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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous
So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...
Monday, November 28, 2011
323. "American Assassin" by Vince Flynn
In this novel Mr. Flynn takes us back to Mitch Rapp's (main character) recruitment into the CIA, his training, and his first two assignments. It was okay, but not as interesting as his other books. This book actually seemed like he wrote it before the others. I'd still give it a 4 star though. Easy reading.
322. Goodbye Mr. Blabber
Finally he's gone! One down, many more to go! Thanks for all your disservice Barney Frank. May you go into the history books, rightfully, BEHIND Barney the dinosaur! You will forever be remembered for your Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac blunder that sparked the Financial Crisis. But, you did earn #1 spot in the worst Congress representative list. Congrats!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
321. Let's Try to Explain Fannie and Freddie One More Time
For those who remain clueless re the cause of the Financial Crisis STILL killing you, try reading this article that once again explains the facts. Then relate its findings to today's management by Congress and the White House. Maybe then you'll wake up. Don't forget Mr. Blabber's role (Barny Frank).
320. Amen...re Politics and Budget
I find this USA Today article an excellent analysis of the stink in Washington D.C. I agree that it is time to clean out Congress AND this administration. A Third Party is not an relatively quick, viable solution. And, to think we have another year of this crap! We need a way to end the misery earlier, such as confident votes as in some European countries. I still can't understand why impeachment isn't an answer considering the $Billions thrown away by this administration in shady corporate deals such as the Solyndra Scandal and the overall decisions by Eric Holder. We need Glenn Beck back on FOX to raise the issues to the next level. Why can't the majority of people understand the corruptness going on. No wonder the scamming business is so great. Baa Baa folks!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
319. Defense Spending
Blog #318 presents another cyber attack. Another article today reported continued piracy around Somalia. Iran continues their nuclear quest and now is courting Turkey too. Does Ron Paul and the Democrats truly believe we can tolerate a cut in Defense Spending? Are they myopic enough to believe Defense Spending is ONLY about boots on the ground? Our own National Security becomes more and more vulnerable to foreign destruction NOT by visible boots on the ground or missile tests, but by less discreet, although extremely lethal, attacks setting up potentially catastrophic future consequences. Do these idiots understand how compromising cyber data yields major gains for the bad guys against our security? Yet, they ignorantly and stubbornly spew their idiotic beliefs onto the public through the more than willing liberal media GAINING support for their shortsightedness. I can agree that cuts can be made to reduce the over-priced consulting fees or supplies, but leave the boots and weapons alone. Plus, I feel we are way underfunded to stop attacks as indicated above BEFORE they become even more common occurrences. The FBI, the CIA, covert operations, cyber security must be improved. A reason for not withdrawing boots from foreign soils as Ron Paul would do is as a deterrence to piracy and attacks on our interests worldwide. The Super Committee and the anointed one did not do us a favor in ignoring the deficit and budget -- they, instead, added to our future vulnerability. If this isn't stopped by the 2012 elections the younger generations will suffer even more. I'll be gone (thankfully) -- until then, I'll keep trying to knock some sense into the idiots leading the parade. We are a representative democracy because we can not expect over half of the people to really understand the important issues. Too bad our representatives can't either. Vote the bums out!
318. Time to Address Cyber Attacks
"Last month, Philippine police said weak laws against cyber crime and poor technical capabilities had made the country an attractive base for organized crime syndicates involved in cyber pornography, cyber sex dens, illegal gambling, credit card fraud and identity theft." Sound familiar? This is out of the article re the latest attempt to break into the AT&T System. It again emphasizes the need to fine and imprison (for 50+ years) ANY hack to ANY system. I'd go with LIFE imprisonment for anybody trying to hack National Security systems. WHY isn't the media on top of this? Surely this issue is more important than Cain's accusers, Perry's blunders, Gingrich's correct difference on immigration than the Republican party, O's pardoning of the turkey, Mrs. O getting booed at the NASCAR race, and the Super Committee's PREDICTED failure, etc. When is O going to step up to the plate with a bat in his hand rather than trying to hit a home run sitting on the bench? Cyber hacking is as much a threat to National Security as Iran's quest for nuclear weapons. Isn't it time to wake up? Hmmm, I've been saying this for the last 3+ years! This also MUST INCLUDE China's illegal cloning of software and hardware. Time to call a cease to political campaigning and get somebody of common sense into the White House!
Friday, November 25, 2011
317. "The Green Mile" by Stephen King
Just prior to #316, I finished rereading "The Green Mile" by Stephen King. If you haven't read this yet, do so. Also check out the movie which is actually one of the better Stephen King movies. It wasn't the fastest read in the beginning, but like always, King finishes with a bang. 4.8 Stars. Only King could make a mouse a major character -- Mr. Jingles for best supporting actor.
316. "11/22/63: A Novel" by Stephen King
Give Stephen King 5 stars for his "11/23/63: A Novel" book. This one will entertain your throughout and is not one of his gory horror stories. Time travel, yes. Historical events (JFK Assassination period), yes. You'll not want to put this down; but, at 849 pages, the weight will challenge you if your mind doesn't. 5 Star for this book.
315. Ready For a Big Bounce in Markets?
Sam's trusty red rubber prediction toy says next week will begin a nice positive turn for the market. There may be 1-2 stock sale days left before the run up; but then, today may be the last. So dust off your hoards and get your bets in.
Do you think O can keep his trap shut for a while and let the markets do their thing? Don't you wish Congress would extend their "earned" vacation until after the new year? Well, we know both of these events won't last long. So, how long the market will run will depend on which breaks the run with their clueless voice. Earning did fine. Retail, I believe, will look good in 4Q. The news on Europe is as bad as possible (I think) already and markets discounted for even a little more. We need to spend; China will collect; China will invest in their hobby of hoarding raw resources; commodities will rise as dollar weakens (how else will they maintain their profits); We will max out our credit cards (once more) and then scream "help, I can't pay my bills"; O will shed a tear and scream "foul, his class inequality"; Dems will run with their toilet paper to wipe his a**; Reps will hide the paper and make O smell his own crap yet another time; while the media will shop and offer their paper to hims and the Dems. The vicious cycle and ineffectiveness continues. However, concentrate on the time before the s**t hits the fan again. Think world events long-term. Anticipate the long-term positive potential BEFORE the media (NOT hard since they will focus on the trees instead of the forest). Maybe we'll close out the year before the crap gets thrown around again -- I sure hope so. But, what I'm saying is politics, media bias, and media negativity re American Capitalism will remain the markets' Achilles heel.
Hope y'all had a very Happy Thanksgiving. Now let's not be "lazy";get back to work and finish this year with a bang.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
314. Super Dummies
As expected by all, the Super committee failed to come up with a deficit plan that would save America from the trillions of dollars in debt. I say let's get rid of all the members of the panel and hire an independent consultant to lead the negotiations. I say it would the more than 5 days to produce the elements everybody can agree with. Maybe not all we need yet, but let's get those common elements into ACTION NOW! Instead, we all watch America go further in debt for the entire year of 2012 since the back up plan of equal cuts throughout won't begin until 2013. Of course, after the election! The anointed one pulled another one off on We the People. O MUST GO! All the leaders on both party sides MUST GO! We need to clean house, to remove the loggerheads, and vote in representatives who will work for We the People instead of over inflated salaries and pensions. We need immediately implemented term limits, ie.e., NOT grandfathered. Let's purge the old farts who only want to exercise their power, speech, and loggerheadness (not a word, but you get the point)! Save your money -- you'll need it to get through 2012.
A workable plan:
1. Stop moving money around. For example, stop the SS tax benefit of 2012 where money is taken from the SS entitlement funds to buy bubble gum and trinkets for workers. If the workers wanted to save more money, they wouldn't being drinking coffee all day long. We don't need to subsidize that.
2. STOP Spending money! I have no problem with the back up plan except that it doesn't start IMMEDIATELY. 5% from the military won't matter. That's probably ONE consultant contract or hold off on buying those $16 muffins. Seriously, 5% is nothing! On top of this, I'd even can a few government agencies and cut more in certain areas. The desired output of the Super Committee wasn't even SERIOUS stuff!
3. NO MORE PORK for 2 years! Just STOP! We don't need bridges to no where. If any stupid stuff is even proposed, the responsible representative should be fined $50K and given a strike. Then, 3 strikes and your OUT rule would be a favorable law to pass.
4. Aren't you tired of the MEDIA? I am. They NEVER know what is fact or fiction. They ALWAYS report rumors. They ALWAYS report 90% negative news. They are disgusting. I wish I could ban all the news and opinion shows from TV except for the amount of time they were on in the good old days. And, ban the Internet crap too. We have way too much OPINION and power people using OPINION to influence, rather persuade and indoctrinate people to ridiculous ideas, all based on $$$ in their pockets.
5. Oh, woe. I'm tired of ranting. You get the point, don't you? Try THINKING on your own. Question everything and everyone. Don't be a SHEEP! And don't look for a hand out -- put in an effort.
Friday, November 11, 2011
313. What Do I Think About PSU Scandal?
Penn State has been implicated in one of the most tragic sex scandals I can think of. Jerry Sandusky, a name common around every Penn Stater dinner table re his development of linebackers at Penn State, FINALLY got caught with his pants down literally! What a sleaze bag. I know everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but after reading the actual Grand Jury report re to his case involving 8 young male victims, I am disgusted! To read that he was first investigated in 1998 and NOT prosecuted was even more disturbing, only to then have the District Attorney DISAPPEAR and later assumed and declared dead.
I feel for those who reported the 2002 incident, see this time line article, who maybe THOUGHT the University wouod follow the legal reporting of the incident; namely, McQueary and Paterno. They appear to have followed the University rules and reported the incident to the Athletic Director and V.P. of Finance. It was the latter two who were obligated to report the incident to The University Police and Child Abuse agency (whatever it's called in PA). They did NOT. Thus, the pervert Sandusky victimized other boys.
So, what do I think of the Board of Trustees decision to can both the President, who was also informed AND coach Paterno who's record with Penn State has all been spectacular as a coach and individual? It took only the reading of the Grand Jury report to conclude that the Board made the right decision. I do NOT agree with the way they implemented though. If I had a say, I would have informed Joe Pa first and would have asked him to submit an immediate resignation; he had previously submitted one for the end of the season. I, however, agree that the image of the University had to be the number one consideration; keeping Joe on would have caused continuous negative media hounding that the University could not risk. Sorry Joe. You said it yourself you should have done more. Yes, you should have. I know if I had that position, I certainly wouldn't risk my job across another 3 years by ignoring such a critical abuse. I would have insisted that the University report the incident as required BY LAW! Joe, you made a grave, grave mistake; instead of a hero you became a fool. Sorry. I love you Joe. No one did more and gave a University so much heart than you. But, you have to face the piper when you screw up.
I'll definitely be following this case, not daily for the media is always 99% wrong or ignorrant of the real facts, but to see who else gets implicated. I sincerely believe this might go beyond the university.
I am proud of the Penn State students. Yes, a few rioted over the Joe Pa decision, but a couple of hundred ill-informed students without the details and only angry is a minute percent of the student body. As an alumnus I will be proud to see the "blue out" this Saturday at the Nebraska game in the name of calling attention to abuse. Shorts are on sale for $9.99 where ALL proceeds go to an abuse charity. Penn State Proud. The student body will pull us out of this respectfully. Go State.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
312. Go State
Penn State football will get a lift from yesterday's losers: Michigan and Alabama. As a matter of fact, they are holding #12 today. Go State.
312. UN News
Want the Good news or Bad news first? Let's go with Bad: The UNESCO, some sub group under the UN, voted to allow Palestine as a member. I have nothing against Palestinians, but the powers need to make an effort to negotiate peace before asking to be a member of the UN. The bad news was the vote. The good news is the U.S. stopped the donation of millions to UNESCO, about 25% of their funds) because of this vote. FINALLY! Please Oblunder, leave it alone!
Kudos again to the UN for catching Iran with it's pants on fire again. For once, not the U.S., but the UN nuclear watchdogs reported that they have evidence that Iran is tinkering with nukes. Actual have computerized models of warheads. Guess that's good. But, is their bad news following? Like they will not DO anything, or waste another year with some ridiculous sanction? Doesn't seem like Israel is waiting though. They tested long range missiles that can reach Iran. It may be time to release the squirrels to get the nuts. Not a welcome event, but how else will the conflict get resolved. Can't negotiate with a wall.
Once again, Oblunder has an opportunity to pick a side, but will most likely put on his blinders and hope We the People can't see he's cowering in a corner.
311. Will Greece's Gears stay Greased?
Have you been following Greece's turmoil? Surely you didn't miss our Stock market taking a dump every so often, only to recover. Actually our news has been great compared to Europe and Asia. The latest on Greece, after its PM hinted that a Referendum to the public to indicate what to do (dumb), was to nix that idea and let a coalition government take over to attempt to get Greece out of the bucket. Thus, with the news today that an agreement on who will comprise the coalition government and who will NOT lead it, namely the PM, we'll again climb the ladder of the sliding board. The opposition leader who will probably lead agrees with the third Euro bailout (for now that is). Until the media (don't you love the media!) gets it wrong again, or sensationalizes some other low probability issue, we'll see our market enjoy the positive earning reports. However, my guess is that the CONSTANT blabber of the news media, every time the wind shifts will give us at least 2-3 more opportunities to invest more into the market. My guess is that early January will be a new milestone for Greece to get past. Will it show that its austerity programs are working? Hmmm. I doubt it! I will climb out on a limb and predict bankruptcy for them regardless. Too much government officials corruption -- under the table bribes. And where is the U.S. heading? Oblunder is trying hard to corrupt our country.
310. Keep you PC Secure Story
I love a challenge re PC problems. And did I ever get one yesterday. Have a friend you had a number of problems which I found were all caused by not securing his system from the hands and minds of kids. An older Windows XP system just doesn't have a simple one-step way of keeping the jewels safe as with Parental Controls in W7. Even though a Guest user Account existed, leaving an administrative account signed on or without a password to get on is asking for trouble. So, here are some tips and resolutions to some weird problems caused by a curious kid who had to click everything to see what it would do and then to change things also:
- High Contrast stuck on - Well, its hard to reset the Accessibility option High Contrast when the ICON is no longer in the Control Panel list. First I discovered how to get switched back from High Contrast to normal mode: Hold Alt+Left Shift+PrntScreen. It acts like a toggle. This made things look a little better, but the text was huge and wrapped while on the Internet. Simple fix to that was the View, then Text Size; set to normal.
- So far we had a text size problem, High Contrast problem, and a deleted Accessibility ICON in Control Panel. The last was fixed by copying Access.CPL from my XP system to his (into c:\Windows\System32 and rebooting. Voila, the ICON now appeared. However, now that it was back, I could examine the options within and found High Contrast was set on as a default whenever one of the users signed in. Had to uncheck it (Control Panel->Accessibility ICON, General, High Contrast. Problem fixed.
- Now to lock the kiddies out of the administrator account. Signin to administrator account, Control Panel, User Accounts. From here change all other accounts to user accounts and put passwords on the adult user accounts. A prompt was also give to secure private files -- selected that option too.
- Not quite done. The Guest Account used by one kid had to be set up to prevent Internet use. I removed all ICONS on Desktop except for games allowed, same for the Start Menu and Programs. I stopped there, although I could have found the Internet program itself and renamed it to hide it.
- Did I mention that the initial problem symptom was being unable to get to email? Looking into Outlook, I discovered no addresses set up for the service provider for POP3 ans SMTP. To make matters worse, when I tried to look at Yahoo mail, it too failed. Turned out the cookies were entirely blocked. I went through most of the key settings in Internet and reset to defaults, deleted temporary files and history, and rebooted. Finally back up on email. Unfortunately when problem presented itself, no useful messages led to cookies problem. I spent about 30 minutes crawling down network, Internet, and email setups. Arggggh!
- Did I say we were running? Not yet. With 1335 emails in INBOX the system was crawling too. It would have taken me all night to play yhe game of Yahoo Windows Classic email system email delete (check 25 at a time per page). The new Yahoo email offered a way within ACTIONS to select all messages entirely. Thus, goodbye 1335 messages, dating back to 2005, were deleted. I did go back to Classic though because I have found it faster and less cumbersome than Yahoo's new email.
- Then I installed CCleaner and cleaned all garbage files from the system, some 235 Mb of them and cleaned the Registry. Reboot and the system was finally back to initial speeds and working correctly.
So, DO only have one administrator Account and secure it! For me, troubleshooting and fixing is fun. For them, the problems were a nightmare for months. If I can help, go ahead and ask ... respond via comment.
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