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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous

 So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

295. Yet ANOTHER Obama lie

WOOF WOOF ALERT. Sam caught this lie. This article stretches Pinocchio's nose again. Millionaires do NOT on the average pay less taxes than their secretaries as Warren Buffet and Obama's "Warren Buffet's Rule" states! The current IRS data, as well as independent data, clearly show that those over $1M in income (not me) pay almost twice the RATE as those below. Here's a summary from the article:

Tax Policy Data for 2011 IRS Data for 2009
$1m + earners 29.7% Tax Rate 24.4 % Tax Rate
$100,000-125,000 9.9%
$50,000-70,000 15%
$50,000 - 60,000 6.3 %
$40,000-50,000 12.5%
$20,000-30,000 5.7%

Why the lies Obama? This shoots a hole in your latest debt reduction plan! Now if the liberals could only read AND understand facts rather than lies. His latest debt reduction plan once again raises the CLASS WARFARE controversy.

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