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1210. Presidential Debate - Trump and Harris Ridiculous

 So was there a winner of the Presidential debate or just another setup with ABC? I'll agree that Kamala was more composed and the strat...

Monday, March 21, 2016

757. 2 for 2 WSJ!

Yet a second negative article title ("RNC chairman ready for convention fight over Donald Trump") from the WSJ and unnecessary incitement over a contested convention here. If you read carefully, real carefully and not with false conclusions based on the title itself, Reince Prebus simply stated that the probability of a contested convention is increasing and he'll be prepared to manage it SHOULD it occur. In no way did he state that he is ready FOR A FIGHT!). 

Another fine, negative display of sensationalism WSJ! Grow up! Now we know which side of the bed you get up on. Between the WSJ, CNN, AP, ABC, CBS, the media has a lock on putting We the People into another 4 years of O'Blunder. If We the People don't start using our brains we'll be here forever ... me probably less than you and your kids. Isn't it time to exercise the FREE gift you have in that head?

756. Again the Media Eats My Cake

Now the Wall Street Journal is joining the negative article and title flay (this article). Notice the negative article to incite readers: "Trump owes a Quarter of a Billion Dollars to Banks Backing His Real Estate Projects." Now, the 80% of the population (see post #755) who don't understand even a fraction of business wouldn't know that one of the best indicators of a STRONG company is a low Debt-to-Equity Ratio, where under 60% denotes not only healthy, but usually thriving. 1/4 debt is thus ONLY 25% and indicates Very strong financially AND very strong management. We should be applauding such an excellent Business and especially the CEO who is running a company (ies) in a very cost effective and efficient manner. One that should be running this country. One that would never have gotten this country in debt to $19-20 TRILLION dollars! 

Wise up WSJ! You keep beating candidates up with misleading articles and you make me use my Common Sense and education to take the opposite stand more easily and firm. I may have not voted for the Donald in the primaries, but Mr. Trump will shake up this "most dishonest Media", maybe to the degree that it returns to reporting only the facts, but always the truth AFTER any remaining intelligent editors perform the correct review and analysis.

POOR JOB  "politically left" WSJ!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

755. Anybody else tired of the Media?

I was flipping channels the other day and tuned in just when Trump was speaking in Arizona. There on FOX they were covering his speech and basically ignored the protesters. Over on CNN, they had him in background and were CONSTANTLY commenting about the protesters, and  just couldn't avoid covering the hateful things they were saying despite them being lies! HATE the MEDIA..

The Media has been deplorable for the last 2 decades at least. I guess really since they became a 24x7 income-generating machine RATHER than a factual news outlet. It is so unfortunate that I hear so many negative things from other acquaintances and when I question them about specifics they can't articulate anything other than the hear-say of Media pundits. Are people that clueless? Are they that dependent on someone else making their decisions (the Media) regardless of truth, or should I say facts? It is really bothersome that THESE people vote! And, they vote based on whet the Media says, NOT the facts behind the story! It's like those who vote the same way their favorite celebrity leans. The worse I have seen are here in the Bible belt where they are so open to cons! They believe anyone! Don't they accept what I believe in: God gave us developed brains so we can make our on decisions based on facts and logic and COMMON SENSE? 

For example, Cruz touts his 20% flat tax. Don't the 10% & 15% tax bracket payers today realize that's a tax boost to them? Don't they realize they get deductions that lower their taxes to a TAXABLE INCOME that is then applied against the tax bracket? What does Cruz's plan do? How about the 0% long-term capital gain and qualified dividends that are NOT taxed today (Bush Tax law); did Cruz forget about that? Then he complain because Trump throws a SCARE tactic or opening negotiating number to push China into a reasonable trade agreement! Do realize, like Cruz continues to bash Trump on his plan, his own plan would automatically tax ALL importers the same 20% flat tax driving up, not only the individual companies like Trump would negotiate with, but ALL of them. That would mean ALL products we buy would become more expensive instead ONLY the select few that Trump MIGHT have to charge a tax on them. Do We the People also realize that if another countries imports do go up, i.e., we would have to pay more for them specifically, that our American competitors would win big time (demand increased) while their demand would decrease. Now what does economics tell you when that happens? Higher demand=lower prices, Lower demand =higher prices. 

I shouldn't have to educate the public re these things. But then, the 80%+ who listen to celebrities of selected Media outlets are here learning anyway! And THEY VOTE!!!!! That's why I plan my investing on the "stupid" 80% and have been more successful than the managers who manage all the Mutual Funds those 80% are in (401K, etc.). Ha-Ha. If you aren't factoring in psychology into your investment planning, your losing $$$.

Okay. The rant is over. The bottom line is that I agree 100% with Trump re the Media -- they are the MOST dishonest people out there.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

754. YAHOO media very misleading article - Trump's Bad logic re trade

For months I have tried to stay out of the Political trash going on in the campaign process. But, when the Republican Convention goes after two front runners and the liberal press floods the news with misleading articles, I'm obligated to speak up. This post is about the "Trump's Bad Logic on 'Bad Trade Deals" posted by Yahoo Media, as much liberal left as possible. Let's look at logic they use and compare it to just plain Common Sense or what a dog can even understand, Common Scents:

Start by perusing Yahoo;s article and let yourself get all warm and cuddly with the well written, but misleading, analysis. Now consider the following:

1. They start with Mr. Trump's position “If you look at China, and you look at Japan, and if you look at Mexico … they’re killing us,” he said during the latest Republican debate on Fox News. “With China we’re going to lose $505 billion in terms of trade …. Mexico, $58 billion. Japan, probably about… $109 billion” which is FACT.

2. Then the Yahoo commentators remark “They’re sending us goods and we’re sending them green pieces of paper,” Duh! Actually our companies are sending (exporting) products made are by employed (we would certainly like more employment) American citizens, and we are receiving (importing) products made in other countries made by foreign workers, some of which are employed by American companies that have moved out of America (NOT paying taxes and who have taken jobs from America and given jobs to foreign workers. Whether the companies abroad are American owned or not, the foreign workers are paid less (and receive worse health benefits and pension benefits) BECAUSE our government is allowing them real FREE trade and, thus, their product prices will naturally be less than American made products here. Here;s the bottom line:

Countries like China, Vietnam, etc. who don't provide the necessary humanity benefits to their workers, also don't pay them as much as American workers. The result: Imported products cost less. Meanwhile, our employment numbers lag because our companies can't compete and millions of Americans who can't get a job contribute little to the purchasing of products and therefore OUR ECONOMY. Our businesses suffer, unemployment stays low, our economy suffers. Wouldn't it be nice if we had REAL FREE trade agreements that took into account the FAIR trade between countries that ALSO demand respect to each country's workers? Wouldn't that be the humane and logical goal?

3. Instead of supporting the common sense goal above, Yahoo would rather turn a logical goal as above into an attack on Republicans stating what they view the Republican position is, i.e. "Low-wage countries where workers get paid a fraction of U.S. wages are basically undercutting American workers, and therefore ought to be punished." Republicans like Trump are asking for FAIR FREE trade that recognizes the human rights of all WORLD workers. It's not a punishment to fairly counter another country's harmful tactics (currency manipulation) to make trade FAIR. Our government's currency is allowed to fluctuate base on the markets and economy. China ARTIFICIALLY changes the currency valuation to push their products on and when the want to an other country in the world. WE do it fairly, whereas they screw us every chance they get! So, evening out the field is NOT punishment but a requirement for America to stop the unfair tactics. Thus, someone with a strong position to counter the tactics, such as placing a tariff on imports, has a much better negotiation position than one, like we have now with O'blunder, who rolls over on his back and says thank you.

4. This is an addendum to number 3. I am not currently a Trump supporter, but am getting angry enough at the Media and attack ad lies that I will certainly support him if need be. One thing people need to understand about being an effective negotiator: He first establishes a positional range of what he will accept, but always starts with the maximum (most beneficial to him, or America in this case) and never drops below the minimum (still beneficial). So when you hear a negotiator's position, you know where he will begin negotiations. In the case of trade and the 35% tariff that's being kicked around, it's just a staring point and may never really happen because once negotiations are complete, it will be less or none at all depending on the other parties. American negotiators (hate to call them that) are continually failing to reach an acceptable real goal for America today!

5. Let's look at even the worse case scenario where America does impose a 35% tariff and compare my expectations to those in the Yahoo article:

a) Yahoo's position is that everything is fine today. Economy is great. Unemployment is great. Consumers benefit from the cheaper imported products. And 3-5% of GDP is fantastic for a trade DEFICIT! 

b) A DEFICIT is NEVER good! Period! You don't compare history and try to trick people into what an acceptable trade deficit is. No DEFICIT is good!

c) The "government" unemployment numbers are NEVER representative of the real number of people desiring a PERMANENT and adequate paying job. Tell the people LEFT is Detroit that their crazy, unemployment is fine! Tell the workers that have been replaced by illegal immigrants or foreign workers that unemployment numbers are fine! Get real Yahoo! You have done NO justice to cover up the real unemployment numbers and conditions throughout America! Fortunately I'm retired and can live out my life regardless of the crap Yahoo and other liberal media feeds us, by I am finely to the point where I must speak up to the injustices they are doing to this country. And, in particular to the the further destruction of American businesses, and therefore, potential workers! So, I'll just make a common sense statement here: American businesses can only compete or be created in a FAIR trade environment. Hopefully it will be a FREE trade one too. But, we have seen that regardless of whether it is a Free Trade agreement or not, the less respectful and less honest countries will by all means play dirty, such as currency manipulation. In other words, self-preservation always trumps paper agreements. Particularly, those paper agreements with no audibility and enforcement or those written with the specificity needed to ensure the playing fields are equal, such as market driven currencies or humanitarian rights.

d) Now, consider a tariff on imports from ONLY those countries who play dirty. Yahoo is right that their products will become more expensive and the expense is something we the consumers must digest. But then they failed to mention that the 35% would go right back into the economy to businesses to let them grow and prosper, creating better products and employing more people or paying more! Also, what happens when demand decreases for a product? I would guess a 35% tariff would jet the price of the import up to where the American made products become equal or better that the import. So, the import demand shrinks and the law of Supply and Demand tells us their prices will have to decrease again if they want to sell them. So, I would expect to see REAL competition, which is of course Capitalism and healthy. However, I would expect the other country to be intelligent enough to realize the consequences and results as explained during the negotiation table for trade and PREVENT the tariff from being imposed. Hence, Trump's negotiation point. Renegotiation of trade is a must and POSITIVE for America, and will grow companies, increase employment, and ensure the stability of America's economy.

e) Addendum to d) above: Would we be providing a fairer and more opportunistic environment for America's businesses and workforce (employment) if trade agreements are revisited and negotiated? I say absolutely. Tied to this is also the Republican requirement to bring jobs AND businesses back to America which will be further driven by more amendable tax breaks. If we can bring back BILLIONS of dollars (the green stuff) AND the businesses FOREVER by reducing the corporate taxes why wouldn't anybody want that? A lower corporate tax may provide less tax income based on the incomes reported today, but when the businesses are back into America or and/or allowed to bring the green dollars back in at some cost, the net income will net even to start with, but because the environment is much more positive for expansion and growth, more income than before might happen, benefiting all Americans. Bringing back businesses AND their foreign stash of money is key to America's long-term success.

It's time to let the ANGER out! The media is KILLING this country with articles like this. When you get to vote, please , please don't read an article like this Yahoo one and believe it. Use some common sense. The Media is NOT a friend. The Media gets PAID to incite. The Media also gets PAID to take an ANTI stand. It no longer reports facts and utilizes charts and statistics that benefit the message they want to persuade you to accept. USE COMMON SENSE!