his re-election chances in November." Remember Tim Geithner's comment re to Europe NOT going to hurt America in post #571? Tell me it's not all about politics and OBlunder's campaign. As far as I'm concerned, he's lining up dominoes worldwide to help HIM, not the world; except we all know that one domino can take them all down. So be careful world.
Before departing, here's a snippet in the article: "The overarching message from the summit hosted by President Barack Obama reflected his own concerns that the euro-zone contagion, which threatens the future of Europe's 17-country single currency bloc, could hurt the fragile U.S. recovery and his re-election chances in November." Remember Tim Geithner's comment re to Europe NOT going to hurt America in post #571? Tell me it's not all about politics and OBlunder's campaign. As far as I'm concerned, he's lining up dominoes worldwide to help HIM, not the world; except we all know that one domino can take them all down. So be careful world.
Monday, May 14, 2012
582. FUN - Fishing Bloopers
Check out these hilarious fishing show bloopers - click here. My son experienced the 2nd blooper coming out of the inside door of a garage. Bring back memories Mike?
Friday, May 11, 2012
580. Will the rich pay more taxes?
Not Eduardo Saverin. He's taken his BILLIONS off the table as noted in this article. Mr. Saverin is a co-founder of Facebook and decided to renounce citizenship than to pay exorbant taxes on the upcoming Facebook IPO. I certainly don't praise people like him who rather not help the country, but as the article notes, this is a growing trend for the rich in the wake of OBlunder's rants to tax the rich higher. Now we get NOTHING instead of something. Threaten the rich more, don't lower the business capital gains tax, and we'll continue to lose tax money. Soon the upper 40% , instead of just the upper 10%, will be paying most of the taxes. It also means that if we lose just 20% of the upper tax payers, we lose about 16-18% of the total tax revenue which somebody (you and me of course) will have to make up. Thus, tax on high income earners = tax on middle the next year or two. We can't continue on the road of destroying America. OBlunder and team need to go.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
579. Whatever turns you on.
Time magazine's cover exhibits their liberal view of even child raising. I suppose some of the writers needed to justify why they were still being breast fed at 5. I'm no woman, but geez, I wouldn't want a 3 year old hanging on to my boob unless I really, really liked it myself! Would that disqualify me as a mom then and more of a sex addict? How many thousands of years have humans been raising children? Just because a very, very few like it Time needs to publicize it. Nothing more important in the world than the liberal views of anything! What a hoot.
578. Just in case the world doesn't end in 2012
Guess the Mayans didn't really believe the world would end in 2012. According to this article, they projected calendars beyond 2012. Maybe the foreseer was an Al Gore ancestor and was predicting end of Global Warming in 2012 and start of Global Cooling.
577. Wizard of Id Altered Comic
Unfortunately, I won't post the altered Wizard of Id comic since it would infringe on copyright laws, but the words are just as meaningful:
"Shouldn't voter's have to pass an intelligence test?"
"You don't have to be intelligent to vote."
"What if there are more stupid people than intelligent people?"
"Then the Democrat wins." [This is the altered part]
How right the person altering the comic was!
"Shouldn't voter's have to pass an intelligence test?"
"You don't have to be intelligent to vote."
"What if there are more stupid people than intelligent people?"
"Then the Democrat wins." [This is the altered part]
How right the person altering the comic was!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
576. This is a hoot re Biden
Even Bin Laden knows Biden is incompetent and tried to put him in the number one spot. But, like too many "unknowing" Americans STILL, he did NOT call OBlunder incompetent. He just hated him for speaking out the way the other "knowing" Americans forced him to. It's hard to believe so many people are still in La La land and vote like La La Hollywood. Good news: Bachmann supported Romney today too. Let's vote both clowns out before al Qaeda tries to execute new plans against number one.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
575. 53 Secs of Blunders
TY FP for the link to this beauty. Our governor may have made a few blunders that the media absolutely took advantage of. But how about this kludge of mistakes from the anointed one?
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