Jeepers. I would say the Senate's priorities should be JOBS, JOBS, JOBS which is complemented by OIL & GAS Drilling, Nuclear Plant construction, electric line distribution construction (repairs, green technologies), and highway infrastructure repairs. Immigration is right up there with homeland security and fighting terrorists -- what IS our foreign policy and homeland security plan? Died on the grape vine! But CLIMATE! Come on troops. Harry (Mr. Clueless) Reid, I can't believe you are touting climate ahead of all these others (see this article). The article says Harry is bending the the Republican desires. Bull. I can believe the Dems are in dire straits and want something -- anything -- that can be BI-partisan to take the hot spot light off their clueless brains. But are the Republican as stupid to want to debate Climate ahead of Immigration? Seems to me Arizona has lit a fire that the Dems don't want to fight and its too big to roast their marshmallows. If I remember correctly, it was O that PROMISED immigration immediately (after he had already promised it a year ago). Just what is that character up these days? Hmmm. Campaigning! Well, if the results are no better than the last 4 states he carried his torch to, truck on O. The Republicans can use all the help you give them. Open mouth, insert foot.
Well, excuse me. O is highlighted in this article saying all the right things re immigration, but blasting the republicans and Arizona. I can certainly live with his beliefsas stated in this article:
"On immigration, Obama said he wants a federal law that would secure the borders and require illegal immigrants to register, pay a fine, learn English, take responsibility for having broken the law and get in the back of the line before others who are seeking U.S. citizenship."
So much for the goal which has been around for 2 years. It's ACTION time! Where's the beef?
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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous
So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
278. Market needing a break
Post 256: 3-4 weeks, 10200-10300 and then drop. Another fine call. This looks like just a short dip and buying opportunity. Next dip will be lengthy. My red squeaky toy has us coming back in 2 sessions and holding up to 11300 for another 5-6 sessions before chaos. Will check back in re the chaos before May 7. Hope for real good news or get out nest rise.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
277. Financial Reform Bill
Here we go again. The debate is now the Financial Reform bill passed by the House and being argued in the Senate. First let me direct you to articles that oppose each other: This one for the reform and this one that has objections to some of the bill specifics. You decide for yourself -- of course this debate is straight down party lines again. I like to look at the consequences to We the People. The first article for reform tries to explain that there won't be any taxpayer money to bailout future bank failures (the item of disagreement). But if you read my last post, I alerted you to the word "HIDE"! If we go that route, the banks have to ante up upfront some $50B that would be held and used in the future should a crisis exist again. Well folks, where does that $50B come from? The banks write the checks to the fund, but do you really think they can afford not to recoup this money somehow? How about bank fees! Hence, you the tax payer don't think you are funding it, BUT YOU ARE! So, I rule out article one for its typical democratic lies and deceit. Whereas article two alerts you that the bill will create yet another agency -- now that IS TAXPAYER MONEY. Plus, it guarantees that "too big to fail" is guaranteed. Article two calls for letting the corrupt banks fail! $50B is not required! Now you think it out. Pay up front for bank bailout AND pay for more government, OR don't pay ANYTHING and let them fail. Besides, the crisis didn't start with the banks! The government pushed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and therefore other loan institutions, to provide mortgages to high risk individuals. The method those institutions used to cover their butts was to package the bad loans and sell them to the public. Unfortunately, because of the enticing fixed returns, the large funds and hedge funds snapped them up, i.e., for your pensions, 401-Ks, mutual funds, etc. WHEN do we get to punish the government for their screw up! How about starting this November! Barney Frank (Mr. Blabber) needs to be go, as does Pelozi, Boxer, Reid, and other far and radical leftists who don't care about We the People but only their own job! Let's stick to the facts -- just the facts 'Mam.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
276. VAT - Value Added Tax
If your are familiar with this the Value Added Tax then you read up about its use in some European countries, usually as a substitute for complicated income taxes. Whereas I support a fair tax to REPLACE our current income tax (tax on the sale of everything -- businesses would pay the tax on the products they need to make their product, we would pay a tax on products OR services we choose. This is very similar to a Value Added Tax, but the Fair Tax REPLACES everything -- yeah, no more April 15th! Wouldn't it be nice to actually take home ALL your pay instead of your gross pay MINUS income taxes? I encourage everyone to read up about Fair Tax -- select the BOOKS category and find my book recommendation.
However, the subject here is a Value Added Tax. A tax imposed on every step of a products creation that then gets passed on to you via increased price(more here). The clever Paul Volker (Obama administration) once again shows his dumb side by asking Obama to consider this to get us out of the deficit crisis. Once again, HIDE the actual tax (meaning We the People don't see the actual TAX) in the price (which we will see and react differently to because its just a price increase -- yeah, right -- with sales tax on top of yet a higher price). And, meanwhile, we continue to fret over the Tax code and continue the misery we all endure during tax time. Let me repeat the key word above: HIDE. It's about time people look into the price of things and realize that those taxes businesses have to pay are and will continue to come right out of YOUR pocket instead.
You have probably seen O's propaganda on how he lowered taxes, WITH CREDITS. Well, 50% of the people in America already don't pay taxes, so who benefits from the credits? The poor? Ha-ha. In a few years probably 60% won't be paying taxes and 50% of the remaining 40% who do pay all the taxes will have their bags packed to move away from America. Already there has been a substantial increase in the number of rich denouncing their citizenship. Guess what folks? That means those lost tax revenues get to be paid by YOU!
However, the subject here is a Value Added Tax. A tax imposed on every step of a products creation that then gets passed on to you via increased price(more here). The clever Paul Volker (Obama administration) once again shows his dumb side by asking Obama to consider this to get us out of the deficit crisis. Once again, HIDE the actual tax (meaning We the People don't see the actual TAX) in the price (which we will see and react differently to because its just a price increase -- yeah, right -- with sales tax on top of yet a higher price). And, meanwhile, we continue to fret over the Tax code and continue the misery we all endure during tax time. Let me repeat the key word above: HIDE. It's about time people look into the price of things and realize that those taxes businesses have to pay are and will continue to come right out of YOUR pocket instead.
You have probably seen O's propaganda on how he lowered taxes, WITH CREDITS. Well, 50% of the people in America already don't pay taxes, so who benefits from the credits? The poor? Ha-ha. In a few years probably 60% won't be paying taxes and 50% of the remaining 40% who do pay all the taxes will have their bags packed to move away from America. Already there has been a substantial increase in the number of rich denouncing their citizenship. Guess what folks? That means those lost tax revenues get to be paid by YOU!
275. You Are What You Eat
I do believe I posted my feelings about the Food Stamp program in the past. For a similar view, and now correlation evidence between Food Stamps and obesity, read this article. There is no reason why tax payer money via food stamps promote obesity and, therefore, higher health risks for the needy and higher insurance costs for the remainder of us. Food stamps need to be limited ONLY to healthy foods. So, go out and beg for your chips and soda! Unfortunately, it's the kids, who have no inkling of what contributes to good health, that suffer because an irresponsible parent buys the crap.
274. Another Earth Day
Here's an awakening to the pathetic obsessed Earth Day people who can't look beyond their noses, i.e., believe in the propaganda of Earth Day to criticize fossil fuels and developed country practices. Bjorn Lomborg brings Common Sense AND science to the forefront to reveal the IMPROVEMENTS since 1970, not the constant barrage of doom and gloom. He also suggests some very practical, valid approaches to a better eco-world. Enjoy the read here.
Monday, April 12, 2010
273. TARP Chuckle
At the very end of this article re selling bank warrants, I found an interesting report that the cost of the financial bailouts via TARP funds approved while Bush was still in charge was lowered by $111 Billion! That's 50% of the previously reported cost. And we want the government to manage Health Care! For over a year the O has been bashing Bush for everything -- always his fault. Now we see some of the ammo was manufactured by his people. Ho can you be off by 50% This amazes me. Forbes reported on the spending of the original $237 Billion here where the article was questioning where the money went and who was accounting for it. The real question now is where is the $589 Billion of the original $700 Billion? Kudos again to Ex-President Bush for rescuing the banks. Shame on the O for being nontransparent again and trickery to escape his blunders.
272. "How Sweet It Is"
Jackie Gleason as Ralph on the Honeymooners always showed his short-term delight by something by swooning "How sweet it is." We should all join in re the stock market, at least for the next 1.5 to 2 weeks. The red squeaky toy sees no end in sight, BUT we know it is coming, don't we? Today we see the result of holding interest rates at zero, i.e., funds pouring into hedge funds. We also see the Europeans taking actions to strengthening the Euro against the dollar, hence, the weaker dollar. As the dollar weakens, the commodities based on dollar trades, e.g., oil, gold, steel, rise. We also expect the weak dollar will lead to better export results as the relief in the financial crisis in Europe (out largest importer) may turn the consumer spending around. And then their is China which earlier this year took actions to ensure speculation did not create any bubbles over there -- goodness. If only we could leave the world alone politically! Arguing the Yuan is value is of little overall value to our economy, other than arguing over it causes uncertainty which are politicians always overreact to with protectionism. This minor bump last week re steel taxes should be overshadowed by all the good news. But, WHY was this necessary? As 17+ states to date begin Health care lawsuits will this battle affect anything? too early to tell except we are already seeing the worse case by large companies beginning to announce write downs during their quarterly earnings. Not much to be concerned about with the large companies, but look out when the mid-size and small companies begin to report. Earnings time is upon us again. We appreciate the techs, like Apple with their new IPAD and Microsoft with their announcement today of the Kin line of phones to make it effortless for the younger generation to tweet, twitter, facebook, etc. This will come to us via Verizon and Vodafone. Biotechs need to start their move back up. It all looks good. But then, maybe its because I stopped watching TV! lol. Invest and be balanced.
Friday, April 9, 2010
271. Protectionism Action #1
Will this be the start of the market drop? You kinda wonder how China can deliver steel pipes up to 99% discounts to our steel pipes. Is our government, tax laws, accounting laws, health plans, etc. THAT COSTLY? Or is it the unions? Believe me, we'll get to pay for this action.
Monday, April 5, 2010
270. Human Brother Sent me this Good Joke -- $50 Lesson
A $50 Lesson
I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she
wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so
I asked her, 'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do? '
She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.'
Her parents beamed with pride.
'Wow...what a worthy goal.' I told her, But you don't have to wait until you're President to do
that. You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay
you $50.
Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give
him the $50 to use toward food and a new house. '
She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, ' Why
doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50? '
I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.'
Her parents still aren't speaking to me.
I recently asked my friends' little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she
wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so
I asked her, 'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do? '
She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.'
Her parents beamed with pride.
'Wow...what a worthy goal.' I told her, But you don't have to wait until you're President to do
that. You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my yard, and I'll pay
you $50.
Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give
him the $50 to use toward food and a new house. '
She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, ' Why
doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50? '
I said, 'Welcome to the Republican Party.'
Her parents still aren't speaking to me.
269. Is This Too Good to be True?
As we continue to see stimulus money artificially project a good economy, some reporters continue to run with the herd rather than calling the hard facts. As I read this article I questioned the long-term benefits of the news I was reading. The end of the article brought the real picture back in focus. This is an article about the good, bad, and the ugly. I found it humorous that some reporters were marching in a parade with banners flying high celebrating the increase in consumer spending chanting "more to come, more to come." If you look at the dollars being spent I couldn't agree more; but, if you look at the number of products being sold I would think you might see no growth. Just yesterday we went "discount shopping" at the Wal-Mart Superstore. We just needed a few items, like cereal, cranberry sauce and sherbet. The wife keeps a log of the last two prices for each of the groceries and wasn't shocked that once again Wal-Mart raised the prices. Cereal from $1.96 to $2.50, cranberry sauce from $0.88 to $1.32 AND 2 ounces less and Sherbet from $2.00 to $2.50 AND 16 ounces less. Add bell peppers from $0.50 to 0.98 and can vegetables up 25% overall and you can see we have no choice to spend more! Shop at a different store and you will see even higher increases. How much longer will this continue before people stop buying things or simply can't afford them? The law of supply and demand will kick in and bring an ugly halt to buying other things -- food is a must, but if its taking more of your hard earned dollars, less is available for other things. Plus how does another 13 cents per gallon for gas this morning versus yesterday affect you? When this happens, inventories will again grow and the economy shrink causing the stock market to regress to much lower levels. Without a permanent fix to the economy, we continue to ride the roller coaster that we all know isn't flat and isn't a constant speed. Some see it as a risk, some see it as a thrill. When applied to the market, know when its safe to hold your arms up and duck your head. I feel we're still being cranked to the top before the first steep fall. Will I continue to play the game? To gamble that I will pull out before others? Yes. Keep an eye on Protectionism (remember?) and now also Inventories. The Housing market may be getting its last boost from home buyer credits. When you hear talks of firing up more printing presses or more stimulus/bailouts RUN!
268. Think twice Before Choosing Protectionism
There are two interesting articles today worth reading. The first article is about Obama's next step towards Protectionism -- remember what I said in previous posts about its affects on the market. The second article is a more reasonable explanation of how much waste of time the debate on the Yuan's value is and how it can take this market down more than the financial crisis did. This latter report reiterates what I have posted in the past and again summons caution in long-term investments. I also raises the flag some more up the flag pole signaling you to be on higher alert. I know I will be. I just wish Thunderhead would stop being anti-Wall Street!
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