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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous
So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
301 Herman Cain Gets a Chance to Shine
Florida's straw poll vote for GOP candidate picked Herman Cain. If you haven't heard of him, you should be doing your research on the Internet-- start here with his biography Previous blogs have highlighted his potential, yet the news media fails to cover anybody except Romney and Perry. I certainly haven't made up my mind except Oblabber, Oblunder, Oscammer,Oliar has to go! With only a handful of debaters, Mr. Cain finally received some time to respond to questions! The debates with more than 5 candidates have been a joke! Nobody has enough time to respond. They really rob the viewer -- internationally I ask? Gingrich is also finally starting to be heard, but Huntsman and Bachmann are really getting hosed. Once again the political GAME boils down to the one or two the news media promotes. America, wise up! The horse (America) is already crippled; do we now have to shoot it. Get beyond the sheep herder. Stop Baa-a-a-a ing!
300. Will Bernanke's Twist Help the Economy?
Some of my previous blogs explained my position -- NO. Today I read this article summarizing statements by the President of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, Richard Fisher. He strengthens my position by stating: "And lower rates could force pension funds to set aside extra money to meet their future obligations to retirees -- diverting money that might otherwise have gone into investments that could generate jobs...Investing more heavily in longer-term Treasurys also poses risks for the Fed. When the economy strengthens, longer-term interest rates will rise, reducing the value of the bonds in the central bank's portfolio. As a result, the Fed might be tempted to keep rates low just when it should be raising them to control inflation."
The purpose of a stimulus is to provide enough confidence of the future in that the consumer, businesses, and large investment funds SPEND money to boost the economy and then lower unemployment. The risk is inflation and the control of it requires increasing interest rates to combat it -- this usually entails restricting the money supply.
I do believe Richard Fisher is contending for Bernanke's job in 2012. Both Perry and Romney already said Bernanke will be kicking a can down a different road if either is elected as president.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
299. But I Did Have a Bumper Tomato Crop This Year
Despite the Texas drought, my tomatoes were excellent. If I would only know why. For 5 years I failed at growing a decent crop, then when we have out worse drought it is spectacular. This year I got the tomatoes in earlier than ever -- had 1' plants in the ground by April 7. Yes, still quite cool here -- usually low 30's at night and some days went to 29. My plants were protected as in earlier years with the Wall-of-Water. You can buy them locally anywhere -- plastic tubes all attached ina circle that you fill with water. Water absorbs sun's radiant heat and keeps the plant and ground warm over night. Ten plants and 260 tomatoes. Not bad considering 2-3 didn't produce more than 3-5. Now beans were a different problem! The heat, 54 days over 100-degrees, finished them off without producing more that one handful of beans. Squash followed suit but a little better. Bottom line: cold veggies (beets, turnips, carrots, spinach, lettuce, etc) produced above normal, whereas, summer things like beans and squash suffered. Hot peppers made it through and are producing well even now. Our property had exactly 3 light rains (less than 0.1" each time) the whole year -- actually since fall 2010. Maybe I should start a desert-naming game for the next great America desert.
298. Just Use Common Sense
Several more articles out there today agreeing with my last post re impact of Operation Twist on retirees and consumers. If you have been reading this blog from its start, you would know that I use my common scents, while my master uses his common sense and we together dribble out the wisdom in using common sense when there is no possible way to predict chaos. Predicting the economy and market fluctuations is an art more than a science. Psychological feelings govern the fluctuations. Let's face it: Bernanke does not have the confidence of the people even close to that which Greenspan had and the facts behind his moves are particularly sparkling. Both were/are nothing but just words in the wind; except for the oceans of money they printed that is now America's debt. So, be ready for another $$ blitz which will ignite the savvy who will realize that a short-term rally will happen -- not because something financially improves our outlook, but because most people will believe it will. Sad, but true. Then we will trip forward like drunken sailors until the wall in front of us that we didn't see smacks us down. Hey, play the game; just remember that the wall is waiting for us and is inevitable. It's all common sense.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
297 Medigap
Oh how much fun I have been having learning about the so-simplified Medicare plans before I HAVE to go onto Medicare all-to-soon. Yes, the plans are now standardized. INTO Plans A-N. Hmmm...that's like FOURTEEN possibilities. Well, you are spared looking at 14, because your state or provider may limit the number of plans available to you in your state. Medicare.gov is a good place to start and you can get a listing of the plans and providers in your state. So, I did that. But the number of providers were too many for me to possibly review, PLUS you can't find 80-90% of the companies on the Internet or if they are there, any more detailed information about there company than on the Medicare.gov site. Another place to look is your state insurance regulatory site. To me it seemed that every financial company and every new venture looked at the standardization and assumed they could compete in the market. Some didn't even bother brushing off the dust collected in the closet before "highlighting" their success in the market -- yeah right. So how can you compare companies? Well, you CAN'T without getting an independent agent involved. Then, you need to assure you have one licensed in your state and dependable. Now your list of possibilities have escalated exponentially.
I located an independent as many other had. Google Medicare Supplement plans in your state and pick one of the specially highlighed ads from the resulting sites list. I was directed to ArborIF.com and Jonathan Brackin. I have never felt better about an independent agent (used one for pre-Medicare plans) than he. First let me qualify my knowledge in Medicare and plans -- close to expert before contacting him. The only thing I was seeking from him was a comparison of providers and some differences in plans. Here are some specifics of my experiences:
1. Advantage or Supplement plan? I had already ruled out Medicare Advantage plans in lieu of Medicare Supplement Plan. You'll have to make that decision first. Don't be enamored by the 0% premium of Advantage plans compared to $91-168 Supplement plans. You should know by now you get nothing for nothing. Co-pays and deductibles in Advantage plans add up. The bottom line in comparisons are Out-of-Pocket and Peace -of-mind. You can probably come up with some typical number of services you will need in a year, but you can never plan on the unexpected accident or major illness. PLAN for it -- it will "seem" more costly (premiums, that is), but the peace-of-mind and actual costs are what is important. For example, I am in excellent health and haven't even been to a doctor in over 6 years -- no expenses. Now I MUST join Medicare and see Part B be taken away from my operating income. Ignore that cost in comparisons -- you pay that regardless of Advantage or Supplement. So, when you see that your out-of-pocket could be as much as $3400 on a $0 premium Advantage Plan, is that better than a $0 out-of-pocket in addition to a premium of $150/month ($1800 per year). NOT in my book. If you want play the game of excellent health now and no chance of any major illnesses AND not go to the doctor when you, like it or not, are MORE MATURE (old will suffice in my mind), go for the Advantage plan. I'm going with a $91.91 first year monthly premium for a Supplement.
2. Let's talk Supplements: The state list is ridiculous, as are the number of different plans, A-N. Do you realize your rate increases are dependent on the provider's risk pool for a SPECIFIC plan? Jump into on that has higher-risk people and you'll see higher rate increases. Also beware, some of the plans now entice consumers with lower premiums + copays, once again competing at the Advantage plan level -- already discussed that briefly (want more info, enter a comment and I'll answer). So, if you use logical commonsense, you'll find a lot of people NEVER look at anything other than price -- almost like those who vote for a president base on his looks or grammar. My bet is these people are also the ones who have no clue on what the spend on health care and thus are the riskiest pool to be with. Just my theory -- but, I immediately ignored the L, N and similar low premium plans. Once again, I didn't want to have to micromanage my health counting co-pays and worrying about limits. So, I focused on the G and F plans. The difference? G=F except you pay the Part B deductible (around $162) yourself instead of the plan paying it. Surprisingly, the annual cost for the F plan is MORE than the G Plan plus the deductible. In other words, F is pushed and sucks in the not-so-clever consumers who can't do math. Well, I didn't want to be in that risk pool either. I secured a G Plan. In addition to these, there are also F and G SELECT plans, but SELECT plans limit you to a specific hospital(s) in a Network. For $6/month less I opted out on that. I had a hospital in that Network, but the other hospital here is the one that is known for its cardiology work and programs.
3. Now that a plan is decided on, which provider? If you haven't already heard of the company, avoid it now is my recommendation. It so happens that the company I chose is well known AND had the lowest rates offered. Let me qualify that. The agent selected did NOT have a complete list of all providers available in the state. None do! Some providers have their own agents too. It's a real zoo out there. Anyway from the list available to me, I narrowed it down quickly to just 2-3. Ratings were given, but they are NOT ratings of the provider's success in the health care business. Most were financial institutions that decided they could make a few extra bucks. Thus, take the ratings give with a grain of salt. Questions to ask: how long have they been in the Medicare Supplement business? How frequent and what were the rate increases for this plan and other plans in the last 3-5 years? Was there a reason for larger than normal increases that are viewed as exceptional rather than typical or normal? Do they have eServices on their Internet site? (Note: Most didn't even have a website that focused on their health plans, e.g., Gerber, Forethought). eServices I was looking for were the ability to look at my claims history and status along with prescriptions (if part D included), news re your plans, news beneficial to your health, easy direct contact, etc. Many more questions were asked -- above were ones that mattered the most.
Bottom-line: You have a 6-month window to select a Medicare Supplement plan at age 65. Only during this windos will you be able to obtain a plan WITHOUT underwriting nit-picking though you past medical issues. Here in Texas, insurance companies can look back TWO years for pre-existing conditions. BEWARE: Obamacare's implementation of pre-existing conditions does NOT take effect until 2014 except for this windows and for people under 19. Despite them not basing their selection during the window on questions to you about past health (they can't ask you on an application), they can review medical databases and come back and ask you and then DELAY coverage for pre-existing conditions. Usually this won't happen if you had creditable insurance before applying for Medicare Supplement. HOWEVER, if you miss the window or later want to switch to a different Supplement plan, you are back in the underwriting game as before!
Hopw this was helpful. I realize this is so-o-o high level. Do your homework and list your Peace-of-Mind requirements FIRST.
296. Bernanke Joins O in Stupidness
Who would have thought Bernanke could top Obama in dumbness? Let the market rule -- let the market determine success and failures! Well, Bernanke wants to establish a seat next to the anointed one in the line for God's position. Good luck! His new Twist, wish it were only the dance, is bound to kill the insurers who have sold and want to continue selling annuities and Life Insurance policies. They depend on solid long-term rates that give them some profit. Bernanke's Twist plan will sell short-term (or let them mature) bonds and buy long-term bonds. Now, what will this do? Well, for the tax payer he is again taking from Paul to pay Peter. Try to give a short-term image of goodness while pushing even more long-term debt on the grandchildren. And WHILE hurting the insurers. Now I wonder why that will do to JOBS! How about long-term uncertainty and stability. These jokers who keep interfering with something that is not TOTALLY broken has to cease. Can't they see the longer-term results of the first stimulus packages which sparked the market then to today's grim futuristic outlook? How does it make our seniors feel when they can no longer lock in CD interest rates that are even close to being high enough to beat inflation? I reviewed savings plans at banks the other day again just for fun. Does a 0.1 %, yes that is 1 tenth of a percent, per YEAR make you feel. Oh, and if you drop below a minimum balance you get charged $2-4 for that month. Do you realize that at 0.1% interest rate, you would have to keep $2000 in the account for a full year to equal a $2 fee for dropping below a minimum? Sometimes I think back to the 70's when inflation went berserk, but the CD rates were double digit. I almost want that to happen for a year or two so I can land some real long-term fixed investments in the double digits. Heck, we have seen that in decades even in the stock market! ANY retirees that are invested only in fixed asset investments should be real scared with inflation edging upward, particularly with a poor job market -- stagflation here we come. Annuities were one of the only investments some seniors felt comfortable with -- those who did not want to gain or have the knowledge required for the stock market. Tack on O's debt reduction plan to extend a PAYROLL (WORKERS only, not retirees) tax taking $$ away from the Social Security fund NOW when we need to ADD to it and let it compound for our children's and grandchildren's future, and we again see how it is the Powers in our government and high institutions/agencies that are destroying America! How unfortunate it is that a poor person will take and see a $1 handout now and not realize he/she is losing $10 tomorrow because of it! The poor in America are being kept in a box by this administration and democrats as a hamster is kept in a cage. Feed them just a little grain every day and they happily close their eyes and run in the caged wheel. I am of an opinion that they are incapable of understanding their social status. We the People need to purge this administration and democratic party and begin to TEACH them how to improve, not just survive.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
295. Yet ANOTHER Obama lie
WOOF WOOF ALERT. Sam caught this lie. This article stretches Pinocchio's nose again. Millionaires do NOT on the average pay less taxes than their secretaries as Warren Buffet and Obama's "Warren Buffet's Rule" states! The current IRS data, as well as independent data, clearly show that those over $1M in income (not me) pay almost twice the RATE as those below. Here's a summary from the article:
Tax Policy Data for 2011 IRS Data for 2009
$1m + earners 29.7% Tax Rate 24.4 % Tax Rate
$100,000-125,000 9.9%
$50,000-70,000 15%
$50,000 - 60,000 6.3 %
$40,000-50,000 12.5%
$20,000-30,000 5.7%
Why the lies Obama? This shoots a hole in your latest debt reduction plan! Now if the liberals could only read AND understand facts rather than lies. His latest debt reduction plan once again raises the CLASS WARFARE controversy.
Monday, September 19, 2011
294. O's Deficit Reduction Plan
I get the thrust...yet don't see the details...thus can only expect the same impact O has had on the economy and We the People as he already has. Regardless, let me make a stab at what I "think" he's saying:
1. Remove Bush Tax cuts for everybody over $200,000. Is this family gross or individual? Is this individual/family or small business? What it would do is remove the maximum 15% capital gains and dividend taxes and increase them to what? 35%? Ordinary income rate? If its about individuals and families. i.e., NOT small businesses, AND there is an upper income limit, say $500,000 then I can live with some increase. The Bush tax cuts are definitely still needed for the lower income people, especially fixed income retirees. I remember managing my mothers funds after she turned 85 until her death at 98. She invested faithfully in the government -- U.S. Savings Bonds prior to that. Thus, she deferred everything (didn't need to since her income was so low already) until they were cashed in. Well, the cashing in of massive bond quantities were required to pay for her assisted care. What a deal, she got to cash them in and drive her income to highest tax bracket levels to pay for assisted care, then later nursing home. End result, she had to cash in another 1/3 of the bond quantity needed to pay the taxes. ALL the advantages of deferred income evaporated to the degree that the investment became negative! Thus, it is imperative that the people under, say, $60,000 be left alone! They need to remain getting 0% capital gains and dividend taxed. I would even add INTEREST like the government bonds to this! My recommendation is to not tax anything for those in the 10%-15% tax bracket (2010 levels) and below! This income level could even be raised some. Now I would split the next tax bracket and up to $150,000 set their tax on capital gains, dividends, and interest at 15%. At $150,000+ I'd increase the rate to 17.5% to $275,000 income. After that, I think it's fair (now what does this mean?) to expect those between $270,000-$1,000,000 to pay 20%. Above hat, and remember, still NOT small businesses, rates from 25% to 35% would be sufficient. BUT, leave the small businesses alone. As a matter of fact, give them a 2-year window of 0% taxes to allow them to grow. afford healthcare, and hire people. Now can the GOP idiots live with that? Hey, we're in dire straits and need the wealthy to pull us out. See 2.
2. The wealthy (still NOT small business) need to sacrifice more than others over the next 2 years to get America out of the hole dug by the politicians. Yes, you wealthy $1,000,000 gross income earners. Here's how I would do it: Remove any obvious loop holes that aren't advantageous to EVERYONE! Increase capital gains, dividend, interest taxes as above. I am sure they will still find a loop hole, so now its alternative tax time for them. No wealthy person shall pay taxes LOWER than 15%. Go ahead and play your games with tax write offs and elaborate ways to lower tax burdens that ALL others can't benefit from -- e.g., hedge funds, off-shore accounts, bogus charities, etc. BUT, you will pay at least 15% of your income regardless!
3. Charities will be hurt say the conservatives. Well, yeah. I hate to touch a sore spot, but that 10% tithe to your church is not ALL going to the needy. I am really turned off by the number and size and configuration of churches here in the southwest. I remember the churches in the East while growing up. That corner one in a lower income neighborhood or a small one in a suburb. The SAME small churches still exist now as they did 50 years ago. Unlike the ones here that fill a property size of 1/3 mile by 1/3 mile, or at least, 1500x1500 feet. My money should be going to help the needy, NOT mortar and bricks! I say make it mandatory that all tithe money be identified based on how it will be used and give the people a break! STOP adding gymnasiums, gift shops, cafeterias, etc. Here's a novel way: Go ahead and let the people write off their 10% (still many don't make enough to claim it anyway). Then, TAX the churches for ANY building construction or improvement (not repairs). Also assess the churches for their FAIR SHARE (as the liberals would call it) of property held by them. Give them a tax break for the church itself, but NOT the property. Maybe then they will stop building 1-story, ranging churches that suck up all the land and make them 2-story ones. Guess I'm in trouble now, huh conservatives? You are better off sending money directly to the charity of choice than to believe your church can do better. God doesn't love you more because your church has donuts in its cafeteria every Sunday and Wednesday. If I were God I'd be sitting on the pew in Mississippi with the poor folk in a one room church! Amen!
4. Jobs. O still doesn't get it. He never will...thus his followers who have their heads up the liberal butt won't either regardless of blogs telling them so. So, this is for the others who just want to keep up to date. New jobs require an employer to create them. An employer needs a 5-10 year CLEAR marketing plan to commit $$$ to expansion. An employer does NOT need uncertainty, such as unkonwn health care costs, unknown or high taxes, unknown loan availability, etc. -- you know, the areas O has created. Please see my previous post to discover how I would handle uncertainty with a 2-year AND 5-year tax cut to get the feet under the small businesses. Businesses also need to be given the go to expansion begin held up by REGULATIONS. O&G drilling, nuclear plan building. There is not one reason why America should NOT drill O&G and build nuclear plants -- JOBS galore in addition to future independence from Mideast. And, then, STOP this BS of favoring green jobs by the tune of 1/2 $B loans that end up in bankruptcy! There's got to be something there that screams IMPEACHMENT!
5. Not in his plan is one of the biggest inhibitors to growth -- CONGRESS. We need to purge, I mean REALLY purge, the A-holes who are causing the damage to America. Frank, Dodd are the first! Weiner already excused himself.
Okay...I'm finished. May we get a solution SOON.
Friday, September 9, 2011
293. O Sinks Wall Street Again
Only down 293 at the moment AS EXPECTED. O's repetitive "Pass my bill (crap), pass my bill (crap), pass my bill (crap)" once again shows hi arrogance and inability to lead the government. Does he think that language repeated over 12 times is going to get the two sides working together? Does he think a bill should be passed without defining the spending cuts? Well, yeah! That's his naivety and arrogance.
Let's extend the payroll tax, plus cut even more so the taxpayers who WORK (not unemployed), can ruin their chances of Social Security even more. Every dollar he cuts that way equals about $4 or more in the future NOT AVAIALABLE for those who NEED Social Security (the unemplyed retirees)! Can you follow that? Let me make it simple: We all learned that to surmount and nice nest egg its better to invest as early as possible and LET IT COMPOUND (positively). By giving WORKERS $100-$150 a month more NOW you rob the savings of compounding the Social Security fund. Without the payroll tax cut, you'd be funding the SS pot at 2% (O's plan to make it 3.5%) more per year. That's a PLUS 3.5 versus a MINUS 3.1, or a difference of 6.6% in fund CUT! 2 years of this and we're looking at about 13% WITHOUT figuring in compounding. So, let's be conservative (2.5% compounding) and the pot in 2 years is at least 15.75% less than it could be. But don't stop there. That 15.75% is only 2 years. The lack of additional funds compounded goes on forever even after you retire. So, 2% of initial !%.75% after 2 years for say 40 more years drops your pot to more than 40% of what O gave you the first 2 years. Thus, you get about $3500 total in 2011 and 2012 , but lose $1400+ A YEAR when you retire WHEN YOU NEED IT! Do you really want to give up $125 or more when you have no salary, or $150 when you do? O is raping Social Security and you future day-to-day pension! And he's points a finger at the Republicans who want to SAVE the fund by asking the wealthy to pay more into it. Naivety and Arrogance --- bordering plain stupidity!
Only thing O accomplished is to revitalize the war between the Democratic party and the people! Keep it up dummy! Next time maybe you'll WORK with the Congressional leaders on a plan instead of trying to dictate one, especially the same old crap.
Here's one dummy: CUT the business tax rate to ZERO for all CONSTRUCTION industry businesses for 2 years for work projects done IN AMERICA AND an additional incentive for NET job increases IN AMERICAN WORKERS; to that reduce all businesses tax rate to 20% for 5 years with additional incentives for NET job increases to American workforce. You give construction the hammer and ALL other businesses NEED to grow to service that industry. You give both short-term (2 year) AND long-terOm (5-year) incentives and jobs WILL be created. End of story. Simple. Oh, FIRE your ECONMIC and JOB CREATION CZARS!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
292. Who can choose?
Watched the Republican debate last night held at Ronald Reagan Library. MSNBC did a terrible job with the format (1 minute answers and distribution of questions); plus, it's host commentators tried "liberally" to stick barbs into the candidates as often as possible. Particularly disturbing were that the inconsequential barbs having an intention to demean not only a particular candidate, but the all the candidates. They tried every which way to disrupt the unity of the Republican party and to create chaos among the candidates. What is this world and its ignorant people in influencing positions, such as the moron news people, coming to? They then proceeded to show there ignorance by firmly trying to make its viewers believe that state governments are the SAME as the Federal government and should not vary, constantly suggesting that individual state decisions correlate to actions that would be done federally if elected. What it showed me was that neither Brian Williams nor his Politico counterpart did their homework. There are only the issues of Economy, jobs, and foreign affairs that needed to be discussed. I wanted to hear the different candidate's views completely. Little did I get. Anyway, here's all I gleamed from the debate:
While Romney and Perry started and ended scrapping like two teenagers, Ginrich acted like a father and tried to hold together the overall party image. Although some of the others showed maturity and experience as a "people" leader, Newt was the one that called out foul to the annoying MSNBC hosts and alerted the viewer of the tactics they were using to cause choas! Kudos Newt.
Let's first get Ron Paul out of the way -- doesn't seem he plans or thinks thoroughly about anything. Time he stays home and shuts up. Some of his ideas do hold merit, but I see no detail of plan behinds most of them. Give him a C-
Romney is still too much POLITICIAN. He'd rather strike st other candidates. Almost like Obama now that he is in a corner. If you don't have a totally positive record, bite out! Here again Williams set up chaos by asking others how they feel about Romney's record on Mass. health care. He has already defended it more than enough as a STATE plan and that it did accomplish to fix some of the main issues they identified when designing it. It didn't need to waste 10-15 minutes of the debate! How'd Romney do? B-
Perry gave me the image of a politician resting on his laurels. His answers we satisfactory, especially for a first debate, but I believe he could have been much better prepared. B-
Cain: FIVE questions! FIVE minutes. Come on MSNBC. Here is a guy who speaks articulately and has plans instead of mud to sling! Maybe that's why you avoided him. His 999 plan is interesting, but I do not think it can implemented in full in any short time. My previous post was sent to him as a short-term solution. He is one candidate that shows maturity and is definitely CEO material (was at Godfathers and can be as president). His focus is to PROVIDE SOLUTIONS, not fool people with speech. I commend him for that and look forward to hearing more from him. He gets an A+ for telling us the most in the 5 minutes he had.
Bachmann was also given little time. She is very poised and intelligent. Most of all, she is committed to her views and can wash out the mud being slung at her. Her Energy policy plans are rock solid -- her goal may to get gas below $2/gallon, but the content behind that is an overall energy plan to create jobs and get America's respect back! Those who cannot understand that are the ones that focus on words out of context or can't comprehend the real message behind a clever way of attracting attention to it. Another top performer and an A for her time.
Gingrich, as I mentioned, did not want to in-fight either. He saw right through MSNBC and his answers were superb. Even acknowledged Obama and the Charter program for schools. I doubt if he got more than 3-4 minutes! A+ again for leadership.
Santorum did a fine job also. Its so hard rating people when even one of your questions could not be answered in depth. He showed much more merit than he did in previous debates. A-
Huntsman I like also. Here is a guy who worked as a leader in both in private and government positions. Top State job creator. If anybody gained position on my list, he did. Again, not enough time to tell me anything in depth, but did raise my hopes. A for him.
So, it is much too early to pick anybody. However, I am looking for a LEADER. One who can win on merit, not negative tactics. One with solutions ON THE TABLE like Cain or Bachmann, or one I feel (know) have solutions but can't get them aired, like Huntsman and Romney. I want someone with BOTH foreign affairs experience like Huntsman and Gingrich. But most of all, I want somebody who can turn America around to where its again leader in the world -- this means unemployment solved, the economy turned around, consumer confidence up, and everyone again being prosperous. Who is that? ANY of the candidates can do MUCH better job than Obama. My mind is already trying to match a V.P. to a President from these candidates. Perry is a newbee -- I can't read him from one debate. Thus, I am still leaning toward Cain, Bachmann, or Huntsman -- not in any particular order. However, I would take any candidate over Obama.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
291. I am So-O-O-O frustrated
Well how have you been? I thought I could ignore the anointed One's actions if I didn't blog -- NOT! O is sO0O0O out of touch my frustration gauge burst. Hopefully some relief will come by pecking at these keys.
Don't forget to turn off the NFL game next Thursday, September 8, to watch the BS speech on jobs being broadcast the same time. Yeah, right! Been there, seen that. I truly hope my expectations are wrong, but I'll throw out a guess:
- Congress needs to get THEIR act together, stop the politics, and stop bickering
- Create INFRASTRUCTURE jobs (hmmm...paid by tax payers) -- airports, roads, and of course the crack in the Washington Monument that went unreported for a decade until it could be blamed on Irene.
- Repair schools (hmmmm - taxpayers again) -- this will SURELY improve education
- Continue the payroll tax cut (the hell with Social Security funding ... screw the seniors! Obamacare already increased everybody's rates for health and Medicare!)
Short analysis:
- Increase government jobs
- Spend federal money and put us further in debt
- Take more of grandchildren's future away from them
- Jeopardize Social Security even more
- Take more of grandchildren's future away from them
- Spend money on educational brick & mortar INSTEAD of children needing help to read
- Take more of grandchildren's future away from them (guess I said this already)
- Fix the potholes in "my" alley ("my" = favorites who donated and support the O-Campaign)
- Take more of grandchildren's future away from them (Get the point?)
What should be said (just MY opinion -- NOT "my" as above -- I'm certainly NOT O's favorite):
- CUT construction business taxes! Establish a 2-year ZERO percent tax for construction businesses for every dollar spent in America ONLY transactions. Expected result: Some stability of longer term financial consequences equals serious look at JOB hiring. The ZERO tax will be a huge carrot in addition to stability. Should create start-up businesses also (supplies, food, transportation, etc.). Would create work and jobs NOT ONLY for government work, but all construction! Thus, more jobs, more government revenue, more consumer spending, more economy growth.
That's the only bullet I need. Okay, Dems, blast it with less tax revenue because of ZERO tax. I say, BS. the additional business in nongovernmental work and jobs will accelerate growth in business revenue far more than the ZERO tax loss and the extra dollars will flow back into the CONSUMER (not government toilet) pockets via lower consumer prices. Higher consumer spending will INCREASE revenues for ALL industries.
- Ah-h-h, a second bullet. Reduce business taxes for ALL industries outside construction to 20% for 2 years. Now we're talking BOOM.
Hello O? You out there? What have you and your administration been doing for 2.5+ years? It's NOT a difficult problem to solve. And all you Congress people -- Republicans and Democrats alike --you are no better! All you bums should be thrown out! Well, except for those who want to cut the business taxes AND have been pushing it. This narrows the S-list down to you know who.
Ok...frustration level down for the day. EVERYBODY needs to get MAD until O and Dems wise up! I listened to the Donald (Trump) last night. He is 100% right in that America has LOST it's glamour, it's respect, it's credibility, it's LEADERSHIP! We need to stop wiping everybody else's butts and pay more attention to ourselves. The world won't follow LOSERS.
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9/29/16 Windows 10 Anniversary Update 1607: The solution for Windows 10 Anniversary Update is to go to : https://forums.mydigitallife.info/t...
Previous posts re the GE Refrigerator noise are: 911. GE Refrigerator/Freezer Noise Part I 920. GE Refrigerator/Freezer Noise Part...
I established this post to create a category for viewers to ASK ME A QUESTION (See the Post categories on right). I'll employ all my Co...