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Monday, February 16, 2015

693. Japan still banking on favorable Karma

James Clavell emphasized that the Japanese believed almost entirely in Karma in his book Shogun. During that period little was expected and the outcome or mishaps were just Karma, i.e., fate. Little did they believe could be controlled and everything bad could not be prevented -- just Karma. Well, this article seems to enlighten that belief again. Abe is having a hard time getting them out of recession. Although the article is headed "Japan emerges from recession but growth subdued", I wonder how they can say that other than a few quarters had positive growth. When Abe imposed a surtax on goods, he also discouraged the citizens from spending. He now has a tough road to get the troops to start spending more -- hard because the Japanese are primarily savers, particularly during the last decade of economy woes.

What doe this mean to you? I would say don't expect one of the largest economies to turn the world economy around! Ain't gonna happen. We must hope they at least keep their own and grow slowly as the article and Abe HOPES -- ah, the Karma-word. I'll even take stagnancy at this point rather than another recession.

Let's see: Russia won't help the economy, nor most other Emergency countries that are exporters of oil. Saudi Arabia isn't helping matters playing its oil game with the world, Europe wrestles with several countries to keep the Euro in tack. Once again, America shines -- this is where you need to invest. A lot of turmoil to wade through. I expect the muck to get deeper before it dries up. Short turn, until summer, we can hope, believe in positive Karma happenings, until reality reigns down on us like a hot August sun.

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