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1021. Humpty Dumpty Joe [Biden]

 I've been quiet enough. It took me a long time to get on Obama (OBlunder) when in his times he screwed up America along with his sideki...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

319. Defense Spending

Blog #318 presents another cyber attack. Another article today reported continued piracy around Somalia. Iran continues their nuclear quest and now is courting Turkey too. Does Ron Paul and the Democrats truly believe we can tolerate a cut in Defense Spending? Are they myopic enough to believe Defense Spending is ONLY about boots on the ground? Our own National Security becomes more and more vulnerable to foreign destruction NOT by visible boots on the ground or missile tests, but by less discreet, although extremely lethal, attacks setting up potentially catastrophic future consequences. Do these idiots understand how compromising cyber data yields major gains for the bad guys against our security? Yet, they ignorantly and stubbornly spew their idiotic beliefs onto the public through the more than willing liberal media GAINING support for their shortsightedness. I can agree that cuts can be made to reduce the over-priced consulting fees or supplies, but leave the boots and weapons alone. Plus, I feel we are way underfunded to stop attacks as indicated above BEFORE they become even more common occurrences. The FBI, the CIA, covert operations, cyber security must be improved. A reason for not withdrawing boots from foreign soils as Ron Paul would do is as a deterrence to piracy and attacks on our interests worldwide. The Super Committee and the anointed one did not do us a favor in ignoring the deficit and budget -- they, instead, added to our future vulnerability. If this isn't stopped by the 2012 elections the younger generations will suffer even more. I'll be gone (thankfully) -- until then, I'll keep trying to knock some sense into the idiots leading the parade. We are a representative democracy because we can not expect over half of the people to really understand the important issues. Too bad our representatives can't either. Vote the bums out!

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