Only down 293 at the moment AS EXPECTED. O's repetitive "Pass my bill (crap), pass my bill (crap), pass my bill (crap)" once again shows hi arrogance and inability to lead the government. Does he think that language repeated over 12 times is going to get the two sides working together? Does he think a bill should be passed without defining the spending cuts? Well, yeah! That's his naivety and arrogance.
Let's extend the payroll tax, plus cut even more so the taxpayers who WORK (not unemployed), can ruin their chances of Social Security even more. Every dollar he cuts that way equals about $4 or more in the future NOT AVAIALABLE for those who NEED Social Security (the unemplyed retirees)! Can you follow that? Let me make it simple: We all learned that to surmount and nice nest egg its better to invest as early as possible and LET IT COMPOUND (positively). By giving WORKERS $100-$150 a month more NOW you rob the savings of compounding the Social Security fund. Without the payroll tax cut, you'd be funding the SS pot at 2% (O's plan to make it 3.5%) more per year. That's a PLUS 3.5 versus a MINUS 3.1, or a difference of 6.6% in fund CUT! 2 years of this and we're looking at about 13% WITHOUT figuring in compounding. So, let's be conservative (2.5% compounding) and the pot in 2 years is at least 15.75% less than it could be. But don't stop there. That 15.75% is only 2 years. The lack of additional funds compounded goes on forever even after you retire. So, 2% of initial !%.75% after 2 years for say 40 more years drops your pot to more than 40% of what O gave you the first 2 years. Thus, you get about $3500 total in 2011 and 2012 , but lose $1400+ A YEAR when you retire WHEN YOU NEED IT! Do you really want to give up $125 or more when you have no salary, or $150 when you do? O is raping Social Security and you future day-to-day pension! And he's points a finger at the Republicans who want to SAVE the fund by asking the wealthy to pay more into it. Naivety and Arrogance --- bordering plain stupidity!
Only thing O accomplished is to revitalize the war between the Democratic party and the people! Keep it up dummy! Next time maybe you'll WORK with the Congressional leaders on a plan instead of trying to dictate one, especially the same old crap.
Here's one dummy: CUT the business tax rate to ZERO for all CONSTRUCTION industry businesses for 2 years for work projects done IN AMERICA AND an additional incentive for NET job increases IN AMERICAN WORKERS; to that reduce all businesses tax rate to 20% for 5 years with additional incentives for NET job increases to American workforce. You give construction the hammer and ALL other businesses NEED to grow to service that industry. You give both short-term (2 year) AND long-terOm (5-year) incentives and jobs WILL be created. End of story. Simple. Oh, FIRE your ECONMIC and JOB CREATION CZARS!
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