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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Sunday, August 14, 2016

762. Yahoo MEDIA continues to badger Trump and Mislead We the People

Trump again criticized the Media, rightfully so, as I have been reporting for years even before Trump was a candidate. Yahoo News, definitely liberal and strongly anti-Trump added to the fire by submitting this article reporting his displeasure with Media. BUT instead of stopping there, they had to complete shout it down with Anti-Trump reports again. For example:

"Trump suggested ... that gun rights supporters could "do something" if Hillary Clinton becomes president and appoints liberal judges, or his repeated insistence on the falsehood that President Barack "Obama founded ISIS."

This is again a "play-on-words-used" as Yahoo ALWAYS does to punish somebody it doesn't like. Trump responds as I had for years: "...If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the words ..." How many times have I said this? The Media is famous for this. Why? It sells its news on sensationalizing quips and content! This is common practice driven my the money grabbing Media who would rather capitalize on short-term monetary gains that consider the future of this country and morals of its people it is misleading AND leading!

Time and time again you'll get the grand-master-attention-grabber headline that in itself damages the underlying individuals within. They do this because FEW people read the content and use their minds to discern the truths. Thus, the majority of voters form their voting preference on HEADLINES and sensationalizing opinions rather than facts and common sense.

What did Trump really imply in his statement above? How about gun right supporters need to actively fight for their rights. Isn't that "doing something?" I may agree that Trump MISUSED a word "founded" in the latter part of his remark instead of "greatly attributed to growth and strengths of ISIS", meaning, OBlunder did everything possible to avoid conflict believing this world can be saved with words and fuzzy, cuddly actions instead of what he has found out and now "beginning" to realize that troops can NOT be removed from the Mideast and firmer actions, as we have see in Libya need to be performed. Still OBlunder is short on commonsense, action, and balls (except on the golf course).

Let's plow on through Yahoo's sermon (since they already devoted one paragraph on the real report and now have to summarize again all their ani news):

"Gaffe-by-gaffe, additional Republicans have come forward to say they're not supporting his bid, with Carlos Gutierrez, secretary of commerce under President George W. Bush, announcing his support for Clinton on Sunday. Meanwhile, GOP leaders in Washington and in the most competitive states have begun openly contemplating turning their backs on their party's presidential nominee and putting their money and effort instead behind the party's House and Senate candidates."

Old sensationalism! Why would a Republican Congressman want to add liberal judges to the Supreme Court? Simple. They rather have their own glory (win an upcoming LOCAL election) than support America as a whole, i.e., We the People! Is it greed, ego, or just plain stupidity! Are people blind to the fact that the Supreme Court, that should be anti-partisan is really partisan within? The Supreme Court is one of the triangle of elements that were designed by our Constitution to ensure on one power can control America! Yet is succumbs to the parties. Yes, it is broken and we can't expect the next president, especially Hillary, to fix that. Either president will add justices that are loyal to the his/her beliefs. However, I believe the majority of Americans believe that the Constitution is great as is and it can only remain so without all liberal justices destroying it! So, backers of the Yahoo comment above, all you STUPID greedy congressmen, kill your future to win a Milky Way today!

Yahoo Media does comment: " Frustratingly for Republicans, Trump's missteps have overshadowed difficult news for Clinton:he new release of 44 previously-unreleased email exchanges Clinton had while at the State Department. They became public on Tuesday and showed her interacting with lobbyists, political and Clinton Foundation donors and business interests while serving as secretary of state." Not the missteps, but the FACTS re Clinton are indeed paramount and should be PAID ATTENTION TO! But, what has MEDIA covered? Did the media NOT do an overload on anti-Trump bashing INSTEAD of delving into the details of Clinton's continuous CORRUPTION? Of course. Are they now trying to save fave by putting another PARAGRAPH into an alreay anti-Trump article to LOOK like they are non-partisan? Disgusting Yahoo!

"You [media]could have covered what he [Trump] was saying, or you could try and take an aside and take the Clinton narrative and play it out. And you chose to do that instead," Manafort [Trump's campaign manager] said on CNN. Your complete correct Mr. Manafort. How clear the BAD MEDIA is!!!!!

So, PLEASE get past the HEADLINEs and read. News articles are BIAS. You need to read up and educate your self on the background. I feel terrible that we STILL DO NOT educate our youth on the economy and financial management. That alone would change the minds and thinking of the college and other 18-22 year olds to REALITY. You cannot depend on the government to provide hand outs from somebody else. TAXPAYERs are NOT your salvation -- YOU ARE ONE of them! The rich (upper 5%0 can give all their fortunes (100%) to the government and we will still be in dire straights with over $Trillion in debt and now they would be broke asking for food stamps and claiming disability. America was founded on WORKING people regardless of their disabilities. You worked to move ahead, you didn't get paid to stay behind!

My rant is over, but my hopes for those people you DON'T really know the issues are to learn something or DON'T vote. With the economy (here and global) still in the doldrums, slowest recovery from a recession ever, the terrorism still rampart, and not being handled effectively, the Constitution being ignored in lieu of executive orders, the wealth being distributed to keep the poor as slaves the the government (meaning making them believe their votes should always for the government), the lack of undefined and also unsupported immigration laws to ensure America's growth AND security, the unfortunate do-nothing Congress comprised of POLITICIAL-ONLY members who can only assure argument and prolonged mediocre actions, the poor leadership of this country ... and on and on and on. It IS time to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Although Trump was not my first choice, he and Pence could be our saviors. Hillary IS DEFINITELY NOT!

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