WARNING : You will be bitten by the automatic updates today or soon. Version 1511 is ready and gets installed. I'm probably too late for some of you to prevent or prepare for destruction, but here is what I found so far and it has taken 2 days so far to detect and clean them up:
1. The Windows 7 Card Games zap documented in Post #706 disappears. All tiles and taskbar icons will disappear for Spider, Freecell, and Hearts. The problem goes beyond these games though. Seems that ALL programs you installed NOT via the Microsoft installer that are in the Program Files or Program Files (X86) folders will disappear! You might try looking for what you lose in the c:\Windows.Old folder, but as far as the games, you will only find the .exe files WITHOUT your previous zaps. See the updated Post #706 to get you back and playing.
2. If you had changed Title Bars as in Post # 124, you will have to do it again. STOP! This upgrade added an option to Desktop Personalize: "Show color on Start, Taskbar, Action Center, Titlebars". Simply turn it on and select your color.
3. The Desktop theme disappears and you need to right-click desktop, personalize, theme and select the one you desire again.
4. Task Manager returns to MSFT's default of NO details. Go there (Ctrl-Shift-ESC) and select DETAILS to get a meaningful task manager tool back.
5. ONE Drive gets reinitialized as ACTIVE. If you had it disabled, do it again.
6. I was missing 3 tiles from my start menu and couldn't remember which ones. I went to Windows.old, but still could not identify what was deleted. I know Speccy64 was one of them and got it from Windows.old\program Files. This does NOT get installed via MSFT Installer, so put it somewhere other than Program Files and rePIN to start or taskbar as desired. Same with anything else that was deleted that you can remember. Ahhh. Another was Spybot. I simply reinstalled 2.4.This apparently was removed by Microsoft because of some subscription requirement which Spybot people knew nothing about. But, 2.4 runs. Add CCleaner to the list of programs deleted. I got to reinstall and redo my saved cookies list! Thanks MSFT! CCleaner detects that Edge and IE are now active, but nor started by me, when cleaning files. Guess I need to look at this now.
7. One good thing that was fixed was that the folders in Quick Access (HOME Edition) can NOW BE REORDERED by dragging to new location. Thank you MSFT for that.
8. Post #712 showed how to disable Caps Lock. You get to redo this if you want this.
9. The disturbing Google Chrome "Shockwave crashed" error again occurs after this install. Haven't figured out how to fix it yet. If you researched this, Google imbeds its own Pepperflash. Although when you do a about::plugins in Chrome and see only the imbedded flash, there is still some conflict with one already installed on your system. As a matter of fact if you look at your installed programs you will see that this MSFT upgrade ADDED its own version 19 NPAPI flashplayer module! I saw a few comments on Internet that it needs to be uninstalled for Chrome to work right, but then, if you also use IE you will need it! So, wait for Google to correct this I guess. I just installed another MSFT update "Security Update for Internet Explorer Flash Player for Windows 10 Version 1511 for x64-based Systems (KB3103688)" in hopes the Chrome flash relies on it. Fingers crossed.
10. MAJOR Performance Problem:
Update 11/21/15: My Bad - I mistakingly installed 2GB + 1GB memory instead of 2GB + 4GB! So, I have been running on 3GB instead of 6GB the entire time with Windows 10. Therefore, I must compliment MSFT for the fine performance of their system even on 3GB on this old Dell Inspiron 1440 PC. I caught this after reinstalling Speccy due to its removal by the upgrade and running it. Ignore the remaining text re this problem (or shall I say no-problem).
The process "System and Compressed Memory" in this version kills my performance periodically (90+%% CPU and 89% disk). MSFT claims this process "helps" performance by compressing system pages and keeping them in memory instead of physically paging them out to disk. Well, instead, it takes loads of CPU to do the compression AND on a system with limited memory, like my old Dell with 5 GB, it now compresses (using memory and CPU) + Paging (Compressed page? using same CPU as before + more memory for this process to do its job). So, when MSFT downloads updates (automatically) and starts installing, we are back to the old systems where the system bogs down because it overloads the "System and Compressed Memory" process AND paging. I have also noticed that there persistent attempt to kill Chrome gets involved here too since Chrome uses gobs of memory compared to IE and thus gets caught in this compressed memory process big time. The more tabs opened, the worse it gets by leaps and bounds! Even though my memory usage (even on this 6 GB'er) has never been near its 100% before this build update, it certainly goes there now. I see this as an attempt by MSFT to not only kill Chrome, but also to drive users to larger machines with more memory and CPU power to support future features. I found some weird "solutions" to try while searching, but am leery of doing them. I am including them here ONLY for documentation purposes. If anybody tries one of them, please COMMENT as to effects and problem resolution. Thanks.
a) Disable BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) service, OR
b) If you have ample memory, disable Pagefile/swapfile
11. Goodbye Adobe! MSFT update changed default app for .pdf files to EDGE! If you want to go back to Adobe Reader, go to system Settings and set it up again. UPDATE 12/1/2015: Just recently I have noticed that looking at a PDF file by clicking within an Internet site also goes to EDGE within whatever browser you are using. I just finished perusing a PDF document that way and saw the same Chrome bookmark bar on top. When I rolled over it I noticed that the EDGE Favorites were being shown, not Chrome. Select one and you stay in Edge.
12. 456 ERRORS in Event Viewer since install (less than 2 complete days)!!!!!. I', curious as to how many of the errors were due to my mistake of running this on just 3GB as explained in 10 above. It appears so far many of them. If this is the case, the upgrade added some memory usage size, but not enough to shut anything down.
13. Added on 1/22/16: Once again the first display of DOWNLOADS folder takes forever to load. Prior to this MSFT update I had to change Properties (Customize) of the Downloads folder from PICTURES to GENERAL. The MSFT update apparently switched if back and needed to be customized again.
Conclusion? Can't say I'll be hanging with MSFT much longer if they continue to pull these stunts. And then after over 1.5 hours of installation they have the nerve to display on your screen Don't worry your files remained the same! Folks, this was a new O/S install, NOT a cumulative updates install! I'll pause for a while to consider the benefits of the upgrade (resolved a lot of my problems) vs. effort to redo some things.
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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous
So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
731. Just return ALL control to the States!
The House continues to try to put more band aids on the "No Child Left Behind" law that was passed in July by both the House and Senate ((see article here). My recommendation, just let the States manage their own education and get rid of the federal Department of Education.
I was never a believer of "fair" tests that apply to every location, and am more opposed to trying to enact solutions based on test results to bogus tests. How did I ever grow up without these? How did so many now well off individuals grow up from low income positions to middle class or higher positions without this dumb law? The answer: FAMILY environment! Let's address the root cause of the main issues causing so much trouble to America. Issues including education, but so many more. The answer always seems to be the same: throw money at it! Well, that isn't improving Family Values! The States are improvisers of good policies and programs and could potentially help other states improve. NOT the Federal government and our $$$. The Federal government has obliterated the State so much that it can no longer improvise!
I was never a believer of "fair" tests that apply to every location, and am more opposed to trying to enact solutions based on test results to bogus tests. How did I ever grow up without these? How did so many now well off individuals grow up from low income positions to middle class or higher positions without this dumb law? The answer: FAMILY environment! Let's address the root cause of the main issues causing so much trouble to America. Issues including education, but so many more. The answer always seems to be the same: throw money at it! Well, that isn't improving Family Values! The States are improvisers of good policies and programs and could potentially help other states improve. NOT the Federal government and our $$$. The Federal government has obliterated the State so much that it can no longer improvise!
730. O'Blunder worse than a child
Let's talk about the refugees: 10,000 of them O'Blunder wants to give the right-of-way to. But, let's not stop there. Let's talk about allowing individuals from "safe" countries without a visa! Imagine allowing France individuals, where 3 of their citizens help blow up Paris in the last ISIS affair, to enter WITHOUT checks and visa! Would that not be insane?
The Republican controlled House stressed both points above in a proposed law here that strengthens the entry process into America. O'Blunder poo-poo'd them as acting like frightened sheep. Seems O'Blunder has never grown up and believes he is still impenetrable like all children. I suppose he was similar to all of us in our teens who drank and drove high speeds or challenged death by performing some high-risk act believing injury or death could never happen to us. That belief still exists to the many of our youths today. But to poo-poo adults who want to ensure these same children, parents, relatives, friends, etc. remain alive and always expect to enjoy the freedoms America offers is unconscionable. Instead, he should be joining them in the discussion TO ENSURE America provides the top security measures possible to prevent "safe" countries from allowing potential risks from entering America AND to definitely prevent terrorist piggy-backing within any refugee program by means of extreme vetting at this time! Hey, I feel safe where I am and could think like O'Blunder about myself, BUT let's think about others too!
Truly, I have seen nothing but destructive ideas, rash comments,no productive actions come from O'Blunder; but, I have seen dangerous executive orders that seem to be anti-American that endanger people and the economy. We need to get this loser out of office (impeach) AND any similar-minded individual from ever getting into office. It's time to take back the government from this insane administration and any government who continues to destroy state governments and programs. Government plans and actions need to focus on Security and Defense for a while and keep its nose out of We the People affairs. Let's return fully to state controlled education, high-risk medical plans, and other programs where the federal government has imposed itself in a way that is destroying programs that States were having no problems with.
Well, this topic was Enhanced Security for America. So let me leave with my hopes that the House and Senate can drum some sense into O'Blunder. Probably not, but then halt the insane plans, including the over-used executive order, and act to impeach should either of the two issues within this proposed law is forced down out throats! Not that I like Trump (I don't), but we need Congress to yell "You're Fired" AND ACT UPON IT!
Before leaving, you might want to also see this article just posted re Syrians arrested in Honduras headed to U.S. via Greece and Honduras with fake passports after one of the Paris terrorists was supposedly from a Greek island. Makes you wonder who's side O'Blunder is on!
The Republican controlled House stressed both points above in a proposed law here that strengthens the entry process into America. O'Blunder poo-poo'd them as acting like frightened sheep. Seems O'Blunder has never grown up and believes he is still impenetrable like all children. I suppose he was similar to all of us in our teens who drank and drove high speeds or challenged death by performing some high-risk act believing injury or death could never happen to us. That belief still exists to the many of our youths today. But to poo-poo adults who want to ensure these same children, parents, relatives, friends, etc. remain alive and always expect to enjoy the freedoms America offers is unconscionable. Instead, he should be joining them in the discussion TO ENSURE America provides the top security measures possible to prevent "safe" countries from allowing potential risks from entering America AND to definitely prevent terrorist piggy-backing within any refugee program by means of extreme vetting at this time! Hey, I feel safe where I am and could think like O'Blunder about myself, BUT let's think about others too!
Truly, I have seen nothing but destructive ideas, rash comments,no productive actions come from O'Blunder; but, I have seen dangerous executive orders that seem to be anti-American that endanger people and the economy. We need to get this loser out of office (impeach) AND any similar-minded individual from ever getting into office. It's time to take back the government from this insane administration and any government who continues to destroy state governments and programs. Government plans and actions need to focus on Security and Defense for a while and keep its nose out of We the People affairs. Let's return fully to state controlled education, high-risk medical plans, and other programs where the federal government has imposed itself in a way that is destroying programs that States were having no problems with.
Well, this topic was Enhanced Security for America. So let me leave with my hopes that the House and Senate can drum some sense into O'Blunder. Probably not, but then halt the insane plans, including the over-used executive order, and act to impeach should either of the two issues within this proposed law is forced down out throats! Not that I like Trump (I don't), but we need Congress to yell "You're Fired" AND ACT UPON IT!
Before leaving, you might want to also see this article just posted re Syrians arrested in Honduras headed to U.S. via Greece and Honduras with fake passports after one of the Paris terrorists was supposedly from a Greek island. Makes you wonder who's side O'Blunder is on!
Friday, November 6, 2015
729. Lock us up and throw away the key
King O'Blunder says more jobs, cheaper and easier imported oil, and additional gasoline for export to raise revenues and decrease debt are NOT of National Interest (see this article). When will this dude get impeached for disrupting America? Folks, we have 14 months more of this inept, backward thinking, constitutional side-stepping, congress-ignoring, We the People-bashing clown. Please send him to California with the other liberal, green-only fools, who are making it much more expensive and difficult to run an effective and efficient country. The environment is NOT the major issue here! That can be managed with compromise. The issue is the strife for dictatorship and I-don't-want-to-be-spanked by the sheep herd. Glad I'm in a better position to live my life than the majority of folks that are is a great need for jobs, better wages, and much stronger economy, which has been held down by dragging the O'Blunder anchor for almost 7 years now. Imagine how it will explode upward when we finally get him out of the way; unless Hillary takes over! When will voters become educated instead of indoctrinated to vote for the best looking, or minority-group biased, or religiously-identical, or insignificant-issue supported candidate?
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
728. Put a condom over it
Now I favor the government handing out condoms in schools, but to put to vote whether porn start have to wear condoms (see this.) Wow California is weird!
Sunday, November 1, 2015
727. Flat Tax and Media Corruptness
After the second CNBC Republican Debate can anyone disagree now that the Media is liberal and continues to indoctrinate the clueless We the People? If you review the MEDIA posts I posted you will see the injustice the Media has thrown at us. In most cases it was the Main Media networks and papers with Liberal Bias beyond comprehension. As noted in at least one post I have become fed up with all Media, including O'reilly-types too.
The Republican Debate was a joke! Instead of deep details and comparisons between candidates, I was left only with the success of the party to fend off the liberal Media. Disgusting conclusion. A particular I was interested in was the differences in the tax plans. For those who haven't read about Flat Tax plans for the last 10 years, they are NOT all the same. For example, I believe I heard that Cruz's plan is really a Single Fixed Tax-Level (10%) plan, i.e., poor don't pay and all others pay 10%. No details as far as deductions (Seniors, child-care, blind, mortgages, itemization, etc.). Dr. Carson even blindly adjusted hi 10% to 15%, maybe. However, another Flat Tax, called the Fair Tax, I believe one or two candidates no more than mentioned as a flat tax plan, may be the one properly defined a decade ago and relates to abolishing Income Tax entirely in lieu of a FAIR TAX (Sales Tax). In this case all entities -- individuals, companies, professionals, hospitals, etc. -- would pay a FLAT sales tax, say 23% on whatever they purchased, be it a product OR service. Possible the poor would be give some break, but you could expect the rich to be paying their fair share this way since their spending is much greater to the point of going overboard on products and services than the poor and even think about affording. That is good, because it is those who can afford to pay more taxes.
I added a category TAXES to guide you to Tax Posts, but know I didn't catch all of them. Pay particular interest to Posts #86 (Fair Tax), numbers 416 and 341 re AP's illogical comments, and 412 re a great book re who's paying taxes now. Sorry I didn't catch all the posts; just wanted to find pertinent ones from the past relating to the Media's inaccurate and bias reporting AND the Republican Tax plans not fully explained.
You can bet I'll return with additional post re the Media, my constant enemy. You can NOT believe over 80% of what they report as being facts! Sounds like the Internet too, eh? Don't be scammed, indoctrinated with bias and fact-less information, or misled by politicians. Do your homework. Unlike the Congress who never starts the Budget process until a few weeks before due, take the next 10 months and educate yourself in the poorness of the Media and "stories" they tell. Question them and question them yet again and again.
We the People need to take rule back and live as per the Constitution regardless of the hawkers shoving elixirs down out throats. Search the BOOKS category too for some interesting reading.
The Republican Debate was a joke! Instead of deep details and comparisons between candidates, I was left only with the success of the party to fend off the liberal Media. Disgusting conclusion. A particular I was interested in was the differences in the tax plans. For those who haven't read about Flat Tax plans for the last 10 years, they are NOT all the same. For example, I believe I heard that Cruz's plan is really a Single Fixed Tax-Level (10%) plan, i.e., poor don't pay and all others pay 10%. No details as far as deductions (Seniors, child-care, blind, mortgages, itemization, etc.). Dr. Carson even blindly adjusted hi 10% to 15%, maybe. However, another Flat Tax, called the Fair Tax, I believe one or two candidates no more than mentioned as a flat tax plan, may be the one properly defined a decade ago and relates to abolishing Income Tax entirely in lieu of a FAIR TAX (Sales Tax). In this case all entities -- individuals, companies, professionals, hospitals, etc. -- would pay a FLAT sales tax, say 23% on whatever they purchased, be it a product OR service. Possible the poor would be give some break, but you could expect the rich to be paying their fair share this way since their spending is much greater to the point of going overboard on products and services than the poor and even think about affording. That is good, because it is those who can afford to pay more taxes.
I added a category TAXES to guide you to Tax Posts, but know I didn't catch all of them. Pay particular interest to Posts #86 (Fair Tax), numbers 416 and 341 re AP's illogical comments, and 412 re a great book re who's paying taxes now. Sorry I didn't catch all the posts; just wanted to find pertinent ones from the past relating to the Media's inaccurate and bias reporting AND the Republican Tax plans not fully explained.
You can bet I'll return with additional post re the Media, my constant enemy. You can NOT believe over 80% of what they report as being facts! Sounds like the Internet too, eh? Don't be scammed, indoctrinated with bias and fact-less information, or misled by politicians. Do your homework. Unlike the Congress who never starts the Budget process until a few weeks before due, take the next 10 months and educate yourself in the poorness of the Media and "stories" they tell. Question them and question them yet again and again.
We the People need to take rule back and live as per the Constitution regardless of the hawkers shoving elixirs down out throats. Search the BOOKS category too for some interesting reading.
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