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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

731. Just return ALL control to the States!

The House continues to try to put more band aids on the "No Child Left Behind" law that was passed in July by both the House and Senate ((see article here). My recommendation, just let the States manage their own education and get rid of the federal Department of Education. 

I was never a believer of "fair" tests that apply to every location, and am more opposed to trying to enact solutions based on test results to bogus tests. How did I ever grow up without these? How did so many now well off individuals grow up from low income positions to middle class or higher positions without this dumb law? The answer: FAMILY environment! Let's address the root cause of the main issues causing so much trouble to America. Issues including education, but so many more. The answer always seems to be the same: throw money at it! Well, that isn't improving Family Values! The States are improvisers of good policies and programs and could potentially help other states improve. NOT the Federal government and our $$$. The Federal government has obliterated the State so much that it can no longer improvise! 

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