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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous

 So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...

Sunday, September 15, 2024

121Lose Toolbar on ACDSEE?

 For last several weeks when I click on .jpg to view in ACDSEE the image desired comes up, but I no longer have a "filter" toolbar where I can Zoom, Resize, etc.

To fix, get in Browse mode: Right click on picture vied, select File>Browse .

Select Tools>Customize>Toolbars Tab >Reset to Defaults

Don't know how this changed, but this is how to get life back.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

1211. How to designate a featured post

 go to LAYOUT and select Featured Post, enter the post in title area or select from current list of posts

1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous

 So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC?

I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strategy for her was simple: Always keep throwing lies about Trump at him so he can only defend them, and NEVER defend any yourself . In other words, go into the game to play offense only.

Trump on the other hand fell for their plan and continued to waste time on defense. The ABC commentators that KNEW that certain lies were lies sat there and let them fall! Here are some example:

- Taxes: Force everybody to pay additional Taxes on Sales. Truth is that a so-called FLAT tax has been discussed for over a decade now. Trump made some comment that it seemed interesting. He did NOT commit to it like the Dems are suggesting. This is similar to what they say about Elon Musk to believe that only Male Elites can manage the government. This was raised on his platform X as a theory from someone where his only comment was "Interesting Theory". He did NOT accept it as believable.

- Abortion: Trump's policy is to leave it to the states as the Supreme Court ordered. He did NOT make a comment re a federal restriction of any period. His belief is to limit abortions to those medically necessary and when not necessary to no longer than MAYBE 6 weeks. He is letting the states debate the issues. So, Kamala again lied. Let me comment though that my beliefs after hearing about some states devising some actions to inhibit abortions entirely. I believe it is the mother's decision to abort, period! The states should provide the necessary counseling and support and aids to help the mother decide. However, they should NOT make ridiculous rules about banning abortions completely like some states have done. With that, I agree that the Federal Government needs to revisit the rules and again write a law that provides limits and guideline withing the states must act!

-  Economy:- Kamala throws out her plan as one that is approved by the top Economists. Well, those same expert Economists are the one that made America so bad over the last 3 years! NO one has put them on a list of all economists that are in the top 25! Who would decide that? Of course, Kamala would. In the meantime she did not put Art Laffer, who managed affairs for Reagan and beyond. Sure, Kamala selected only her democrats FROM the democrat list of economists. Now, tell me honestly how you are faring during the Biden-Harris administration compared to the Trump Administration! If you lean to the left you are quite irresponsible to manage anything and live in a dark fantasy. Now, what is an opportunist Plan by Kamala. Did she even give you step one of getting us out of the S__t Hole? Compared to Trump who showed you how it was done! And will continue the plan of bringing oil controls back to America by drilling and making us #1 and self-reliant again. You'll notice that Kamala's administration is still running with the Trump excise taxes again China feeding the Revenue substantially.

- Immigration: The Southern Border is chaos. If you can't realize how the millions let in are affecting everything in America, you are clueless. I was going to use "blind" instead of "clueless", but the bind probably know even better the hardships cast upon them by inflation, and their security diminished by the crime corruption we are experiencing. What I can't believe is the lack of compassion by Kamala relate to the children and other people killed and raped by illegal immigrants! Seriously. Is this what you want in a President? 3.5 years already down this open path to America and NOW she promises a plan in the future to address this! Wake up!

- Iran: WHO gave Iran the billions of dollars. Democrats with Hillary. Who REMOVED the sanctions that kept them poor (Trump's doing)? Biden-Harris. What has Iran accomplished in 3.5 years with there excess money? Support and actions by their proxies -- Hezbollah, Hamas, etc. Now they are even providing ballistic missiles to Russia to control that war with the Ukraine. Ever effort AND RESULT Trump made to ensure continuance of a free world across seas has bee killed! The world is much more dangerous.

- Democratic Support from Republicans: The list Kamala has is from FIRED employees and past individuals who hate Trump for their reasons. They would rather bash Trump than to admit to their stupid actions. The fight between parties on who in the world loves Trump and who Hate Trump depends on what the results are to America AND the world. Bother were in far better shape with trump, so he must have been doing something right. Kamala can only present her conspiracy theory that being a super-strong and sometimes confronting leader hurts the heart and makes some cry BECASUE THEY ARE WRONG! Can you imagine a private company CEO that bends over yields on everything rather than one who can defend his plan, direct,  and lead based on pragmatic plans and results! I can understand the Elon Musk "interesting comment" remark, not really explained that maybe he was suggesting that male, elites were more pragmatic thinkers on the whole compared to the 80-90% of the people who are bogged done just trying to make ends meet who no time, and never had time, to experience the competitiveness actions that make America successful and great.

- I'll probably add to this post when I have a little more time. For now, just realize that Kamala presents NO content for her so-called desires to win this election.  Bernie Sanders said it best a week back when he said she'd lie and make up a plan just to win the election! I haven't see a Democrat implement any positive plan for a long, long time. 

Heed the beginning of this post that Kamala ONLY threw out lies to keep Trump from presenting his best. She NEVER defended anything he said! And, NEVER presented any content for any of her plans!

This is the strategy of the Democrats to simply win an election! Lie and Hide Biden. We still do not know WHO is actually running this country! Scary!

1209. Attempted to use VOICE ACCESS

 Interesting is that on my system without Accessibility features turn on, it took me less than 1 minute to get Voice Access set up and usable. However, with my impaired client, it could NOT correctly perform phone features consistently or even at all. For example, I managed to get a Google Phone # and registered via his Cell Phone. Then proceeded to have his Cell ring on a call received to the Google Phone #. The necessity to hit another option when calling  or receiving is cumbersome, but we successfully did so. But, consistency is lacking. Sometimes the calling and receiving works, sometimes not, leaving Voicecall messages each time when it fails. The website screen for calling is NOT correct. To be specific, I first needed to find his contacts already stored by Google Gmail. No Luck getting them to voice Access calling! So, I though maybe I'll manually create necessary contacts. Instructions said to get on the screen interface and click CONTACTS. Well, NOT there! Never figured out how to create or import contacts! Then the worse thing is that Voice Access throws a banner line at top of Windows Home screen and it starts at Restart actions, forces a pre-login screen picture to some up and prevents getting to login screen unless you find the secret to kill the banner. I played enough to scrap this idea for calling and answering from the machine. I also wanted to use the microphone on Google Search to verbally submit queries. I was successful, but the response was in screen text only, unlike the Nest Hub which provides a verbal response or simply allows a user to turn on text-to-voice for any text on screen. Yes, this can be accomplished via Natural Reader or Narrator (another piece of crap - See 1208). Why should I have to jump through so many hurdles to get things working even adequately? And do not have any impairments hindering my visual capabilities. However, my client does, and these unnecessary steps is impossible to perform.

Today, I tried to get in contact with the Accessibility Help people, both by phone and chat, DURINH the operation hours published. Forget that! They were there, but proceeded to collect information BEFORE telling me that! Poor support for the needy. 

So, we will stick with the Nest Hub and try to get it working for calling; the search by voice and response verbally is EASY. Unfortunately, a prerequisite for managing Nest Hub to use it is a Cell phone that he cannot see at all. We decided to switch to an existing Tablet (older one0, but are stuck getting that to work. Then there is the matter of CONTACTS again being shared. The entire process is too complex. btw, Nest Hub is a Goggle product! Why am I dancing around setting parameters on several devices to get it working? Who is designing products for Google? Where is the Google-Microsoft interfaces? If I had to design thing, I would have Microsoft provide EXITS (from their code) to one written by another user, like Google. The Exit would override settings in Microsoft (Google permission necessary and responsibility there's). That way, Microsoft's Voice Access could allow a user to control the interface to the user.

That is all another topic and too complicated for the normal user. They know where I am if they want to discuss.

For now, Voice Access (previously Windows Speech Recognition (WSR) is a disaster. I can see why WSR is being killed, but can't understand why Voice Access is even implemented to replce it. It seems like for now its only a name change! What a zoo.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

1208. Narrator won't turn off

See 9/12/2024 FIX at end.

 Since Windows 7 a few users get stuck with the Narrator never turning off (disabled) entirely only to have it start yelling every time you reboot. Yes, there is a keyboard shortcut to stop it for your session, but some folks just can't end it permanently.

To fix this, if you choose to really never use it again, see this. You want to do option #2 to rename narrator.exe which you don't have permission to do. Option 2 will give you permission to the Trusted one, except, instead of "untick" permissions at the end, you tick (check) all permissions for your user that corresponds to your PC name and which you set up before this point. Don't forget to restart your PC upon completing the steps. btw, Option 1 WON'T work becacause you do NOT have permissions to simply rename it or delete it.

This worked only until Microsoft put more update on!!!!


9/12/2024: Bing AI gave me this Registry hack to fix this problem. It is now implemented and we are testing. See below for the AI text provided:

Manipulating the Windows Registry can potentially cause system issues if not done correctly. Ensure that you back up your registry before making any changes. To disable Narrator through a registry fix, follow these steps:

Press Windows + R, type regedit, and press Enter to open the Registry Editor.
Navigate to the following path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options

Right-click on Image File Execution Options, select New then Key. Name the new key Narrator.exe.
Select the Narrator.exe key, then right-click in the right-hand pane and select New then String Value.
Name the new string value Debugger.
Double-click on Debugger and set its value data to taskkill.exe. Click OK.

This registry edit creates a fake debugger for Narrator.exe that effectively kills the process whenever it tries to start, preventing it from launching.

On 9/12/2024 we restarted Windows 11 and it is OFF. Time will now tell. If no update, it continues to work in killing the task and keeping Narrator OFF.

Friday, June 14, 2024

1207. I. Amaro Black Velvet Painting

 I recently had compliments re an old painting on Black Velvet I picked up in Tijuana back around 1970. My wife and I just couldn't live without it on a wall somewhere. Currently in my Office. It is signed I. Amaro who I understand may be around 84 and still paining. Supposedly, he is a brother of Marcos, another artist. I could not find much about him other than his name is Ignacio and certainly did live in Tijuana then. I'm posting it here and would love to find something more about this particular painting and the artist. Original frame also.


Saturday, May 18, 2024

1206. .heic file type incapatibility on Windows

 Except for maybe some "extension", I have not been able to view .heic picture file types on W!!. We had a person transfer pictures from a Samsun Galaxy phone to W11 via email first off. Once there they CAN be viewed by Google in Gmail, but the Photos App and other things tried so far can not use that format. So, since the destination was W11 by my visual impaired friend, a solution was sought to ensure they come across as a .jp or jpeg file type. We cold convert them using Real HEIC .. Converter App from Microsoft Store, but the additional steps were not desired.

I believe the phone use followed procedures below:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1YPkIZY_tU&ab_channel=Fix369 (Getting to JPG for a Samsung phone)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1YPkIZY_tU&ab_channel=Fix369 (How Galaxy went to HEIC and how to convert to JPG)

to get them to friends W11 and he moved them into "some" folder he couldn't remember. I did a global search using EVERYTHING App (great App) for *.JPG (the file type on all his other pictures) and found nothing. Since he claimed to have worked with them, I finally looked up .JPG versus .JPEG file types and discovered they are identical, but just the suffix is different. Great! Another incompatibility change that instead of making it transparent, i.e., search for .jpg gives you .jpeg also, the Apps and File Explorer treats them unique.

The Converter used also saved the converted .heic file to a .JPEG, unknow to me. Well, my BAD for not knowing this! 

All is resolved now and we willll remember to look for .jpeg files in addition to the hundred of .jpg files he his. I am curious as to which host applications, e.g., FamilySearch or other places where files can be uploaded recognize both and .heic. Recognizing it and processing it sure would have been nice!

Thursday, May 16, 2024

1205. Presidential Debates for 2024

 By this time you should have heard that Biden FINALLY committed to 2 debates with President Trump. But, the playing field will be mined! Does anyone expect CNN and ABC, 1st and 2nd debate, to NOT give Joe the questions beforehand? Do you really think Biden will not rehearse the debate with those networks before the debates? Am I challenging the debate process just like many have claimed the 2020 election was rigged? I wouldn't put anything past with Tricky, Corrupt Biden and the Left Media.

Surely Trump realizes these exposures. I don't see any way ignoring these setups during the debate without claiming FOUL. 

Isn't that what we are seeing with the Trump Trials? But, there he cannot speak up because the Corrupt Judge issued a GAG order for the Defense and not the Prosecution side! FOUL? 

Justice is beyond corrupt now. Unless people wake up and realize that, no matter who they love or hate as candidates, America and Democracy is going to be dead. I am amazed that still 50% of this country can't see the downfall even now -- inflation, immigration, crime, justice, corrupt DOJ, Other corrupt agencies, Foreign affairs such as completely ignoring the Hamas terrorization of Israel, antisemitism, College indoctrination, the Corrupt Media,...whew, I need to stop and can't overlook the top-down take over of our humanity and Morales. Wake up people!

1204. Who dumped on my Windows 11 Lock Screen?

 Thank you Microsoft for all worthless crap you put on you dumped on my Lock Screen! Just what I want when I power on my PC 😒😒😒! First the weather that doesn't come close to reality here in Panhandle of Texas, and now Market update (like I haven't already signed in before the market opened), and NBA news (sorry, not an NBA fan). What is next to disrupt my happy life?

Well, get rid of that crap by doing the following:

W+I > Personalization > Lock Screen (See Note below) > Personalize your Lock Screen > Select something from dropdown box to proceed > Uncheck the "Get fun..." > Select NONE from the "Lock Screen Status" dropdown box

Your Lock Screen (that is the first screen after powering on) will now be back to its virgin self and you can enjoy another Zen moment before fighting more, continuous problems with Microsoft Software. 😊

Note: Due to other bad Microsoft Updates, all my Personalization selections take about 30-60 seconds to function. So, have patience and enjoy the EIC programmer's effort (have your Zen time) until you can proceed. See other post re this problem.

1203. UNRESOLVED - Personalization selection lags 30-60 seconds

 After Microsoft Updates sometime in the near past, Selection of anything while in Desktop Personalization took about 30-60 seconds before it functioned and allowed you to proceed with why you were there. I didn't notice this until 5/15/2004 when my F6 key on my Lenovo Laptop Ideapad S340 died. There's another post on that here. But, why the lag of everything is a mystery today. Most likely, I hope, this will magically get repaired in a future Microsoft Update. If not, I'll research it and find a resolution. If you have a resolution, please post as a comment to this post. Thank you.

1202. Turn ON or OFF the On-screen Keyboard

 Win + Ctrl+o toggles ON/OFF

1201. Go to BIOS Method when already signed in to Windows

 Start > Settings> Windows Update > Advanced > Recovery > Advanced Startup > Restart Now > Restart

When it restarts: Troubleshoot > Adv Options > UEFI Firmware Settings > Restart

You are now into BIOS and can edit at will.

1200. RESOLVED - Touchpad toggle (FN+F6) FIXED on Lenovo S340 Ideapad

 Say goodbye to my way to toggle touchpad on/off via the FN+F6 keys! This worked until 5/15/2024 MSFT update along with many more issues, such as a 40-60 second lag trying to select an item under PERSONALIZATION. However, it still works on my other Lenovo. So, what is the problem?

I tried everything I could find on Internet, like uninstall drivers and restart, BIOS, cleaning key, etc. All were useless.

Why you ask to I ever want to disable the touchpad? Because this Ideapad MS340 touchpad lies under my part of my left hand when I type. Of course, if you do not rest your left hand on the surface of the laptop, you will not experience the problems it causes. What problems? For instance, start typing a few paragraphs in WORD (carefully with left hand above the laptop surface). No start a new sentence and in the middle rest you left had on surface so the right part of left hand touched the touchpad area while you want to complete the sentence. If your PC works like mine you may find that you are no longer where you want to be. The remainder of the sentence you are typing jumps to some other place in the document! WORD, email, etc -- any place you are typing may jump like this. Thus, I always disable the Touchpad before long text input. Easiest way is to do a FN+F6. Now the solution is to do START, type touchpad, then switch the toggle to OFF (or ON to get it back on). 

Pretty annoying. I'll be pursuing this issue. So far, I ran into Microsoft killing the Troubleshooters to be replaced in 2025! Looks like Microsoft is involved somehow. Its updates have been horrible for the last 6-12 months. Must be the EIC people selection process they have been using!

UPDATE: 5/24/2024

After 7+ more hours of searching for ways to resolve this, I found one, But to implement it I had to resolve at least 6 other Microsoft problems. The fix was to download Lenovo Hotkeys App from the Microsoft Store, but to do this I had to correct the Microsoft Store issues below. Anyway, once I could GET the package, I opened it and its launch fixed everything. Now not only does the "special" hotkey on the F6 key (toggle touchpad) on my S340 Lenovo work again, but so do the other special hotkeys that were also broken (F4-Microphone, F8-Camera, etc. Mentioned in the Help was that the APP must be started at Login each time to continue to work. This is already set in its settings to happing and works after a Restart too! So, I am peeing all over the floors I'm so happy (remember, I am Sam the Lab).

The hard part was getting Microsoft Store functioning again as noted below:

SOLUTION: Read on for all I tried, but here is what FINALLY worked: Bring up Start > Services and find "Windows Defender Firewall". Make sure it is set as Automatic (Double-click and look), STOP it, then START it. Unbelievably easy.

PROBLEM: Initially when I got to Microsoft Store, I was already logged in and could look at all my settings. When I tried to GET a desires APP, it failed every time no matter which APP I tried and asked me to sign in again. I went to top and clicked sign-in, but got error 0x800706dt. So, I could not get any APP AND I couldn't sign-in at the Store.

UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS: First, I can't say these attempts were not PARTIALLY successful, but none completely resolved the issue:

I tried everything found on the Internet from 

1. Microsoft Store Repair and Reset, 

2. checking my file integrity via SFC /scannow, 

3. Using Powershell to get, install, register Microsoft Store

4. Resetting my Microsoft Account password, signing out, signing back in

5. Clearing Microsoft cache, 

6. I spent so much time chasing my tail with Microsoft Store issue! Don't expect to find any article that correctly leads you through the Troubleshooting of the Store! NONE got me there. I even though maybe my Local Login instead of Microsoft Login played into the problem -- it didn't. However, I went down another rabbit hole trying to switch from Local to Microsoft Login and found it's instructions were bad too. 

7. yada, yada, yada

I can't remember all the hurdles I tripped over or the hoops of fire that singed me, and, regrettably, can't remember where or who finally gave me the solution to the Microsoft Store problem. But, suffice it to say, only one of at least 50 articles actually gave the specific instructions to STOP and START the Windows Defender Firewall service. A few others alluded to an antivirus protection and its firewall obstructing it, but none simply said STOP and reSTART the service applicable. So, now you have it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

1198. "Ashes Never Lie" by Lee Goldberg -- 5 Stars


Ashes Never Lie by Lee Goldberg -- 5 Stars

Publisher: Thomas & Mercer

ISBN: 9781662512384


I check NetGalley often, waiting for the availability of a new novel by Lee Goldberg because I am certain it will be exciting and well written. His characters are the best part -- they are complex and believable. The interplay between the law enforcement officers is supportive and often witty. Adding Eve Ronin and Duncan to the team worked well. There are several crimes to solve. The ways the team catch the bad guys are clever. Information about fire and arson investigations is worked into the plot without slowing it and am now more educated.  I enjoyed every page!


Reviewer: Nancy

Saturday, March 2, 2024

1197. Lost Hot Key (F6 to toggle touchscreen) on Lenovo ideapad

 Don't know abut you, but I can't seem to rest my paw on the touchpad while typing. Results: input jumps around to different places. If I'm typing heads down, I could have typed a lot, in open spaces or over the top of other text, before realizing I again was buggered by the touchpad being hot. Thus, at one time I permanently turned it off until I started to need it remotely and didn't want to drag Mickey Mouse along. That's when I reverted to using the F6 Hotkey to toggle the touchpad on/off. Still forget a lot! But, this time the F6 toggle was dead. Didn't toggle and didn't display the notification ICON. Turns out after hours of research that when I tried to fix this by disabling the touchpad in Device Manager I chose to migrate (?) the setting. This didn't work, and I spent more hours trying to locate a new Driver or refreshing the one I had. It did log Events for the Driver under the Touchpad device re Migration which activated my CommonScents to try to go all out and uninstall the driver and let the O/S at Restart find it and correct it. Sure thing, I was rewarded for my CommonScents with an again working Hotkey. So much for all the articles out on Internet that were unhelpful and led me to dig the rabbit hole deeper and deeper. Just using CommonScents I fixed the problem.

Agin: Uninstall the driver and let the Windows Restart process fix it.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

1196. Stop Automatic Restart Feature so Errors can be seen

 If your Windows 11 system reboots automatically by itself during your session for an unknown reason, you may never learn why it rebooted. You can turn off the Automatic Restart Feature so you can troubleshoot the error before it disappears on an reboot. To turn off the Automatic Restart Feature, do the following:

Go to Control Panel and in Category view mode  select System and Security > System > Advanced system settings.

In the Startup and Recovery section, choose Settings.

Uncheck the box next to Automatically restart

When your system fails now you might be able to at least note the error causing it before you manually reboot it allowing you to troubleshoot the error.

Reasons why your system may automatically restart:  incorrect group policies, system infected with malware, faulty storage or other hardware issue, misconfigured settings, and many more reasons. Automatic Restart corrects the issues usually, but you will usually have no knowledge why it failed. instructions above, you at least have a chance to learn why by noting the error AND can save what you have been doing before you manually restart.  

1195. What is my Microsoft Windows 11 Product Key?

 To find out your product key should you need to reinstall do the following:

Start Key > enter REGEDIT and select it by right-click Administrator

Trace path as follows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform

Double-click SoftwareProtectionPlatform to display all files on right side

Double-click BackupProductKeyDefault to see 25-digit Product Key

Monday, January 29, 2024

1194. "Primordial Threat" by M.A. Rothman -- 5 Stars

 Primorial Threat is Science Fiction that one needs to constantly check the little things, the trees, to determine what's real and not. Of course, the forest is far fetched, bu described with enough factual trees to want you to believe it's possible and just the forest next door in 2066, or Stardate 0 AE. So what's this Stardate AE? Read and find out.

Dave, the genius scientist, is one of the main characters and is the one who comes up with the plan to save the Earth from a Black Hole barreling directly toward it, meaning through our solar system right to the sun. How will he protect Earth? An unbelievable solution is is developed and executed and the Earth lives on -- but is it crippled in any way? What about the sun and moon? And who is Dave's girl friend who can talk only via numbers?

Joining Dave are Burt and Neeta, two more brilliant scientists that help pull off the magic. What else can you call it, except, it is way beyond magic! The reader gets to live with the problem and experience an incredible journey escaping the Black Hole's destruction. As mentioned, there is plenty to keep you searching the Internet for background and history. 

Since I already read the sequel Freedom's Last Gasp, another MUST READ, I attest that Earth is still surviving, but quite different. I love how Mr. Rothman incorporates present date issues into his story without blatantly stating them and making them political or controversial. Stephen King has alway been a favorite author before he started doing just the opposite! So, get settled into an easy chair and be ready to be entertained like no TV show or movie can provide. Just you and this novel. 

I'll also review Freedom's Last Gasp and the first of Mr. Rothman's Levi Yoder series, Perimiter, which I also just finished and can't wait to get the 2nd in the series. Three 5-Star hits. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

1193. ALL Input Fields randomly fill with same character - UPDATE

 This is a weird problem that some people have reported as far back as 4+ years! Looks like maybe 10 different people maximum that reported and received no useful responses. Many more responded with "I also have this problem" which doesn't mean they have exact problem or just interested. So, I call it very few people and low, low priority.

However, that doesn't make those, including my visually impaired client, very happy! So, I am doing my best to find the common link/cause of the problem and some resolution it, or at least a way to stop the infinite filling.

Problem: In ANY input field. i.e., Browser fields (URL field, Google.com field), some forms, word processor, and even Window Sign-in before Windows even active have resulted in some character, in our case "-" or +l" or "/" or "0" or etc to just on its own start filling the field and beyond. You will see, e.g., AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ... forever. We initiall had no way to stop it and couldn't type what we wanted. Recently, if you catch it, maybe early enough, using the Backspace Key to continually erase them and typing a quick key to insert something else will stop it and life can continue. Up to this discovery, the only way to clear it was to reboot. But, then we one time hit it at Windows Signin! So, RESTART and do it again until clear.

Things tried and problem still persisted:

Changed Keyboards

Removed Keyboard

Windows SAFE mode

Updated all Keyboard Drivers

Ran all HP Hardware Tests successfully

Ran HP BIOS update check  -- Back Level was updated just an hour ago. Hopefully this might work, but after it PASSED the date given was 3/8/22 for F.22 level and this is exactly what we originally had. So, the HP diagnostics either reported that we were back level, or the PASSED report reported it wrong. Next time over there, I'll run SPECCY to see if it reports a newer date.

    Update 1/18/24. HP should have told me to RESTART! This morning I checked again using "Run MSINFO32.exe" and it still said F22. Checked HP site again (no help), except set up HP ID. The downloaded code to look at the machine did not work. Even after setting up an account ID it didn't help. Did a RESTART as seen needed under Device Manager>Drivers. It updated the BIOS to F40 7/17/23. Short of current F42 as per support system. We'll run with this to see if problem reoccurs. Apparently, the caretaker said it just started happening when they went to new keyboard. Why? Because the old Visually Impaired Keyboard was reported as not functioning (turned out it was jammed in port next to the USB that it should have gone into. I believe this is for the printer cable!) Maybe this jam caused the problem with the now possibly damaged port, whatever it is, OR the keyboard cable connector). They went to a wireless, but it wasn't a Visually Impaired one and useless to him. I went over and plugged the old keyboard back in, but by this time they had already ordered another Visually Impaired one (Corded). That one is now active and no problems yet on it. Time will tell on the new BIOS code and new keyboard. If anything the problem is with the USB/Keyboard to USB. 

Did SFC /SCANNOW -- no issues

Checked Event Log, but had no date/time to see if anything was reported during error -- nothing found to date

Additional Information:

Over the 4+ years of issue reported, there is no common PC brand or type. More than HP had problem, Ours is Desktop and Laptops with their fixed keyboards also had problem. One individual went to the trouble of disconnecting the laptop keyboard from the motherboard and installing an external one. There were some differences as to some keys working or not working, but the issue persisted. 

I'll be adding to this post as we test more, get this corrected, or find a reasonable workaround.


1/18/24. Restart done to install F40 BIOS. Awaiting any error reports.


3/2/24. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/character-repeats-automatically-forever-in-all/59fcc9ce-98ce-4740-b539-ddd64d66477e details the Repeating Character troubleshooting and resolution as of this day. Bottom Line it seems like an old surge protector, one I can no longer find on the Internet either didn't stop an electrical surge it itself had a problem that sent a charge to the PC. A full memory test via Memtest86 passed, leaning us with most likely a motherboard failure, or just the surge protector failing. We have run a week without the problem appearing after a new surge protector (about 4300 joule one) replaced the old one. Regardless, a new PC was bought and the old one will go to a friend. Many reports of this problem appear on the Internet with not one resolution or root cause. This could be it! 

Friday, January 12, 2024

1192. Set a Yahoo Finance Portfolio VIEW as default

 Assuming you know how to get to Yahoo Finance, then MY PORTFOLIOS, then creating your new portfolio, say STOCKS, you can bring it up with the fields of your choice. Once on your portfolio, STOCKS in this example, you can select any of the views desired. You might want to create a new view, say MyView, with your field desires -- Create New View at right of all available views is there for you to do this. So, have at it. Finally, on the portfolio of choice you can select MY Portfolios and then the portfolio you desire. On the resulting screen, now your portfolio, you an select the view of choice, say MyView. Now, Bookmark it onto your Bookmark Bar or other place. Note the specific view designator at the end of the URL address assigned by Yahoo. This corresponds to the view you are looking at and, thus, the one the bookmark will take you too. Hence, your selected DEFAULT. You have established a default now assigned to the bookmarked URL. Play with the other views and you will see the end of the URL change to its view designator. Bookmark whichever you desire and go directly to that portfolio and view when desired, i.e., YOUR desired portfolio and desired view.