I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sidekick Frail Joe. Newsmax had a clip of Obama at dome toast where a comedian cracked some jokes about V.P. Humpty Dumpty (yes, Joe Biden) which in 2014 already revealed his lack of cognitive facilities. SCARY. I suppose those who voted the clown in ignored that in 2020 election. I also blame those voters for the recent suicide bombing in Afghanistan!. Thanks, Joe! And thanks Dem voters for killing our 13 service men! Maybe you should stay home from the next elections. Or maybe you'll shortly get to see Kamala take over and really screw up OUR America. Don't you have ANY common sense. Sam, my beloved dog had more. Eventually Humpty Dumpty will fall, and the king's men and horses won't save him just like they can't now. Why? Because he ignored all intelligence reports and advice. His heart, his personal feelings, were more important that managing the credibility of America and protecting America. This WOKENESS needs to cease Dems! That another 100 blogs that I want to avoid on a subject that mind-boggles me how any human with common sense can pickup WOKE issues, so miniscule compared to others and make it the governing issues in their lives. And then try to push it others who are focused on the big picture and reality. I applaud Gutfeld and his show and particularly Tyrus who brings common sense to the front. Thank you Tyrus.
Back to Humpty Dumpty.
Let's blame it on Trump. You here that before? Instead of I take the blame or even I take most of the blame or even I take some of the blame. But no-o-o. Humpty claimed he just followed the Trump plan. WRONG. He accepted the Trump mission/goal but dismissed his plan! He create his on plan (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he thought about the exit from Afghanistan while sitting on the pot trying to remember why he was there. ANYBODY with common sense knows you don't leave Americans and military assets to the victor and enemy. And that is precisely who the Taliban is. Humpty KNEW the Taliban were overtaking Afghanistan many months before as progression charts show, yet, he comes out as assures us that Kobul won't fall. ANYBODY with common sense knows you don't provided names of American military and citizens to terrorists and make identification down to biometrics available to terrorists of those who are against the terrorists. Yet, Humpty did! Anybody knows you can't rely on terrorists to protect Americans when evacuating (running from them) by laying your heart out on their table and pleading! Humpty did! ANYBODY knows you don't give up a military airbase when you know you need it in the future for any possible reason, like evacuation or future terrorism in the Mideast. Can I stop now. I'm already beyond my anger threshold. Humpty Dumpty MUST fall. Then Kamala gets to screw up more and MUST FALL. Unfortunately, thanks to you people who voted for the schmucks We the People of America who believe in America and democracy get to fall with you. Idiots! Do you idiots understand the next in line after Kamala is Pelosi? We'll need 8 years of another Donald Trump to get us close to the top of the water we are about to drown in.
I recommend a change to the Constitution and clarity of the Constitution:
There is NO requirement to have two political parties written in the Constitution. Change the Constitution to be specific, stating that the government of our Republic (Yes, dumb Dem voters, America is a Republic and "Democrats" party does NOT stand for Democracy! Instead, it appears they are pushing Socialism/Marxism. The misleading name itself has blindsided democratic voters. Gutfeld needs to get to Georgetown students again and ask they what the name means to them compared to the name "Republican" party. They ask them why all the Socialistic policies and plans are being pushed and ask them again is this Democracy?).
Back on track: 1. Change the Constitution to be specific, stating that the government of our Republic will NOT have a House and Senate where the room is separated by factions. Instead, seats will be alphabetical. 2. There will be NO funding of candidates in an election, or for advertising campaigns except to the one on the tax forms where one can donate just to everybody. 3. The ones presiding over the House and Senate will be an individual elected by his/her peers for the sole purpose of running the meetings, NOT the one who determined what will be on the agenda. That will be a committee who presents the agenda. It needs to be unanimous in the committee to reject a request NOT to present something to vote on the floor. This does not mean on matters such as a change on toilet paper in rest rooms. It does mean ONLY COMPLETELY DOCUMENTED bills/litigations/discussions pertinent to the governing of America's finances, economic responsibilities, world issues. Of course, I have not thoroughly provided all entities that should be included. But the bottom line is everything must be DOCUMENTED and presented with detailed explanation, reasons, expected outcomes. If they need a consultant to run the committee meeting like any other private company's short- and long-term planning sessions, then an independent company should be selected -- sort of like independent accountants are chosen by private originations. MEETINGS need to be administered by a consultant skilled to be impartial and only to gather findings, facts, and to determine conclusions and recommendations. Our government is run meeting by led by politicians! Not impartial consultants with the expertise to do so!
I'm tired of thinking and typing for now. I might return with more re changes needed.
Let me finish this entry with this, particularly for the people who voted Joe Humpty Dumpty as our president:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again
DON'T try to substitute AMERICA for Humpty Dumpty!!! We the People will more than just defend that! Wake up you WOKErs and share the, at least what's left, of America's greatness and freedom before you kill it more.
Humpty Dumpty Joe nods as he barely stands on his feet
While America continues to take yet another defeat.
Soon he'll be asleep with a bowl of chocolate chip ice cream
Where he'll add flowers and puppies to his dream.
The "Immigration" Wall to protect America from drugs, criminals, terrorists is now dead
But that isn't as important as the cupcakes and snowflakes in his head.
As the Afghanistan evacuation flop destroys America's credibility, leadership, and worse, human life
Joe thinks it is more important to follow his old woman's heart and let America be cut up with a dull, now bloody, knife.
It's time to go Humpty Dumpy Joe
For Your leadership can't get any more low
Kamala is next to continue your show
And she'll be even worse, We the People all know!